/* * Copyright (C) 2005, 2007, 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2006 Alexey Proskuryakov (ap@nypop.com) * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #import "WebNSURLExtras.h" #import "WebKitNSStringExtras.h" #import "WebLocalizableStrings.h" #import "WebNSDataExtras.h" #import "WebNSObjectExtras.h" #import "WebSystemInterface.h" #import <Foundation/NSURLRequest.h> #import <WebCore/KURL.h> #import <WebCore/LoaderNSURLExtras.h> #import <WebKitSystemInterface.h> #import <wtf/Assertions.h> #import <unicode/uchar.h> #import <unicode/uidna.h> #import <unicode/uscript.h> using namespace WebCore; using namespace WTF; typedef void (* StringRangeApplierFunction)(NSString *string, NSRange range, void *context); // Needs to be big enough to hold an IDN-encoded name. // For host names bigger than this, we won't do IDN encoding, which is almost certainly OK. #define HOST_NAME_BUFFER_LENGTH 2048 #define URL_BYTES_BUFFER_LENGTH 2048 static pthread_once_t IDNScriptWhiteListFileRead = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT; static uint32_t IDNScriptWhiteList[(USCRIPT_CODE_LIMIT + 31) / 32]; static inline BOOL isLookalikeCharacter(int charCode) { // FIXME: Move this code down into WebCore so it can be shared with other platforms. // This function treats the following as unsafe, lookalike characters: // any non-printable character, any character considered as whitespace that isn't already converted to a space by ICU, // and any ignorable character. // We also considered the characters in Mozilla's blacklist (http://kb.mozillazine.org/Network.IDN.blacklist_chars), // and included all of these characters that ICU can encode. if (!u_isprint(charCode) || u_isUWhiteSpace(charCode) || u_hasBinaryProperty(charCode, UCHAR_DEFAULT_IGNORABLE_CODE_POINT)) return YES; switch (charCode) { case 0x00ED: /* LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE */ case 0x01C3: /* LATIN LETTER RETROFLEX CLICK */ case 0x0251: /* LATIN SMALL LETTER ALPHA */ case 0x0261: /* LATIN SMALL LETTER SCRIPT G */ case 0x0337: /* COMBINING SHORT SOLIDUS OVERLAY */ case 0x0338: /* COMBINING LONG SOLIDUS OVERLAY */ case 0x05B4: /* HEBREW POINT HIRIQ */ case 0x05BC: /* HEBREW POINT DAGESH OR MAPIQ */ case 0x05C3: /* HEBREW PUNCTUATION SOF PASUQ */ case 0x05F4: /* HEBREW PUNCTUATION GERSHAYIM */ case 0x0660: /* ARABIC INDIC DIGIT ZERO */ case 0x06D4: /* ARABIC FULL STOP */ case 0x06F0: /* EXTENDED ARABIC INDIC DIGIT ZERO */ case 0x2027: /* HYPHENATION POINT */ case 0x2039: /* SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK */ case 0x203A: /* SINGLE RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK */ case 0x2044: /* FRACTION SLASH */ case 0x2215: /* DIVISION SLASH */ case 0x2216: /* SET MINUS */ case 0x233F: /* APL FUNCTIONAL SYMBOL SLASH BAR */ case 0x23AE: /* INTEGRAL EXTENSION */ case 0x244A: /* OCR DOUBLE BACKSLASH */ case 0x2571: /* BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DIAGONAL UPPER RIGHT TO LOWER LEFT */ case 0x2572: /* BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DIAGONAL UPPER LEFT TO LOWER RIGHT */ case 0x29F8: /* BIG SOLIDUS */ case 0x29f6: /* SOLIDUS WITH OVERBAR */ case 0x2AFB: /* TRIPLE SOLIDUS BINARY RELATION */ case 0x2AFD: /* DOUBLE SOLIDUS OPERATOR */ case 0x3008: /* LEFT ANGLE BRACKET */ case 0x3014: /* LEFT TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET */ case 0x3015: /* RIGHT TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET */ case 0x3033: /* VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK UPPER HALF */ case 0x3035: /* VERTICAL KANA REPEAT MARK LOWER HALF */ case 0x321D: /* PARENTHESIZED KOREAN CHARACTER OJEON */ case 0x321E: /* PARENTHESIZED KOREAN CHARACTER O HU */ case 0x33DF: /* SQUARE A OVER M */ case 0xFE14: /* PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL SEMICOLON */ case 0xFE15: /* PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL EXCLAMATION MARK */ case 0xFE3F: /* PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL LEFT ANGLE BRACKET */ case 0xFE5D: /* SMALL LEFT TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET */ case 0xFE5E: /* SMALL RIGHT TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET */ return YES; default: return NO; } } static char hexDigit(int i) { if (i < 0 || i > 16) { LOG_ERROR("illegal hex digit"); return '0'; } int h = i; if (h >= 10) { h = h - 10 + 'A'; } else { h += '0'; } return h; } static BOOL isHexDigit(char c) { return (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f'); } static int hexDigitValue(char c) { if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { return c - '0'; } if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') { return c - 'A' + 10; } if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') { return c - 'a' + 10; } LOG_ERROR("illegal hex digit"); return 0; } static void applyHostNameFunctionToMailToURLString(NSString *string, StringRangeApplierFunction f, void *context) { // In a mailto: URL, host names come after a '@' character and end with a '>' or ',' or '?' character. // Skip quoted strings so that characters in them don't confuse us. // When we find a '?' character, we are past the part of the URL that contains host names. static NSCharacterSet *hostNameOrStringStartCharacters; if (hostNameOrStringStartCharacters == nil) { hostNameOrStringStartCharacters = [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@"\"@?"]; CFRetain(hostNameOrStringStartCharacters); } static NSCharacterSet *hostNameEndCharacters; if (hostNameEndCharacters == nil) { hostNameEndCharacters = [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@">,?"]; CFRetain(hostNameEndCharacters); } static NSCharacterSet *quotedStringCharacters; if (quotedStringCharacters == nil) { quotedStringCharacters = [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@"\"\\"]; CFRetain(quotedStringCharacters); } unsigned stringLength = [string length]; NSRange remaining = NSMakeRange(0, stringLength); while (1) { // Find start of host name or of quoted string. NSRange hostNameOrStringStart = [string rangeOfCharacterFromSet:hostNameOrStringStartCharacters options:0 range:remaining]; if (hostNameOrStringStart.location == NSNotFound) { return; } unichar c = [string characterAtIndex:hostNameOrStringStart.location]; remaining.location = NSMaxRange(hostNameOrStringStart); remaining.length = stringLength - remaining.location; if (c == '?') { return; } if (c == '@') { // Find end of host name. unsigned hostNameStart = remaining.location; NSRange hostNameEnd = [string rangeOfCharacterFromSet:hostNameEndCharacters options:0 range:remaining]; BOOL done; if (hostNameEnd.location == NSNotFound) { hostNameEnd.location = stringLength; done = YES; } else { remaining.location = hostNameEnd.location; remaining.length = stringLength - remaining.location; done = NO; } // Process host name range. f(string, NSMakeRange(hostNameStart, hostNameEnd.location - hostNameStart), context); if (done) { return; } } else { // Skip quoted string. ASSERT(c == '"'); while (1) { NSRange escapedCharacterOrStringEnd = [string rangeOfCharacterFromSet:quotedStringCharacters options:0 range:remaining]; if (escapedCharacterOrStringEnd.location == NSNotFound) { return; } c = [string characterAtIndex:escapedCharacterOrStringEnd.location]; remaining.location = NSMaxRange(escapedCharacterOrStringEnd); remaining.length = stringLength - remaining.location; // If we are the end of the string, then break from the string loop back to the host name loop. if (c == '"') { break; } // Skip escaped character. ASSERT(c == '\\'); if (remaining.length == 0) { return; } remaining.location += 1; remaining.length -= 1; } } } } static void applyHostNameFunctionToURLString(NSString *string, StringRangeApplierFunction f, void *context) { // Find hostnames. Too bad we can't use any real URL-parsing code to do this, // but we have to do it before doing all the %-escaping, and this is the only // code we have that parses mailto URLs anyway. // Maybe we should implement this using a character buffer instead? if ([string _webkit_hasCaseInsensitivePrefix:@"mailto:"]) { applyHostNameFunctionToMailToURLString(string, f, context); return; } // Find the host name in a hierarchical URL. // It comes after a "://" sequence, with scheme characters preceding. // If ends with the end of the string or a ":", "/", or a "?". // If there is a "@" character, the host part is just the part after the "@". NSRange separatorRange = [string rangeOfString:@"://"]; if (separatorRange.location == NSNotFound) { return; } // Check that all characters before the :// are valid scheme characters. static NSCharacterSet *nonSchemeCharacters; if (nonSchemeCharacters == nil) { nonSchemeCharacters = [[NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+-."] invertedSet]; CFRetain(nonSchemeCharacters); } if ([string rangeOfCharacterFromSet:nonSchemeCharacters options:0 range:NSMakeRange(0, separatorRange.location)].location != NSNotFound) { return; } unsigned stringLength = [string length]; static NSCharacterSet *hostTerminators; if (hostTerminators == nil) { hostTerminators = [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@":/?#"]; CFRetain(hostTerminators); } // Start after the separator. unsigned authorityStart = NSMaxRange(separatorRange); // Find terminating character. NSRange hostNameTerminator = [string rangeOfCharacterFromSet:hostTerminators options:0 range:NSMakeRange(authorityStart, stringLength - authorityStart)]; unsigned hostNameEnd = hostNameTerminator.location == NSNotFound ? stringLength : hostNameTerminator.location; // Find "@" for the start of the host name. NSRange userInfoTerminator = [string rangeOfString:@"@" options:0 range:NSMakeRange(authorityStart, hostNameEnd - authorityStart)]; unsigned hostNameStart = userInfoTerminator.location == NSNotFound ? authorityStart : NSMaxRange(userInfoTerminator); f(string, NSMakeRange(hostNameStart, hostNameEnd - hostNameStart), context); } @implementation NSURL (WebNSURLExtras) static void collectRangesThatNeedMapping(NSString *string, NSRange range, void *context, BOOL encode) { BOOL needsMapping = encode ? [string _web_hostNameNeedsEncodingWithRange:range] : [string _web_hostNameNeedsDecodingWithRange:range]; if (!needsMapping) { return; } NSMutableArray **array = (NSMutableArray **)context; if (*array == nil) { *array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; } [*array addObject:[NSValue valueWithRange:range]]; } static void collectRangesThatNeedEncoding(NSString *string, NSRange range, void *context) { return collectRangesThatNeedMapping(string, range, context, YES); } static void collectRangesThatNeedDecoding(NSString *string, NSRange range, void *context) { return collectRangesThatNeedMapping(string, range, context, NO); } static NSString *mapHostNames(NSString *string, BOOL encode) { // Generally, we want to optimize for the case where there is one host name that does not need mapping. if (encode && [string canBeConvertedToEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding]) return string; // Make a list of ranges that actually need mapping. NSMutableArray *hostNameRanges = nil; StringRangeApplierFunction f = encode ? collectRangesThatNeedEncoding : collectRangesThatNeedDecoding; applyHostNameFunctionToURLString(string, f, &hostNameRanges); if (hostNameRanges == nil) return string; // Do the mapping. NSMutableString *mutableCopy = [string mutableCopy]; unsigned i = [hostNameRanges count]; while (i-- != 0) { NSRange hostNameRange = [[hostNameRanges objectAtIndex:i] rangeValue]; NSString *mappedHostName = encode ? [string _web_encodeHostNameWithRange:hostNameRange] : [string _web_decodeHostNameWithRange:hostNameRange]; [mutableCopy replaceCharactersInRange:hostNameRange withString:mappedHostName]; } [hostNameRanges release]; return [mutableCopy autorelease]; } + (NSURL *)_web_URLWithUserTypedString:(NSString *)string relativeToURL:(NSURL *)URL { if (string == nil) { return nil; } string = mapHostNames([string _webkit_stringByTrimmingWhitespace], YES); NSData *userTypedData = [string dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; ASSERT(userTypedData); const UInt8 *inBytes = static_cast<const UInt8 *>([userTypedData bytes]); int inLength = [userTypedData length]; if (inLength == 0) { return [NSURL URLWithString:@""]; } char *outBytes = static_cast<char *>(malloc(inLength * 3)); // large enough to %-escape every character char *p = outBytes; int outLength = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i < inLength; i++) { UInt8 c = inBytes[i]; if (c <= 0x20 || c >= 0x7f) { *p++ = '%'; *p++ = hexDigit(c >> 4); *p++ = hexDigit(c & 0xf); outLength += 3; } else { *p++ = c; outLength++; } } NSData *data = [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:outBytes length:outLength]; // adopts outBytes return [self _web_URLWithData:data relativeToURL:URL]; } + (NSURL *)_web_URLWithUserTypedString:(NSString *)string { return [self _web_URLWithUserTypedString:string relativeToURL:nil]; } + (NSURL *)_web_URLWithDataAsString:(NSString *)string { if (string == nil) { return nil; } return [self _web_URLWithDataAsString:string relativeToURL:nil]; } + (NSURL *)_web_URLWithDataAsString:(NSString *)string relativeToURL:(NSURL *)baseURL { if (string == nil) { return nil; } string = [string _webkit_stringByTrimmingWhitespace]; NSData *data = [string dataUsingEncoding:NSISOLatin1StringEncoding]; return [self _web_URLWithData:data relativeToURL:baseURL]; } + (NSURL *)_web_URLWithData:(NSData *)data { return [NSURL _web_URLWithData:data relativeToURL:nil]; } + (NSURL *)_web_URLWithData:(NSData *)data relativeToURL:(NSURL *)baseURL { if (data == nil) return nil; NSURL *result = nil; size_t length = [data length]; if (length > 0) { // work around <rdar://4470771>: CFURLCreateAbsoluteURLWithBytes(.., TRUE) doesn't remove non-path components. baseURL = [baseURL _webkit_URLByRemovingResourceSpecifier]; const UInt8 *bytes = static_cast<const UInt8*>([data bytes]); // NOTE: We use UTF-8 here since this encoding is used when computing strings when returning URL components // (e.g calls to NSURL -path). However, this function is not tolerant of illegal UTF-8 sequences, which // could either be a malformed string or bytes in a different encoding, like shift-jis, so we fall back // onto using ISO Latin 1 in those cases. result = WebCFAutorelease(CFURLCreateAbsoluteURLWithBytes(NULL, bytes, length, kCFStringEncodingUTF8, (CFURLRef)baseURL, YES)); if (!result) result = WebCFAutorelease(CFURLCreateAbsoluteURLWithBytes(NULL, bytes, length, kCFStringEncodingISOLatin1, (CFURLRef)baseURL, YES)); } else result = [NSURL URLWithString:@""]; return result; } - (NSData *)_web_originalData { UInt8 *buffer = (UInt8 *)malloc(URL_BYTES_BUFFER_LENGTH); CFIndex bytesFilled = CFURLGetBytes((CFURLRef)self, buffer, URL_BYTES_BUFFER_LENGTH); if (bytesFilled == -1) { CFIndex bytesToAllocate = CFURLGetBytes((CFURLRef)self, NULL, 0); buffer = (UInt8 *)realloc(buffer, bytesToAllocate); bytesFilled = CFURLGetBytes((CFURLRef)self, buffer, bytesToAllocate); ASSERT(bytesFilled == bytesToAllocate); } // buffer is adopted by the NSData NSData *data = [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:buffer length:bytesFilled freeWhenDone:YES]; NSURL *baseURL = (NSURL *)CFURLGetBaseURL((CFURLRef)self); if (baseURL) return [[NSURL _web_URLWithData:data relativeToURL:baseURL] _web_originalData]; return data; } - (NSString *)_web_originalDataAsString { return [[[NSString alloc] initWithData:[self _web_originalData] encoding:NSISOLatin1StringEncoding] autorelease]; } static CFStringRef createStringWithEscapedUnsafeCharacters(CFStringRef string) { CFIndex length = CFStringGetLength(string); Vector<UChar, 2048> sourceBuffer(length); CFStringGetCharacters(string, CFRangeMake(0, length), sourceBuffer.data()); Vector<UChar, 2048> outBuffer; CFIndex i = 0; while (i < length) { UChar32 c; U16_NEXT(sourceBuffer, i, length, c) if (isLookalikeCharacter(c)) { uint8_t utf8Buffer[4]; CFIndex offset = 0; UBool failure = false; U8_APPEND(utf8Buffer, offset, 4, c, failure) ASSERT(!failure); for (CFIndex j = 0; j < offset; ++j) { outBuffer.append('%'); outBuffer.append(hexDigit(utf8Buffer[j] >> 4)); outBuffer.append(hexDigit(utf8Buffer[j] & 0xf)); } } else { UChar utf16Buffer[2]; CFIndex offset = 0; UBool failure = false; U16_APPEND(utf16Buffer, offset, 2, c, failure) ASSERT(!failure); for (CFIndex j = 0; j < offset; ++j) outBuffer.append(utf16Buffer[j]); } } return CFStringCreateWithCharacters(NULL, outBuffer.data(), outBuffer.size()); } - (NSString *)_web_userVisibleString { NSData *data = [self _web_originalData]; const unsigned char *before = static_cast<const unsigned char*>([data bytes]); int length = [data length]; bool needsHostNameDecoding = false; const unsigned char *p = before; int bufferLength = (length * 3) + 1; char *after = static_cast<char *>(malloc(bufferLength)); // large enough to %-escape every character char *q = after; int i; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { unsigned char c = p[i]; // unescape escape sequences that indicate bytes greater than 0x7f if (c == '%' && (i + 1 < length && isHexDigit(p[i + 1])) && i + 2 < length && isHexDigit(p[i + 2])) { unsigned char u = (hexDigitValue(p[i + 1]) << 4) | hexDigitValue(p[i + 2]); if (u > 0x7f) { // unescape *q++ = u; } else { // do not unescape *q++ = p[i]; *q++ = p[i + 1]; *q++ = p[i + 2]; } i += 2; } else { *q++ = c; // Check for "xn--" in an efficient, non-case-sensitive, way. if (c == '-' && i >= 3 && !needsHostNameDecoding && (q[-4] | 0x20) == 'x' && (q[-3] | 0x20) == 'n' && q[-2] == '-') needsHostNameDecoding = true; } } *q = '\0'; // Check string to see if it can be converted to display using UTF-8 NSString *result = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:after]; if (!result) { // Could not convert to UTF-8. // Convert characters greater than 0x7f to escape sequences. // Shift current string to the end of the buffer // then we will copy back bytes to the start of the buffer // as we convert. int afterlength = q - after; char *p = after + bufferLength - afterlength - 1; memmove(p, after, afterlength + 1); // copies trailing '\0' char *q = after; while (*p) { unsigned char c = *p; if (c > 0x7f) { *q++ = '%'; *q++ = hexDigit(c >> 4); *q++ = hexDigit(c & 0xf); } else { *q++ = *p; } p++; } *q = '\0'; result = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:after]; } free(after); result = mapHostNames(result, !needsHostNameDecoding); result = [result precomposedStringWithCanonicalMapping]; return WebCFAutorelease(createStringWithEscapedUnsafeCharacters((CFStringRef)result)); } - (BOOL)_web_isEmpty { if (!CFURLGetBaseURL((CFURLRef)self)) return CFURLGetBytes((CFURLRef)self, NULL, 0) == 0; return [[self _web_originalData] length] == 0; } - (const char *)_web_URLCString { NSMutableData *data = [NSMutableData data]; [data appendData:[self _web_originalData]]; [data appendBytes:"\0" length:1]; return (const char *)[data bytes]; } - (NSURL *)_webkit_canonicalize { NSURLRequest *request = [[NSURLRequest alloc] initWithURL:self]; Class concreteClass = WKNSURLProtocolClassForRequest(request); if (!concreteClass) { [request release]; return self; } // This applies NSURL's concept of canonicalization, but not KURL's concept. It would // make sense to apply both, but when we tried that it caused a performance degradation // (see 5315926). It might make sense to apply only the KURL concept and not the NSURL // concept, but it's too risky to make that change for WebKit 3.0. NSURLRequest *newRequest = [concreteClass canonicalRequestForRequest:request]; NSURL *newURL = [newRequest URL]; NSURL *result = [[newURL retain] autorelease]; [request release]; return result; } typedef struct { NSString *scheme; NSString *user; NSString *password; NSString *host; CFIndex port; // kCFNotFound means ignore/omit NSString *path; NSString *query; NSString *fragment; } WebKitURLComponents; - (NSURL *)_webkit_URLByRemovingComponent:(CFURLComponentType)component { CFRange fragRg = CFURLGetByteRangeForComponent((CFURLRef)self, component, NULL); // Check to see if a fragment exists before decomposing the URL. if (fragRg.location == kCFNotFound) return self; UInt8 *urlBytes, buffer[2048]; CFIndex numBytes = CFURLGetBytes((CFURLRef)self, buffer, 2048); if (numBytes == -1) { numBytes = CFURLGetBytes((CFURLRef)self, NULL, 0); urlBytes = static_cast<UInt8*>(malloc(numBytes)); CFURLGetBytes((CFURLRef)self, urlBytes, numBytes); } else urlBytes = buffer; NSURL *result = (NSURL *)CFMakeCollectable(CFURLCreateWithBytes(NULL, urlBytes, fragRg.location - 1, kCFStringEncodingUTF8, NULL)); if (!result) result = (NSURL *)CFMakeCollectable(CFURLCreateWithBytes(NULL, urlBytes, fragRg.location - 1, kCFStringEncodingISOLatin1, NULL)); if (urlBytes != buffer) free(urlBytes); return result ? [result autorelease] : self; } - (NSURL *)_webkit_URLByRemovingFragment { return [self _webkit_URLByRemovingComponent:kCFURLComponentFragment]; } - (NSURL *)_webkit_URLByRemovingResourceSpecifier { return [self _webkit_URLByRemovingComponent:kCFURLComponentResourceSpecifier]; } - (BOOL)_webkit_isJavaScriptURL { return [[self _web_originalDataAsString] _webkit_isJavaScriptURL]; } - (NSString *)_webkit_scriptIfJavaScriptURL { return [[self absoluteString] _webkit_scriptIfJavaScriptURL]; } - (BOOL)_webkit_isFileURL { return [[self _web_originalDataAsString] _webkit_isFileURL]; } - (BOOL)_webkit_isFTPDirectoryURL { return [[self _web_originalDataAsString] _webkit_isFTPDirectoryURL]; } - (BOOL)_webkit_shouldLoadAsEmptyDocument { return [[self _web_originalDataAsString] _webkit_hasCaseInsensitivePrefix:@"about:"] || [self _web_isEmpty]; } - (NSURL *)_web_URLWithLowercasedScheme { CFRange range; CFURLGetByteRangeForComponent((CFURLRef)self, kCFURLComponentScheme, &range); if (range.location == kCFNotFound) { return self; } UInt8 static_buffer[URL_BYTES_BUFFER_LENGTH]; UInt8 *buffer = static_buffer; CFIndex bytesFilled = CFURLGetBytes((CFURLRef)self, buffer, URL_BYTES_BUFFER_LENGTH); if (bytesFilled == -1) { CFIndex bytesToAllocate = CFURLGetBytes((CFURLRef)self, NULL, 0); buffer = static_cast<UInt8 *>(malloc(bytesToAllocate)); bytesFilled = CFURLGetBytes((CFURLRef)self, buffer, bytesToAllocate); ASSERT(bytesFilled == bytesToAllocate); } int i; BOOL changed = NO; for (i = 0; i < range.length; ++i) { char c = buffer[range.location + i]; char lower = toASCIILower(c); if (c != lower) { buffer[range.location + i] = lower; changed = YES; } } NSURL *result = changed ? (NSURL *)WebCFAutorelease(CFURLCreateAbsoluteURLWithBytes(NULL, buffer, bytesFilled, kCFStringEncodingUTF8, nil, YES)) : (NSURL *)self; if (buffer != static_buffer) { free(buffer); } return result; } -(BOOL)_web_hasQuestionMarkOnlyQueryString { CFRange rangeWithSeparators; CFURLGetByteRangeForComponent((CFURLRef)self, kCFURLComponentQuery, &rangeWithSeparators); if (rangeWithSeparators.location != kCFNotFound && rangeWithSeparators.length == 1) { return YES; } return NO; } -(NSData *)_web_schemeSeparatorWithoutColon { NSData *result = nil; CFRange rangeWithSeparators; CFRange range = CFURLGetByteRangeForComponent((CFURLRef)self, kCFURLComponentScheme, &rangeWithSeparators); if (rangeWithSeparators.location != kCFNotFound) { NSString *absoluteString = [self absoluteString]; NSRange separatorsRange = NSMakeRange(range.location + range.length + 1, rangeWithSeparators.length - range.length - 1); if (separatorsRange.location + separatorsRange.length <= [absoluteString length]) { NSString *slashes = [absoluteString substringWithRange:separatorsRange]; result = [slashes dataUsingEncoding:NSISOLatin1StringEncoding]; } } return result; } #define completeURL (CFURLComponentType)-1 -(NSData *)_web_dataForURLComponentType:(CFURLComponentType)componentType { static int URLComponentTypeBufferLength = 2048; UInt8 staticAllBytesBuffer[URLComponentTypeBufferLength]; UInt8 *allBytesBuffer = staticAllBytesBuffer; CFIndex bytesFilled = CFURLGetBytes((CFURLRef)self, allBytesBuffer, URLComponentTypeBufferLength); if (bytesFilled == -1) { CFIndex bytesToAllocate = CFURLGetBytes((CFURLRef)self, NULL, 0); allBytesBuffer = static_cast<UInt8 *>(malloc(bytesToAllocate)); bytesFilled = CFURLGetBytes((CFURLRef)self, allBytesBuffer, bytesToAllocate); } CFRange range; if (componentType != completeURL) { range = CFURLGetByteRangeForComponent((CFURLRef)self, componentType, NULL); if (range.location == kCFNotFound) { return nil; } } else { range.location = 0; range.length = bytesFilled; } NSData *componentData = [NSData dataWithBytes:allBytesBuffer + range.location length:range.length]; const unsigned char *bytes = static_cast<const unsigned char *>([componentData bytes]); NSMutableData *resultData = [NSMutableData data]; // NOTE: add leading '?' to query strings non-zero length query strings. // NOTE: retain question-mark only query strings. if (componentType == kCFURLComponentQuery) { if (range.length > 0 || [self _web_hasQuestionMarkOnlyQueryString]) { [resultData appendBytes:"?" length:1]; } } int i; for (i = 0; i < range.length; i++) { unsigned char c = bytes[i]; if (c <= 0x20 || c >= 0x7f) { char escaped[3]; escaped[0] = '%'; escaped[1] = hexDigit(c >> 4); escaped[2] = hexDigit(c & 0xf); [resultData appendBytes:escaped length:3]; } else { char b[1]; b[0] = c; [resultData appendBytes:b length:1]; } } if (staticAllBytesBuffer != allBytesBuffer) { free(allBytesBuffer); } return resultData; } -(NSData *)_web_schemeData { return [self _web_dataForURLComponentType:kCFURLComponentScheme]; } -(NSData *)_web_hostData { NSData *result = [self _web_dataForURLComponentType:kCFURLComponentHost]; NSData *scheme = [self _web_schemeData]; // Take off localhost for file if ([scheme _web_isCaseInsensitiveEqualToCString:"file"]) { return ([result _web_isCaseInsensitiveEqualToCString:"localhost"]) ? nil : result; } return result; } - (NSString *)_web_hostString { NSData *data = [self _web_hostData]; if (!data) { data = [NSData data]; } return [[[NSString alloc] initWithData:[self _web_hostData] encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] autorelease]; } - (NSString *)_webkit_suggestedFilenameWithMIMEType:(NSString *)MIMEType { return suggestedFilenameWithMIMEType(self, MIMEType); } @end @implementation NSString (WebNSURLExtras) - (BOOL)_web_isUserVisibleURL { BOOL valid = YES; // get buffer char static_buffer[1024]; const char *p; BOOL success = CFStringGetCString((CFStringRef)self, static_buffer, 1023, kCFStringEncodingUTF8); if (success) { p = static_buffer; } else { p = [self UTF8String]; } int length = strlen(p); // check for characters <= 0x20 or >=0x7f, %-escape sequences of %7f, and xn--, these // are the things that will lead _web_userVisibleString to actually change things. int i; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { unsigned char c = p[i]; // escape control characters, space, and delete if (c <= 0x20 || c == 0x7f) { valid = NO; break; } else if (c == '%' && (i + 1 < length && isHexDigit(p[i + 1])) && i + 2 < length && isHexDigit(p[i + 2])) { unsigned char u = (hexDigitValue(p[i + 1]) << 4) | hexDigitValue(p[i + 2]); if (u > 0x7f) { valid = NO; break; } i += 2; } else { // Check for "xn--" in an efficient, non-case-sensitive, way. if (c == '-' && i >= 3 && (p[i - 3] | 0x20) == 'x' && (p[i - 2] | 0x20) == 'n' && p[i - 1] == '-') { valid = NO; break; } } } return valid; } - (BOOL)_webkit_isJavaScriptURL { return [self _webkit_hasCaseInsensitivePrefix:@"javascript:"]; } - (BOOL)_webkit_isFileURL { return [self rangeOfString:@"file:" options:(NSCaseInsensitiveSearch | NSAnchoredSearch)].location != NSNotFound; } - (NSString *)_webkit_stringByReplacingValidPercentEscapes { return decodeURLEscapeSequences(self); } - (NSString *)_webkit_scriptIfJavaScriptURL { if (![self _webkit_isJavaScriptURL]) { return nil; } return [[self substringFromIndex:11] _webkit_stringByReplacingValidPercentEscapes]; } - (BOOL)_webkit_isFTPDirectoryURL { int length = [self length]; if (length < 5) { // 5 is length of "ftp:/" return NO; } unichar lastChar = [self characterAtIndex:length - 1]; return lastChar == '/' && [self _webkit_hasCaseInsensitivePrefix:@"ftp:"]; } static BOOL readIDNScriptWhiteListFile(NSString *filename) { if (!filename) { return NO; } FILE *file = fopen([filename fileSystemRepresentation], "r"); if (file == NULL) { return NO; } // Read a word at a time. // Allow comments, starting with # character to the end of the line. while (1) { // Skip a comment if present. int result = fscanf(file, " #%*[^\n\r]%*[\n\r]"); if (result == EOF) { break; } // Read a script name if present. char word[33]; result = fscanf(file, " %32[^# \t\n\r]%*[^# \t\n\r] ", word); if (result == EOF) { break; } if (result == 1) { // Got a word, map to script code and put it into the array. int32_t script = u_getPropertyValueEnum(UCHAR_SCRIPT, word); if (script >= 0 && script < USCRIPT_CODE_LIMIT) { size_t index = script / 32; uint32_t mask = 1 << (script % 32); IDNScriptWhiteList[index] |= mask; } } } fclose(file); return YES; } static void readIDNScriptWhiteList(void) { // Read white list from library. NSArray *dirs = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSLibraryDirectory, NSAllDomainsMask, YES); int i, numDirs = [dirs count]; for (i = 0; i < numDirs; i++) { NSString *dir = [dirs objectAtIndex:i]; if (readIDNScriptWhiteListFile([dir stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"IDNScriptWhiteList.txt"])) { return; } } // Fall back on white list inside bundle. NSBundle *bundle = [NSBundle bundleWithIdentifier:@"com.apple.WebKit"]; readIDNScriptWhiteListFile([bundle pathForResource:@"IDNScriptWhiteList" ofType:@"txt"]); } static BOOL allCharactersInIDNScriptWhiteList(const UChar *buffer, int32_t length) { pthread_once(&IDNScriptWhiteListFileRead, readIDNScriptWhiteList); int32_t i = 0; while (i < length) { UChar32 c; U16_NEXT(buffer, i, length, c) UErrorCode error = U_ZERO_ERROR; UScriptCode script = uscript_getScript(c, &error); if (error != U_ZERO_ERROR) { LOG_ERROR("got ICU error while trying to look at scripts: %d", error); return NO; } if (script < 0) { LOG_ERROR("got negative number for script code from ICU: %d", script); return NO; } if (script >= USCRIPT_CODE_LIMIT) { return NO; } size_t index = script / 32; uint32_t mask = 1 << (script % 32); if (!(IDNScriptWhiteList[index] & mask)) { return NO; } if (isLookalikeCharacter(c)) return NO; } return YES; } // Return value of nil means no mapping is necessary. // If makeString is NO, then return value is either nil or self to indicate mapping is necessary. // If makeString is YES, then return value is either nil or the mapped string. - (NSString *)_web_mapHostNameWithRange:(NSRange)range encode:(BOOL)encode makeString:(BOOL)makeString { if (range.length > HOST_NAME_BUFFER_LENGTH) { return nil; } if ([self length] == 0) return nil; UChar sourceBuffer[HOST_NAME_BUFFER_LENGTH]; UChar destinationBuffer[HOST_NAME_BUFFER_LENGTH]; NSString *string = self; if (encode && [self rangeOfString:@"%" options:NSLiteralSearch range:range].location != NSNotFound) { NSString *substring = [self substringWithRange:range]; substring = WebCFAutorelease(CFURLCreateStringByReplacingPercentEscapes(NULL, (CFStringRef)substring, CFSTR(""))); if (substring != nil) { string = substring; range = NSMakeRange(0, [string length]); } } int length = range.length; [string getCharacters:sourceBuffer range:range]; UErrorCode error = U_ZERO_ERROR; int32_t numCharactersConverted = (encode ? uidna_IDNToASCII : uidna_IDNToUnicode) (sourceBuffer, length, destinationBuffer, HOST_NAME_BUFFER_LENGTH, UIDNA_ALLOW_UNASSIGNED, NULL, &error); if (error != U_ZERO_ERROR) { return nil; } if (numCharactersConverted == length && memcmp(sourceBuffer, destinationBuffer, length * sizeof(UChar)) == 0) { return nil; } if (!encode && !allCharactersInIDNScriptWhiteList(destinationBuffer, numCharactersConverted)) { return nil; } return makeString ? (NSString *)[NSString stringWithCharacters:destinationBuffer length:numCharactersConverted] : (NSString *)self; } - (BOOL)_web_hostNameNeedsDecodingWithRange:(NSRange)range { return [self _web_mapHostNameWithRange:range encode:NO makeString:NO] != nil; } - (BOOL)_web_hostNameNeedsEncodingWithRange:(NSRange)range { return [self _web_mapHostNameWithRange:range encode:YES makeString:NO] != nil; } - (NSString *)_web_decodeHostNameWithRange:(NSRange)range { return [self _web_mapHostNameWithRange:range encode:NO makeString:YES]; } - (NSString *)_web_encodeHostNameWithRange:(NSRange)range { return [self _web_mapHostNameWithRange:range encode:YES makeString:YES]; } - (NSString *)_web_decodeHostName { NSString *name = [self _web_mapHostNameWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, [self length]) encode:NO makeString:YES]; return name == nil ? self : name; } - (NSString *)_web_encodeHostName { NSString *name = [self _web_mapHostNameWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, [self length]) encode:YES makeString:YES]; return name == nil ? self : name; } -(NSRange)_webkit_rangeOfURLScheme { NSRange colon = [self rangeOfString:@":"]; if (colon.location != NSNotFound && colon.location > 0) { NSRange scheme = {0, colon.location}; static NSCharacterSet *InverseSchemeCharacterSet = nil; if (!InverseSchemeCharacterSet) { /* This stuff is very expensive. 10-15 msec on a 2x1.2GHz. If not cached it swamps everything else when adding items to the autocomplete DB. Makes me wonder if we even need to enforce the character set here. */ NSString *acceptableCharacters = @"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+.-"; InverseSchemeCharacterSet = [[[NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:acceptableCharacters] invertedSet] retain]; } NSRange illegals = [self rangeOfCharacterFromSet:InverseSchemeCharacterSet options:0 range:scheme]; if (illegals.location == NSNotFound) return scheme; } return NSMakeRange(NSNotFound, 0); } -(BOOL)_webkit_looksLikeAbsoluteURL { // Trim whitespace because _web_URLWithString allows whitespace. return [[self _webkit_stringByTrimmingWhitespace] _webkit_rangeOfURLScheme].location != NSNotFound; } - (NSString *)_webkit_URLFragment { NSRange fragmentRange; fragmentRange = [self rangeOfString:@"#" options:NSLiteralSearch]; if (fragmentRange.location == NSNotFound) return nil; return [self substringFromIndex:fragmentRange.location + 1]; } @end