/* * Copyright (C) 2009 Torch Mobile Inc. All rights reserved. (http//www.torchmobile.com/) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #ifndef SelectElement_h #define SelectElement_h #include "Event.h" #include <wtf/Vector.h> namespace WebCore { class Element; class Event; class FormDataList; class HTMLFormElement; class KeyboardEvent; class MappedAttribute; class SelectElementData; class String; class SelectElement { public: virtual bool multiple() const = 0; virtual int size() const = 0; virtual const Vector<Element*>& listItems() const = 0; virtual void listBoxOnChange() = 0; virtual void updateListBoxSelection(bool deselectOtherOptions) = 0; virtual void menuListOnChange() = 0; virtual int activeSelectionStartListIndex() const = 0; virtual int activeSelectionEndListIndex() const = 0; virtual void setActiveSelectionAnchorIndex(int index) = 0; virtual void setActiveSelectionEndIndex(int index) = 0; virtual int listToOptionIndex(int listIndex) const = 0; virtual int optionToListIndex(int optionIndex) const = 0; virtual int selectedIndex() const = 0; virtual void setSelectedIndex(int index, bool deselect = true) = 0; virtual void setSelectedIndexByUser(int index, bool deselect = true, bool fireOnChangeNow = false) = 0; protected: virtual ~SelectElement() { } friend class SelectElementData; static void selectAll(SelectElementData&, Element*); static void saveLastSelection(SelectElementData&, Element*); static int nextSelectableListIndex(SelectElementData&, Element*, int startIndex); static int previousSelectableListIndex(SelectElementData&, Element*, int startIndex); static void setActiveSelectionAnchorIndex(SelectElementData&, Element*, int index); static void setActiveSelectionEndIndex(SelectElementData&, int index); static void updateListBoxSelection(SelectElementData&, Element*, bool deselectOtherOptions); static void listBoxOnChange(SelectElementData&, Element*); static void menuListOnChange(SelectElementData&, Element*); static void scrollToSelection(SelectElementData&, Element*); static void recalcStyle(SelectElementData&, Element*); static void setRecalcListItems(SelectElementData&, Element*); static void recalcListItems(SelectElementData&, const Element*, bool updateSelectedStates = true); static int selectedIndex(const SelectElementData&, const Element*); static void setSelectedIndex(SelectElementData&, Element*, int optionIndex, bool deselect = true, bool fireOnChangeNow = false, bool userDrivenChange = true); static int optionToListIndex(const SelectElementData&, const Element*, int optionIndex); static int listToOptionIndex(const SelectElementData&, const Element*, int listIndex); static void dispatchFocusEvent(SelectElementData&, Element*); static void dispatchBlurEvent(SelectElementData&, Element*); static void deselectItems(SelectElementData&, Element*, Element* excludeElement = 0); static bool saveFormControlState(const SelectElementData&, const Element*, String& state); static void restoreFormControlState(SelectElementData&, Element*, const String& state); static void parseMultipleAttribute(SelectElementData&, Element*, MappedAttribute*); static bool appendFormData(SelectElementData&, Element*, FormDataList&); static void reset(SelectElementData&, Element*); static void defaultEventHandler(SelectElementData&, Element*, Event*, HTMLFormElement* = 0); static int lastSelectedListIndex(const SelectElementData&, const Element*); static void typeAheadFind(SelectElementData&, Element*, KeyboardEvent*); static void insertedIntoTree(SelectElementData&, Element*); static void accessKeySetSelectedIndex(SelectElementData&, Element*, int index); static unsigned optionCount(const SelectElementData&, const Element*); private: static void menuListDefaultEventHandler(SelectElementData&, Element*, Event*, HTMLFormElement*); static void listBoxDefaultEventHandler(SelectElementData&, Element*, Event*, HTMLFormElement*); }; // HTML/WMLSelectElement hold this struct as member variable // and pass it to the static helper functions in SelectElement class SelectElementData { public: SelectElementData(); bool multiple() const { return m_multiple; } void setMultiple(bool value) { m_multiple = value; } int size() const { return m_size; } void setSize(int value) { m_size = value; } bool usesMenuList() const { return !m_multiple && m_size <= 1; } int lastOnChangeIndex() const { return m_lastOnChangeIndex; } void setLastOnChangeIndex(int value) { m_lastOnChangeIndex = value; } bool userDrivenChange() const { return m_userDrivenChange; } void setUserDrivenChange(bool value) { m_userDrivenChange = value; } Vector<bool>& lastOnChangeSelection() { return m_lastOnChangeSelection; } bool activeSelectionState() const { return m_activeSelectionState; } void setActiveSelectionState(bool value) { m_activeSelectionState = value; } int activeSelectionAnchorIndex() const { return m_activeSelectionAnchorIndex; } void setActiveSelectionAnchorIndex(int value) { m_activeSelectionAnchorIndex = value; } int activeSelectionEndIndex() const { return m_activeSelectionEndIndex; } void setActiveSelectionEndIndex(int value) { m_activeSelectionEndIndex = value; } Vector<bool>& cachedStateForActiveSelection() { return m_cachedStateForActiveSelection; } bool shouldRecalcListItems() const { return m_recalcListItems; } void setShouldRecalcListItems(bool value) { m_recalcListItems = value; } Vector<Element*>& rawListItems() { return m_listItems; } Vector<Element*>& listItems(const Element*); const Vector<Element*>& listItems(const Element*) const; UChar repeatingChar() const { return m_repeatingChar; } void setRepeatingChar(const UChar& value) { m_repeatingChar = value; } DOMTimeStamp lastCharTime() const { return m_lastCharTime; } void setLastCharTime(const DOMTimeStamp& value) { m_lastCharTime = value; } String& typedString() { return m_typedString; } void setTypedString(const String& value) { m_typedString = value; } private: void checkListItems(const Element*) const; bool m_multiple; int m_size; int m_lastOnChangeIndex; Vector<bool> m_lastOnChangeSelection; bool m_userDrivenChange; bool m_activeSelectionState; int m_activeSelectionAnchorIndex; int m_activeSelectionEndIndex; Vector<bool> m_cachedStateForActiveSelection; bool m_recalcListItems; Vector<Element*> m_listItems; // Instance variables for type-ahead find UChar m_repeatingChar; DOMTimeStamp m_lastCharTime; String m_typedString; }; SelectElement* toSelectElement(Element*); } #endif