/** * Copyright (C) 2004 Allan Sandfeld Jensen (kde@carewolf.com) * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "config.h" #include "RenderCounter.h" #include "CounterNode.h" #include "Document.h" #include "HTMLNames.h" #include "HTMLOListElement.h" #include "RenderListItem.h" #include "RenderListMarker.h" #include "RenderStyle.h" #include <wtf/StdLibExtras.h> namespace WebCore { using namespace HTMLNames; typedef HashMap<RefPtr<AtomicStringImpl>, CounterNode*> CounterMap; typedef HashMap<const RenderObject*, CounterMap*> CounterMaps; static CounterNode* counter(RenderObject*, const AtomicString& counterName, bool alwaysCreateCounter); static CounterMaps& counterMaps() { DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(CounterMaps, staticCounterMaps, ()); return staticCounterMaps; } static inline RenderObject* previousSiblingOrParent(RenderObject* object) { if (RenderObject* sibling = object->previousSibling()) return sibling; return object->parent(); } static CounterNode* lastDescendant(CounterNode* node) { CounterNode* last = node->lastChild(); if (!last) return 0; while (CounterNode* lastChild = last->lastChild()) last = lastChild; return last; } static CounterNode* previousInPreOrder(CounterNode* node) { CounterNode* previous = node->previousSibling(); if (!previous) return node->parent(); while (CounterNode* lastChild = previous->lastChild()) previous = lastChild; return previous; } static bool planCounter(RenderObject* object, const AtomicString& counterName, bool& isReset, int& value) { ASSERT(object); // Real text nodes don't have their own style so they can't have counters. // We can't even look at their styles or we'll see extra resets and increments! if (object->isText() && !object->isBR()) return false; RenderStyle* style = object->style(); ASSERT(style); if (const CounterDirectiveMap* directivesMap = style->counterDirectives()) { CounterDirectives directives = directivesMap->get(counterName.impl()); if (directives.m_reset) { value = directives.m_resetValue; if (directives.m_increment) value += directives.m_incrementValue; isReset = true; return true; } if (directives.m_increment) { value = directives.m_incrementValue; isReset = false; return true; } } if (counterName == "list-item") { if (object->isListItem()) { if (toRenderListItem(object)->hasExplicitValue()) { value = toRenderListItem(object)->explicitValue(); isReset = true; return true; } value = 1; isReset = false; return true; } if (Node* e = object->node()) { if (e->hasTagName(olTag)) { value = static_cast<HTMLOListElement*>(e)->start(); isReset = true; return true; } if (e->hasTagName(ulTag) || e->hasTagName(menuTag) || e->hasTagName(dirTag)) { value = 0; isReset = true; return true; } } } return false; } static bool findPlaceForCounter(RenderObject* object, const AtomicString& counterName, bool isReset, CounterNode*& parent, CounterNode*& previousSibling) { // Find the appropriate previous sibling for insertion into the parent node // by searching in render tree order for a child of the counter. parent = 0; previousSibling = 0; RenderObject* resetCandidate = isReset ? object->parent() : previousSiblingOrParent(object); RenderObject* prevCounterCandidate = object; CounterNode* candidateCounter = 0; while ((prevCounterCandidate = prevCounterCandidate->previousInPreOrder())) { CounterNode* c = counter(prevCounterCandidate, counterName, false); if (prevCounterCandidate == resetCandidate) { if (!candidateCounter) candidateCounter = c; if (candidateCounter) { if (candidateCounter->isReset()) { parent = candidateCounter; previousSibling = 0; } else { parent = candidateCounter->parent(); previousSibling = candidateCounter; } return true; } resetCandidate = previousSiblingOrParent(resetCandidate); } else if (c) { if (c->isReset()) candidateCounter = 0; else if (!candidateCounter) candidateCounter = c; } } return false; } static CounterNode* counter(RenderObject* object, const AtomicString& counterName, bool alwaysCreateCounter) { ASSERT(object); if (object->m_hasCounterNodeMap) if (CounterMap* nodeMap = counterMaps().get(object)) if (CounterNode* node = nodeMap->get(counterName.impl())) return node; bool isReset = false; int value = 0; if (!planCounter(object, counterName, isReset, value) && !alwaysCreateCounter) return 0; CounterNode* newParent = 0; CounterNode* newPreviousSibling = 0; CounterNode* newNode; if (findPlaceForCounter(object, counterName, isReset, newParent, newPreviousSibling)) { newNode = new CounterNode(object, isReset, value); newParent->insertAfter(newNode, newPreviousSibling); } else { // Make a reset node for counters that aren't inside an existing reset node. newNode = new CounterNode(object, true, value); } CounterMap* nodeMap; if (object->m_hasCounterNodeMap) nodeMap = counterMaps().get(object); else { nodeMap = new CounterMap; counterMaps().set(object, nodeMap); object->m_hasCounterNodeMap = true; } nodeMap->set(counterName.impl(), newNode); return newNode; } RenderCounter::RenderCounter(Document* node, const CounterContent& counter) : RenderText(node, StringImpl::empty()) , m_counter(counter) , m_counterNode(0) { } const char* RenderCounter::renderName() const { return "RenderCounter"; } bool RenderCounter::isCounter() const { return true; } PassRefPtr<StringImpl> RenderCounter::originalText() const { if (!parent()) return 0; if (!m_counterNode) m_counterNode = counter(parent(), m_counter.identifier(), true); CounterNode* child = m_counterNode; int value = child->isReset() ? child->value() : child->countInParent(); String text = listMarkerText(m_counter.listStyle(), value); if (!m_counter.separator().isNull()) { if (!child->isReset()) child = child->parent(); while (CounterNode* parent = child->parent()) { text = listMarkerText(m_counter.listStyle(), child->countInParent()) + m_counter.separator() + text; child = parent; } } return text.impl(); } void RenderCounter::calcPrefWidths(int lead) { setTextInternal(originalText()); RenderText::calcPrefWidths(lead); } void RenderCounter::invalidate() { m_counterNode = 0; setNeedsLayoutAndPrefWidthsRecalc(); } static void destroyCounterNodeChildren(AtomicStringImpl* identifier, CounterNode* node) { CounterNode* previous; for (CounterNode* child = lastDescendant(node); child && child != node; child = previous) { previous = previousInPreOrder(child); child->parent()->removeChild(child); ASSERT(counterMaps().get(child->renderer())->get(identifier) == child); counterMaps().get(child->renderer())->remove(identifier); if (!child->renderer()->documentBeingDestroyed()) { RenderObjectChildList* children = child->renderer()->virtualChildren(); if (children) children->invalidateCounters(child->renderer()); } delete child; } } void RenderCounter::destroyCounterNodes(RenderObject* object) { CounterMaps& maps = counterMaps(); CounterMap* map = maps.get(object); if (!map) return; maps.remove(object); CounterMap::const_iterator end = map->end(); for (CounterMap::const_iterator it = map->begin(); it != end; ++it) { CounterNode* node = it->second; destroyCounterNodeChildren(it->first.get(), node); if (CounterNode* parent = node->parent()) parent->removeChild(node); delete node; } delete map; } } // namespace WebCore