/* * Copyright (C) 2008 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "ScrollbarThemeSafari.h" #if USE(SAFARI_THEME) #include "GraphicsContext.h" #include "IntRect.h" #include "Page.h" #include "PlatformMouseEvent.h" #include "Scrollbar.h" #include "ScrollbarClient.h" #include "ScrollbarThemeWin.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "SoftLinking.h" #include <CoreGraphics/CoreGraphics.h> // If you have an empty placeholder SafariThemeConstants.h, then include SafariTheme.h // This is a workaround until a version of WebKitSupportLibrary is released with an updated SafariThemeConstants.h #include <SafariTheme/SafariThemeConstants.h> #ifndef SafariThemeConstants_h #include <SafariTheme/SafariTheme.h> #endif // FIXME: There are repainting problems due to Aqua scroll bar buttons' visual overflow. using namespace std; namespace WebCore { using namespace SafariTheme; ScrollbarTheme* ScrollbarTheme::nativeTheme() { static ScrollbarThemeSafari safariTheme; static ScrollbarThemeWin windowsTheme; if (Settings::shouldPaintNativeControls()) return &windowsTheme; return &safariTheme; } // FIXME: Get these numbers from CoreUI. static int cScrollbarThickness[] = { 15, 11 }; static int cRealButtonLength[] = { 28, 21 }; static int cButtonInset[] = { 14, 11 }; static int cButtonHitInset[] = { 3, 2 }; // cRealButtonLength - cButtonInset static int cButtonLength[] = { 14, 10 }; static int cThumbMinLength[] = { 26, 20 }; #if !defined(NDEBUG) && defined(USE_DEBUG_SAFARI_THEME) SOFT_LINK_DEBUG_LIBRARY(SafariTheme) #else SOFT_LINK_LIBRARY(SafariTheme) #endif SOFT_LINK(SafariTheme, paintThemePart, void, __stdcall, (ThemePart part, CGContextRef context, const CGRect& rect, NSControlSize size, ThemeControlState state), (part, context, rect, size, state)) static ScrollbarControlState scrollbarControlStateFromThemeState(ThemeControlState state) { ScrollbarControlState s = 0; if (state & ActiveState) s |= ActiveScrollbarState; if (state & EnabledState) s |= EnabledScrollbarState; if (state & PressedState) s |= PressedScrollbarState; return s; } ScrollbarThemeSafari::~ScrollbarThemeSafari() { } int ScrollbarThemeSafari::scrollbarThickness(ScrollbarControlSize controlSize) { return cScrollbarThickness[controlSize]; } bool ScrollbarThemeSafari::hasButtons(Scrollbar* scrollbar) { return scrollbar->enabled() && (scrollbar->orientation() == HorizontalScrollbar ? scrollbar->width() : scrollbar->height()) >= 2 * (cRealButtonLength[scrollbar->controlSize()] - cButtonHitInset[scrollbar->controlSize()]); } bool ScrollbarThemeSafari::hasThumb(Scrollbar* scrollbar) { return scrollbar->enabled() && (scrollbar->orientation() == HorizontalScrollbar ? scrollbar->width() : scrollbar->height()) >= 2 * cButtonInset[scrollbar->controlSize()] + cThumbMinLength[scrollbar->controlSize()] + 1; } static IntRect buttonRepaintRect(const IntRect& buttonRect, ScrollbarOrientation orientation, ScrollbarControlSize controlSize, bool start) { IntRect paintRect(buttonRect); if (orientation == HorizontalScrollbar) { paintRect.setWidth(cRealButtonLength[controlSize]); if (!start) paintRect.setX(buttonRect.x() - (cRealButtonLength[controlSize] - buttonRect.width())); } else { paintRect.setHeight(cRealButtonLength[controlSize]); if (!start) paintRect.setY(buttonRect.y() - (cRealButtonLength[controlSize] - buttonRect.height())); } return paintRect; } IntRect ScrollbarThemeSafari::backButtonRect(Scrollbar* scrollbar, ScrollbarPart part, bool painting) { IntRect result; // Windows just has single arrows. if (part == BackButtonEndPart) return result; int thickness = scrollbarThickness(scrollbar->controlSize()); if (scrollbar->orientation() == HorizontalScrollbar) result = IntRect(scrollbar->x(), scrollbar->y(), cButtonLength[scrollbar->controlSize()], thickness); else result = IntRect(scrollbar->x(), scrollbar->y(), thickness, cButtonLength[scrollbar->controlSize()]); if (painting) return buttonRepaintRect(result, scrollbar->orientation(), scrollbar->controlSize(), true); return result; } IntRect ScrollbarThemeSafari::forwardButtonRect(Scrollbar* scrollbar, ScrollbarPart part, bool painting) { IntRect result; // Windows just has single arrows. if (part == ForwardButtonStartPart) return result; int thickness = scrollbarThickness(scrollbar->controlSize()); if (scrollbar->orientation() == HorizontalScrollbar) result = IntRect(scrollbar->x() + scrollbar->width() - cButtonLength[scrollbar->controlSize()], scrollbar->y(), cButtonLength[scrollbar->controlSize()], thickness); else result = IntRect(scrollbar->x(), scrollbar->y() + scrollbar->height() - cButtonLength[scrollbar->controlSize()], thickness, cButtonLength[scrollbar->controlSize()]); if (painting) return buttonRepaintRect(result, scrollbar->orientation(), scrollbar->controlSize(), false); return result; } static IntRect trackRepaintRect(const IntRect& trackRect, ScrollbarOrientation orientation, ScrollbarControlSize controlSize) { IntRect paintRect(trackRect); if (orientation == HorizontalScrollbar) paintRect.inflateX(cButtonLength[controlSize]); else paintRect.inflateY(cButtonLength[controlSize]); return paintRect; } IntRect ScrollbarThemeSafari::trackRect(Scrollbar* scrollbar, bool painting) { if (painting || !hasButtons(scrollbar)) return scrollbar->frameRect(); IntRect result; int thickness = scrollbarThickness(scrollbar->controlSize()); if (scrollbar->orientation() == HorizontalScrollbar) return IntRect(scrollbar->x() + cButtonLength[scrollbar->controlSize()], scrollbar->y(), scrollbar->width() - 2 * cButtonLength[scrollbar->controlSize()], thickness); return IntRect(scrollbar->x(), scrollbar->y() + cButtonLength[scrollbar->controlSize()], thickness, scrollbar->height() - 2 * cButtonLength[scrollbar->controlSize()]); } int ScrollbarThemeSafari::minimumThumbLength(Scrollbar* scrollbar) { return cThumbMinLength[scrollbar->controlSize()]; } bool ScrollbarThemeSafari::shouldCenterOnThumb(Scrollbar*, const PlatformMouseEvent& evt) { return evt.shiftKey() && evt.button() == LeftButton; } void ScrollbarThemeSafari::paintTrackBackground(GraphicsContext* graphicsContext, Scrollbar* scrollbar, const IntRect& trackRect) { if (!SafariThemeLibrary()) return; NSControlSize size = scrollbar->controlSize() == SmallScrollbar ? NSSmallControlSize : NSRegularControlSize; ThemeControlState state = 0; if (scrollbar->client()->isActive()) state |= ActiveState; if (hasButtons(scrollbar)) state |= EnabledState; paintThemePart(scrollbar->orientation() == VerticalScrollbar ? VScrollTrackPart : HScrollTrackPart, graphicsContext->platformContext(), trackRect, size, state); } void ScrollbarThemeSafari::paintButton(GraphicsContext* graphicsContext, Scrollbar* scrollbar, const IntRect& buttonRect, ScrollbarPart part) { if (!SafariThemeLibrary()) return; NSControlSize size = scrollbar->controlSize() == SmallScrollbar ? NSSmallControlSize : NSRegularControlSize; ThemeControlState state = 0; if (scrollbar->client()->isActive()) state |= ActiveState; if (hasButtons(scrollbar)) state |= EnabledState; if (scrollbar->pressedPart() == part) state |= PressedState; if (part == BackButtonStartPart) paintThemePart(scrollbar->orientation() == VerticalScrollbar ? ScrollUpArrowPart : ScrollLeftArrowPart, graphicsContext->platformContext(), buttonRect, size, state); else if (part == ForwardButtonEndPart) paintThemePart(scrollbar->orientation() == VerticalScrollbar ? ScrollDownArrowPart : ScrollRightArrowPart, graphicsContext->platformContext(), buttonRect, size, state); } void ScrollbarThemeSafari::paintThumb(GraphicsContext* graphicsContext, Scrollbar* scrollbar, const IntRect& thumbRect) { if (!SafariThemeLibrary()) return; NSControlSize size = scrollbar->controlSize() == SmallScrollbar ? NSSmallControlSize : NSRegularControlSize; ThemeControlState state = 0; if (scrollbar->client()->isActive()) state |= ActiveState; if (hasThumb(scrollbar)) state |= EnabledState; if (scrollbar->pressedPart() == ThumbPart) state |= PressedState; paintThemePart(scrollbar->orientation() == VerticalScrollbar ? VScrollThumbPart : HScrollThumbPart, graphicsContext->platformContext(), thumbRect, size, state); } } #endif