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 *  Contains the following structs:
 *      struct Numa
 *      struct Numaa
 *      struct Numa2d
 *      struct NumaHash
 *      struct Sarray
 *  Contains definitions for:
 *      Numa interpolation flags

 *                             Array Structs                              *

#define  NUMA_VERSION_NUMBER     1

    /* Number array: an array of floats */
struct Numa
    l_int32          nalloc;    /* size of allocated number array      */
    l_int32          n;         /* number of numbers saved             */
    l_int32          refcount;  /* reference count (1 if no clones)    */
    l_float32        startx;    /* x value assigned to array[0]        */
    l_float32        delx;      /* change in x value as i --> i + 1    */
    l_float32       *array;     /* number array                        */
typedef struct Numa  NUMA;

    /* Array of number arrays */
struct Numaa
    l_int32          nalloc;    /* size of allocated ptr array          */
    l_int32          n;         /* number of Numa saved                 */
    struct Numa    **numa;      /* array of Numa                        */
typedef struct Numaa  NUMAA;

    /* Sparse 2-dimensional array of number arrays */
struct Numa2d
    l_int32          nrows;      /* number of rows allocated for ptr array  */
    l_int32          ncols;      /* number of cols allocated for ptr array  */
    l_int32          initsize;   /* initial size of each numa that is made  */
    struct Numa   ***numa;       /* 2D array of Numa                        */
typedef struct Numa2d  NUMA2D;

    /* A hash table of Numas */
struct NumaHash
    l_int32          nbuckets;
    l_int32          initsize;   /* initial size of each numa that is made  */
    struct Numa    **numa;
typedef struct NumaHash NUMAHASH;


    /* String array: an array of C strings */
struct Sarray
    l_int32          nalloc;    /* size of allocated ptr array         */
    l_int32          n;         /* number of strings allocated         */
    l_int32          refcount;  /* reference count (1 if no clones)    */
    char           **array;     /* string array                        */
typedef struct Sarray SARRAY;

 *                              Array flags                               *

    /* Flags for interpolation in Numa */
enum {
    L_LINEAR_INTERP = 1,        /* linear     */
    L_QUADRATIC_INTERP = 2      /* quadratic  */

#endif  /* LEPTONICA_ARRAY_H */