#  ********************************************************************
#  * Copyright (c) 2002, International Business Machines Corporation and
#  * others. All Rights Reserved.
#  ********************************************************************

use strict;

use lib '../perldriver';

use PerfFramework;

my $options = {
	       "title"=>"BreakIterator performance regression (ICU 2.0, 2.2 and 2.4)",
	       "headers"=>"ICU20 ICU22 ICU24",
	       "operationIs"=>"code point",

# programs
# tests will be done for all the programs. Results will be stored and connected
my $m1 = "-- -m char";
my $m2 = "-- -m word";
my $m3 = "-- -m line";
my $m4 = "-- -m sentence";

my $m;

if(@_ >= 0) {
  $m = "-- -m ".shift;
} else {
  $m = $m1;

my $p1 = "ubrkperf20.exe";
my $p2 = "ubrkperf22.exe";
my $p3 = "ubrkperf24.exe";

my $dataFiles = {
"en", ["thesis.txt", 
#"th", ["TestNames_Thai.txt", "th18057.txt"]

my $tests = { 
"TestForwardChar",      ["$p1 $m1 TestICUForward", "$p2 $m1 TestICUForward", "$p3 $m1 TestICUForward"],
"TestForwardWord",      ["$p1 $m2 TestICUForward", "$p2 $m2 TestICUForward", "$p3 $m2 TestICUForward"],
"TestForwardLine",      ["$p1 $m3 TestICUForward", "$p2 $m3 TestICUForward", "$p3 $m3 TestICUForward"],
"TestForwardSentence",  ["$p1 $m4 TestICUForward", "$p2 $m4 TestICUForward", "$p3 $m4 TestICUForward"],
"TestIsBoundChar",      ["$p1 $m1 TestICUIsBound", "$p2 $m1 TestICUIsBound", "$p3 $m1 TestICUIsBound"],
"TestIsBoundWord",      ["$p1 $m2 TestICUIsBound", "$p2 $m2 TestICUIsBound", "$p3 $m2 TestICUIsBound"],
"TestIsBoundLine",      ["$p1 $m3 TestICUIsBound", "$p2 $m3 TestICUIsBound", "$p3 $m3 TestICUIsBound"],
"TestIsBoundSentence",  ["$p1 $m4 TestICUIsBound", "$p2 $m4 TestICUIsBound", "$p3 $m4 TestICUIsBound"],


runTests($options, $tests, $dataFiles);