/* * Copyright (C) 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2009 Joseph Pecoraro * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ WebInspector.StylesSidebarPane = function() { WebInspector.SidebarPane.call(this, WebInspector.UIString("Styles")); } WebInspector.StylesSidebarPane.prototype = { update: function(node, editedSection, forceUpdate) { var refresh = false; if (forceUpdate) delete this.node; if (!forceUpdate && (!node || node === this.node)) refresh = true; if (node && node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && node.parentNode) node = node.parentNode; if (node && node.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) node = null; if (node) this.node = node; else node = this.node; var body = this.bodyElement; if (!refresh || !node) { body.removeChildren(); this.sections = []; } if (!node) return; var self = this; var callback = function(styles) { if (!styles) return; var nodeWrapper = WebInspector.wrapNodeWithStyles(node, styles); self._update(refresh, body, nodeWrapper, editedSection, forceUpdate); }; InspectorController.getStyles(node, !Preferences.showUserAgentStyles, callback); }, _update: function(refresh, body, node, editedSection, forceUpdate) { if (!refresh) { body.removeChildren(); this.sections = []; } var styleRules = []; if (refresh) { for (var i = 0; i < this.sections.length; ++i) { var section = this.sections[i]; if (section._blank) continue; if (section.computedStyle) section.styleRule.style = node.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(node); var styleRule = { section: section, style: section.styleRule.style, computedStyle: section.computedStyle, rule: section.rule }; styleRules.push(styleRule); } } else { var computedStyle = node.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(node); styleRules.push({ computedStyle: true, selectorText: WebInspector.UIString("Computed Style"), style: computedStyle, editable: false }); var nodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase(); for (var i = 0; i < node.attributes.length; ++i) { var attr = node.attributes[i]; if (attr.style) { var attrStyle = { style: attr.style, editable: false }; attrStyle.subtitle = WebInspector.UIString("element’s “%s” attribute", attr.name); attrStyle.selectorText = nodeName + "[" + attr.name; if (attr.value.length) attrStyle.selectorText += "=" + attr.value; attrStyle.selectorText += "]"; styleRules.push(attrStyle); } } // Always Show element's Style Attributes if (node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { var inlineStyle = { selectorText: WebInspector.UIString("Style Attribute"), style: node.style, isAttribute: true }; inlineStyle.subtitle = WebInspector.UIString("element’s “%s” attribute", "style"); styleRules.push(inlineStyle); } var matchedStyleRules = node.ownerDocument.defaultView.getMatchedCSSRules(node, "", !Preferences.showUserAgentStyles); if (matchedStyleRules) { // Add rules in reverse order to match the cascade order. for (var i = (matchedStyleRules.length - 1); i >= 0; --i) { var rule = matchedStyleRules[i]; styleRules.push({ style: rule.style, selectorText: rule.selectorText, parentStyleSheet: rule.parentStyleSheet, rule: rule }); } } } function deleteDisabledProperty(style, name) { if (!style || !name) return; if (style.__disabledPropertyValues) delete style.__disabledPropertyValues[name]; if (style.__disabledPropertyPriorities) delete style.__disabledPropertyPriorities[name]; if (style.__disabledProperties) delete style.__disabledProperties[name]; } var usedProperties = {}; var disabledComputedProperties = {}; var priorityUsed = false; // Walk the style rules and make a list of all used and overloaded properties. for (var i = 0; i < styleRules.length; ++i) { var styleRule = styleRules[i]; if (styleRule.computedStyle) continue; if (styleRule.section && styleRule.section.noAffect) continue; styleRule.usedProperties = {}; var style = styleRule.style; for (var j = 0; j < style.length; ++j) { var name = style[j]; if (!priorityUsed && style.getPropertyPriority(name).length) priorityUsed = true; // If the property name is already used by another rule then this rule's // property is overloaded, so don't add it to the rule's usedProperties. if (!(name in usedProperties)) styleRule.usedProperties[name] = true; if (name === "font") { // The font property is not reported as a shorthand. Report finding the individual // properties so they are visible in computed style. // FIXME: remove this when http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15598 is fixed. styleRule.usedProperties["font-family"] = true; styleRule.usedProperties["font-size"] = true; styleRule.usedProperties["font-style"] = true; styleRule.usedProperties["font-variant"] = true; styleRule.usedProperties["font-weight"] = true; styleRule.usedProperties["line-height"] = true; } // Delete any disabled properties, since the property does exist. // This prevents it from showing twice. deleteDisabledProperty(style, name); deleteDisabledProperty(style, style.getPropertyShorthand(name)); } // Add all the properties found in this style to the used properties list. // Do this here so only future rules are affect by properties used in this rule. for (var name in styleRules[i].usedProperties) usedProperties[name] = true; // Remember all disabled properties so they show up in computed style. if (style.__disabledProperties) for (var name in style.__disabledProperties) disabledComputedProperties[name] = true; } if (priorityUsed) { // Walk the properties again and account for !important. var foundPriorityProperties = []; // Walk in reverse to match the order !important overrides. for (var i = (styleRules.length - 1); i >= 0; --i) { if (styleRules[i].computedStyle) continue; var style = styleRules[i].style; var uniqueProperties = style.uniqueStyleProperties; for (var j = 0; j < uniqueProperties.length; ++j) { var name = uniqueProperties[j]; if (style.getPropertyPriority(name).length) { if (!(name in foundPriorityProperties)) styleRules[i].usedProperties[name] = true; else delete styleRules[i].usedProperties[name]; foundPriorityProperties[name] = true; } else if (name in foundPriorityProperties) delete styleRules[i].usedProperties[name]; } } } if (refresh) { // Walk the style rules and update the sections with new overloaded and used properties. for (var i = 0; i < styleRules.length; ++i) { var styleRule = styleRules[i]; var section = styleRule.section; if (styleRule.computedStyle) section.disabledComputedProperties = disabledComputedProperties; section._usedProperties = (styleRule.usedProperties || usedProperties); section.update((section === editedSection) || styleRule.computedStyle); } } else { // Make a property section for each style rule. for (var i = 0; i < styleRules.length; ++i) { var styleRule = styleRules[i]; var subtitle = styleRule.subtitle; delete styleRule.subtitle; var computedStyle = styleRule.computedStyle; delete styleRule.computedStyle; var ruleUsedProperties = styleRule.usedProperties; delete styleRule.usedProperties; var editable = styleRule.editable; delete styleRule.editable; var isAttribute = styleRule.isAttribute; delete styleRule.isAttribute; // Default editable to true if it was omitted. if (typeof editable === "undefined") editable = true; var section = new WebInspector.StylePropertiesSection(styleRule, subtitle, computedStyle, (ruleUsedProperties || usedProperties), editable); if (computedStyle) section.disabledComputedProperties = disabledComputedProperties; section.pane = this; if (Preferences.styleRulesExpandedState && section.identifier in Preferences.styleRulesExpandedState) section.expanded = Preferences.styleRulesExpandedState[section.identifier]; else if (computedStyle) section.collapse(true); else if (isAttribute && styleRule.style.length === 0) section.collapse(true); else section.expand(true); body.appendChild(section.element); this.sections.push(section); } this.addBlankSection(); } }, addBlankSection: function() { var blankSection = new WebInspector.BlankStylePropertiesSection(); blankSection.pane = this; this.bodyElement.insertBefore(blankSection.element, this.bodyElement.firstChild.nextSibling.nextSibling); // 0 is computed, 1 is element.style var computed = this.sections.shift(); var elementStyle = this.sections.shift(); this.sections.unshift(blankSection); this.sections.unshift(elementStyle); this.sections.unshift(computed); }, appropriateSelectorForNode: function() { var node = this.node; if (!node) return; if (node.id) return "#" + node.id; if (node.className) return "." + node.className.replace(/\s+/, "."); var nodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if (nodeName === "input" && node.type) return nodeName + "[type=\"" + node.type + "\"]"; return nodeName; } } WebInspector.StylesSidebarPane.prototype.__proto__ = WebInspector.SidebarPane.prototype; WebInspector.StylePropertiesSection = function(styleRule, subtitle, computedStyle, usedProperties, editable) { WebInspector.PropertiesSection.call(this, styleRule.selectorText); this.titleElement.addEventListener("click", function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }, false); this.titleElement.addEventListener("dblclick", this._dblclickSelector.bind(this), false); this.element.addEventListener("dblclick", this._dblclickEmptySpace.bind(this), false); this.styleRule = styleRule; this.rule = this.styleRule.rule; this.computedStyle = computedStyle; this.editable = (editable && !computedStyle); // Prevent editing the user agent and user rules. var isUserAgent = this.styleRule.isUserAgent; var isUser = this.styleRule.isUser; if (isUserAgent || isUser) this.editable = false; this._usedProperties = usedProperties; if (computedStyle) { this.element.addStyleClass("computed-style"); if (Preferences.showInheritedComputedStyleProperties) this.element.addStyleClass("show-inherited"); var showInheritedLabel = document.createElement("label"); var showInheritedInput = document.createElement("input"); showInheritedInput.type = "checkbox"; showInheritedInput.checked = Preferences.showInheritedComputedStyleProperties; var computedStyleSection = this; var showInheritedToggleFunction = function(event) { Preferences.showInheritedComputedStyleProperties = showInheritedInput.checked; if (Preferences.showInheritedComputedStyleProperties) computedStyleSection.element.addStyleClass("show-inherited"); else computedStyleSection.element.removeStyleClass("show-inherited"); event.stopPropagation(); }; showInheritedLabel.addEventListener("click", showInheritedToggleFunction, false); showInheritedLabel.appendChild(showInheritedInput); showInheritedLabel.appendChild(document.createTextNode(WebInspector.UIString("Show inherited"))); this.subtitleElement.appendChild(showInheritedLabel); } else { if (!subtitle) { if (this.styleRule.parentStyleSheet && this.styleRule.parentStyleSheet.href) { var url = this.styleRule.parentStyleSheet.href; subtitle = WebInspector.linkifyURL(url, WebInspector.displayNameForURL(url)); this.subtitleElement.addStyleClass("file"); } else if (isUserAgent) subtitle = WebInspector.UIString("user agent stylesheet"); else if (isUser) subtitle = WebInspector.UIString("user stylesheet"); else if (this.styleRule.parentStyleSheet === WebInspector.panels.elements.stylesheet) subtitle = WebInspector.UIString("via inspector"); else subtitle = WebInspector.UIString("inline stylesheet"); } this.subtitle = subtitle; } this.identifier = styleRule.selectorText; if (this.subtitle) this.identifier += ":" + this.subtitleElement.textContent; } WebInspector.StylePropertiesSection.prototype = { get usedProperties() { return this._usedProperties || {}; }, set usedProperties(x) { this._usedProperties = x; this.update(); }, expand: function(dontRememberState) { if (this._blank) return; WebInspector.PropertiesSection.prototype.expand.call(this); if (dontRememberState) return; if (!Preferences.styleRulesExpandedState) Preferences.styleRulesExpandedState = {}; Preferences.styleRulesExpandedState[this.identifier] = true; }, collapse: function(dontRememberState) { WebInspector.PropertiesSection.prototype.collapse.call(this); if (dontRememberState) return; if (!Preferences.styleRulesExpandedState) Preferences.styleRulesExpandedState = {}; Preferences.styleRulesExpandedState[this.identifier] = false; }, isPropertyInherited: function(property) { if (!this.computedStyle || !this._usedProperties || this.noAffect) return false; // These properties should always show for Computed Style. var alwaysShowComputedProperties = { "display": true, "height": true, "width": true }; return !(property in this.usedProperties) && !(property in alwaysShowComputedProperties) && !(property in this.disabledComputedProperties); }, isPropertyOverloaded: function(property, shorthand) { if (this.computedStyle || !this._usedProperties || this.noAffect) return false; var used = (property in this.usedProperties); if (used || !shorthand) return !used; // Find out if any of the individual longhand properties of the shorthand // are used, if none are then the shorthand is overloaded too. var longhandProperties = this.styleRule.style.getLonghandProperties(property); for (var j = 0; j < longhandProperties.length; ++j) { var individualProperty = longhandProperties[j]; if (individualProperty in this.usedProperties) return false; } return true; }, isInspectorStylesheet: function() { return (this.styleRule.parentStyleSheet === WebInspector.panels.elements.stylesheet); }, update: function(full) { if (full || this.computedStyle) { this.propertiesTreeOutline.removeChildren(); this.populated = false; } else { var child = this.propertiesTreeOutline.children[0]; while (child) { child.overloaded = this.isPropertyOverloaded(child.name, child.shorthand); child = child.traverseNextTreeElement(false, null, true); } } if (this._afterUpdate) { this._afterUpdate(this); delete this._afterUpdate; } }, onpopulate: function() { var style = this.styleRule.style; var foundShorthands = {}; var uniqueProperties = style.uniqueStyleProperties; var disabledProperties = style.__disabledPropertyValues || {}; for (var name in disabledProperties) uniqueProperties.push(name); uniqueProperties.sort(); for (var i = 0; i < uniqueProperties.length; ++i) { var name = uniqueProperties[i]; var disabled = name in disabledProperties; if (!disabled && this.disabledComputedProperties && !(name in this.usedProperties) && name in this.disabledComputedProperties) disabled = true; var shorthand = !disabled ? style.getPropertyShorthand(name) : null; if (shorthand && shorthand in foundShorthands) continue; if (shorthand) { foundShorthands[shorthand] = true; name = shorthand; } var isShorthand = (shorthand ? true : false); var inherited = this.isPropertyInherited(name); var overloaded = this.isPropertyOverloaded(name, isShorthand); var item = new WebInspector.StylePropertyTreeElement(this.styleRule, style, name, isShorthand, inherited, overloaded, disabled); this.propertiesTreeOutline.appendChild(item); } }, findTreeElementWithName: function(name) { var treeElement = this.propertiesTreeOutline.children[0]; while (treeElement) { if (treeElement.name === name) return treeElement; treeElement = treeElement.traverseNextTreeElement(true, null, true); } return null; }, addNewBlankProperty: function() { var item = new WebInspector.StylePropertyTreeElement(this.styleRule, this.styleRule.style, "", false, false, false, false); this.propertiesTreeOutline.appendChild(item); item.listItemElement.textContent = ""; item._newProperty = true; return item; }, _dblclickEmptySpace: function(event) { this.expand(); this.addNewBlankProperty().startEditing(); }, _dblclickSelector: function(event) { if (!this.editable) return; if (!this.rule && this.propertiesTreeOutline.children.length === 0) { this.expand(); this.addNewBlankProperty().startEditing(); return; } if (!this.rule) return; this.startEditingSelector(); event.stopPropagation(); }, startEditingSelector: function() { var element = this.titleElement; if (WebInspector.isBeingEdited(element)) return; var context = this.styleRule.selectorText; WebInspector.startEditing(this.titleElement, this.editingSelectorCommitted.bind(this), this.editingSelectorCancelled.bind(this), context); window.getSelection().setBaseAndExtent(element, 0, element, 1); }, editingSelectorCommitted: function(element, newContent, oldContent, context, moveDirection) { function moveToNextIfNeeded() { if (!moveDirection || moveDirection !== "forward") return; this.expand(); if (this.propertiesTreeOutline.children.length === 0) this.addNewBlankProperty().startEditing(); else { var item = this.propertiesTreeOutline.children[0] item.startEditing(item.valueElement); } } if (newContent === oldContent) return moveToNextIfNeeded.call(this); var self = this; var callback = function(result) { if (!result) { // Invalid Syntax for a Selector self.editingSelectorCancelled(element, context); moveToNextIfNeeded.call(self); return; } var newRulePayload = result[0]; var doesAffectSelectedNode = result[1]; if (!doesAffectSelectedNode) { self.noAffect = true; self.element.addStyleClass("no-affect"); } else { delete self.noAffect; self.element.removeStyleClass("no-affect"); } var newRule = WebInspector.CSSStyleDeclaration.parseRule(newRulePayload); self.rule = newRule; self.styleRule = { section: self, style: newRule.style, selectorText: newRule.selectorText, parentStyleSheet: newRule.parentStyleSheet, rule: newRule }; var oldIdentifier = this.identifier; self.identifier = newRule.selectorText + ":" + self.subtitleElement.textContent; self.pane.update(null, true); WebInspector.panels.elements.renameSelector(oldIdentifier, this.identifier, oldContent, newContent); moveToNextIfNeeded.call(self); }; InspectorController.applyStyleRuleText(this.rule._id, newContent, this.pane.node, callback); }, editingSelectorCancelled: function(element, context) { element.textContent = context; }, _doesSelectorAffectSelectedNode: function(selector) { var selectedNode = this.pane.node; var nodes = selectedNode.ownerDocument.querySelectorAll(selector); for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i) { if (nodes[i] === selectedNode) return true; } return false; } } WebInspector.StylePropertiesSection.prototype.__proto__ = WebInspector.PropertiesSection.prototype; WebInspector.BlankStylePropertiesSection = function() { WebInspector.PropertiesSection.call(this, WebInspector.UIString("Double-Click to Add"), null); this._blank = true; this._dblclickListener = this._dblclick.bind(this); this.element.addStyleClass("blank-section"); this.titleElement.addStyleClass("blank-title"); this.titleElement.addEventListener("click", function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }, false); this.titleElement.addEventListener("dblclick", this._dblclickListener, false); } WebInspector.BlankStylePropertiesSection.prototype = { _dblclick: function(event) { this.startEditing(); }, startEditing: function() { var element = this.titleElement; if (WebInspector.isBeingEdited(element)) return; this.titleElement.textContent = this.pane.appropriateSelectorForNode(); this.titleElement.removeStyleClass("blank-title"); WebInspector.startEditing(this.titleElement, this.editingCommitted.bind(this), this.editingCancelled.bind(this), ""); window.getSelection().setBaseAndExtent(element, 0, element, 1); }, editingCancelled: function() { this.titleElement.textContent = WebInspector.UIString("Double-Click to Add"); this.titleElement.addStyleClass("blank-title"); }, editingCommitted: function(element, newContent, oldContent, context) { var self = this; var callback = function(styleRule) { if (!styleRule) { // Invalid Syntax for a Selector self.editingCancelled(); return; } self.makeNormal(WebInspector.CSSStyleDeclaration.parseRule(styleRule)); if (!self._doesSelectorAffectSelectedNode(newContent)) { self.noAffect = true; self.element.addStyleClass("no-affect"); } self.subtitleElement.textContent = WebInspector.UIString("via inspector"); self.expand(); self.pane.addBlankSection(); self.addNewBlankProperty().startEditing(); }; InspectorController.addStyleSelector(newContent, callback); }, makeNormal: function(styleRule) { this.titleElement.removeEventListener("dblclick", this._dblclickListener, false); this.titleElement.addEventListener("dblclick", this._dblclickSelector.bind(this), false); this.element.addEventListener("dblclick", this._dblclickEmptySpace.bind(this), false); this.element.removeStyleClass("blank-section"); delete this._blank; delete this._dblclick; delete this.startEditing; delete this.editingCancelled; delete this.editingCommitted; delete this._dblclickListener; delete this.makeNormal; this.styleRule = styleRule; this.rule = styleRule.rule; this.computedStyle = false; this.editable = true; this.identifier = styleRule.selectorText + ":inspector"; // leftovers are: this.noAffect if applicable } } WebInspector.BlankStylePropertiesSection.prototype.__proto__ = WebInspector.StylePropertiesSection.prototype; WebInspector.StylePropertyTreeElement = function(styleRule, style, name, shorthand, inherited, overloaded, disabled) { this._styleRule = styleRule; this.style = style; this.name = name; this.shorthand = shorthand; this._inherited = inherited; this._overloaded = overloaded; this._disabled = disabled; // Pass an empty title, the title gets made later in onattach. TreeElement.call(this, "", null, shorthand); } WebInspector.StylePropertyTreeElement.prototype = { get inherited() { return this._inherited; }, set inherited(x) { if (x === this._inherited) return; this._inherited = x; this.updateState(); }, get overloaded() { return this._overloaded; }, set overloaded(x) { if (x === this._overloaded) return; this._overloaded = x; this.updateState(); }, get disabled() { return this._disabled; }, set disabled(x) { if (x === this._disabled) return; this._disabled = x; this.updateState(); }, get priority() { if (this.disabled && this.style.__disabledPropertyPriorities && this.name in this.style.__disabledPropertyPriorities) return this.style.__disabledPropertyPriorities[this.name]; return (this.shorthand ? this.style.getShorthandPriority(this.name) : this.style.getPropertyPriority(this.name)); }, get value() { if (this.disabled && this.style.__disabledPropertyValues && this.name in this.style.__disabledPropertyValues) return this.style.__disabledPropertyValues[this.name]; return (this.shorthand ? this.style.getShorthandValue(this.name) : this.style.getPropertyValue(this.name)); }, onattach: function() { this.updateTitle(); }, updateTitle: function() { // "Nicknames" for some common values that are easier to read. var valueNicknames = { "rgb(0, 0, 0)": "black", "#000": "black", "#000000": "black", "rgb(255, 255, 255)": "white", "#fff": "white", "#ffffff": "white", "#FFF": "white", "#FFFFFF": "white", "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)": "transparent", "rgb(255, 0, 0)": "red", "rgb(0, 255, 0)": "lime", "rgb(0, 0, 255)": "blue", "rgb(255, 255, 0)": "yellow", "rgb(255, 0, 255)": "magenta", "rgb(0, 255, 255)": "cyan" }; var priority = this.priority; var value = this.value; var htmlValue = value; if (priority && !priority.length) delete priority; if (priority) priority = "!" + priority; if (value) { var urls = value.match(/url\([^)]+\)/); if (urls) { for (var i = 0; i < urls.length; ++i) { var url = urls[i].substring(4, urls[i].length - 1); htmlValue = htmlValue.replace(urls[i], "url(" + WebInspector.linkifyURL(url) + ")"); } } else { if (value in valueNicknames) htmlValue = valueNicknames[value]; htmlValue = htmlValue.escapeHTML(); } } else htmlValue = value = ""; this.updateState(); var enabledCheckboxElement = document.createElement("input"); enabledCheckboxElement.className = "enabled-button"; enabledCheckboxElement.type = "checkbox"; enabledCheckboxElement.checked = !this.disabled; enabledCheckboxElement.addEventListener("change", this.toggleEnabled.bind(this), false); var nameElement = document.createElement("span"); nameElement.className = "name"; nameElement.textContent = this.name; this.nameElement = nameElement; var valueElement = document.createElement("span"); valueElement.className = "value"; valueElement.innerHTML = htmlValue; this.valueElement = valueElement; if (priority) { var priorityElement = document.createElement("span"); priorityElement.className = "priority"; priorityElement.textContent = priority; } this.listItemElement.removeChildren(); // Append the checkbox for root elements of an editable section. if (this.treeOutline.section && this.treeOutline.section.editable && this.parent.root) this.listItemElement.appendChild(enabledCheckboxElement); this.listItemElement.appendChild(nameElement); this.listItemElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode(": ")); this.listItemElement.appendChild(valueElement); if (priorityElement) { this.listItemElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" ")); this.listItemElement.appendChild(priorityElement); } this.listItemElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode(";")); if (value) { // FIXME: this only covers W3C and CSS 16 valid color names var colors = value.match(/((rgb|hsl)a?\([^)]+\))|(#[0-9a-fA-F]{6})|(#[0-9a-fA-F]{3})|aqua|black|blue|fuchsia|gray|green|lime|maroon|navy|olive|purple|red|silver|teal|white|yellow|transparent/g); var swatch; if (colors) { var colorsLength = colors.length; for (var i = 0; i < colorsLength; ++i) { var swatchElement = document.createElement("span"); swatchElement.className = "swatch"; swatchElement.style.setProperty("background-color", colors[i]); this.listItemElement.appendChild(swatchElement); swatch = swatchElement; } } // Rotate through Color Representations by Clicking on the Swatch // Simple: rgb -> hsl -> nickname? -> shorthex? -> hex -> ... // Advanced: rgba -> hsla -> nickname? -> ... if (colors && colors.length === 1) { var color = new WebInspector.Color(htmlValue); swatch.addEventListener("click", changeColorDisplay, false); swatch.addEventListener("dblclick", function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); }, false); var mode = color.mode; var valueElement = this.valueElement; function changeColorDisplay(event) { function changeTo(newMode, content) { mode = newMode; valueElement.textContent = content; } switch (mode) { case "rgb": changeTo("hsl", color.toHsl()); break; case "shorthex": changeTo("hex", color.toHex()); break; case "hex": changeTo("rgb", color.toRgb()); break; case "nickname": if (color.simple) { if (color.hasShortHex()) changeTo("shorthex", color.toShortHex()); else changeTo("hex", color.toHex()); } else changeTo("rgba", color.toRgba()); break; case "hsl": if (color.nickname) changeTo("nickname", color.toNickname()); else if (color.hasShortHex()) changeTo("shorthex", color.toShortHex()); else changeTo("hex", color.toHex()); break; case "rgba": changeTo("hsla", color.toHsla()); break; case "hsla": if (color.nickname) changeTo("nickname", color.toNickname()); else changeTo("rgba", color.toRgba()); break; } } } } this.tooltip = this.name + ": " + (valueNicknames[value] || value) + (priority ? " " + priority : ""); }, updateAll: function(updateAllRules) { if (updateAllRules && this.treeOutline.section && this.treeOutline.section.pane) this.treeOutline.section.pane.update(null, this.treeOutline.section); else if (this.treeOutline.section) this.treeOutline.section.update(true); else this.updateTitle(); // FIXME: this will not show new properties. But we don't hit his case yet. }, toggleEnabled: function(event) { var disabled = !event.target.checked; var self = this; var callback = function(newPayload) { if (!newPayload) return; self.style = WebInspector.CSSStyleDeclaration.parseStyle(newPayload); self._styleRule.style = self.style; // Set the disabled property here, since the code above replies on it not changing // until after the value and priority are retrieved. self.disabled = disabled; if (self.treeOutline.section && self.treeOutline.section.pane) self.treeOutline.section.pane.dispatchEventToListeners("style property toggled"); self.updateAll(true); }; InspectorController.toggleStyleEnabled(this.style._id, this.name, disabled, callback); }, updateState: function() { if (!this.listItemElement) return; if (this.style.isPropertyImplicit(this.name) || this.value === "initial") this.listItemElement.addStyleClass("implicit"); else this.listItemElement.removeStyleClass("implicit"); if (this.inherited) this.listItemElement.addStyleClass("inherited"); else this.listItemElement.removeStyleClass("inherited"); if (this.overloaded) this.listItemElement.addStyleClass("overloaded"); else this.listItemElement.removeStyleClass("overloaded"); if (this.disabled) this.listItemElement.addStyleClass("disabled"); else this.listItemElement.removeStyleClass("disabled"); }, onpopulate: function() { // Only populate once and if this property is a shorthand. if (this.children.length || !this.shorthand) return; var longhandProperties = this.style.getLonghandProperties(this.name); for (var i = 0; i < longhandProperties.length; ++i) { var name = longhandProperties[i]; if (this.treeOutline.section) { var inherited = this.treeOutline.section.isPropertyInherited(name); var overloaded = this.treeOutline.section.isPropertyOverloaded(name); } var item = new WebInspector.StylePropertyTreeElement(this._styleRule, this.style, name, false, inherited, overloaded); this.appendChild(item); } }, ondblclick: function(element, event) { this.startEditing(event.target); event.stopPropagation(); }, startEditing: function(selectElement) { // FIXME: we don't allow editing of longhand properties under a shorthand right now. if (this.parent.shorthand) return; if (WebInspector.isBeingEdited(this.listItemElement) || (this.treeOutline.section && !this.treeOutline.section.editable)) return; var context = { expanded: this.expanded, hasChildren: this.hasChildren }; // Lie about our children to prevent expanding on double click and to collapse shorthands. this.hasChildren = false; if (!selectElement) selectElement = this.listItemElement; this.listItemElement.handleKeyEvent = this.editingKeyDown.bind(this); WebInspector.startEditing(this.listItemElement, this.editingCommitted.bind(this), this.editingCancelled.bind(this), context); window.getSelection().setBaseAndExtent(selectElement, 0, selectElement, 1); }, editingKeyDown: function(event) { var arrowKeyPressed = (event.keyIdentifier === "Up" || event.keyIdentifier === "Down"); var pageKeyPressed = (event.keyIdentifier === "PageUp" || event.keyIdentifier === "PageDown"); if (!arrowKeyPressed && !pageKeyPressed) return; var selection = window.getSelection(); if (!selection.rangeCount) return; var selectionRange = selection.getRangeAt(0); if (selectionRange.commonAncestorContainer !== this.listItemElement && !selectionRange.commonAncestorContainer.isDescendant(this.listItemElement)) return; const styleValueDelimeters = " \t\n\"':;,/()"; var wordRange = selectionRange.startContainer.rangeOfWord(selectionRange.startOffset, styleValueDelimeters, this.listItemElement); var wordString = wordRange.toString(); var replacementString = wordString; var matches = /(.*?)(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)(.*)/.exec(wordString); if (matches && matches.length) { var prefix = matches[1]; var number = parseFloat(matches[2]); var suffix = matches[3]; // If the number is near zero or the number is one and the direction will take it near zero. var numberNearZero = (number < 1 && number > -1); if (number === 1 && event.keyIdentifier === "Down") numberNearZero = true; else if (number === -1 && event.keyIdentifier === "Up") numberNearZero = true; if (numberNearZero && event.altKey && arrowKeyPressed) { if (event.keyIdentifier === "Down") number = Math.ceil(number - 1); else number = Math.floor(number + 1); } else { // Jump by 10 when shift is down or jump by 0.1 when near zero or Alt/Option is down. // Also jump by 10 for page up and down, or by 100 if shift is held with a page key. var changeAmount = 1; if (event.shiftKey && pageKeyPressed) changeAmount = 100; else if (event.shiftKey || pageKeyPressed) changeAmount = 10; else if (event.altKey || numberNearZero) changeAmount = 0.1; if (event.keyIdentifier === "Down" || event.keyIdentifier === "PageDown") changeAmount *= -1; // Make the new number and constrain it to a precision of 6, this matches numbers the engine returns. // Use the Number constructor to forget the fixed precision, so 1.100000 will print as 1.1. number = Number((number + changeAmount).toFixed(6)); } replacementString = prefix + number + suffix; } else { // FIXME: this should cycle through known keywords for the current property name. return; } var replacementTextNode = document.createTextNode(replacementString); wordRange.deleteContents(); wordRange.insertNode(replacementTextNode); var finalSelectionRange = document.createRange(); finalSelectionRange.setStart(replacementTextNode, 0); finalSelectionRange.setEnd(replacementTextNode, replacementString.length); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(finalSelectionRange); event.preventDefault(); event.handled = true; if (!this.originalCSSText) { // Remember the rule's original CSS text, so it can be restored // if the editing is canceled and before each apply. this.originalCSSText = this.style.styleTextWithShorthands(); } else { // Restore the original CSS text before applying user changes. This is needed to prevent // new properties from sticking around if the user adds one, then removes it. InspectorController.setStyleText(this.style, this.originalCSSText); } this.applyStyleText(this.listItemElement.textContent); }, editingEnded: function(context) { this.hasChildren = context.hasChildren; if (context.expanded) this.expand(); delete this.listItemElement.handleKeyEvent; delete this.originalCSSText; }, editingCancelled: function(element, context) { if (this._newProperty) this.treeOutline.removeChild(this); else if (this.originalCSSText) { InspectorController.setStyleText(this.style, this.originalCSSText); if (this.treeOutline.section && this.treeOutline.section.pane) this.treeOutline.section.pane.dispatchEventToListeners("style edited"); this.updateAll(); } else this.updateTitle(); this.editingEnded(context); }, editingCommitted: function(element, userInput, previousContent, context, moveDirection) { this.editingEnded(context); // Determine where to move to before making changes var newProperty, moveToPropertyName, moveToSelector; var moveTo = (moveDirection === "forward" ? this.nextSibling : this.previousSibling); if (moveTo) moveToPropertyName = moveTo.name; else if (moveDirection === "forward") newProperty = true; else if (moveDirection === "backward" && this.treeOutline.section.rule) moveToSelector = true; // Make the Changes and trigger the moveToNextCallback after updating var blankInput = /^\s*$/.test(userInput); if (userInput !== previousContent || (this._newProperty && blankInput)) { // only if something changed, or adding a new style and it was blank this.treeOutline.section._afterUpdate = moveToNextCallback.bind(this, this._newProperty, !blankInput); this.applyStyleText(userInput, true); } else moveToNextCallback(this._newProperty, false, this.treeOutline.section, false); // The Callback to start editing the next property function moveToNextCallback(alreadyNew, valueChanged, section) { if (!moveDirection) return; // User just tabbed through without changes if (moveTo && moveTo.parent) { moveTo.startEditing(moveTo.valueElement); return; } // User has made a change then tabbed, wiping all the original treeElements, // recalculate the new treeElement for the same property we were going to edit next if (moveTo && !moveTo.parent) { var treeElement = section.findTreeElementWithName(moveToPropertyName); if (treeElement) treeElement.startEditing(treeElement.valueElement); return; } // Create a new attribute in this section if (newProperty) { if (alreadyNew && !valueChanged) return; var item = section.addNewBlankProperty(); item.startEditing(); return; } if (moveToSelector) section.startEditingSelector(); } }, applyStyleText: function(styleText, updateInterface) { var section = this.treeOutline.section; var elementsPanel = WebInspector.panels.elements; var styleTextLength = styleText.trimWhitespace().length; if (!styleTextLength) { if (updateInterface) { // The user deleted everything, so remove the tree element and update. if (!this._newProperty) delete section._afterUpdate; if (section && section.pane) section.pane.update(); this.parent.removeChild(this); elementsPanel.removeStyleChange(section.identifier, this.style, this.name); } return; } var self = this; var callback = function(result) { if (!result) { // The user typed something, but it didn't parse. Just abort and restore // the original title for this property. If this was a new attribute and // we couldn't parse, then just remove it. if (self._newProperty) { self.parent.removeChild(self); return; } if (updateInterface) self.updateTitle(); return; } var newPayload = result[0]; var changedProperties = result[1]; elementsPanel.removeStyleChange(section.identifier, self.style, self.name); self.style = WebInspector.CSSStyleDeclaration.parseStyle(newPayload); for (var i = 0; i < changedProperties.length; ++i) elementsPanel.addStyleChange(section.identifier, self.style, changedProperties[i]); self._styleRule.style = self.style; if (section && section.pane) section.pane.dispatchEventToListeners("style edited"); if (updateInterface) self.updateAll(true); if (!self.rule) WebInspector.panels.elements.treeOutline.update(); }; InspectorController.applyStyleText(this.style._id, styleText.trimWhitespace(), this.name, callback); } } WebInspector.StylePropertyTreeElement.prototype.__proto__ = TreeElement.prototype;