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 *  rotate.c
 *     General rotation about image center
 *              PIX     *pixRotate()
 *              PIX     *pixEmbedForRotation()
 *     General rotation by sampling
 *              PIX     *pixRotateBySampling()
 *     Rotations are measured in radians; clockwise is positive.
 *     The general rotation pixRotate() does the best job for
 *     rotating about the image center.  For 1 bpp, it uses shear;
 *     for others, it uses either shear or area mapping.
 *     If requested, it expands the output image so that no pixels are lost
 *     in the rotation, and this can be done on multiple successive shears
 *     without expanding beyond the maximum necessary size.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "allheaders.h"

static const l_float32  VERY_SMALL_ANGLE = 0.001;  /* radians; ~0.06 degrees */

 *                  General rotation about the center               *
 *  pixRotate()
 *      Input:  pixs (1, 2, 4, 8, 32 bpp rgb)
 *              angle (radians; clockwise is positive)
 *              incolor (L_BRING_IN_WHITE, L_BRING_IN_BLACK)
 *              width (original width; use 0 to avoid embedding)
 *              height (original height; use 0 to avoid embedding)
 *      Return: pixd, or null on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) Rotation is about the center of the image.
 *      (2) For very small rotations, just return a clone.
 *      (3) Rotation brings either white or black pixels in
 *          from outside the image.
 *      (4) Above 20 degrees, if rotation by shear is requested, we rotate
 *          by sampling.
 *      (5) Colormaps are removed for rotation by area map and shear.
 *      (6) The dest can be expanded so that no image pixels
 *          are lost.  To invoke expansion, input the original
 *          width and height.  For repeated rotation, use of the
 *          original width and height allows the expansion to
 *          stop at the maximum required size, which is a square 
 *          with side = sqrt(w*w + h*h).
 *  *** Warning: implicit assumption about RGB component ordering ***
pixRotate(PIX       *pixs,
          l_float32  angle,
          l_int32    type,
          l_int32    incolor,
          l_int32    width,
          l_int32    height)
l_int32    w, h, d;
l_uint32   fillval;
PIX       *pixt1, *pixt2, *pixt3, *pixd;
PIXCMAP   *cmap;


    if (!pixs)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
    if (type != L_ROTATE_SHEAR && type != L_ROTATE_AREA_MAP &&
        type != L_ROTATE_SAMPLING)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("invalid type", procName, NULL);
    if (incolor != L_BRING_IN_WHITE && incolor != L_BRING_IN_BLACK)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("invalid incolor", procName, NULL);

    if (L_ABS(angle) < VERY_SMALL_ANGLE)
        return pixClone(pixs);

        /* Don't rotate by shear more than 20 degrees */
    if (L_ABS(angle) > 0.35 && type == L_ROTATE_SHEAR) {
        L_WARNING("large angle; rotating by sampling", procName);
        type = L_ROTATE_SAMPLING;

        /* If 1 bpp and area map is requested, rotate by sampling */
    d = pixGetDepth(pixs);
    if (d == 1 && type == L_ROTATE_AREA_MAP) {
        L_WARNING("1 bpp; rotating by sampling", procName);
        type = L_ROTATE_SAMPLING;

        /* Remove colormap if we're rotating by area mapping. */
    cmap = pixGetColormap(pixs);
    if (cmap && type == L_ROTATE_AREA_MAP)
        pixt1 = pixRemoveColormap(pixs, REMOVE_CMAP_BASED_ON_SRC);
        pixt1 = pixClone(pixs);
    cmap = pixGetColormap(pixt1);

        /* Otherwise, if there is a colormap and we're not embedding,
         * add white color if it doesn't exist. */
    if (cmap && width == 0) {  /* no embedding; generate @incolor */
        if (incolor == L_BRING_IN_BLACK)
            pixcmapAddBlackOrWhite(cmap, 0, NULL);
        else  /* L_BRING_IN_WHITE */
            pixcmapAddBlackOrWhite(cmap, 1, NULL);

        /* Request to embed in a larger image; do if necessary */
    pixt2 = pixEmbedForRotation(pixt1, angle, incolor, width, height);

        /* Area mapping requires 8 or 32 bpp.
         * If 1 bpp, default to sampling. */
    d = pixGetDepth(pixt2);
    if (type == L_ROTATE_AREA_MAP && d < 8)
        pixt3 = pixConvertTo8(pixt2, FALSE);
        pixt3 = pixClone(pixt2);

        /* Rotate by shear or area mapping */
    pixGetDimensions(pixt3, &w, &h, &d);
    if (type == L_ROTATE_SHEAR)
        pixd = pixRotateShearCenter(pixt3, angle, incolor);
    else if (type == L_ROTATE_SAMPLING)
        pixd = pixRotateBySampling(pixt3, w / 2, h / 2, angle, incolor);
    else {  /* rotate by area mapping */
        fillval = 0;
        if (incolor == L_BRING_IN_WHITE) {
            if (d == 8)
                fillval = 255;
            else  /* d == 32 */
                fillval = 0xffffff00;
        if (d == 8)
            pixd = pixRotateAMGray(pixt3, angle, fillval);
        else   /* d == 32 */
            pixd = pixRotateAMColor(pixt3, angle, fillval);

    return pixd;

 *  pixEmbedForRotation()
 *      Input:  pixs (1, 2, 4, 8, 32 bpp rgb)
 *              angle (radians; clockwise is positive)
 *              incolor (L_BRING_IN_WHITE, L_BRING_IN_BLACK)
 *              width (original width; use 0 to avoid embedding)
 *              height (original height; use 0 to avoid embedding)
 *      Return: pixd, or null on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) For very small rotations, just return a clone.
 *      (2) Generate larger image to embed pixs if necessary, and
 *          place in the center.
 *      (3) Rotation brings either white or black pixels in
 *          from outside the image.  For colormapped images where
 *          there is no white or black, a new color is added if
 *          possible for these pixels; otherwise, either the
 *          lightest or darkest color is used.  In most cases,
 *          the colormap will be removed prior to rotation.
 *      (4) The dest is to be expanded so that no image pixels
 *          are lost after rotation.  Input of the original width
 *          and height allows the expansion to stop at the maximum
 *          required size, which is a square with side equal to
 *          sqrt(w*w + h*h).
 *      (5) Let theta be atan(w/h).  Then the height after rotation 
 *          cannot increase by a factor more than
 *               cos(theta - |angle|)
 *          whereas the width after rotation cannot increase by a
 *          factor more than 
 *               sin(theta + |angle|)
 *          These must be clipped to the maximal side, and additionally,
 *          we don't allow either the width or height to decrease.
pixEmbedForRotation(PIX       *pixs,
                    l_float32  angle,
                    l_int32    incolor,
                    l_int32    width,
                    l_int32    height)
l_int32    w, h, d, maxside, wnew, hnew, xoff, yoff;
l_float64  pi, theta, absangle, alpha, beta, diag;
PIX       *pixd;


    if (!pixs)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
    if (L_ABS(angle) < VERY_SMALL_ANGLE)
        return pixClone(pixs);

        /* Test if big enough to hold any rotation */
    pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, &d);
    maxside = (l_int32)(sqrt((l_float64)(width * width) +
                             (l_float64)(height * height)) + 0.5);
    if (w >= maxside && h >= maxside)  /* big enough */
        return pixClone(pixs);
        /* Find the new sizes required to hold the image after rotation */
    pi = 3.1415926535;
    theta = atan((l_float64)w / (l_float64)h);
    absangle = (l_float64)(L_ABS(angle));
    alpha = theta - absangle;
    beta = theta + absangle;
    diag = sqrt((l_float64)(w * w) + (l_float64)(h * h));
    wnew = (l_int32)(diag * sin(beta) + 0.5);
    hnew = (l_int32)(diag * cos(alpha) + 0.5);
    wnew = L_MAX(w, wnew);  /* don't let it get smaller */
    hnew = L_MAX(h, hnew);  /* don't let it get smaller */
    if (wnew >= maxside)  /* clip */
        wnew = maxside;
    if (hnew >= maxside)  /* clip */
        hnew = maxside;

    if ((pixd = pixCreate(wnew, hnew, d)) == NULL)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixd not made", procName, NULL);
    pixCopyResolution(pixd, pixs);
    pixCopyColormap(pixd, pixs);
    pixCopyText(pixd, pixs);
    xoff = (wnew - w) / 2;
    yoff = (hnew - h) / 2;

        /* Set background to color to be rotated in */
    pixSetBlackOrWhite(pixd, incolor);

    pixRasterop(pixd, xoff, yoff, w, h, PIX_SRC, pixs, 0, 0);
    return pixd;

 *                    General rotation by sampling                  *
 *  pixRotateBySampling()
 *      Input:  pixs (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 bpp rgb; can be cmapped)
 *              xcen (x value of center of rotation)
 *              ycen (y value of center of rotation)
 *              angle (radians; clockwise is positive)
 *              incolor (L_BRING_IN_WHITE, L_BRING_IN_BLACK)
 *      Return: pixd, or null on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) For very small rotations, just return a clone.
 *      (2) Rotation brings either white or black pixels in
 *          from outside the image.
 *      (3) Colormaps are retained.
pixRotateBySampling(PIX       *pixs,
                    l_int32    xcen,
                    l_int32    ycen,
                    l_float32  angle,
                    l_int32    incolor)
l_int32    w, h, d, i, j, x, y, xdif, ydif, wm1, hm1, wpld;
l_uint32   val;
l_float32  sina, cosa;
l_uint32  *datad, *lined;
void     **lines;
PIX       *pixd;


    if (!pixs)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
    if (incolor != L_BRING_IN_WHITE && incolor != L_BRING_IN_BLACK)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("invalid incolor", procName, NULL);
    pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, &d);
    if (d != 1 && d != 2 && d != 4 && d != 8 && d != 16 && d != 32)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("invalid depth", procName, NULL);

    if (L_ABS(angle) < VERY_SMALL_ANGLE)
        return pixClone(pixs);

    if ((pixd = pixCreateTemplateNoInit(pixs)) == NULL)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixd not made", procName, NULL);
    pixSetBlackOrWhite(pixd, incolor);

    sina = sin(angle);
    cosa = cos(angle);
    datad = pixGetData(pixd);
    wpld = pixGetWpl(pixd);
    wm1 = w - 1;
    hm1 = h - 1;
    lines = pixGetLinePtrs(pixs, NULL);

        /* Treat 1 bpp case specially */
    if (d == 1) {
        for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {  /* scan over pixd */
            lined = datad + i * wpld;
            ydif = ycen - i;
            for (j = 0; j < w; j++) {
                xdif = xcen - j;
                x = xcen + (l_int32)(-xdif * cosa - ydif * sina);
                if (x < 0 || x > wm1) continue;
                y = ycen + (l_int32)(-ydif * cosa + xdif * sina);
                if (y < 0 || y > hm1) continue;
                if (incolor == L_BRING_IN_WHITE) {
                    if (GET_DATA_BIT(lines[y], x))
                        SET_DATA_BIT(lined, j);
                else {
                    if (!GET_DATA_BIT(lines[y], x))
                        CLEAR_DATA_BIT(lined, j);
        return pixd;

    for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {  /* scan over pixd */
        lined = datad + i * wpld;
        ydif = ycen - i;
        for (j = 0; j < w; j++) {
            xdif = xcen - j;
            x = xcen + (l_int32)(-xdif * cosa - ydif * sina);
            if (x < 0 || x > wm1) continue;
            y = ycen + (l_int32)(-ydif * cosa + xdif * sina);
            if (y < 0 || y > hm1) continue;
            switch (d)
            case 8:
                val = GET_DATA_BYTE(lines[y], x);
                SET_DATA_BYTE(lined, j, val);
            case 32:
                val = GET_DATA_FOUR_BYTES(lines[y], x);
                SET_DATA_FOUR_BYTES(lined, j, val);
            case 2:
                val = GET_DATA_DIBIT(lines[y], x);
                SET_DATA_DIBIT(lined, j, val);
            case 4:
                val = GET_DATA_QBIT(lines[y], x);
                SET_DATA_QBIT(lined, j, val);
            case 16:
                val = GET_DATA_TWO_BYTES(lines[y], x);
                SET_DATA_TWO_BYTES(lined, j, val);
                return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("invalid depth", procName, NULL);

    return pixd;