// File:        ambigs.h
// Description: Constants, flags, functions for dealing with
//              ambiguities (training and recognition).
// Author:      Daria Antonova
// Created:     Mon Aug 23 11:26:43 PDT 2008
// (C) Copyright 2008, Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.


#include "elst.h"
#include "tprintf.h"
#include "unichar.h"
#include "unicharset.h"
#include "genericvector.h"

#define MAX_AMBIG_SIZE    10

extern INT_VAR_H(global_ambigs_debug_level, 0,
                 "Debug level for unichar ambiguities");
extern BOOL_VAR_H(use_definite_ambigs_for_classifier, 0,
                  "Use definite ambiguities when running character classifier");

namespace tesseract {

static const int kUnigramAmbigsBufferSize = 1000;
static const char kAmbigNgramSeparator[] = { ' ', '\0' };
static const char kAmbigDelimiters[] = "\t ";
static const char kIllegalMsg[] =
  "Illegal ambiguity specification on line %d\n";
static const char kIllegalUnicharMsg[] =
  "Illegal unichar %s in ambiguity specification\n";

enum AmbigType {
  NOT_AMBIG,        // the ngram pair is not ambiguous
  REPLACE_AMBIG,    // ocred ngram should always be substituted with correct
  DEFINITE_AMBIG,   // add correct ngram to the classifier results (1-1)
  SIMILAR_AMBIG,    // use pairwise classifier for ocred/correct pair (1-1)
  CASE_AMBIG,       // this is a case ambiguity (1-1)

  AMBIG_TYPE_COUNT  // number of enum entries

// A collection of utility functions for arrays of UNICHAR_IDs that are
// terminated by INVALID_UNICHAR_ID.
class UnicharIdArrayUtils {
  // Compares two arrays of unichar ids. Returns -1 if the length of array1 is
  // less than length of array2, if any array1[i] is less than array2[i].
  // Returns 0 if the arrays are equal, 1 otherwise.
  // The function assumes that the arrays are terminated by INVALID_UNICHAR_ID.
  static inline int compare(const UNICHAR_ID array1[],
                            const UNICHAR_ID array2[]) {
    const UNICHAR_ID *ptr1 = array1;
    const UNICHAR_ID *ptr2 = array2;
    while (*ptr1 != INVALID_UNICHAR_ID && *ptr2 != INVALID_UNICHAR_ID) {
      if (*ptr1 != *ptr2) return *ptr1 < *ptr2 ? -1 : 1;
    if (*ptr1 == INVALID_UNICHAR_ID && *ptr2 == INVALID_UNICHAR_ID) return 0;
    return *ptr1 == INVALID_UNICHAR_ID ? -1 : 1;

  // Copies UNICHAR_IDs from dst to src. Returns the number of ids copied.
  // The function assumes that the arrays are terminated by INVALID_UNICHAR_ID
  // and that dst has enough space for all the elements from src.
  static inline int copy(const UNICHAR_ID src[], UNICHAR_ID dst[]) {
    int i = 0;
    do {
      dst[i] = src[i];
    } while (dst[i++] != INVALID_UNICHAR_ID);
    return i - 1;

  // Prints unichars corresponding to the unichar_ids in the given array.
  // The function assumes that array is terminated by INVALID_UNICHAR_ID.
  static inline void print(const UNICHAR_ID array[],
                           const UNICHARSET &unicharset) {
    const UNICHAR_ID *ptr = array;
    if (*ptr == INVALID_UNICHAR_ID) tprintf("[Empty]");
    while (*ptr != INVALID_UNICHAR_ID) {
      tprintf("%s ", unicharset.id_to_unichar(*ptr++));
    tprintf("( ");
    ptr = array;
    while (*ptr != INVALID_UNICHAR_ID) tprintf("%d ", *ptr++);

// AMBIG_SPEC_LIST stores a list of dangerous ambigs that
// start with the same unichar (e.g. r->t rn->m rr1->m).
class AmbigSpec : public ELIST_LINK {
  ~AmbigSpec() {}

  // Comparator function for sorting AmbigSpec_LISTs. The lists will
  // be sorted by their wrong_ngram arrays. Example of wrong_ngram vectors
  // in a a sorted AmbigSpec_LIST: [9 1 3], [9 3 4], [9 8], [9, 8 1].
  static int compare_ambig_specs(const void *spec1, const void *spec2) {
    const AmbigSpec *s1 =
      *reinterpret_cast<const AmbigSpec * const *>(spec1);
    const AmbigSpec *s2 =
      *reinterpret_cast<const AmbigSpec * const *>(spec2);
    return UnicharIdArrayUtils::compare(s1->wrong_ngram, s2->wrong_ngram);

  UNICHAR_ID wrong_ngram[MAX_AMBIG_SIZE + 1];
  UNICHAR_ID correct_fragments[MAX_AMBIG_SIZE + 1];
  UNICHAR_ID correct_ngram_id;
  AmbigType type;
  int wrong_ngram_size;

// AMBIG_TABLE[i] stores a set of ambiguities whose
// wrong ngram starts with unichar id i.
typedef GenericVector<AmbigSpec_LIST *> UnicharAmbigsVector;
typedef GenericVector<UNICHAR_ID> UnicharIdVector;

class UnicharAmbigs {
  UnicharAmbigs() {}
  ~UnicharAmbigs() {

  const UnicharAmbigsVector &dang_ambigs() const { return dang_ambigs_; }
  const UnicharAmbigsVector &replace_ambigs() const { return replace_ambigs_; }

  // Fills in two ambiguity tables (replaceable and dangerous) with information
  // read from the ambigs file. An ambiguity table is an array of lists.
  // The array is indexed by a class id. Each entry in the table provides
  // a list of potential ambiguities which can start with the corresponding
  // character. For example the ambiguity "rn -> m", would be located in the
  // table at index of unicharset.unichar_to_id('r').
  // In 1-1 ambiguities (e.g. s -> S, 1 -> I) are recorded in
  // one_to_one_definite_ambigs_. This vector is also indexed by the class id
  // of the wrong part of the ambiguity and each entry contains a vector of
  // unichar ids that are ambiguous to it.
  void LoadUnicharAmbigs(FILE *ambigs_file, inT64 end_offset,
                         UNICHARSET *unicharset);

  // Return definite 1-1 ambigs.
  const UnicharIdVector *OneToOneDefiniteAmbigs(UNICHAR_ID unichar_id) const {
    if (one_to_one_definite_ambigs_.empty()) return NULL;
    return one_to_one_definite_ambigs_[unichar_id];


  bool ParseAmbiguityLine(int line_num, int version,
                          const UNICHARSET &unicharset, char *buffer,
                          int *TestAmbigPartSize, UNICHAR_ID *TestUnicharIds,
                          int *ReplacementAmbigPartSize,
                          char *ReplacementString, int *type);
  void InsertIntoTable(UnicharAmbigsVector &table,
                       int TestAmbigPartSize, UNICHAR_ID *TestUnicharIds,
                       int ReplacementAmbigPartSize,
                       const char *ReplacementString, int type,
                       AmbigSpec *ambig_spec, UNICHARSET *unicharset);
  UnicharAmbigsVector dang_ambigs_;
  UnicharAmbigsVector replace_ambigs_;
  GenericVector<UnicharIdVector *> one_to_one_definite_ambigs_;

}  // namespace tesseract