/* * Copyright (C) 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. 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[0-9]+)? ([eE][+-]? [0-9]+)? if (m_ptr < m_end && *m_ptr == '-') // -? ++m_ptr; // (0 | [1-9][0-9]*) if (m_ptr < m_end && *m_ptr == '0') // 0 ++m_ptr; else if (m_ptr < m_end && *m_ptr >= '1' && *m_ptr <= '9') { // [1-9] ++m_ptr; // [0-9]* while (m_ptr < m_end && isASCIIDigit(*m_ptr)) ++m_ptr; } else return TokError; // ('.' [0-9]+)? if (m_ptr < m_end && *m_ptr == '.') { ++m_ptr; // [0-9]+ if (m_ptr >= m_end || !isASCIIDigit(*m_ptr)) return TokError; ++m_ptr; while (m_ptr < m_end && isASCIIDigit(*m_ptr)) ++m_ptr; } // ([eE][+-]? [0-9]+)? if (m_ptr < m_end && (*m_ptr == 'e' || *m_ptr == 'E')) { // [eE] ++m_ptr; // [-+]? if (m_ptr < m_end && (*m_ptr == '-' || *m_ptr == '+')) ++m_ptr; // [0-9]+ if (m_ptr >= m_end || !isASCIIDigit(*m_ptr)) return TokError; ++m_ptr; while (m_ptr < m_end && isASCIIDigit(*m_ptr)) ++m_ptr; } token.type = TokNumber; token.end = m_ptr; Vector<char, 64> buffer(token.end - token.start + 1); int i; for (i = 0; i < token.end - token.start; i++) { ASSERT(static_cast<char>(token.start[i]) == token.start[i]); buffer[i] = static_cast<char>(token.start[i]); } buffer[i] = 0; char* end; token.numberToken = WTF::strtod(buffer.data(), &end); ASSERT(buffer.data() + (token.end - token.start) == end); return TokNumber; } JSValue LiteralParser::parse(ParserState initialState) { ParserState state = initialState; MarkedArgumentBuffer objectStack; JSValue lastValue; Vector<ParserState, 16> stateStack; Vector<Identifier, 16> identifierStack; while (1) { switch(state) { startParseArray: case StartParseArray: { JSArray* array = constructEmptyArray(m_exec); objectStack.append(array); // fallthrough } doParseArrayStartExpression: case DoParseArrayStartExpression: { if (m_lexer.next() == TokRBracket) { m_lexer.next(); lastValue = objectStack.last(); objectStack.removeLast(); break; } stateStack.append(DoParseArrayEndExpression); goto startParseExpression; } case DoParseArrayEndExpression: { asArray(objectStack.last())->push(m_exec, lastValue); if (m_lexer.currentToken().type == TokComma) goto doParseArrayStartExpression; if (m_lexer.currentToken().type != TokRBracket) return JSValue(); m_lexer.next(); lastValue = objectStack.last(); objectStack.removeLast(); break; } startParseObject: case StartParseObject: { JSObject* object = constructEmptyObject(m_exec); objectStack.append(object); TokenType type = m_lexer.next(); if (type == TokString) { Lexer::LiteralParserToken identifierToken = m_lexer.currentToken(); // Check for colon if (m_lexer.next() != TokColon) return JSValue(); m_lexer.next(); identifierStack.append(Identifier(m_exec, identifierToken.stringToken)); stateStack.append(DoParseObjectEndExpression); goto startParseExpression; } else if (type != TokRBrace) return JSValue(); m_lexer.next(); lastValue = objectStack.last(); objectStack.removeLast(); break; } doParseObjectStartExpression: case DoParseObjectStartExpression: { TokenType type = m_lexer.next(); if (type != TokString) return JSValue(); Lexer::LiteralParserToken identifierToken = m_lexer.currentToken(); // Check for colon if (m_lexer.next() != TokColon) return JSValue(); m_lexer.next(); identifierStack.append(Identifier(m_exec, identifierToken.stringToken)); stateStack.append(DoParseObjectEndExpression); goto startParseExpression; } case DoParseObjectEndExpression: { asObject(objectStack.last())->putDirect(identifierStack.last(), lastValue); identifierStack.removeLast(); if (m_lexer.currentToken().type == TokComma) goto doParseObjectStartExpression; if (m_lexer.currentToken().type != TokRBrace) return JSValue(); m_lexer.next(); lastValue = objectStack.last(); objectStack.removeLast(); break; } startParseExpression: case StartParseExpression: { switch (m_lexer.currentToken().type) { case TokLBracket: goto startParseArray; case TokLBrace: goto startParseObject; case TokString: { Lexer::LiteralParserToken stringToken = m_lexer.currentToken(); m_lexer.next(); lastValue = jsString(m_exec, stringToken.stringToken); break; } case TokNumber: { Lexer::LiteralParserToken numberToken = m_lexer.currentToken(); m_lexer.next(); lastValue = jsNumber(m_exec, numberToken.numberToken); break; } case TokNull: m_lexer.next(); lastValue = jsNull(); break; case TokTrue: m_lexer.next(); lastValue = jsBoolean(true); break; case TokFalse: m_lexer.next(); lastValue = jsBoolean(false); break; default: // Error return JSValue(); } break; } case StartParseStatement: { switch (m_lexer.currentToken().type) { case TokLBracket: case TokNumber: case TokString: goto startParseExpression; case TokLParen: { m_lexer.next(); stateStack.append(StartParseStatementEndStatement); goto startParseExpression; } default: return JSValue(); } } case StartParseStatementEndStatement: { ASSERT(stateStack.isEmpty()); if (m_lexer.currentToken().type != TokRParen) return JSValue(); if (m_lexer.next() == TokEnd) return lastValue; return JSValue(); } default: ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } if (stateStack.isEmpty()) return lastValue; state = stateStack.last(); stateStack.removeLast(); continue; } } }