# KDOM IDL parser
# Copyright (C) 2005 Nikolas Zimmermann <wildfox@kde.org>
# This file is part of the KDE project
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
# aint with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

package IDLParser;

use IPC::Open2;
use IDLStructure;

use constant MODE_UNDEF    => 0; # Default mode.

use constant MODE_MODULE  => 10; # 'module' section
use constant MODE_INTERFACE  => 11; # 'interface' section
use constant MODE_EXCEPTION  => 12; # 'exception' section
use constant MODE_ALIAS    => 13; # 'alias' section

# Helper variables
my @temporaryContent = "";

my $parseMode = MODE_UNDEF;
my $preservedParseMode = MODE_UNDEF;

my $beQuiet; # Should not display anything on STDOUT?
my $document = 0; # Will hold the resulting 'idlDocument'
my $parentsOnly = 0; # If 1, parse only enough to populate parents list

# Default Constructor
sub new
    my $object = shift;
    my $reference = { };

    $document = 0;
    $beQuiet = shift;

    bless($reference, $object);
    return $reference;

# Returns the parsed 'idlDocument'
sub Parse
    my $object = shift;
    my $fileName = shift;
    my $defines = shift;
    my $preprocessor = shift;
    $parentsOnly = shift;

    if (!$preprocessor) {
        $preprocessor = "/usr/bin/gcc -E -P -x c++";

    if (!$defines) {
        $defines = "";

    print " | *** Starting to parse $fileName...\n |\n" unless $beQuiet;

    open2(\*PP_OUT, \*PP_IN, split(' ', $preprocessor), (map { "-D$_" } split(' ', $defines)), $fileName);
    close PP_IN;
    my @documentContent = <PP_OUT>;
    close PP_OUT;

    my $dataAvailable = 0;

    # Simple IDL Parser (tm)
    foreach (@documentContent) {
        my $newParseMode = $object->DetermineParseMode($_);

        if ($newParseMode ne MODE_UNDEF) {
            if ($dataAvailable eq 0) {
                $dataAvailable = 1; # Start node building...
            } else {

        # Update detected data stream mode...
        if ($newParseMode ne MODE_UNDEF) {
            $parseMode = $newParseMode;

        push(@temporaryContent, $_);

    # Check if there is anything remaining to parse...
    if (($parseMode ne MODE_UNDEF) and ($#temporaryContent > 0)) {

    print " | *** Finished parsing!\n" unless $beQuiet;

    return $document;

sub ParseModule
    my $object = shift;
    my $dataNode = shift;

    print " |- Trying to parse module...\n" unless $beQuiet;

    my $data = join("", @temporaryContent);
    $data =~ /$IDLStructure::moduleSelector/;

    my $moduleName = (defined($1) ? $1 : die("Parsing error!\nSource:\n$data\n)"));

    print "  |----> Module; NAME \"$moduleName\"\n |-\n |\n" unless $beQuiet;

sub dumpExtendedAttributes
    my $padStr = shift;
    my $attrs = shift;

    if (!%{$attrs}) {
        return "";

    my @temp;
    while (($name, $value) = each(%{$attrs})) {
        push(@temp, "$name=$value");

    return $padStr . "[" . join(", ", @temp) . "]";

sub parseExtendedAttributes
    my $str = shift;
    $str =~ s/\[\s*(.*?)\s*\]/$1/g;

    my %attrs = ();

    foreach my $value (split(/\s*,\s*/, $str)) {
        ($name,$value) = split(/\s*=\s*/, $value, 2);

        # Attributes with no value are set to be true
        $value = 1 unless defined $value;
        $attrs{$name} = $value;

    return \%attrs;

sub ParseInterface
    my $object = shift;
    my $dataNode = shift;
    my $sectionName = shift;

    my $data = join("", @temporaryContent);

    # Look for end-of-interface mark
    $data =~ /};/g;
    $data = substr($data, index($data, $sectionName), pos($data) - length($data));

    $data =~ s/[\n\r]/ /g;

    # Beginning of the regexp parsing magic
    if ($sectionName eq "exception") {
        print " |- Trying to parse exception...\n" unless $beQuiet;

        my $exceptionName = "";
        my $exceptionData = "";
        my $exceptionDataName = "";
        my $exceptionDataType = "";

        # Match identifier of the exception, and enclosed data...
        $data =~ /$IDLStructure::exceptionSelector/;
        $exceptionName = (defined($1) ? $1 : die("Parsing error!\nSource:\n$data\n)"));
        $exceptionData = (defined($2) ? $2 : die("Parsing error!\nSource:\n$data\n)"));

        ('' =~ /^/); # Reset variables needed for regexp matching

        # ... parse enclosed data (get. name & type)
        $exceptionData =~ /$IDLStructure::exceptionSubSelector/;
        $exceptionDataType = (defined($1) ? $1 : die("Parsing error!\nSource:\n$data\n)"));
        $exceptionDataName = (defined($2) ? $2 : die("Parsing error!\nSource:\n$data\n)"));

        # Fill in domClass datastructure

        my $newDataNode = new domAttribute();
        $newDataNode->type("readonly attribute");
        $newDataNode->signature(new domSignature());


        my $arrayRef = $dataNode->attributes;
        push(@$arrayRef, $newDataNode);

        print "  |----> Exception; NAME \"$exceptionName\" DATA TYPE \"$exceptionDataType\" DATA NAME \"$exceptionDataName\"\n |-\n |\n" unless $beQuiet;
    } elsif ($sectionName eq "interface") {
        print " |- Trying to parse interface...\n" unless $beQuiet;

        my $interfaceName = "";
        my $interfaceData = "";

        # Match identifier of the interface, and enclosed data...
        $data =~ /$IDLStructure::interfaceSelector/;

        $interfaceExtendedAttributes = (defined($1) ? $1 : " "); chop($interfaceExtendedAttributes);
        $interfaceName = (defined($2) ? $2 : die("Parsing error!\nSource:\n$data\n)"));
        $interfaceBase = (defined($3) ? $3 : "");
        $interfaceData = (defined($4) ? $4 : die("Parsing error!\nSource:\n$data\n)"));

        # Fill in known parts of the domClass datastructure now...

        # Inheritance detection
        my @interfaceParents = split(/,/, $interfaceBase);
        foreach(@interfaceParents) {
            my $line = $_;
            $line =~ s/\s*//g;

            my $arrayRef = $dataNode->parents;
            push(@$arrayRef, $line);

        return if $parentsOnly;

        $interfaceData =~ s/[\n\r]/ /g;
        my @interfaceMethods = split(/;/, $interfaceData);

        foreach my $line (@interfaceMethods) {
            if ($line =~ /attribute/) {
                $line =~ /$IDLStructure::interfaceAttributeSelector/;

                my $attributeType = (defined($1) ? $1 : die("Parsing error!\nSource:\n$line\n)"));
                my $attributeExtendedAttributes = (defined($2) ? $2 : " "); chop($attributeExtendedAttributes);

                my $attributeDataType = (defined($3) ? $3 : die("Parsing error!\nSource:\n$line\n)"));
                my $attributeDataName = (defined($4) ? $4 : die("Parsing error!\nSource:\n$line\n)"));
                ('' =~ /^/); # Reset variables needed for regexp matching

                $line =~ /$IDLStructure::getterRaisesSelector/;
                my $getterException = (defined($1) ? $1 : "");

                $line =~ /$IDLStructure::setterRaisesSelector/;
                my $setterException = (defined($1) ? $1 : "");

                my $newDataNode = new domAttribute();
                $newDataNode->signature(new domSignature());


                my $arrayRef = $dataNode->attributes;
                push(@$arrayRef, $newDataNode);

                print "  |  |>  Attribute; TYPE \"$attributeType\" DATA NAME \"$attributeDataName\" DATA TYPE \"$attributeDataType\" GET EXCEPTION? \"$getterException\" SET EXCEPTION? \"$setterException\"" .
                    dumpExtendedAttributes("\n  |                 ", $newDataNode->signature->extendedAttributes) . "\n" unless $beQuiet;

                $getterException =~ s/\s+//g;
                $setterException =~ s/\s+//g;
                @{$newDataNode->getterExceptions} = split(/,/, $getterException);
                @{$newDataNode->setterExceptions} = split(/,/, $setterException);
            } elsif (($line !~ s/^\s*$//g) and ($line !~ /^\s*const/)) {
                $line =~ /$IDLStructure::interfaceMethodSelector/ or die "Parsing error!\nSource:\n$line\n)";

                my $methodExtendedAttributes = (defined($1) ? $1 : " "); chop($methodExtendedAttributes);
                my $methodType = (defined($2) ? $2 : die("Parsing error!\nSource:\n$line\n)"));
                my $methodName = (defined($3) ? $3 : die("Parsing error!\nSource:\n$line\n)"));
                my $methodSignature = (defined($4) ? $4 : die("Parsing error!\nSource:\n$line\n)"));

                ('' =~ /^/); # Reset variables needed for regexp matching

                $line =~ /$IDLStructure::raisesSelector/;
                my $methodException = (defined($1) ? $1 : "");

                my $newDataNode = new domFunction();

                $newDataNode->signature(new domSignature());

                print "  |  |-  Method; TYPE \"$methodType\" NAME \"$methodName\" EXCEPTION? \"$methodException\"" .
                    dumpExtendedAttributes("\n  |              ", $newDataNode->signature->extendedAttributes) . "\n" unless $beQuiet;

                $methodException =~ s/\s+//g;
                @{$newDataNode->raisesExceptions} = split(/,/, $methodException);

                my @params = split(/,/, $methodSignature);
                foreach(@params) {
                    my $line = $_;

                    $line =~ /$IDLStructure::interfaceParameterSelector/;
                    my $paramExtendedAttributes = (defined($1) ? $1 : " "); chop($paramExtendedAttributes);
                    my $paramType = (defined($2) ? $2 : die("Parsing error!\nSource:\n$line\n)"));
                    my $paramName = (defined($3) ? $3 : die("Parsing error!\nSource:\n$line\n)"));

                    my $paramDataNode = new domSignature();

                    my $arrayRef = $newDataNode->parameters;
                    push(@$arrayRef, $paramDataNode);

                    print "  |   |>  Param; TYPE \"$paramType\" NAME \"$paramName\"" . 
                        dumpExtendedAttributes("\n  |              ", $paramDataNode->extendedAttributes) . "\n" unless $beQuiet;          

                my $arrayRef = $dataNode->functions;
                push(@$arrayRef, $newDataNode);
            } elsif ($line =~ /^\s*const/) {
                $line =~ /$IDLStructure::constantSelector/;
                my $constType = (defined($1) ? $1 : die("Parsing error!\nSource:\n$line\n)"));
                my $constName = (defined($2) ? $2 : die("Parsing error!\nSource:\n$line\n)"));
                my $constValue = (defined($3) ? $3 : die("Parsing error!\nSource:\n$line\n)"));

                my $newDataNode = new domConstant();

                my $arrayRef = $dataNode->constants;
                push(@$arrayRef, $newDataNode);

                print "  |   |>  Constant; TYPE \"$constType\" NAME \"$constName\" VALUE \"$constValue\"\n" unless $beQuiet;

        print "  |----> Interface; NAME \"$interfaceName\"" .
            dumpExtendedAttributes("\n  |                 ", $dataNode->extendedAttributes) . "\n |-\n |\n" unless $beQuiet;

# Internal helper
sub DetermineParseMode
    my $object = shift;  
    my $line = shift;

    my $mode = MODE_UNDEF;
    if ($_ =~ /module/) {
        $mode = MODE_MODULE;
    } elsif ($_ =~ /interface/) {
        $mode = MODE_INTERFACE;
    } elsif ($_ =~ /exception/) {
        $mode = MODE_EXCEPTION;
    } elsif ($_ =~ /alias/) {
        $mode = MODE_ALIAS;

    return $mode;

# Internal helper
sub ProcessSection
    my $object = shift;
    if ($parseMode eq MODE_MODULE) {
        die ("Two modules in one file! Fatal error!\n") if ($document ne 0);
        $document = new idlDocument();
    } elsif ($parseMode eq MODE_INTERFACE) {
        my $node = new domClass();
        $object->ParseInterface($node, "interface");
        die ("No module specified! Fatal Error!\n") if ($document eq 0);
        my $arrayRef = $document->classes;
        push(@$arrayRef, $node);
    } elsif($parseMode eq MODE_EXCEPTION) {
        my $node = new domClass();
        $object->ParseInterface($node, "exception");

        die ("No module specified! Fatal Error!\n") if ($document eq 0);
        my $arrayRef = $document->classes;
        push(@$arrayRef, $node);
    } elsif($parseMode eq MODE_ALIAS) {
        print " |- Trying to parse alias...\n" unless $beQuiet;
        my $line = join("", @temporaryContent);
        $line =~ /$IDLStructure::aliasSelector/;

        my $interfaceName = (defined($1) ? $1 : die("Parsing error!\nSource:\n$line\n)"));
        my $wrapperName = (defined($2) ? $2 : die("Parsing error!\nSource:\n$line\n)"));
        print "  |----> Alias; INTERFACE \"$interfaceName\" WRAPPER \"$wrapperName\"\n |-\n |\n" unless $beQuiet;

        # FIXME: Check if alias is already in aliases
        my $aliases = $document->aliases;
        $aliases->{$interfaceName} = $wrapperName;

    @temporaryContent = "";
