/* * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef DocumentLoader_h #define DocumentLoader_h #include "NavigationAction.h" #include "ResourceError.h" #include "ResourceRequest.h" #include "ResourceResponse.h" #include "SubstituteData.h" #include "Timer.h" namespace WebCore { class ApplicationCacheHost; #if ENABLE(ARCHIVE) // ANDROID extension: disabled to reduce code size class Archive; class ArchiveResource; class ArchiveResourceCollection; #endif class CachedPage; class Frame; class FrameLoader; class MainResourceLoader; class ResourceLoader; class SchedulePair; class SharedBuffer; class SubstituteResource; typedef HashSet<RefPtr<ResourceLoader> > ResourceLoaderSet; typedef Vector<ResourceResponse> ResponseVector; class DocumentLoader : public RefCounted<DocumentLoader> { public: static PassRefPtr<DocumentLoader> create(const ResourceRequest& request, const SubstituteData& data) { return adoptRef(new DocumentLoader(request, data)); } virtual ~DocumentLoader(); void setFrame(Frame*); Frame* frame() const { return m_frame; } virtual void attachToFrame(); virtual void detachFromFrame(); FrameLoader* frameLoader() const; MainResourceLoader* mainResourceLoader() const { return m_mainResourceLoader.get(); } PassRefPtr<SharedBuffer> mainResourceData() const; const ResourceRequest& originalRequest() const; const ResourceRequest& originalRequestCopy() const; const ResourceRequest& request() const; ResourceRequest& request(); void setRequest(const ResourceRequest&); const SubstituteData& substituteData() const { return m_substituteData; } const KURL& url() const; const KURL& unreachableURL() const; const KURL& originalURL() const; const KURL& requestURL() const; const KURL& responseURL() const; const String& responseMIMEType() const; void replaceRequestURLForAnchorScroll(const KURL&); bool isStopping() const { return m_isStopping; } void stopLoading(DatabasePolicy = DatabasePolicyStop); void setCommitted(bool committed) { m_committed = committed; } bool isCommitted() const { return m_committed; } bool isLoading() const { return m_loading; } void setLoading(bool loading) { m_loading = loading; } void updateLoading(); void receivedData(const char*, int); void setupForReplaceByMIMEType(const String& newMIMEType); void finishedLoading(); const ResourceResponse& response() const { return m_response; } const ResourceError& mainDocumentError() const { return m_mainDocumentError; } void mainReceivedError(const ResourceError&, bool isComplete); void setResponse(const ResourceResponse& response) { m_response = response; } void prepareForLoadStart(); bool isClientRedirect() const { return m_isClientRedirect; } void setIsClientRedirect(bool isClientRedirect) { m_isClientRedirect = isClientRedirect; } bool isLoadingInAPISense() const; void setPrimaryLoadComplete(bool); void setTitle(const String&); const String& overrideEncoding() const { return m_overrideEncoding; } #if PLATFORM(MAC) void schedule(SchedulePair*); void unschedule(SchedulePair*); #endif #if ENABLE(ARCHIVE) // ANDROID extension: disabled to reduce code size void addAllArchiveResources(Archive*); void addArchiveResource(PassRefPtr<ArchiveResource>); // Return an ArchiveResource for the URL, either creating from live data or // pulling from the ArchiveResourceCollection PassRefPtr<ArchiveResource> subresource(const KURL&) const; // Return the ArchiveResource for the URL only when loading an Archive ArchiveResource* archiveResourceForURL(const KURL&) const; PassRefPtr<Archive> popArchiveForSubframe(const String& frameName); void clearArchiveResources(); void setParsedArchiveData(PassRefPtr<SharedBuffer>); SharedBuffer* parsedArchiveData() const; PassRefPtr<ArchiveResource> mainResource() const; void getSubresources(Vector<PassRefPtr<ArchiveResource> >&) const; bool scheduleArchiveLoad(ResourceLoader*, const ResourceRequest&, const KURL&); #endif #ifndef NDEBUG bool isSubstituteLoadPending(ResourceLoader*) const; #endif void cancelPendingSubstituteLoad(ResourceLoader*); void addResponse(const ResourceResponse&); const ResponseVector& responses() const { return m_responses; } const NavigationAction& triggeringAction() const { return m_triggeringAction; } void setTriggeringAction(const NavigationAction& action) { m_triggeringAction = action; } void setOverrideEncoding(const String& encoding) { m_overrideEncoding = encoding; } void setLastCheckedRequest(const ResourceRequest& request) { m_lastCheckedRequest = request; } const ResourceRequest& lastCheckedRequest() { return m_lastCheckedRequest; } void stopRecordingResponses(); const String& title() const { return m_pageTitle; } KURL urlForHistory() const; bool urlForHistoryReflectsFailure() const; // These accessors accomodate WebCore's somewhat fickle custom of creating history // items for redirects, but only sometimes. For "source" and "destination", // these accessors return the URL that would have been used if a history // item were created. This allows WebKit to link history items reflecting // redirects into a chain from start to finish. String clientRedirectSourceForHistory() const { return m_clientRedirectSourceForHistory; } // null if no client redirect occurred. String clientRedirectDestinationForHistory() const { return urlForHistory(); } void setClientRedirectSourceForHistory(const String& clientedirectSourceForHistory) { m_clientRedirectSourceForHistory = clientedirectSourceForHistory; } String serverRedirectSourceForHistory() const { return urlForHistory() == url() ? String() : urlForHistory(); } // null if no server redirect occurred. String serverRedirectDestinationForHistory() const { return url(); } bool didCreateGlobalHistoryEntry() const { return m_didCreateGlobalHistoryEntry; } void setDidCreateGlobalHistoryEntry(bool didCreateGlobalHistoryEntry) { m_didCreateGlobalHistoryEntry = didCreateGlobalHistoryEntry; } void loadFromCachedPage(PassRefPtr<CachedPage>); void setLoadingFromCachedPage(bool loading) { m_loadingFromCachedPage = loading; } bool isLoadingFromCachedPage() const { return m_loadingFromCachedPage; } void setDefersLoading(bool); bool startLoadingMainResource(unsigned long identifier); void cancelMainResourceLoad(const ResourceError&); void iconLoadDecisionAvailable(); bool isLoadingMainResource() const; bool isLoadingSubresources() const; bool isLoadingPlugIns() const; bool isLoadingMultipartContent() const; void stopLoadingPlugIns(); void stopLoadingSubresources(); void addSubresourceLoader(ResourceLoader*); void removeSubresourceLoader(ResourceLoader*); void addPlugInStreamLoader(ResourceLoader*); void removePlugInStreamLoader(ResourceLoader*); void subresourceLoaderFinishedLoadingOnePart(ResourceLoader*); void setDeferMainResourceDataLoad(bool defer) { m_deferMainResourceDataLoad = defer; } bool deferMainResourceDataLoad() const { return m_deferMainResourceDataLoad; } void didTellClientAboutLoad(const String& url) { m_resourcesClientKnowsAbout.add(url); } bool haveToldClientAboutLoad(const String& url) { return m_resourcesClientKnowsAbout.contains(url); } void recordMemoryCacheLoadForFutureClientNotification(const String& url); void takeMemoryCacheLoadsForClientNotification(Vector<String>& loads); #if ENABLE(OFFLINE_WEB_APPLICATIONS) ApplicationCacheHost* applicationCacheHost() const { return m_applicationCacheHost.get(); } #endif protected: DocumentLoader(const ResourceRequest&, const SubstituteData&); bool m_deferMainResourceDataLoad; private: void setupForReplace(); void commitIfReady(); void clearErrors(); void setMainDocumentError(const ResourceError&); void commitLoad(const char*, int); bool doesProgressiveLoad(const String& MIMEType) const; void deliverSubstituteResourcesAfterDelay(); void substituteResourceDeliveryTimerFired(Timer<DocumentLoader>*); Frame* m_frame; RefPtr<MainResourceLoader> m_mainResourceLoader; ResourceLoaderSet m_subresourceLoaders; ResourceLoaderSet m_multipartSubresourceLoaders; ResourceLoaderSet m_plugInStreamLoaders; RefPtr<SharedBuffer> m_mainResourceData; // A reference to actual request used to create the data source. // This should only be used by the resourceLoadDelegate's // identifierForInitialRequest:fromDatasource: method. It is // not guaranteed to remain unchanged, as requests are mutable. ResourceRequest m_originalRequest; SubstituteData m_substituteData; // A copy of the original request used to create the data source. // We have to copy the request because requests are mutable. ResourceRequest m_originalRequestCopy; // The 'working' request. It may be mutated // several times from the original request to include additional // headers, cookie information, canonicalization and redirects. ResourceRequest m_request; ResourceResponse m_response; ResourceError m_mainDocumentError; bool m_committed; bool m_isStopping; bool m_loading; bool m_gotFirstByte; bool m_primaryLoadComplete; bool m_isClientRedirect; bool m_loadingFromCachedPage; String m_pageTitle; String m_overrideEncoding; // The action that triggered loading - we keep this around for the // benefit of the various policy handlers. NavigationAction m_triggeringAction; // The last request that we checked click policy for - kept around // so we can avoid asking again needlessly. ResourceRequest m_lastCheckedRequest; // We retain all the received responses so we can play back the // WebResourceLoadDelegate messages if the item is loaded from the // page cache. ResponseVector m_responses; bool m_stopRecordingResponses; typedef HashMap<RefPtr<ResourceLoader>, RefPtr<SubstituteResource> > SubstituteResourceMap; SubstituteResourceMap m_pendingSubstituteResources; Timer<DocumentLoader> m_substituteResourceDeliveryTimer; #if ENABLE(ARCHIVE) // ANDROID extension: disabled to reduce code size OwnPtr<ArchiveResourceCollection> m_archiveResourceCollection; RefPtr<SharedBuffer> m_parsedArchiveData; #endif HashSet<String> m_resourcesClientKnowsAbout; Vector<String> m_resourcesLoadedFromMemoryCacheForClientNotification; String m_clientRedirectSourceForHistory; bool m_didCreateGlobalHistoryEntry; #if ENABLE(OFFLINE_WEB_APPLICATIONS) friend class ApplicationCacheHost; // for substitute resource delivery OwnPtr<ApplicationCacheHost> m_applicationCacheHost; #endif }; inline void DocumentLoader::recordMemoryCacheLoadForFutureClientNotification(const String& url) { m_resourcesLoadedFromMemoryCacheForClientNotification.append(url); } inline void DocumentLoader::takeMemoryCacheLoadsForClientNotification(Vector<String>& loadsSet) { loadsSet.swap(m_resourcesLoadedFromMemoryCacheForClientNotification); m_resourcesLoadedFromMemoryCacheForClientNotification.clear(); } } #endif // DocumentLoader_h