/* * Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "AnimationController.h" #include "AnimationBase.h" #include "AnimationControllerPrivate.h" #include "CSSParser.h" #include "CompositeAnimation.h" #include "EventNames.h" #include "Frame.h" #include "RenderView.h" #include <wtf/CurrentTime.h> #include <wtf/UnusedParam.h> namespace WebCore { static const double cAnimationTimerDelay = 0.025; static const double cBeginAnimationUpdateTimeNotSet = -1; AnimationControllerPrivate::AnimationControllerPrivate(Frame* frame) : m_animationTimer(this, &AnimationControllerPrivate::animationTimerFired) , m_updateStyleIfNeededDispatcher(this, &AnimationControllerPrivate::updateStyleIfNeededDispatcherFired) , m_frame(frame) , m_beginAnimationUpdateTime(cBeginAnimationUpdateTimeNotSet) , m_styleAvailableWaiters(0) , m_lastStyleAvailableWaiter(0) , m_responseWaiters(0) , m_lastResponseWaiter(0) , m_waitingForAResponse(false) { } AnimationControllerPrivate::~AnimationControllerPrivate() { } PassRefPtr<CompositeAnimation> AnimationControllerPrivate::accessCompositeAnimation(RenderObject* renderer) { RefPtr<CompositeAnimation> animation = m_compositeAnimations.get(renderer); if (!animation) { animation = CompositeAnimation::create(this); m_compositeAnimations.set(renderer, animation); } return animation; } bool AnimationControllerPrivate::clear(RenderObject* renderer) { // Return false if we didn't do anything OR we are suspended (so we don't try to // do a setNeedsStyleRecalc() when suspended). PassRefPtr<CompositeAnimation> animation = m_compositeAnimations.take(renderer); if (!animation) return false; animation->clearRenderer(); return animation->isSuspended(); } void AnimationControllerPrivate::updateAnimationTimer(bool callSetChanged/* = false*/) { double needsService = -1; bool calledSetChanged = false; RenderObjectAnimationMap::const_iterator animationsEnd = m_compositeAnimations.end(); for (RenderObjectAnimationMap::const_iterator it = m_compositeAnimations.begin(); it != animationsEnd; ++it) { CompositeAnimation* compAnim = it->second.get(); if (!compAnim->isSuspended() && compAnim->hasAnimations()) { double t = compAnim->timeToNextService(); if (t != -1 && (t < needsService || needsService == -1)) needsService = t; if (needsService == 0) { if (callSetChanged) { Node* node = it->first->node(); ASSERT(!node || (node->document() && !node->document()->inPageCache())); node->setNeedsStyleRecalc(AnimationStyleChange); calledSetChanged = true; } else break; } } } if (calledSetChanged) m_frame->document()->updateStyleIfNeeded(); // If we want service immediately, we start a repeating timer to reduce the overhead of starting if (needsService == 0) { if (!m_animationTimer.isActive() || m_animationTimer.repeatInterval() == 0) m_animationTimer.startRepeating(cAnimationTimerDelay); return; } // If we don't need service, we want to make sure the timer is no longer running if (needsService < 0) { if (m_animationTimer.isActive()) m_animationTimer.stop(); return; } // Otherwise, we want to start a one-shot timer so we get here again if (m_animationTimer.isActive()) m_animationTimer.stop(); m_animationTimer.startOneShot(needsService); } void AnimationControllerPrivate::updateStyleIfNeededDispatcherFired(Timer<AnimationControllerPrivate>*) { // fire all the events Vector<EventToDispatch>::const_iterator eventsToDispatchEnd = m_eventsToDispatch.end(); for (Vector<EventToDispatch>::const_iterator it = m_eventsToDispatch.begin(); it != eventsToDispatchEnd; ++it) { if (it->eventType == eventNames().webkitTransitionEndEvent) it->element->dispatchWebKitTransitionEvent(it->eventType, it->name, it->elapsedTime); else it->element->dispatchWebKitAnimationEvent(it->eventType, it->name, it->elapsedTime); } m_eventsToDispatch.clear(); // call setChanged on all the elements Vector<RefPtr<Node> >::const_iterator nodeChangesToDispatchEnd = m_nodeChangesToDispatch.end(); for (Vector<RefPtr<Node> >::const_iterator it = m_nodeChangesToDispatch.begin(); it != nodeChangesToDispatchEnd; ++it) (*it)->setNeedsStyleRecalc(AnimationStyleChange); m_nodeChangesToDispatch.clear(); if (m_frame) m_frame->document()->updateStyleIfNeeded(); } void AnimationControllerPrivate::startUpdateStyleIfNeededDispatcher() { if (!m_updateStyleIfNeededDispatcher.isActive()) m_updateStyleIfNeededDispatcher.startOneShot(0); } void AnimationControllerPrivate::addEventToDispatch(PassRefPtr<Element> element, const AtomicString& eventType, const String& name, double elapsedTime) { m_eventsToDispatch.grow(m_eventsToDispatch.size()+1); EventToDispatch& event = m_eventsToDispatch[m_eventsToDispatch.size()-1]; event.element = element; event.eventType = eventType; event.name = name; event.elapsedTime = elapsedTime; startUpdateStyleIfNeededDispatcher(); } void AnimationControllerPrivate::addNodeChangeToDispatch(PassRefPtr<Node> node) { ASSERT(!node || (node->document() && !node->document()->inPageCache())); if (!node) return; m_nodeChangesToDispatch.append(node); startUpdateStyleIfNeededDispatcher(); } void AnimationControllerPrivate::animationTimerFired(Timer<AnimationControllerPrivate>*) { // Make sure animationUpdateTime is updated, so that it is current even if no // styleChange has happened (e.g. accelerated animations) setBeginAnimationUpdateTime(cBeginAnimationUpdateTimeNotSet); // When the timer fires, all we do is call setChanged on all DOM nodes with running animations and then do an immediate // updateStyleIfNeeded. It will then call back to us with new information. updateAnimationTimer(true); } bool AnimationControllerPrivate::isAnimatingPropertyOnRenderer(RenderObject* renderer, CSSPropertyID property, bool isRunningNow) const { RefPtr<CompositeAnimation> animation = m_compositeAnimations.get(renderer); if (!animation) return false; return animation->isAnimatingProperty(property, isRunningNow); } void AnimationControllerPrivate::suspendAnimations(Document* document) { setBeginAnimationUpdateTime(cBeginAnimationUpdateTimeNotSet); RenderObjectAnimationMap::const_iterator animationsEnd = m_compositeAnimations.end(); for (RenderObjectAnimationMap::const_iterator it = m_compositeAnimations.begin(); it != animationsEnd; ++it) { RenderObject* renderer = it->first; if (renderer->document() == document) { CompositeAnimation* compAnim = it->second.get(); compAnim->suspendAnimations(); } } updateAnimationTimer(); } void AnimationControllerPrivate::resumeAnimations(Document* document) { setBeginAnimationUpdateTime(cBeginAnimationUpdateTimeNotSet); RenderObjectAnimationMap::const_iterator animationsEnd = m_compositeAnimations.end(); for (RenderObjectAnimationMap::const_iterator it = m_compositeAnimations.begin(); it != animationsEnd; ++it) { RenderObject* renderer = it->first; if (renderer->document() == document) { CompositeAnimation* compAnim = it->second.get(); compAnim->resumeAnimations(); } } updateAnimationTimer(); } bool AnimationControllerPrivate::pauseAnimationAtTime(RenderObject* renderer, const String& name, double t) { if (!renderer) return false; RefPtr<CompositeAnimation> compAnim = accessCompositeAnimation(renderer); if (!compAnim) return false; if (compAnim->pauseAnimationAtTime(name, t)) { renderer->node()->setNeedsStyleRecalc(AnimationStyleChange); startUpdateStyleIfNeededDispatcher(); return true; } return false; } bool AnimationControllerPrivate::pauseTransitionAtTime(RenderObject* renderer, const String& property, double t) { if (!renderer) return false; RefPtr<CompositeAnimation> compAnim = accessCompositeAnimation(renderer); if (!compAnim) return false; if (compAnim->pauseTransitionAtTime(cssPropertyID(property), t)) { renderer->node()->setNeedsStyleRecalc(AnimationStyleChange); startUpdateStyleIfNeededDispatcher(); return true; } return false; } double AnimationControllerPrivate::beginAnimationUpdateTime() { if (m_beginAnimationUpdateTime == cBeginAnimationUpdateTimeNotSet) m_beginAnimationUpdateTime = currentTime(); return m_beginAnimationUpdateTime; } PassRefPtr<RenderStyle> AnimationControllerPrivate::getAnimatedStyleForRenderer(RenderObject* renderer) { if (!renderer) return 0; RefPtr<CompositeAnimation> rendererAnimations = m_compositeAnimations.get(renderer); if (!rendererAnimations) return renderer->style(); // Make sure animationUpdateTime is updated, so that it is current even if no // styleChange has happened (e.g. accelerated animations). setBeginAnimationUpdateTime(cBeginAnimationUpdateTimeNotSet); RefPtr<RenderStyle> animatingStyle = rendererAnimations->getAnimatedStyle(); if (!animatingStyle) animatingStyle = renderer->style(); return animatingStyle.release(); } unsigned AnimationControllerPrivate::numberOfActiveAnimations() const { unsigned count = 0; RenderObjectAnimationMap::const_iterator animationsEnd = m_compositeAnimations.end(); for (RenderObjectAnimationMap::const_iterator it = m_compositeAnimations.begin(); it != animationsEnd; ++it) { CompositeAnimation* compAnim = it->second.get(); count += compAnim->numberOfActiveAnimations(); } return count; } void AnimationControllerPrivate::addToStyleAvailableWaitList(AnimationBase* animation) { ASSERT(!animation->next()); if (m_styleAvailableWaiters) m_lastStyleAvailableWaiter->setNext(animation); else m_styleAvailableWaiters = animation; m_lastStyleAvailableWaiter = animation; animation->setNext(0); } void AnimationControllerPrivate::removeFromStyleAvailableWaitList(AnimationBase* animationToRemove) { AnimationBase* prevAnimation = 0; for (AnimationBase* animation = m_styleAvailableWaiters; animation; animation = animation->next()) { if (animation == animationToRemove) { if (prevAnimation) prevAnimation->setNext(animation->next()); else m_styleAvailableWaiters = animation->next(); if (m_lastStyleAvailableWaiter == animation) m_lastStyleAvailableWaiter = prevAnimation; animationToRemove->setNext(0); } } } void AnimationControllerPrivate::styleAvailable() { // Go through list of waiters and send them on their way for (AnimationBase* animation = m_styleAvailableWaiters; animation; ) { AnimationBase* nextAnimation = animation->next(); animation->setNext(0); animation->styleAvailable(); animation = nextAnimation; } m_styleAvailableWaiters = 0; m_lastStyleAvailableWaiter = 0; } void AnimationControllerPrivate::addToStartTimeResponseWaitList(AnimationBase* animation, bool willGetResponse) { // If willGetResponse is true, it means this animation is actually waiting for a response // (which will come in as a call to notifyAnimationStarted()). // In that case we don't need to add it to this list. We just set a waitingForAResponse flag // which says we are waiting for the response. If willGetResponse is false, this animation // is not waiting for a response for itself, but rather for a notifyXXXStarted() call for // another animation to which it will sync. // // When endAnimationUpdate() is called we check to see if the waitingForAResponse flag is // true. If so, we just return and will do our work when the first notifyXXXStarted() call // comes in. If it is false, we will not be getting a notifyXXXStarted() call, so we will // do our work right away. In both cases we call the onAnimationStartResponse() method // on each animation. In the first case we send in the time we got from notifyXXXStarted(). // In the second case, we just pass in the beginAnimationUpdateTime(). // // This will synchronize all software and accelerated animations started in the same // updateStyleIfNeeded cycle. // ASSERT(!animation->next()); if (willGetResponse) m_waitingForAResponse = true; if (m_responseWaiters) m_lastResponseWaiter->setNext(animation); else m_responseWaiters = animation; m_lastResponseWaiter = animation; animation->setNext(0); } void AnimationControllerPrivate::removeFromStartTimeResponseWaitList(AnimationBase* animationToRemove) { AnimationBase* prevAnimation = 0; for (AnimationBase* animation = m_responseWaiters; animation; animation = animation->next()) { if (animation == animationToRemove) { if (prevAnimation) prevAnimation->setNext(animation->next()); else m_responseWaiters = animation->next(); if (m_lastResponseWaiter == animation) m_lastResponseWaiter = prevAnimation; animationToRemove->setNext(0); } prevAnimation = animation; } } void AnimationControllerPrivate::startTimeResponse(double t) { // Go through list of waiters and send them on their way for (AnimationBase* animation = m_responseWaiters; animation; ) { AnimationBase* nextAnimation = animation->next(); animation->setNext(0); animation->onAnimationStartResponse(t); animation = nextAnimation; } m_responseWaiters = 0; m_lastResponseWaiter = 0; } AnimationController::AnimationController(Frame* frame) : m_data(new AnimationControllerPrivate(frame)) { } AnimationController::~AnimationController() { delete m_data; } void AnimationController::cancelAnimations(RenderObject* renderer) { if (!m_data->hasAnimations()) return; if (m_data->clear(renderer)) { Node* node = renderer->node(); ASSERT(!node || (node->document() && !node->document()->inPageCache())); node->setNeedsStyleRecalc(AnimationStyleChange); } } PassRefPtr<RenderStyle> AnimationController::updateAnimations(RenderObject* renderer, RenderStyle* newStyle) { // Don't do anything if we're in the cache if (!renderer->document() || renderer->document()->inPageCache()) return newStyle; RenderStyle* oldStyle = renderer->style(); if ((!oldStyle || (!oldStyle->animations() && !oldStyle->transitions())) && (!newStyle->animations() && !newStyle->transitions())) return newStyle; // Don't run transitions when printing. if (renderer->view()->printing()) return newStyle; // Fetch our current set of implicit animations from a hashtable. We then compare them // against the animations in the style and make sure we're in sync. If destination values // have changed, we reset the animation. We then do a blend to get new values and we return // a new style. ASSERT(renderer->node()); // FIXME: We do not animate generated content yet. RefPtr<CompositeAnimation> rendererAnimations = m_data->accessCompositeAnimation(renderer); RefPtr<RenderStyle> blendedStyle = rendererAnimations->animate(renderer, oldStyle, newStyle); m_data->updateAnimationTimer(); if (blendedStyle != newStyle) { // If the animations/transitions change opacity or transform, we neeed to update // the style to impose the stacking rules. Note that this is also // done in CSSStyleSelector::adjustRenderStyle(). if (blendedStyle->hasAutoZIndex() && (blendedStyle->opacity() < 1.0f || blendedStyle->hasTransform())) blendedStyle->setZIndex(0); } return blendedStyle.release(); } PassRefPtr<RenderStyle> AnimationController::getAnimatedStyleForRenderer(RenderObject* renderer) { return m_data->getAnimatedStyleForRenderer(renderer); } void AnimationController::notifyAnimationStarted(RenderObject*, double startTime) { m_data->receivedStartTimeResponse(startTime); } bool AnimationController::pauseAnimationAtTime(RenderObject* renderer, const String& name, double t) { return m_data->pauseAnimationAtTime(renderer, name, t); } unsigned AnimationController::numberOfActiveAnimations() const { return m_data->numberOfActiveAnimations(); } bool AnimationController::pauseTransitionAtTime(RenderObject* renderer, const String& property, double t) { return m_data->pauseTransitionAtTime(renderer, property, t); } bool AnimationController::isAnimatingPropertyOnRenderer(RenderObject* renderer, CSSPropertyID property, bool isRunningNow) const { return m_data->isAnimatingPropertyOnRenderer(renderer, property, isRunningNow); } void AnimationController::suspendAnimations(Document* document) { m_data->suspendAnimations(document); } void AnimationController::resumeAnimations(Document* document) { m_data->resumeAnimations(document); } void AnimationController::beginAnimationUpdate() { m_data->setBeginAnimationUpdateTime(cBeginAnimationUpdateTimeNotSet); } void AnimationController::endAnimationUpdate() { m_data->endAnimationUpdate(); } bool AnimationController::supportsAcceleratedAnimationOfProperty(CSSPropertyID property) { #if USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) return AnimationBase::animationOfPropertyIsAccelerated(property); #else UNUSED_PARAM(property); return false; #endif } } // namespace WebCore