 * Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#ifndef SkEventSink_DEFINED
#define SkEventSink_DEFINED

#include "SkRefCnt.h"
#include "SkEvent.h"

struct SkTagList;

/** \class SkEventSink

    SkEventSink is the base class for all objects that receive SkEvents.
class SkEventSink : public SkRefCnt {
    virtual ~SkEventSink();

    /** Returns this eventsink's unique ID. Use this to post SkEvents to
        this eventsink.
    SkEventSinkID getSinkID() const { return fID; }

    /** Call this to pass an event to this object for processing. Returns true if the
        event was handled.
    bool doEvent(const SkEvent&);
    /** Returns true if the sink (or one of its subclasses) understands the event as a query.
        If so, the sink may modify the event to communicate its "answer".
    bool doQuery(SkEvent* query);

    /** Add sinkID to the list of listeners, to receive events from calls to sendToListeners()
        and postToListeners(). If sinkID already exists in the listener list, no change is made.
    void    addListenerID(SkEventSinkID sinkID);
    /** Copy listeners from one event sink to another, typically from parent to child.
        @param from the event sink to copy the listeners from
    void copyListeners(const SkEventSink& from);
    /** Remove sinkID from the list of listeners. If sinkID does not appear in the list,
        no change is made.
    void    removeListenerID(SkEventSinkID);
    /** Returns true if there are 1 or more listeners attached to this eventsink
    bool    hasListeners() const;
    /** Posts a copy of evt to each of the eventsinks in the lisener list.
    void    postToListeners(const SkEvent& evt, SkMSec delay = 0);

    enum EventResult {
        kHandled_EventResult,       //!< the eventsink returned true from its doEvent method
        kNotHandled_EventResult,    //!< the eventsink returned false from its doEvent method
        kSinkNotFound_EventResult   //!< no matching eventsink was found for the event's getSink().
    /** DoEvent handles searching for an eventsink object that matches the targetID.
        If one is found, it calls the sink's doEvent method, returning
        either kHandled_EventResult or kNotHandled_EventResult. If no matching
        eventsink is found, kSinkNotFound_EventResult is returned.
    static EventResult DoEvent(const SkEvent&, SkEventSinkID targetID);

    /** Returns the matching eventsink, or null if not found
    static SkEventSink* FindSink(SkEventSinkID);

    /** Override this to handle events in your subclass. Be sure to call the inherited version
        for events that you don't handle.
    virtual bool onEvent(const SkEvent&);
    virtual bool onQuery(SkEvent*);

    SkTagList*  findTagList(U8CPU tag) const;
    void        addTagList(SkTagList*);
    void        removeTagList(U8CPU tag);

    SkEventSinkID   fID;
    SkTagList*      fTagHead;

    // for our private link-list
    SkEventSink*    fNextSink;
