/* * Copyright (C) 2006 Zack Rusin <zack@kde.org> * Copyright (C) 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "ChromeClientQt.h" #include "FileChooser.h" #include "Frame.h" #include "FrameLoadRequest.h" #include "FrameLoader.h" #include "FrameLoaderClientQt.h" #include "FrameView.h" #include "HitTestResult.h" #include "NotImplemented.h" #include "WindowFeatures.h" #include "DatabaseTracker.h" #include "SecurityOrigin.h" #include "qwebpage.h" #include "qwebpage_p.h" #include "qwebframe_p.h" #include "qwebsecurityorigin.h" #include "qwebsecurityorigin_p.h" #include <qtooltip.h> #include <qtextdocument.h> namespace WebCore { ChromeClientQt::ChromeClientQt(QWebPage* webPage) : m_webPage(webPage) { toolBarsVisible = statusBarVisible = menuBarVisible = true; } ChromeClientQt::~ChromeClientQt() { } void ChromeClientQt::setWindowRect(const FloatRect& rect) { if (!m_webPage) return; emit m_webPage->geometryChangeRequested(QRect(qRound(rect.x()), qRound(rect.y()), qRound(rect.width()), qRound(rect.height()))); } FloatRect ChromeClientQt::windowRect() { if (!m_webPage) return FloatRect(); QWidget* view = m_webPage->view(); if (!view) return FloatRect(); return IntRect(view->topLevelWidget()->geometry()); } FloatRect ChromeClientQt::pageRect() { if (!m_webPage) return FloatRect(); return FloatRect(QRectF(QPointF(0,0), m_webPage->viewportSize())); } float ChromeClientQt::scaleFactor() { notImplemented(); return 1; } void ChromeClientQt::focus() { if (!m_webPage) return; QWidget* view = m_webPage->view(); if (!view) return; view->setFocus(); } void ChromeClientQt::unfocus() { if (!m_webPage) return; QWidget* view = m_webPage->view(); if (!view) return; view->clearFocus(); } bool ChromeClientQt::canTakeFocus(FocusDirection) { // This is called when cycling through links/focusable objects and we // reach the last focusable object. Then we want to claim that we can // take the focus to avoid wrapping. return true; } void ChromeClientQt::takeFocus(FocusDirection) { // don't do anything. This is only called when cycling to links/focusable objects, // which in turn is called from focusNextPrevChild. We let focusNextPrevChild // call QWidget::focusNextPrevChild accordingly, so there is no need to do anything // here. } Page* ChromeClientQt::createWindow(Frame*, const FrameLoadRequest& request, const WindowFeatures& features) { QWebPage *newPage = m_webPage->createWindow(features.dialog ? QWebPage::WebModalDialog : QWebPage::WebBrowserWindow); if (!newPage) return 0; newPage->mainFrame()->load(request.resourceRequest().url()); return newPage->d->page; } void ChromeClientQt::show() { if (!m_webPage) return; QWidget* view = m_webPage->view(); if (!view) return; view->topLevelWidget()->show(); } bool ChromeClientQt::canRunModal() { notImplemented(); return false; } void ChromeClientQt::runModal() { notImplemented(); } void ChromeClientQt::setToolbarsVisible(bool visible) { toolBarsVisible = visible; emit m_webPage->toolBarVisibilityChangeRequested(visible); } bool ChromeClientQt::toolbarsVisible() { return toolBarsVisible; } void ChromeClientQt::setStatusbarVisible(bool visible) { emit m_webPage->statusBarVisibilityChangeRequested(visible); statusBarVisible = visible; } bool ChromeClientQt::statusbarVisible() { return statusBarVisible; return false; } void ChromeClientQt::setScrollbarsVisible(bool) { notImplemented(); } bool ChromeClientQt::scrollbarsVisible() { notImplemented(); return true; } void ChromeClientQt::setMenubarVisible(bool visible) { menuBarVisible = visible; emit m_webPage->menuBarVisibilityChangeRequested(visible); } bool ChromeClientQt::menubarVisible() { return menuBarVisible; } void ChromeClientQt::setResizable(bool) { notImplemented(); } void ChromeClientQt::addMessageToConsole(MessageSource, MessageType, MessageLevel, const String& message, unsigned int lineNumber, const String& sourceID) { QString x = message; QString y = sourceID; m_webPage->javaScriptConsoleMessage(x, lineNumber, y); } void ChromeClientQt::chromeDestroyed() { delete this; } bool ChromeClientQt::canRunBeforeUnloadConfirmPanel() { return true; } bool ChromeClientQt::runBeforeUnloadConfirmPanel(const String& message, Frame* frame) { return runJavaScriptConfirm(frame, message); } void ChromeClientQt::closeWindowSoon() { m_webPage->mainFrame()->d->frame->loader()->stopAllLoaders(); emit m_webPage->windowCloseRequested(); } void ChromeClientQt::runJavaScriptAlert(Frame* f, const String& msg) { QString x = msg; FrameLoaderClientQt *fl = static_cast<FrameLoaderClientQt*>(f->loader()->client()); m_webPage->javaScriptAlert(fl->webFrame(), x); } bool ChromeClientQt::runJavaScriptConfirm(Frame* f, const String& msg) { QString x = msg; FrameLoaderClientQt *fl = static_cast<FrameLoaderClientQt*>(f->loader()->client()); return m_webPage->javaScriptConfirm(fl->webFrame(), x); } bool ChromeClientQt::runJavaScriptPrompt(Frame* f, const String& message, const String& defaultValue, String& result) { QString x = result; FrameLoaderClientQt *fl = static_cast<FrameLoaderClientQt*>(f->loader()->client()); bool rc = m_webPage->javaScriptPrompt(fl->webFrame(), (QString)message, (QString)defaultValue, &x); result = x; return rc; } void ChromeClientQt::setStatusbarText(const String& msg) { QString x = msg; emit m_webPage->statusBarMessage(x); } bool ChromeClientQt::shouldInterruptJavaScript() { bool shouldInterrupt = false; QMetaObject::invokeMethod(m_webPage, "shouldInterruptJavaScript", Qt::DirectConnection, Q_RETURN_ARG(bool, shouldInterrupt)); return shouldInterrupt; } bool ChromeClientQt::tabsToLinks() const { return m_webPage->settings()->testAttribute(QWebSettings::LinksIncludedInFocusChain); } IntRect ChromeClientQt::windowResizerRect() const { return IntRect(); } void ChromeClientQt::repaint(const IntRect& windowRect, bool contentChanged, bool immediate, bool repaintContentOnly) { // No double buffer, so only update the QWidget if content changed. if (contentChanged) { QWidget* view = m_webPage->view(); if (view) { QRect rect(windowRect); rect = rect.intersected(QRect(QPoint(0, 0), m_webPage->viewportSize())); if (!rect.isEmpty()) view->update(rect); } emit m_webPage->repaintRequested(windowRect); } // FIXME: There is no "immediate" support for window painting. This should be done always whenever the flag // is set. } void ChromeClientQt::scroll(const IntSize& delta, const IntRect& scrollViewRect, const IntRect&) { QWidget* view = m_webPage->view(); if (view) view->scroll(delta.width(), delta.height(), scrollViewRect); emit m_webPage->scrollRequested(delta.width(), delta.height(), scrollViewRect); } IntRect ChromeClientQt::windowToScreen(const IntRect& rect) const { notImplemented(); return rect; } IntPoint ChromeClientQt::screenToWindow(const IntPoint& point) const { notImplemented(); return point; } PlatformWidget ChromeClientQt::platformWindow() const { return m_webPage->view(); } void ChromeClientQt::contentsSizeChanged(Frame* frame, const IntSize& size) const { emit QWebFramePrivate::kit(frame)->contentsSizeChanged(size); } void ChromeClientQt::mouseDidMoveOverElement(const HitTestResult& result, unsigned modifierFlags) { TextDirection dir; if (result.absoluteLinkURL() != lastHoverURL || result.title(dir) != lastHoverTitle || result.textContent() != lastHoverContent) { lastHoverURL = result.absoluteLinkURL(); lastHoverTitle = result.title(dir); lastHoverContent = result.textContent(); emit m_webPage->linkHovered(lastHoverURL.prettyURL(), lastHoverTitle, lastHoverContent); } } void ChromeClientQt::setToolTip(const String &tip, TextDirection) { #ifndef QT_NO_TOOLTIP QWidget* view = m_webPage->view(); if (!view) return; if (tip.isEmpty()) { view->setToolTip(QString()); QToolTip::hideText(); } else { QString dtip = QLatin1String("<p>") + Qt::escape(tip) + QLatin1String("</p>"); view->setToolTip(dtip); } #else Q_UNUSED(tip); #endif } void ChromeClientQt::print(Frame *frame) { emit m_webPage->printRequested(QWebFramePrivate::kit(frame)); } #if ENABLE(DATABASE) void ChromeClientQt::exceededDatabaseQuota(Frame* frame, const String& databaseName) { quint64 quota = QWebSettings::offlineStorageDefaultQuota(); if (!DatabaseTracker::tracker().hasEntryForOrigin(frame->document()->securityOrigin())) DatabaseTracker::tracker().setQuota(frame->document()->securityOrigin(), quota); emit m_webPage->databaseQuotaExceeded(QWebFramePrivate::kit(frame), databaseName); } #endif #if ENABLE(OFFLINE_WEB_APPLICATIONS) void ChromeClientQt::reachedMaxAppCacheSize(int64_t spaceNeeded) { // FIXME: Free some space. notImplemented(); } #endif void ChromeClientQt::runOpenPanel(Frame* frame, PassRefPtr<FileChooser> prpFileChooser) { RefPtr<FileChooser> fileChooser = prpFileChooser; bool supportMulti = m_webPage->supportsExtension(QWebPage::ChooseMultipleFilesExtension); if (fileChooser->allowsMultipleFiles() && supportMulti) { QWebPage::ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionOption option; option.parentFrame = QWebFramePrivate::kit(frame); if (!fileChooser->filenames().isEmpty()) for (int i = 0; i < fileChooser->filenames().size(); ++i) option.suggestedFileNames += fileChooser->filenames()[i]; QWebPage::ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionReturn output; m_webPage->extension(QWebPage::ChooseMultipleFilesExtension, &option, &output); if (!output.fileNames.isEmpty()) { Vector<String> names; for (int i = 0; i < output.fileNames.count(); ++i) names.append(output.fileNames.at(i)); fileChooser->chooseFiles(names); } } else { QString suggestedFile; if (!fileChooser->filenames().isEmpty()) suggestedFile = fileChooser->filenames()[0]; QString file = m_webPage->chooseFile(QWebFramePrivate::kit(frame), suggestedFile); if (!file.isEmpty()) fileChooser->chooseFile(file); } } bool ChromeClientQt::setCursor(PlatformCursorHandle) { notImplemented(); return false; } void ChromeClientQt::requestGeolocationPermissionForFrame(Frame*, Geolocation*) { // See the comment in WebCore/page/ChromeClient.h notImplemented(); } }