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// This file is part of the ustl library, an STL implementation.
// Copyright (C) 2005 by Mike Sharov <msharov@users.sourceforge.net>
// This file is free software, distributed under the MIT License.
/// \file uctrstrm.h
/// \brief Serialization templates for standard containers.
/// Because containers are templates, a single operator>> is impossible.
/// Making virtual read/write is also impossible because not all containers
/// contain serializable elements. Therefore, use the macros in this file.


#include "mistream.h"
#include "sostream.h"
#include "uiosfunc.h"

namespace ustl {

// Macros for easily declaring a container streamable.

/// \brief Declares container template \p type streamable.
/// Use TEMPLATE_TYPE and TEMPLATE_DECL macros to pass in templated
/// type with commas and the template declaration.
#define STD_TEMPLATE_CTR_STREAMABLE(type, template_decl)	\
    template_decl						\
    inline istream& operator>> (istream& is, type& v)		\
    { return (container_read (is, v)); } 			\
    template_decl						\
    inline ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const type& v)	\
    { return (container_write (os, v)); } 			\
    template_decl						\
    inline ostringstream& operator<< (ostringstream& os, const type& v)	\
    { return (container_text_write (os, v)); }			\
    template_decl						\
    inline size_t stream_size_of (const type& v)		\
    { return (container_stream_size (v)); }

/// \brief Declares non-resizable container template \p type streamable.
#define STD_TEMPLATE_NR_CTR_STREAMABLE(type, template_decl)	\
    template_decl						\
    inline istream& operator>> (istream& is, type& v)		\
    { return (nr_container_read (is, v)); } 			\
    template_decl						\
    inline ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const type& v)	\
    { return (nr_container_write (os, v)); } 			\
    template_decl						\
    inline ostringstream& operator<< (ostringstream& os, const type& v)	\
    { return (container_text_write (os, v)); }			\
    template_decl						\
    inline size_t stream_size_of (const type& v)		\
    { return (nr_container_stream_size (v)); }

// Fixed size container serialization.

/// Reads fixed size container \p v from stream \p is.
template <typename Container>
inline istream& nr_container_read (istream& is, Container& v)
    foreach (typename Container::iterator, i, v)
	is >> *i;
    return (is);

/// Writes fixed size container \p v into stream \p os.
template <typename Container>
inline ostream& nr_container_write (ostream& os, const Container& v)
    foreach (typename Container::const_iterator, i, v)
	os << *i;
    return (os);

/// Computes the stream size of a fixed size standard container.
template <typename Container>
size_t nr_container_stream_size (const Container& v)
    typedef typename Container::const_iterator vciter_t;
    typedef typename iterator_traits<vciter_t>::value_type value_type;
    size_t s = 0;
    if (numeric_limits<value_type>::is_integral)
	s += v.size() * stream_size_of(value_type());
	foreach (vciter_t, i, v)
	    s += stream_size_of(*i);
    return (s);

// Resizable container serialization.

/// Reads container \p v from stream \p is.
template <typename Container>
istream& container_read (istream& is, Container& v)
    typedef typename Container::value_type value_type;
    typedef typename Container::iterator iterator;
    typedef typename Container::written_size_type written_size_type;
    written_size_type n;
    is >> n;
    const size_t expectedSize = n * stream_size_of(value_type());
    is.verify_remaining ("read", typeid(v).name(), expectedSize);
    if (alignof(value_type()) > alignof(n))
	is >> ios::talign<value_type>();
    v.resize (n);
    nr_container_read (is, v);
    is >> ios::talign<written_size_type>();
    return (is);

/// Writes the vector to stream \p os.
template <typename Container>
ostream& container_write (ostream& os, const Container& v)
    typedef typename Container::value_type value_type;
    typedef typename Container::written_size_type written_size_type;
    const written_size_type sz (v.size());
    os << sz;
    if (alignof(value_type()) > alignof(sz))
	os << ios::talign<value_type>();
    nr_container_write (os, v);
    os << ios::talign<written_size_type>();
    return (os);

/// Computes the stream size of a standard container.
template <typename Container>
size_t container_stream_size (const Container& v)
    typedef typename Container::value_type value_type;
    typedef typename Container::written_size_type written_size_type;
    const written_size_type sz (v.size());
    size_t sizeSize = stream_size_of (sz);
    if (alignof(value_type()) > alignof(sz))
	sizeSize = Align (sizeSize, alignof(value_type()));
    return (Align (sizeSize + nr_container_stream_size (v), alignof(sz)));

/// \brief Writes element \p v into stream \p os as text.
/// Specialize to custom print elements.
template <typename T>
inline ostringstream& container_element_text_write (ostringstream& os, const T& v)
{ return (os << v); }

/// Writes container \p v into stream \p os as text.
template <typename Container>
ostringstream& container_text_write (ostringstream& os, const Container& v)
    typename Container::const_iterator i = v.begin();
    os << '(';
    while (i < v.end()) {
	container_element_text_write (os, *i);
	if (++i >= v.end()) break;
	os << ',';
    os << ')';
    return (os);


} // namespace ustl
