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/* -*-C-*-
 * File:        measure.h  (Formerly measure.h)
 * Description:  Statistics for a group of single measurements
 * Author:       Mark Seaman, SW Productivity
 * Created:      Fri Oct 16 14:37:00 1987
 * Modified:     Mon Apr  8 09:42:28 1991 (Mark Seaman) marks@hpgrlt
 * Language:     C
 * Package:      N/A
 * Status:       Reusable Software Component
 * (c) Copyright 1987, Hewlett-Packard Company.
 ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
 ** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 ** limitations under the License.

#ifndef MEASURE_H
#define MEASURE_H

              I n c l u d e s

#include <math.h>

              T y p e s

typedef struct
  long num_samples;
  float sum_of_samples;
  float sum_of_squares;

              M a c r o s

 * add_sample
 * Add one more sample to a measurement.

#define ADD_SAMPLE(m,s)                           \
(m.sum_of_samples += (float) (s),               \
	m.sum_of_squares += (float) (s) * (float) (s), \

 * mean
 * Return the mean value of the measurement.

#define MEAN(m)                                       \
((m).num_samples ?                                  \
	((float) ((m).sum_of_samples / (m).num_samples)) : \

 * new_measurement
 * Initalize a record to hold a measurement of a group of individual
 * samples.

#define new_measurement(m)   \
((m).num_samples    = 0, \
	(m).sum_of_samples = 0, \
	(m).sum_of_squares = 0)

 * number_of_samples
 * Return the number of samples in a measurement.

#define number_of_samples(m)  \

 * standard_deviation
 * Return the standard deviation of the measurement.

#define standard_deviation(m)                                \
((float) sqrt (VARIANCE (m)))

 * variance
 * Return the variance of the measurement.

#define VARIANCE(m)                                   \
(((m).num_samples > 1) ?                            \
	((float)                                           \
	(((m).num_samples * (m).sum_of_squares -          \
		(m).sum_of_samples * (m).sum_of_samples) /      \
	(((m).num_samples - 1) * (m).num_samples)))   :  \

 * print_summary
 * Summarize a MEASUREMENT record.

#define print_summary(string,measure)                       \
cprintf ("\t%-20s \tn = %d, \tm = %4.2f, \ts = %4.2f\n ",  \
			string,                                          \
			number_of_samples  (measure),                    \
			MEAN           (measure),                    \
			standard_deviation (measure))