/* * Copyright 2008, The Android Open Source Project * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "FormPlugin.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <time.h> #include <math.h> #include <string.h> extern NPNetscapeFuncs* browser; extern ANPLogInterfaceV0 gLogI; extern ANPCanvasInterfaceV0 gCanvasI; extern ANPPaintInterfaceV0 gPaintI; extern ANPTypefaceInterfaceV0 gTypefaceI; extern ANPWindowInterfaceV0 gWindowI; static void inval(NPP instance) { browser->invalidaterect(instance, NULL); } static uint16 rnd16(float x, int inset) { int ix = (int)roundf(x) + inset; if (ix < 0) { ix = 0; } return static_cast<uint16>(ix); } static void inval(NPP instance, const ANPRectF& r, bool doAA) { const int inset = doAA ? -1 : 0; PluginObject *obj = reinterpret_cast<PluginObject*>(instance->pdata); NPRect inval; inval.left = rnd16(r.left, inset); inval.top = rnd16(r.top, inset); inval.right = rnd16(r.right, -inset); inval.bottom = rnd16(r.bottom, -inset); browser->invalidaterect(instance, &inval); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FormPlugin::FormPlugin(NPP inst) : SubPlugin(inst) { m_hasFocus = false; m_activeInput = NULL; memset(&m_usernameInput, 0, sizeof(m_usernameInput)); memset(&m_passwordInput, 0, sizeof(m_passwordInput)); m_usernameInput.text[0] = '\0'; m_usernameInput.charPtr = 0; m_passwordInput.text[0] = '\0'; m_passwordInput.charPtr = 0; m_paintInput = gPaintI.newPaint(); gPaintI.setFlags(m_paintInput, gPaintI.getFlags(m_paintInput) | kAntiAlias_ANPPaintFlag); gPaintI.setColor(m_paintInput, 0xFFFFFFFF); m_paintActive = gPaintI.newPaint(); gPaintI.setFlags(m_paintActive, gPaintI.getFlags(m_paintActive) | kAntiAlias_ANPPaintFlag); gPaintI.setColor(m_paintActive, 0xFFFFFF00); m_paintText = gPaintI.newPaint(); gPaintI.setFlags(m_paintText, gPaintI.getFlags(m_paintText) | kAntiAlias_ANPPaintFlag); gPaintI.setColor(m_paintText, 0xFF000000); gPaintI.setTextSize(m_paintText, 18); ANPTypeface* tf = gTypefaceI.createFromName("serif", kItalic_ANPTypefaceStyle); gPaintI.setTypeface(m_paintText, tf); gTypefaceI.unref(tf); //register for key and visibleRect events ANPEventFlags flags = kKey_ANPEventFlag; NPError err = browser->setvalue(inst, kAcceptEvents_ANPSetValue, &flags); if (err != NPERR_NO_ERROR) { gLogI.log(inst, kError_ANPLogType, "Error selecting input events."); } } FormPlugin::~FormPlugin() { gPaintI.deletePaint(m_paintInput); gPaintI.deletePaint(m_paintActive); gPaintI.deletePaint(m_paintText); } bool FormPlugin::supportsDrawingModel(ANPDrawingModel model) { return (model == kBitmap_ANPDrawingModel); } void FormPlugin::drawPlugin(const ANPBitmap& bitmap, const ANPRectI& clip) { ANPCanvas* canvas = gCanvasI.newCanvas(&bitmap); ANPRectF clipR; clipR.left = clip.left; clipR.top = clip.top; clipR.right = clip.right; clipR.bottom = clip.bottom; gCanvasI.clipRect(canvas, &clipR); draw(canvas); gCanvasI.deleteCanvas(canvas); } void FormPlugin::draw(ANPCanvas* canvas) { NPP instance = this->inst(); PluginObject *obj = (PluginObject*) instance->pdata; const float inputWidth = 60; const float inputHeight = 30; const int W = obj->window->width; const int H = obj->window->height; // color the plugin canvas gCanvasI.drawColor(canvas, (m_hasFocus) ? 0xFFCDCDCD : 0xFF545454); // draw the username box (5 px from the top edge) m_usernameInput.rect.left = 5; m_usernameInput.rect.top = 5; m_usernameInput.rect.right = W - 5; m_usernameInput.rect.bottom = m_usernameInput.rect.top + inputHeight; gCanvasI.drawRect(canvas, &m_usernameInput.rect, getPaint(&m_usernameInput)); drawText(canvas, m_usernameInput); // draw the password box (5 px from the bottom edge) m_passwordInput.rect.left = 5; m_passwordInput.rect.top = H - (inputHeight + 5); m_passwordInput.rect.right = W - 5; m_passwordInput.rect.bottom = m_passwordInput.rect.top + inputHeight; gCanvasI.drawRect(canvas, &m_passwordInput.rect, getPaint(&m_passwordInput)); drawPassword(canvas, m_passwordInput); //invalidate the canvas //inval(instance); } ANPPaint* FormPlugin::getPaint(TextInput* input) { return (input == m_activeInput) ? m_paintActive : m_paintInput; } void FormPlugin::drawText(ANPCanvas* canvas, TextInput textInput) { // get font metrics ANPFontMetrics fontMetrics; gPaintI.getFontMetrics(m_paintText, &fontMetrics); gCanvasI.drawText(canvas, textInput.text, textInput.charPtr, textInput.rect.left + 5, textInput.rect.bottom - fontMetrics.fBottom, m_paintText); } void FormPlugin::drawPassword(ANPCanvas* canvas, TextInput passwordInput) { // get font metrics ANPFontMetrics fontMetrics; gPaintI.getFontMetrics(m_paintText, &fontMetrics); // comput the circle dimensions and initial location float initialX = passwordInput.rect.left + 5; float ovalBottom = passwordInput.rect.bottom - 2; float ovalTop = ovalBottom - (fontMetrics.fBottom - fontMetrics.fTop); float ovalWidth = ovalBottom - ovalTop; float ovalSpacing = 3; // draw circles instead of the actual text for (uint32_t x = 0; x < passwordInput.charPtr; x++) { ANPRectF oval; oval.left = initialX + ((ovalWidth + ovalSpacing) * (float) x); oval.right = oval.left + ovalWidth; oval.top = ovalTop; oval.bottom = ovalBottom; gCanvasI.drawOval(canvas, &oval, m_paintText); } } int16 FormPlugin::handleEvent(const ANPEvent* evt) { NPP instance = this->inst(); switch (evt->eventType) { case kDraw_ANPEventType: switch (evt->data.draw.model) { case kBitmap_ANPDrawingModel: drawPlugin(evt->data.draw.data.bitmap, evt->data.draw.clip); return 1; default: break; // unknown drawing model } break; case kLifecycle_ANPEventType: if (evt->data.lifecycle.action == kLoseFocus_ANPLifecycleAction) { gLogI.log(instance, kDebug_ANPLogType, "----%p Loosing Focus", instance); if (m_activeInput) { // hide the keyboard gWindowI.showKeyboard(instance, false); //reset the activeInput m_activeInput = NULL; } m_hasFocus = false; inval(instance); return 1; } else if (evt->data.lifecycle.action == kGainFocus_ANPLifecycleAction) { gLogI.log(instance, kDebug_ANPLogType, "----%p Gaining Focus", instance); m_hasFocus = true; inval(instance); return 1; } break; case kMouse_ANPEventType: { int x = evt->data.mouse.x; int y = evt->data.mouse.y; if (kDown_ANPMouseAction == evt->data.mouse.action) { TextInput* currentInput = validTap(x,y); if (currentInput) gWindowI.showKeyboard(instance, true); else if (m_activeInput) gWindowI.showKeyboard(instance, false); if (currentInput != m_activeInput) switchActiveInput(currentInput); return 1; } break; } case kKey_ANPEventType: if (evt->data.key.action == kDown_ANPKeyAction) { //handle navigation keys if (evt->data.key.nativeCode >= kDpadUp_ANPKeyCode && evt->data.key.nativeCode <= kDpadCenter_ANPKeyCode) { return handleNavigation(evt->data.key.nativeCode) ? 1 : 0; } if (m_activeInput) { handleTextInput(m_activeInput, evt->data.key.nativeCode, evt->data.key.unichar); inval(instance, m_activeInput->rect, true); } } return 1; default: break; } return 0; // unknown or unhandled event } void FormPlugin::switchActiveInput(TextInput* newInput) { NPP instance = this->inst(); if (m_activeInput) { inval(instance, m_activeInput->rect, true); // inval the old gWindowI.clearVisibleRects(instance); } m_activeInput = newInput; // set the new active input if (m_activeInput) { inval(instance, m_activeInput->rect, true); // inval the new scrollIntoView(m_activeInput); } } bool FormPlugin::handleNavigation(ANPKeyCode keyCode) { NPP instance = this->inst(); gLogI.log(instance, kDebug_ANPLogType, "----%p Recvd Nav Key %d", instance, keyCode); if (!m_activeInput) { gWindowI.showKeyboard(instance, true); switchActiveInput(&m_usernameInput); } else if (m_activeInput == &m_usernameInput) { if (keyCode == kDpadDown_ANPKeyCode) { switchActiveInput(&m_passwordInput); } else if (keyCode == kDpadCenter_ANPKeyCode) gWindowI.showKeyboard(instance, false); else if (keyCode == kDpadUp_ANPKeyCode) return false; } else if (m_activeInput == &m_passwordInput) { if (keyCode == kDpadUp_ANPKeyCode) { switchActiveInput(&m_usernameInput); } else if (keyCode == kDpadCenter_ANPKeyCode) gWindowI.showKeyboard(instance, false); else if (keyCode == kDpadDown_ANPKeyCode) return false; } return true; } void FormPlugin::handleTextInput(TextInput* input, ANPKeyCode keyCode, int32_t unichar) { NPP instance = this->inst(); //make sure the input field is in view scrollIntoView(input); //handle the delete operation if (keyCode == kDel_ANPKeyCode) { if (input->charPtr > 0) { input->charPtr--; } return; } //check to see that the input is not full if (input->charPtr >= (sizeof(input->text) - 1)) return; //add the character input->text[input->charPtr] = static_cast<char>(unichar); input->charPtr++; gLogI.log(instance, kDebug_ANPLogType, "----%p Text: %c", instance, unichar); } void FormPlugin::scrollIntoView(TextInput* input) { NPP instance = this->inst(); PluginObject *obj = (PluginObject*) instance->pdata; NPWindow *window = obj->window; // find the textInput's global rect coordinates ANPRectI visibleRects[1]; visibleRects[0].left = input->rect.left; visibleRects[0].top = input->rect.top; visibleRects[0].right = input->rect.right; visibleRects[0].bottom = input->rect.bottom; gWindowI.setVisibleRects(instance, visibleRects, 1); } TextInput* FormPlugin::validTap(int x, int y) { if (x > m_usernameInput.rect.left && x < m_usernameInput.rect.right && y > m_usernameInput.rect.top && y < m_usernameInput.rect.bottom) return &m_usernameInput; else if (x >m_passwordInput.rect.left && x < m_passwordInput.rect.right && y > m_passwordInput.rect.top && y < m_passwordInput.rect.bottom) return &m_passwordInput; else return NULL; }