/* * This file is part of the theme implementation for form controls in WebCore. * * Copyright (C) 2005 Apple Computer, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Google, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2009 Kenneth Rohde Christiansen * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #ifndef RenderThemeChromiumMac_h #define RenderThemeChromiumMac_h #import "RenderTheme.h" #import <AppKit/AppKit.h> #import <wtf/HashMap.h> #import <wtf/RetainPtr.h> #ifdef __OBJC__ @class WebCoreRenderThemeNotificationObserver; #else class WebCoreRenderThemeNotificationObserver; #endif namespace WebCore { class RenderStyle; class RenderThemeChromiumMac : public RenderTheme { public: static PassRefPtr<RenderTheme> create(); // A method to obtain the baseline position for a "leaf" control. This will only be used if a baseline // position cannot be determined by examining child content. Checkboxes and radio buttons are examples of // controls that need to do this. virtual int baselinePosition(const RenderObject*) const; // A method asking if the control changes its tint when the window has focus or not. virtual bool controlSupportsTints(const RenderObject*) const; // A general method asking if any control tinting is supported at all. virtual bool supportsControlTints() const { return true; } virtual void adjustRepaintRect(const RenderObject*, IntRect&); virtual bool isControlStyled(const RenderStyle*, const BorderData&, const FillLayer&, const Color& backgroundColor) const; virtual Color platformActiveSelectionBackgroundColor() const; virtual Color platformInactiveSelectionBackgroundColor() const; virtual Color platformActiveListBoxSelectionBackgroundColor() const; virtual Color platformFocusRingColor() const; virtual void platformColorsDidChange(); // System fonts. virtual void systemFont(int cssValueId, FontDescription&) const; virtual int minimumMenuListSize(RenderStyle*) const; virtual void adjustSliderThumbSize(RenderObject*) const; virtual int popupInternalPaddingLeft(RenderStyle*) const; virtual int popupInternalPaddingRight(RenderStyle*) const; virtual int popupInternalPaddingTop(RenderStyle*) const; virtual int popupInternalPaddingBottom(RenderStyle*) const; virtual ScrollbarControlSize scrollbarControlSizeForPart(ControlPart) { return SmallScrollbar; } virtual bool paintCapsLockIndicator(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&); virtual Color systemColor(int cssValueId) const; protected: virtual bool supportsSelectionForegroundColors() const { return false; } // Methods for each appearance value. virtual bool paintCheckbox(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&); virtual void setCheckboxSize(RenderStyle*) const; virtual bool paintRadio(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&); virtual void setRadioSize(RenderStyle*) const; virtual void adjustButtonStyle(CSSStyleSelector*, RenderStyle*, WebCore::Element*) const; virtual bool paintButton(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&); virtual void setButtonSize(RenderStyle*) const; virtual bool paintTextField(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&); virtual void adjustTextFieldStyle(CSSStyleSelector*, RenderStyle*, Element*) const; virtual bool paintTextArea(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&); virtual void adjustTextAreaStyle(CSSStyleSelector*, RenderStyle*, Element*) const; virtual bool paintMenuList(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&); virtual void adjustMenuListStyle(CSSStyleSelector*, RenderStyle*, Element*) const; virtual bool paintMenuListButton(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&); virtual void adjustMenuListButtonStyle(CSSStyleSelector*, RenderStyle*, Element*) const; virtual bool paintSliderTrack(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&); virtual void adjustSliderTrackStyle(CSSStyleSelector*, RenderStyle*, Element*) const; virtual bool paintSliderThumb(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&); virtual void adjustSliderThumbStyle(CSSStyleSelector*, RenderStyle*, Element*) const; virtual bool paintSearchField(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&); virtual void adjustSearchFieldStyle(CSSStyleSelector*, RenderStyle*, Element*) const; virtual void adjustSearchFieldCancelButtonStyle(CSSStyleSelector*, RenderStyle*, Element*) const; virtual bool paintSearchFieldCancelButton(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&); virtual void adjustSearchFieldDecorationStyle(CSSStyleSelector*, RenderStyle*, Element*) const; virtual bool paintSearchFieldDecoration(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&); virtual void adjustSearchFieldResultsDecorationStyle(CSSStyleSelector*, RenderStyle*, Element*) const; virtual bool paintSearchFieldResultsDecoration(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&); virtual void adjustSearchFieldResultsButtonStyle(CSSStyleSelector*, RenderStyle*, Element*) const; virtual bool paintSearchFieldResultsButton(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&); virtual bool paintMediaFullscreenButton(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&); virtual bool paintMediaPlayButton(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&); virtual bool paintMediaMuteButton(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&); virtual bool paintMediaSeekBackButton(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&); virtual bool paintMediaSeekForwardButton(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&); virtual bool paintMediaSliderTrack(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&); virtual bool paintMediaSliderThumb(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&); private: RenderThemeChromiumMac(); virtual ~RenderThemeChromiumMac(); IntRect inflateRect(const IntRect&, const IntSize&, const int* margins, float zoomLevel = 1.0f) const; // Get the control size based off the font. Used by some of the controls (like buttons). NSControlSize controlSizeForFont(RenderStyle*) const; NSControlSize controlSizeForSystemFont(RenderStyle*) const; void setControlSize(NSCell*, const IntSize* sizes, const IntSize& minSize, float zoomLevel = 1.0f); void setSizeFromFont(RenderStyle*, const IntSize* sizes) const; IntSize sizeForFont(RenderStyle*, const IntSize* sizes) const; IntSize sizeForSystemFont(RenderStyle*, const IntSize* sizes) const; void setFontFromControlSize(CSSStyleSelector*, RenderStyle*, NSControlSize) const; void updateCheckedState(NSCell*, const RenderObject*); void updateEnabledState(NSCell*, const RenderObject*); void updateFocusedState(NSCell*, const RenderObject*); void updatePressedState(NSCell*, const RenderObject*); // Helpers for adjusting appearance and for painting const IntSize* checkboxSizes() const; const int* checkboxMargins() const; void setCheckboxCellState(const RenderObject*, const IntRect&); const IntSize* radioSizes() const; const int* radioMargins() const; void setRadioCellState(const RenderObject*, const IntRect&); void setButtonPaddingFromControlSize(RenderStyle*, NSControlSize) const; const IntSize* buttonSizes() const; const int* buttonMargins() const; void setButtonCellState(const RenderObject*, const IntRect&); void setPopupButtonCellState(const RenderObject*, const IntRect&); const IntSize* popupButtonSizes() const; const int* popupButtonMargins() const; const int* popupButtonPadding(NSControlSize) const; void paintMenuListButtonGradients(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&); const IntSize* menuListSizes() const; const IntSize* searchFieldSizes() const; const IntSize* cancelButtonSizes() const; const IntSize* resultsButtonSizes() const; void setSearchCellState(RenderObject*, const IntRect&); void setSearchFieldSize(RenderStyle*) const; NSButtonCell* checkbox() const; NSButtonCell* radio() const; NSButtonCell* button() const; NSPopUpButtonCell* popupButton() const; NSSearchFieldCell* search() const; NSMenu* searchMenuTemplate() const; NSSliderCell* sliderThumbHorizontal() const; NSSliderCell* sliderThumbVertical() const; private: mutable RetainPtr<NSButtonCell> m_checkbox; mutable RetainPtr<NSButtonCell> m_radio; mutable RetainPtr<NSButtonCell> m_button; mutable RetainPtr<NSPopUpButtonCell> m_popupButton; mutable RetainPtr<NSSearchFieldCell> m_search; mutable RetainPtr<NSMenu> m_searchMenuTemplate; mutable RetainPtr<NSSliderCell> m_sliderThumbHorizontal; mutable RetainPtr<NSSliderCell> m_sliderThumbVertical; bool m_isSliderThumbHorizontalPressed; bool m_isSliderThumbVerticalPressed; mutable HashMap<int, RGBA32> m_systemColorCache; RetainPtr<WebCoreRenderThemeNotificationObserver> m_notificationObserver; }; } // namespace WebCore #endif