/* * Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (knoll@kde.org) * (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (koivisto@kde.org) * (C) 2000 Simon Hausmann (hausmann@kde.org) * (C) 2001 Dirk Mueller (mueller@kde.org) * Copyright (C) 2004, 2006, 2008, 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "HTMLFrameElementBase.h" #include "CSSHelper.h" #include "Document.h" #include "EventNames.h" #include "FocusController.h" #include "Frame.h" #include "FrameLoader.h" #include "FrameTree.h" #include "FrameView.h" #include "HTMLFrameSetElement.h" #include "HTMLNames.h" #include "ScriptEventListener.h" #include "KURL.h" #include "MappedAttribute.h" #include "Page.h" #include "RenderFrame.h" #include "Settings.h" namespace WebCore { using namespace HTMLNames; HTMLFrameElementBase::HTMLFrameElementBase(const QualifiedName& tagName, Document* document) : HTMLFrameOwnerElement(tagName, document) , m_scrolling(ScrollbarAuto) , m_marginWidth(-1) , m_marginHeight(-1) , m_noResize(false) , m_viewSource(false) , m_shouldOpenURLAfterAttach(false) { } bool HTMLFrameElementBase::isURLAllowed(const AtomicString& URLString) const { if (URLString.isEmpty()) return true; const KURL& completeURL = document()->completeURL(URLString); // Don't allow more than 200 total frames in a set. This seems // like a reasonable upper bound, and otherwise mutually recursive // frameset pages can quickly bring the program to its knees with // exponential growth in the number of frames. // FIXME: This limit could be higher, but because WebKit has some // algorithms that happen while loading which appear to be N^2 or // worse in the number of frames, we'll keep it at 200 for now. if (Frame* parentFrame = document()->frame()) { if (parentFrame->page()->frameCount() > 200) return false; } // We allow one level of self-reference because some sites depend on that. // But we don't allow more than one. bool foundSelfReference = false; for (Frame* frame = document()->frame(); frame; frame = frame->tree()->parent()) { if (equalIgnoringFragmentIdentifier(frame->loader()->url(), completeURL)) { if (foundSelfReference) return false; foundSelfReference = true; } } return true; } void HTMLFrameElementBase::openURL() { ASSERT(!m_frameName.isEmpty()); if (!isURLAllowed(m_URL)) return; if (m_URL.isEmpty()) m_URL = blankURL().string(); Frame* parentFrame = document()->frame(); if (!parentFrame) return; parentFrame->loader()->requestFrame(this, m_URL, m_frameName); if (contentFrame()) contentFrame()->setInViewSourceMode(viewSourceMode()); } void HTMLFrameElementBase::parseMappedAttribute(MappedAttribute *attr) { if (attr->name() == srcAttr) setLocation(deprecatedParseURL(attr->value())); else if (attr->name() == idAttr) { // Important to call through to base for the id attribute so the hasID bit gets set. HTMLFrameOwnerElement::parseMappedAttribute(attr); m_frameName = attr->value(); } else if (attr->name() == nameAttr) { m_frameName = attr->value(); // FIXME: If we are already attached, this doesn't actually change the frame's name. // FIXME: If we are already attached, this doesn't check for frame name // conflicts and generate a unique frame name. } else if (attr->name() == marginwidthAttr) { m_marginWidth = attr->value().toInt(); // FIXME: If we are already attached, this has no effect. } else if (attr->name() == marginheightAttr) { m_marginHeight = attr->value().toInt(); // FIXME: If we are already attached, this has no effect. } else if (attr->name() == noresizeAttr) { m_noResize = true; // FIXME: If we are already attached, this has no effect. } else if (attr->name() == scrollingAttr) { // Auto and yes both simply mean "allow scrolling." No means "don't allow scrolling." if (equalIgnoringCase(attr->value(), "auto") || equalIgnoringCase(attr->value(), "yes")) m_scrolling = document()->frameElementsShouldIgnoreScrolling() ? ScrollbarAlwaysOff : ScrollbarAuto; else if (equalIgnoringCase(attr->value(), "no")) m_scrolling = ScrollbarAlwaysOff; // FIXME: If we are already attached, this has no effect. } else if (attr->name() == viewsourceAttr) { m_viewSource = !attr->isNull(); if (contentFrame()) contentFrame()->setInViewSourceMode(viewSourceMode()); } else if (attr->name() == onloadAttr) { setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().loadEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, attr)); } else if (attr->name() == onbeforeunloadAttr) { // FIXME: should <frame> elements have beforeunload handlers? setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().beforeunloadEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, attr)); } else HTMLFrameOwnerElement::parseMappedAttribute(attr); } void HTMLFrameElementBase::setNameAndOpenURL() { m_frameName = getAttribute(nameAttr); if (m_frameName.isNull()) m_frameName = getAttribute(idAttr); if (Frame* parentFrame = document()->frame()) m_frameName = parentFrame->tree()->uniqueChildName(m_frameName); openURL(); } void HTMLFrameElementBase::setNameAndOpenURLCallback(Node* n) { static_cast<HTMLFrameElementBase*>(n)->setNameAndOpenURL(); } void HTMLFrameElementBase::insertedIntoDocument() { HTMLFrameOwnerElement::insertedIntoDocument(); // We delay frame loading until after the render tree is fully constructed. // Othewise, a synchronous load that executed JavaScript would see incorrect // (0) values for the frame's renderer-dependent properties, like width. m_shouldOpenURLAfterAttach = true; } void HTMLFrameElementBase::removedFromDocument() { m_shouldOpenURLAfterAttach = false; HTMLFrameOwnerElement::removedFromDocument(); } void HTMLFrameElementBase::attach() { if (m_shouldOpenURLAfterAttach) { m_shouldOpenURLAfterAttach = false; queuePostAttachCallback(&HTMLFrameElementBase::setNameAndOpenURLCallback, this); } HTMLFrameOwnerElement::attach(); if (RenderPart* renderPart = toRenderPart(renderer())) { if (Frame* frame = contentFrame()) renderPart->setWidget(frame->view()); } } KURL HTMLFrameElementBase::location() const { return src(); } void HTMLFrameElementBase::setLocation(const String& str) { Settings* settings = document()->settings(); if (settings && settings->needsAcrobatFrameReloadingQuirk() && m_URL == str) return; m_URL = AtomicString(str); if (inDocument()) openURL(); } bool HTMLFrameElementBase::isFocusable() const { return renderer(); } void HTMLFrameElementBase::setFocus(bool received) { HTMLFrameOwnerElement::setFocus(received); if (Page* page = document()->page()) page->focusController()->setFocusedFrame(received ? contentFrame() : 0); } bool HTMLFrameElementBase::isURLAttribute(Attribute *attr) const { return attr->name() == srcAttr; } String HTMLFrameElementBase::frameBorder() const { return getAttribute(frameborderAttr); } void HTMLFrameElementBase::setFrameBorder(const String &value) { setAttribute(frameborderAttr, value); } String HTMLFrameElementBase::longDesc() const { return getAttribute(longdescAttr); } void HTMLFrameElementBase::setLongDesc(const String &value) { setAttribute(longdescAttr, value); } String HTMLFrameElementBase::marginHeight() const { return getAttribute(marginheightAttr); } void HTMLFrameElementBase::setMarginHeight(const String &value) { setAttribute(marginheightAttr, value); } String HTMLFrameElementBase::marginWidth() const { return getAttribute(marginwidthAttr); } void HTMLFrameElementBase::setMarginWidth(const String &value) { setAttribute(marginwidthAttr, value); } String HTMLFrameElementBase::name() const { return getAttribute(nameAttr); } void HTMLFrameElementBase::setName(const String &value) { setAttribute(nameAttr, value); } void HTMLFrameElementBase::setNoResize(bool noResize) { setAttribute(noresizeAttr, noResize ? "" : 0); } String HTMLFrameElementBase::scrolling() const { return getAttribute(scrollingAttr); } void HTMLFrameElementBase::setScrolling(const String &value) { setAttribute(scrollingAttr, value); } KURL HTMLFrameElementBase::src() const { return document()->completeURL(getAttribute(srcAttr)); } void HTMLFrameElementBase::setSrc(const String &value) { setAttribute(srcAttr, value); } int HTMLFrameElementBase::width() const { if (!renderer()) return 0; document()->updateLayoutIgnorePendingStylesheets(); return toRenderBox(renderer())->width(); } int HTMLFrameElementBase::height() const { if (!renderer()) return 0; document()->updateLayoutIgnorePendingStylesheets(); return toRenderBox(renderer())->height(); } } // namespace WebCore