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 *  bmf.h
 *     Simple data structure to hold bitmap fonts and related data

    /* Constants for deciding when text block is divided into paragraphs */
enum {
    SPLIT_ON_LEADING_WHITE = 1,    /* tab or space at beginning of line   */
    SPLIT_ON_BLANK_LINE    = 2,    /* newline with optional white space   */
    SPLIT_ON_BOTH          = 3     /* leading white space or newline      */

struct Bmf
    struct Pixa  *pixa;        /* pixa of bitmaps for 93 characters        */
    l_int32       size;        /* font size (in points at 300 ppi)         */
    char         *directory;   /* directory containing font bitmaps        */
    l_int32       baseline1;   /* baseline offset for ascii 33 - 57        */
    l_int32       baseline2;   /* baseline offset for ascii 58 - 91        */
    l_int32       baseline3;   /* baseline offset for ascii 93 - 126       */
    l_int32       lineheight;  /* max height of line of chars              */
    l_int32       kernwidth;   /* pixel dist between char bitmaps          */
    l_int32       spacewidth;  /* pixel dist between word bitmaps          */
    l_int32       vertlinesep; /* extra vertical space between text lines  */
    l_int32      *fonttab;     /* table mapping ascii --> font index       */
    l_int32      *baselinetab; /* table mapping ascii --> baseline offset  */
    l_int32      *widthtab;    /* table mapping ascii --> char width       */
typedef struct Bmf BMF;

#endif  /* LEPTONICA_BMF_H */