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 *     Low-level fast binary morphology with auto-generated sels
 *      Dispatcher:
--- *            l_int32   fmorphopgen_low_*()
 *      Static Low-level:
--- *            void      fdilate_*_*()
--- *            void      ferode_*_*()

#include <stdio.h>
#include "allheaders.h"

---              This file is:  morphtemplate2.txt
---    insert static protos here ...

 *                          Fast morph dispatcher                      *
--- *  fmorphopgen_low_*()
 *       a dispatcher to appropriate low-level code
---   fmorphopgen_low_*(l_uint32  *datad,
                  l_int32    w,
                  l_int32    h,
                  l_int32    wpld,
                  l_uint32  *datas,
                  l_int32    wpls,
                  l_int32    index)

    switch (index)
---    insert dispatcher code for fdilate* and ferode* routines ...

    return 0;

 *                 Low-level auto-generated static routines                 *
 *  N.B.  In all the low-level routines, the part of the image
 *        that is accessed has been clipped by 32 pixels on
 *        all four sides.  This is done in the higher level
 *        code by redefining w and h smaller and by moving the
 *        start-of-image pointers up to the beginning of this
 *        interior rectangle.
---   static void fdilate_*_*(l_uint32  *datad,
            l_int32    w,
            l_int32    h,
            l_int32    wpld,
            l_uint32  *datas,
            l_int32    wpls)
l_int32             i;
register l_int32    j, pwpls;
register l_uint32  *sptr, *dptr;
---     declare wplsN args as necessary ...
    pwpls = (l_uint32)(w + 31) / 32;  /* proper wpl of src */

    for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
        sptr = datas + i * wpls;
        dptr = datad + i * wpld;
        for (j = 0; j < pwpls; j++, sptr++, dptr++) {
---     insert barrel-op code for *dptr here ...