/* * Copyright (C) 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #import "config.h" #import "WebScriptObjectPrivate.h" #import "Console.h" #import "DOMInternal.h" #import "DOMWindow.h" #import "Frame.h" #import "JSDOMWindow.h" #import "JSDOMWindowCustom.h" #import "PlatformString.h" #import "StringSourceProvider.h" #import "WebCoreObjCExtras.h" #import "objc_instance.h" #import "runtime.h" #import "runtime_object.h" #import "runtime_root.h" #import <JavaScriptCore/APICast.h> #import <interpreter/CallFrame.h> #import <runtime/InitializeThreading.h> #import <runtime/JSGlobalObject.h> #import <runtime/JSLock.h> #import <runtime/Completion.h> #import <runtime/Completion.h> #ifdef BUILDING_ON_TIGER typedef unsigned NSUInteger; #endif using namespace JSC; using namespace JSC::Bindings; using namespace WebCore; namespace WebCore { static NSMapTable* JSWrapperCache; NSObject* getJSWrapper(JSObject* impl) { if (!JSWrapperCache) return nil; return static_cast<NSObject*>(NSMapGet(JSWrapperCache, impl)); } void addJSWrapper(NSObject* wrapper, JSObject* impl) { if (!JSWrapperCache) JSWrapperCache = createWrapperCache(); NSMapInsert(JSWrapperCache, impl, wrapper); } void removeJSWrapper(JSObject* impl) { if (!JSWrapperCache) return; NSMapRemove(JSWrapperCache, impl); } id createJSWrapper(JSC::JSObject* object, PassRefPtr<JSC::Bindings::RootObject> origin, PassRefPtr<JSC::Bindings::RootObject> root) { if (id wrapper = getJSWrapper(object)) return [[wrapper retain] autorelease]; return [[[WebScriptObject alloc] _initWithJSObject:object originRootObject:origin rootObject:root] autorelease]; } static void addExceptionToConsole(ExecState* exec) { JSDOMWindow* window = asJSDOMWindow(exec->dynamicGlobalObject()); if (!window || !exec->hadException()) return; reportCurrentException(exec); } } // namespace WebCore @implementation WebScriptObjectPrivate @end @implementation WebScriptObject + (void)initialize { JSC::initializeThreading(); #ifndef BUILDING_ON_TIGER WebCoreObjCFinalizeOnMainThread(self); #endif } + (id)scriptObjectForJSObject:(JSObjectRef)jsObject originRootObject:(RootObject*)originRootObject rootObject:(RootObject*)rootObject { if (id domWrapper = createDOMWrapper(toJS(jsObject), originRootObject, rootObject)) return domWrapper; return WebCore::createJSWrapper(toJS(jsObject), originRootObject, rootObject); } static void _didExecute(WebScriptObject *obj) { ASSERT(JSLock::lockCount() > 0); RootObject* root = [obj _rootObject]; if (!root) return; ExecState* exec = root->globalObject()->globalExec(); KJSDidExecuteFunctionPtr func = Instance::didExecuteFunction(); if (func) func(exec, root->globalObject()); } - (void)_setImp:(JSObject*)imp originRootObject:(PassRefPtr<RootObject>)originRootObject rootObject:(PassRefPtr<RootObject>)rootObject { // This function should only be called once, as a (possibly lazy) initializer. ASSERT(!_private->imp); ASSERT(!_private->rootObject); ASSERT(!_private->originRootObject); ASSERT(imp); _private->imp = imp; _private->rootObject = rootObject.releaseRef(); _private->originRootObject = originRootObject.releaseRef(); WebCore::addJSWrapper(self, imp); if (_private->rootObject) _private->rootObject->gcProtect(imp); } - (void)_setOriginRootObject:(PassRefPtr<RootObject>)originRootObject andRootObject:(PassRefPtr<RootObject>)rootObject { ASSERT(_private->imp); if (rootObject) rootObject->gcProtect(_private->imp); if (_private->rootObject && _private->rootObject->isValid()) _private->rootObject->gcUnprotect(_private->imp); if (_private->rootObject) _private->rootObject->deref(); if (_private->originRootObject) _private->originRootObject->deref(); _private->rootObject = rootObject.releaseRef(); _private->originRootObject = originRootObject.releaseRef(); } - (id)_initWithJSObject:(JSC::JSObject*)imp originRootObject:(PassRefPtr<JSC::Bindings::RootObject>)originRootObject rootObject:(PassRefPtr<JSC::Bindings::RootObject>)rootObject { ASSERT(imp); self = [super init]; _private = [[WebScriptObjectPrivate alloc] init]; [self _setImp:imp originRootObject:originRootObject rootObject:rootObject]; return self; } - (JSObject*)_imp { // Associate the WebScriptObject with the JS wrapper for the ObjC DOM wrapper. // This is done on lazily, on demand. if (!_private->imp && _private->isCreatedByDOMWrapper) [self _initializeScriptDOMNodeImp]; return [self _rootObject] ? _private->imp : 0; } - (BOOL)_hasImp { return _private->imp != nil; } // Node that DOMNode overrides this method. So you should almost always // use this method call instead of _private->rootObject directly. - (RootObject*)_rootObject { return _private->rootObject && _private->rootObject->isValid() ? _private->rootObject : 0; } - (RootObject *)_originRootObject { return _private->originRootObject && _private->originRootObject->isValid() ? _private->originRootObject : 0; } - (BOOL)_isSafeScript { RootObject *root = [self _rootObject]; if (!root) return false; if (!_private->originRootObject) return true; if (!_private->originRootObject->isValid()) return false; return root->globalObject()->allowsAccessFrom(_private->originRootObject->globalObject()); } - (void)dealloc { if (WebCoreObjCScheduleDeallocateOnMainThread([WebScriptObject class], self)) return; if (_private->imp) WebCore::removeJSWrapper(_private->imp); if (_private->rootObject && _private->rootObject->isValid()) _private->rootObject->gcUnprotect(_private->imp); if (_private->rootObject) _private->rootObject->deref(); if (_private->originRootObject) _private->originRootObject->deref(); [_private release]; [super dealloc]; } - (void)finalize { if (_private->rootObject && _private->rootObject->isValid()) _private->rootObject->gcUnprotect(_private->imp); if (_private->rootObject) _private->rootObject->deref(); if (_private->originRootObject) _private->originRootObject->deref(); [super finalize]; } + (BOOL)throwException:(NSString *)exceptionMessage { ObjcInstance::setGlobalException(exceptionMessage); return YES; } static void getListFromNSArray(ExecState *exec, NSArray *array, RootObject* rootObject, MarkedArgumentBuffer& aList) { int i, numObjects = array ? [array count] : 0; for (i = 0; i < numObjects; i++) { id anObject = [array objectAtIndex:i]; aList.append(convertObjcValueToValue(exec, &anObject, ObjcObjectType, rootObject)); } } - (id)callWebScriptMethod:(NSString *)name withArguments:(NSArray *)args { if (![self _isSafeScript]) return nil; JSLock lock(SilenceAssertionsOnly); // Look up the function object. ExecState* exec = [self _rootObject]->globalObject()->globalExec(); ASSERT(!exec->hadException()); JSValue function = [self _imp]->get(exec, Identifier(exec, String(name))); CallData callData; CallType callType = function.getCallData(callData); if (callType == CallTypeNone) return nil; MarkedArgumentBuffer argList; getListFromNSArray(exec, args, [self _rootObject], argList); if (![self _isSafeScript]) return nil; [self _rootObject]->globalObject()->globalData()->timeoutChecker.start(); JSValue result = call(exec, function, callType, callData, [self _imp], argList); [self _rootObject]->globalObject()->globalData()->timeoutChecker.stop(); if (exec->hadException()) { addExceptionToConsole(exec); result = jsUndefined(); exec->clearException(); } // Convert and return the result of the function call. id resultObj = [WebScriptObject _convertValueToObjcValue:result originRootObject:[self _originRootObject] rootObject:[self _rootObject]]; _didExecute(self); return resultObj; } - (id)evaluateWebScript:(NSString *)script { if (![self _isSafeScript]) return nil; ExecState* exec = [self _rootObject]->globalObject()->globalExec(); ASSERT(!exec->hadException()); JSValue result; JSLock lock(SilenceAssertionsOnly); [self _rootObject]->globalObject()->globalData()->timeoutChecker.start(); Completion completion = JSC::evaluate([self _rootObject]->globalObject()->globalExec(), [self _rootObject]->globalObject()->globalScopeChain(), makeSource(String(script))); [self _rootObject]->globalObject()->globalData()->timeoutChecker.stop(); ComplType type = completion.complType(); if (type == Normal) { result = completion.value(); if (!result) result = jsUndefined(); } else result = jsUndefined(); if (exec->hadException()) { addExceptionToConsole(exec); result = jsUndefined(); exec->clearException(); } id resultObj = [WebScriptObject _convertValueToObjcValue:result originRootObject:[self _originRootObject] rootObject:[self _rootObject]]; _didExecute(self); return resultObj; } - (void)setValue:(id)value forKey:(NSString *)key { if (![self _isSafeScript]) return; ExecState* exec = [self _rootObject]->globalObject()->globalExec(); ASSERT(!exec->hadException()); JSLock lock(SilenceAssertionsOnly); PutPropertySlot slot; [self _imp]->put(exec, Identifier(exec, String(key)), convertObjcValueToValue(exec, &value, ObjcObjectType, [self _rootObject]), slot); if (exec->hadException()) { addExceptionToConsole(exec); exec->clearException(); } _didExecute(self); } - (id)valueForKey:(NSString *)key { if (![self _isSafeScript]) return nil; ExecState* exec = [self _rootObject]->globalObject()->globalExec(); ASSERT(!exec->hadException()); id resultObj; { // Need to scope this lock to ensure that we release the lock before calling // [super valueForKey:key] which might throw an exception and bypass the JSLock destructor, // leaving the lock permanently held JSLock lock(SilenceAssertionsOnly); JSValue result = [self _imp]->get(exec, Identifier(exec, String(key))); if (exec->hadException()) { addExceptionToConsole(exec); result = jsUndefined(); exec->clearException(); } resultObj = [WebScriptObject _convertValueToObjcValue:result originRootObject:[self _originRootObject] rootObject:[self _rootObject]]; } if ([resultObj isKindOfClass:[WebUndefined class]]) resultObj = [super valueForKey:key]; // defaults to throwing an exception JSLock lock(SilenceAssertionsOnly); _didExecute(self); return resultObj; } - (void)removeWebScriptKey:(NSString *)key { if (![self _isSafeScript]) return; ExecState* exec = [self _rootObject]->globalObject()->globalExec(); ASSERT(!exec->hadException()); JSLock lock(SilenceAssertionsOnly); [self _imp]->deleteProperty(exec, Identifier(exec, String(key))); if (exec->hadException()) { addExceptionToConsole(exec); exec->clearException(); } _didExecute(self); } - (NSString *)stringRepresentation { if (![self _isSafeScript]) { // This is a workaround for a gcc 3.3 internal compiler error. return @"Undefined"; } JSLock lock(SilenceAssertionsOnly); ExecState* exec = [self _rootObject]->globalObject()->globalExec(); id result = convertValueToObjcValue(exec, [self _imp], ObjcObjectType).objectValue; NSString *description = [result description]; _didExecute(self); return description; } - (id)webScriptValueAtIndex:(unsigned)index { if (![self _isSafeScript]) return nil; ExecState* exec = [self _rootObject]->globalObject()->globalExec(); ASSERT(!exec->hadException()); JSLock lock(SilenceAssertionsOnly); JSValue result = [self _imp]->get(exec, index); if (exec->hadException()) { addExceptionToConsole(exec); result = jsUndefined(); exec->clearException(); } id resultObj = [WebScriptObject _convertValueToObjcValue:result originRootObject:[self _originRootObject] rootObject:[self _rootObject]]; _didExecute(self); return resultObj; } - (void)setWebScriptValueAtIndex:(unsigned)index value:(id)value { if (![self _isSafeScript]) return; ExecState* exec = [self _rootObject]->globalObject()->globalExec(); ASSERT(!exec->hadException()); JSLock lock(SilenceAssertionsOnly); [self _imp]->put(exec, index, convertObjcValueToValue(exec, &value, ObjcObjectType, [self _rootObject])); if (exec->hadException()) { addExceptionToConsole(exec); exec->clearException(); } _didExecute(self); } - (void)setException:(NSString *)description { if (![self _rootObject]) return; ObjcInstance::setGlobalException(description, [self _rootObject]->globalObject()); } - (JSObjectRef)JSObject { if (![self _isSafeScript]) return NULL; return toRef([self _imp]); } + (id)_convertValueToObjcValue:(JSValue)value originRootObject:(RootObject*)originRootObject rootObject:(RootObject*)rootObject { if (value.isObject()) { JSObject* object = asObject(value); ExecState* exec = rootObject->globalObject()->globalExec(); JSLock lock(SilenceAssertionsOnly); if (object->classInfo() != &RuntimeObjectImp::s_info) { JSValue runtimeObject = object->get(exec, Identifier(exec, "__apple_runtime_object")); if (runtimeObject && runtimeObject.isObject()) object = asObject(runtimeObject); } if (object->classInfo() == &RuntimeObjectImp::s_info) { RuntimeObjectImp* imp = static_cast<RuntimeObjectImp*>(object); ObjcInstance *instance = static_cast<ObjcInstance*>(imp->getInternalInstance()); if (instance) return instance->getObject(); return nil; } return [WebScriptObject scriptObjectForJSObject:toRef(object) originRootObject:originRootObject rootObject:rootObject]; } if (value.isString()) { const UString& u = asString(value)->value(); return [NSString stringWithCharacters:u.data() length:u.size()]; } if (value.isNumber()) return [NSNumber numberWithDouble:value.uncheckedGetNumber()]; if (value.isBoolean()) return [NSNumber numberWithBool:value.getBoolean()]; if (value.isUndefined()) return [WebUndefined undefined]; // jsNull is not returned as NSNull because existing applications do not expect // that return value. Return as nil for compatibility. <rdar://problem/4651318> <rdar://problem/4701626> // Other types (e.g., UnspecifiedType) also return as nil. return nil; } @end @interface WebScriptObject (WebKitCocoaBindings) - (id)objectAtIndex:(unsigned)index; @end @implementation WebScriptObject (WebKitCocoaBindings) #if 0 // FIXME: We'd like to add this, but we can't do that until this issue is resolved: // http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13129: presence of 'count' method on // WebScriptObject breaks Democracy player. - (unsigned)count { id length = [self valueForKey:@"length"]; if (![length respondsToSelector:@selector(intValue)]) return 0; return [length intValue]; } #endif - (id)objectAtIndex:(unsigned)index { return [self webScriptValueAtIndex:index]; } @end @implementation WebUndefined + (id)allocWithZone:(NSZone *)unusedZone { UNUSED_PARAM(unusedZone); static WebUndefined *sharedUndefined = 0; if (!sharedUndefined) sharedUndefined = [super allocWithZone:NULL]; return sharedUndefined; } - (NSString *)description { return @"undefined"; } - (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)unusedCoder { UNUSED_PARAM(unusedCoder); return self; } - (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)unusedCoder { UNUSED_PARAM(unusedCoder); } - (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)unusedZone { UNUSED_PARAM(unusedZone); return self; } - (id)retain { return self; } - (void)release { } - (NSUInteger)retainCount { return UINT_MAX; } - (id)autorelease { return self; } - (void)dealloc { ASSERT(false); return; [super dealloc]; // make -Wdealloc-check happy } + (WebUndefined *)undefined { return [WebUndefined allocWithZone:NULL]; } @end