<?cs # A link to a package ?><?cs def:package_link(pkg)) ?> <a href="<?cs var:toroot ?><?cs var:pkg.link ?>"><?cs var:pkg.name ?></a><?cs /def ?> <?cs # A link to a type, or not if it's a primitive type link: whether to create a link at the top level, always creates links in recursive invocations. Expects the following fields: .name .link .isPrimitive .superBounds.N.(more links) (... super ... & ...) .extendsBounds.N.(more links) (... extends ... & ...) .typeArguments.N.(more links) (< ... >) ?><?cs def:type_link_impl(type, link) ?><?cs if:type.link && link=="true" ?><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?><?cs var:type.link ?>"><?cs /if ?><?cs var:type.label ?><?cs if:type.link && link=="true" ?></a><?cs /if ?><?cs if:subcount(type.extendsBounds) ?><?cs each:t=type.extendsBounds ?><?cs if:first(t) ?> extends <?cs else ?> & <?cs /if ?><?cs call:type_link_impl(t, "true") ?><?cs /each ?><?cs /if ?><?cs if:subcount(type.superBounds) ?><?cs each:t=type.superBounds ?><?cs if:first(t) ?> super <?cs else ?> & <?cs /if ?><?cs call:type_link_impl(t, "true") ?><?cs /each ?><?cs /if ?><?cs if:subcount(type.typeArguments) ?><<?cs each:t=type.typeArguments ?><?cs call:type_link_impl(t, "true") ?><?cs if:!last(t) ?>, <?cs /if ?><?cs /each ?>><?cs /if ?><?cs /def ?> <?cs def:class_name(type) ?><?cs call:type_link_impl(type, "false") ?><?cs /def ?> <?cs def:type_link(type) ?><?cs call:type_link_impl(type, "true") ?><?cs /def ?> <?cs # a conditional link. if the "condition" parameter evals to true then the link is displayed otherwise only the text is displayed ?><?cs def:cond_link(text, root, path, condition) ?><?cs if:condition ?><a href="<?cs var:root ?><?cs var:path ?>"><?cs /if ?><?cs var:text ?><?cs if:condition ?></a><?cs /if ?><?cs /def ?> <?cs # A comma separated parameter list ?><?cs def:parameter_list(params) ?><?cs each:param = params ?><?cs call:type_link(param.type)?> <?cs var:param.name ?><?cs if: name(param)!=subcount(params)-1?>, <?cs /if ?><?cs /each ?><?cs /def ?> <?cs # Print a list of tags (e.g. description text ?><?cs def:tag_list(tags) ?><?cs each:tag = tags ?><?cs if:tag.name == "Text" ?><?cs var:tag.text?><?cs elif:tag.kind == "@more" ?><p><?cs elif:tag.kind == "@see" ?><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?><?cs var:tag.href ?>"><?cs var:tag.label ?></a><?cs elif:tag.kind == "@seeHref" ?><a href="<?cs var:tag.href ?>"><?cs var:tag.label ?></a><?cs elif:tag.kind == "@seeJustLabel" ?><?cs var:tag.label ?><?cs elif:tag.kind == "@code" ?><code class="Code prettyprint"><?cs var:tag.text ?></code><?cs elif:tag.kind == "@samplecode" ?><pre class="Code prettyprint"><?cs var:tag.text ?></pre><?cs elif:tag.name == "@sample" ?><pre class="Code prettyprint"><?cs var:tag.text ?></pre><?cs elif:tag.name == "@include" ?><?cs var:tag.text ?><?cs elif:tag.kind == "@docRoot" ?><?cs var:toroot ?><?cs elif:tag.kind == "@sdkCurrent" ?><?cs var:sdk.current ?><?cs elif:tag.kind == "@sdkCurrentVersion" ?><?cs var:sdk.version ?><?cs elif:tag.kind == "@sdkCurrentRelId" ?><?cs var:sdk.rel.id ?><?cs elif:tag.kind == "@inheritDoc" ?><?cs # This is the case when @inheritDoc is in something that doesn't inherit from anything?><?cs elif:tag.kind == "@attr" ?><?cs else ?>{<?cs var:tag.name?> <?cs var:tag.text ?>}<?cs /if ?><?cs /each ?><?cs /def ?> <?cs # The message about This xxx is deprecated. ?><?cs def:deprecated_text(kind) ?> This <?cs var:kind ?> is deprecated.<?cs /def ?> <?cs # Show the short-form description of something. These come from shortDescr and deprecated ?><?cs def:short_descr(obj) ?><?cs if:subcount(obj.deprecated) ?> <em><?cs call:deprecated_text(obj.kind) ?> <?cs call:tag_list(obj.deprecated) ?></em><?cs else ?><?cs call:tag_list(obj.shortDescr) ?><?cs /if ?><?cs /def ?> <?cs # Show the red box with the deprecated warning ?><?cs def:deprecated_warning(obj) ?><?cs if:subcount(obj.deprecated) ?><p> <p class="caution"> <strong><?cs call:deprecated_text(obj.kind) ?></strong><br/> <?cs call:tag_list(obj.deprecated) ?> </p><?cs /if ?><?cs /def ?> <?cs # print the See Also: section ?><?cs def:see_also_tags(also) ?><?cs if:subcount(also) ?> <div class="jd-tagdata"> <h5 class="jd-tagtitle">See Also</h5> <ul class="nolist"><?cs each:tag=also ?><li><?cs if:tag.kind == "@see" ?><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?><?cs var:tag.href ?>"><?cs var:tag.label ?></a><?cs elif:tag.kind == "@seeHref" ?><a href="<?cs var:tag.href ?>"><?cs var:tag.label ?></a><?cs elif:tag.kind == "@seeJustLabel" ?><?cs var:tag.label ?><?cs else ?>[ERROR: Unknown @see kind]<?cs /if ?></li><?cs /each ?> </ul> </div><?cs /if ?> <?cs /def ?> <?cs # print the API Level ?><?cs def:since_tags(obj) ?> Since: <a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>guide/appendix/api-levels.html#level<?cs var:obj.since ?>">API Level <?cs var:obj.since ?></a> <?cs /def ?> <?cs # Print the long-form description for something. Uses the following fields: deprecated descr seeAlso since ?><?cs def:description(obj) ?><?cs call:deprecated_warning(obj) ?> <div class="jd-tagdata jd-tagdescr"><p><?cs call:tag_list(obj.descr) ?></p></div><?cs if:subcount(obj.attrRefs) ?> <div class="jd-tagdata"> <h5 class="jd-tagtitle">Related XML Attributes</h5> <ul class="nolist"><?cs each:attr=obj.attrRefs ?> <li><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?><?cs var:attr.href ?>"><?cs var:attr.name ?></a></li><?cs /each ?> </ul> </div><?cs /if ?><?cs if:subcount(obj.paramTags) ?> <div class="jd-tagdata"> <h5 class="jd-tagtitle">Parameters</h5> <table class="jd-tagtable"><?cs each:tag=obj.paramTags ?> <tr> <th><?cs if:tag.isTypeParameter ?><<?cs /if ?><?cs var:tag.name ?><?cs if:tag.isTypeParameter ?>><?cs /if ?></td> <td><?cs call:tag_list(tag.comment) ?></td> </tr><?cs /each ?> </table> </div><?cs /if ?><?cs if:subcount(obj.returns) ?> <div class="jd-tagdata"> <h5 class="jd-tagtitle">Returns</h5> <ul class="nolist"><li><?cs call:tag_list(obj.returns) ?></li></ul> </div><?cs /if ?><?cs if:subcount(obj.throws) ?> <div class="jd-tagdata"> <h5 class="jd-tagtitle">Throws</h5> <table class="jd-tagtable"><?cs each:tag=obj.throws ?> <tr> <th><?cs call:type_link(tag.type) ?></td> <td><?cs call:tag_list(tag.comment) ?></td> </tr><?cs /each ?> </table> </div><?cs /if ?><?cs call:see_also_tags(obj.seeAlso) ?><?cs /def ?> <?cs # A table of links to classes with descriptions, as in a package file or the nested classes ?><?cs def:class_link_table(classes) ?><?cs set:count = #1 ?> <table class="jd-sumtable-expando"><?cs each:cl=classes ?> <tr class="<?cs if:count % #2 ?>alt-color<?cs /if ?> api apilevel-<?cs var:cl.type.since ?>" > <td class="jd-linkcol"><?cs call:type_link(cl.type) ?></td> <td class="jd-descrcol" width="100%"><?cs call:short_descr(cl) ?> </td> </tr><?cs set:count = count + #1 ?><?cs /each ?> </table><?cs /def ?> <?cs # A list of links to classes, for use in the side navigation of classes when viewing a package (panel nav) ?><?cs def:class_link_list(label, classes) ?><?cs if:subcount(classes) ?> <li><h2><?cs var:label ?></h2> <ul><?cs each:cl=classes ?> <li class="api apilevel-<?cs var:cl.type.since ?>"><?cs call:type_link(cl.type) ?></li><?cs /each ?> </ul> </li><?cs /if ?><?cs /def ?> <?cs # A list of links to classes, for use in the side navigation of classes when viewing a class (panel nav) ?><?cs def:list(label, classes) ?><?cs if:subcount(classes) ?> <li><h2><?cs var:label ?></h2> <ul><?cs each:cl=classes ?> <li class="<?cs if:class.name == cl.label?>selected <?cs /if ?>api apilevel-<?cs var:cl.since ?>"><?cs call:type_link(cl) ?></li><?cs /each ?> </ul> </li><?cs /if ?><?cs /def ?> <?cs # A list of links to packages, for use in the side navigation of packages (panel nav) ?><?cs def:package_link_list(packages) ?><?cs each:pkg=packages ?> <li class="<?cs if:(class.package.name == pkg.name) || (package.name == pkg.name)?>selected <?cs /if ?>api apilevel-<?cs var:pkg.since ?>"><?cs call:package_link(pkg) ?></li><?cs /each ?><?cs /def ?> <?cs # An expando trigger ?><?cs def:expando_trigger(id, default) ?> <a href="#" onclick="return toggleInherited(this, null)" id="<?cs var:id ?>" class="jd-expando-trigger closed" ><img id="<?cs var:id ?>-trigger" src="<?cs var:toroot ?>assets/images/triangle-<?cs var:default ?>.png" class="jd-expando-trigger-img" /></a><?cs /def ?> <?cs # An expandable list of classes ?><?cs def:expandable_class_list(id, classes, default) ?> <div id="<?cs var:id ?>"> <div id="<?cs var:id ?>-list" class="jd-inheritedlinks" <?cs if:default != "list" ?>style="display: none;"<?cs /if ?> ><?cs each:cl=classes ?> <?cs call:type_link(cl.type) ?><?cs if:!last(cl) ?>,<?cs /if ?><?cs /each ?> </div> <div id="<?cs var:id ?>-summary" <?cs if:default != "summary" ?>style="display: none;"<?cs /if ?> ><?cs call:class_link_table(classes) ?> </div> </div><?cs /def ?> <?cs include:"customization.cs" ?>