/* * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "WebKitDLL.h" #include "WebFrame.h" #include "CFDictionaryPropertyBag.h" #include "COMPtr.h" #include "COMPropertyBag.h" #include "DefaultPolicyDelegate.h" #include "DOMCoreClasses.h" #include "HTMLFrameOwnerElement.h" #include "MarshallingHelpers.h" #include "WebActionPropertyBag.h" #include "WebChromeClient.h" #include "WebDocumentLoader.h" #include "WebDownload.h" #include "WebError.h" #include "WebMutableURLRequest.h" #include "WebEditorClient.h" #include "WebFramePolicyListener.h" #include "WebHistory.h" #include "WebIconFetcher.h" #include "WebKit.h" #include "WebKitStatisticsPrivate.h" #include "WebNotificationCenter.h" #include "WebView.h" #include "WebDataSource.h" #include "WebHistoryItem.h" #include "WebURLResponse.h" #pragma warning( push, 0 ) #include <WebCore/BString.h> #include <WebCore/Cache.h> #include <WebCore/Document.h> #include <WebCore/DocumentLoader.h> #include <WebCore/DOMImplementation.h> #include <WebCore/DOMWindow.h> #include <WebCore/Event.h> #include <WebCore/EventHandler.h> #include <WebCore/FormState.h> #include <WebCore/FrameLoader.h> #include <WebCore/FrameLoadRequest.h> #include <WebCore/FrameTree.h> #include <WebCore/FrameView.h> #include <WebCore/FrameWin.h> #include <WebCore/GDIObjectCounter.h> #include <WebCore/GraphicsContext.h> #include <WebCore/HistoryItem.h> #include <WebCore/HTMLAppletElement.h> #include <WebCore/HTMLFormElement.h> #include <WebCore/HTMLFormControlElement.h> #include <WebCore/HTMLInputElement.h> #include <WebCore/HTMLNames.h> #include <WebCore/HTMLPlugInElement.h> #include <WebCore/JSDOMWindow.h> #include <WebCore/KeyboardEvent.h> #include <WebCore/MIMETypeRegistry.h> #include <WebCore/MouseRelatedEvent.h> #include <WebCore/NotImplemented.h> #include <WebCore/Page.h> #include <WebCore/PlatformKeyboardEvent.h> #include <WebCore/PluginInfoStore.h> #include <WebCore/PluginDatabase.h> #include <WebCore/PluginView.h> #include <WebCore/ResourceHandle.h> #include <WebCore/ResourceHandleWin.h> #include <WebCore/ResourceRequest.h> #include <WebCore/RenderView.h> #include <WebCore/RenderTreeAsText.h> #include <WebCore/Settings.h> #include <WebCore/TextIterator.h> #include <WebCore/JSDOMBinding.h> #include <WebCore/ScriptController.h> #include <JavaScriptCore/APICast.h> #include <wtf/MathExtras.h> #pragma warning(pop) #if PLATFORM(CG) #include <CoreGraphics/CoreGraphics.h> #elif PLATFORM(CAIRO) #include <cairo-win32.h> #endif #if PLATFORM(CG) // CG SPI used for printing extern "C" { CGAffineTransform CGContextGetBaseCTM(CGContextRef c); void CGContextSetBaseCTM(CGContextRef c, CGAffineTransform m); } #endif using namespace WebCore; using namespace HTMLNames; #define FLASH_REDRAW 0 // By imaging to a width a little wider than the available pixels, // thin pages will be scaled down a little, matching the way they // print in IE and Camino. This lets them use fewer sheets than they // would otherwise, which is presumably why other browsers do this. // Wide pages will be scaled down more than this. const float PrintingMinimumShrinkFactor = 1.25f; // This number determines how small we are willing to reduce the page content // in order to accommodate the widest line. If the page would have to be // reduced smaller to make the widest line fit, we just clip instead (this // behavior matches MacIE and Mozilla, at least) const float PrintingMaximumShrinkFactor = 2.0f; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helpers to convert from WebCore to WebKit type WebFrame* kit(Frame* frame) { if (!frame) return 0; FrameLoaderClient* frameLoaderClient = frame->loader()->client(); if (frameLoaderClient) return static_cast<WebFrame*>(frameLoaderClient); // eek, is there a better way than static cast? return 0; } Frame* core(WebFrame* webFrame) { if (!webFrame) return 0; return webFrame->impl(); } // This function is not in WebFrame.h because we don't want to advertise the ability to get a non-const Frame from a const WebFrame Frame* core(const WebFrame* webFrame) { if (!webFrame) return 0; return const_cast<WebFrame*>(webFrame)->impl(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static Element *elementFromDOMElement(IDOMElement *element) { if (!element) return 0; COMPtr<IDOMElementPrivate> elePriv; HRESULT hr = element->QueryInterface(IID_IDOMElementPrivate, (void**) &elePriv); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { Element* ele; hr = elePriv->coreElement((void**)&ele); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) return ele; } return 0; } static HTMLFormElement *formElementFromDOMElement(IDOMElement *element) { if (!element) return 0; IDOMElementPrivate* elePriv; HRESULT hr = element->QueryInterface(IID_IDOMElementPrivate, (void**) &elePriv); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { Element* ele; hr = elePriv->coreElement((void**)&ele); elePriv->Release(); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && ele && ele->hasTagName(formTag)) return static_cast<HTMLFormElement*>(ele); } return 0; } static HTMLInputElement* inputElementFromDOMElement(IDOMElement* element) { if (!element) return 0; IDOMElementPrivate* elePriv; HRESULT hr = element->QueryInterface(IID_IDOMElementPrivate, (void**) &elePriv); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { Element* ele; hr = elePriv->coreElement((void**)&ele); elePriv->Release(); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && ele && ele->hasTagName(inputTag)) return static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(ele); } return 0; } // WebFramePrivate ------------------------------------------------------------ class WebFrame::WebFramePrivate { public: WebFramePrivate() : frame(0) , webView(0) , m_policyFunction(0) { } ~WebFramePrivate() { } FrameView* frameView() { return frame ? frame->view() : 0; } Frame* frame; WebView* webView; FramePolicyFunction m_policyFunction; COMPtr<WebFramePolicyListener> m_policyListener; }; // WebFrame ---------------------------------------------------------------- WebFrame::WebFrame() : WebFrameLoaderClient(this) , m_refCount(0) , d(new WebFrame::WebFramePrivate) , m_quickRedirectComing(false) , m_inPrintingMode(false) , m_pageHeight(0) { WebFrameCount++; gClassCount++; gClassNameCount.add("WebFrame"); } WebFrame::~WebFrame() { delete d; WebFrameCount--; gClassCount--; gClassNameCount.remove("WebFrame"); } WebFrame* WebFrame::createInstance() { WebFrame* instance = new WebFrame(); instance->AddRef(); return instance; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::setAllowsScrolling( /* [in] */ BOOL flag) { if (Frame* frame = core(this)) if (FrameView* view = frame->view()) view->setCanHaveScrollbars(!!flag); return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::allowsScrolling( /* [retval][out] */ BOOL *flag) { if (flag) if (Frame* frame = core(this)) if (FrameView* view = frame->view()) *flag = view->canHaveScrollbars(); return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::setIsDisconnected( /* [in] */ BOOL flag) { if (Frame* frame = core(this)) { frame->setIsDisconnected(flag); return S_OK; } return E_FAIL; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::setExcludeFromTextSearch( /* [in] */ BOOL flag) { if (Frame* frame = core(this)) { frame->setExcludeFromTextSearch(flag); return S_OK; } return E_FAIL; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::paintDocumentRectToContext( /* [in] */ RECT rect, /* [in] */ OLE_HANDLE deviceContext) { Frame* coreFrame = core(this); if (!coreFrame) return E_FAIL; FrameView* view = coreFrame->view(); if (!view) return E_FAIL; // We can't paint with a layout still pending. view->layoutIfNeededRecursive(); HDC dc = (HDC)(ULONG64)deviceContext; GraphicsContext gc(dc); gc.setShouldIncludeChildWindows(true); gc.save(); LONG width = rect.right - rect.left; LONG height = rect.bottom - rect.top; FloatRect dirtyRect; dirtyRect.setWidth(width); dirtyRect.setHeight(height); gc.clip(dirtyRect); gc.translate(-rect.left, -rect.top); view->paintContents(&gc, rect); gc.restore(); return S_OK; } // IUnknown ------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void** ppvObject) { *ppvObject = 0; if (IsEqualGUID(riid, __uuidof(WebFrame))) *ppvObject = this; else if (IsEqualGUID(riid, IID_IUnknown)) *ppvObject = static_cast<IWebFrame*>(this); else if (IsEqualGUID(riid, IID_IWebFrame)) *ppvObject = static_cast<IWebFrame*>(this); else if (IsEqualGUID(riid, IID_IWebFramePrivate)) *ppvObject = static_cast<IWebFramePrivate*>(this); else if (IsEqualGUID(riid, IID_IWebDocumentText)) *ppvObject = static_cast<IWebDocumentText*>(this); else return E_NOINTERFACE; AddRef(); return S_OK; } ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::AddRef(void) { return ++m_refCount; } ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::Release(void) { ULONG newRef = --m_refCount; if (!newRef) delete(this); return newRef; } // IWebFrame ------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::name( /* [retval][out] */ BSTR* frameName) { if (!frameName) { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return E_POINTER; } *frameName = 0; Frame* coreFrame = core(this); if (!coreFrame) return E_FAIL; *frameName = BString(coreFrame->tree()->name()).release(); return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::webView( /* [retval][out] */ IWebView** view) { *view = 0; if (!d->webView) return E_FAIL; *view = d->webView; (*view)->AddRef(); return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::frameView( /* [retval][out] */ IWebFrameView** /*view*/) { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return E_NOTIMPL; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::DOMDocument( /* [retval][out] */ IDOMDocument** result) { if (!result) { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return E_POINTER; } *result = 0; if (Frame* coreFrame = core(this)) if (Document* document = coreFrame->document()) *result = DOMDocument::createInstance(document); return *result ? S_OK : E_FAIL; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::frameElement( /* [retval][out] */ IDOMHTMLElement** frameElement) { if (!frameElement) return E_POINTER; *frameElement = 0; Frame* coreFrame = core(this); if (!coreFrame) return E_FAIL; COMPtr<IDOMElement> domElement(AdoptCOM, DOMElement::createInstance(coreFrame->ownerElement())); COMPtr<IDOMHTMLElement> htmlElement(Query, domElement); if (!htmlElement) return E_FAIL; return htmlElement.copyRefTo(frameElement); } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::currentForm( /* [retval][out] */ IDOMElement **currentForm) { if (!currentForm) { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return E_POINTER; } *currentForm = 0; if (Frame* coreFrame = core(this)) if (HTMLFormElement* formElement = coreFrame->currentForm()) *currentForm = DOMElement::createInstance(formElement); return *currentForm ? S_OK : E_FAIL; } JSGlobalContextRef STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::globalContext() { Frame* coreFrame = core(this); if (!coreFrame) return 0; return toGlobalRef(coreFrame->script()->globalObject()->globalExec()); } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::loadRequest( /* [in] */ IWebURLRequest* request) { COMPtr<WebMutableURLRequest> requestImpl; HRESULT hr = request->QueryInterface(&requestImpl); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; Frame* coreFrame = core(this); if (!coreFrame) return E_FAIL; coreFrame->loader()->load(requestImpl->resourceRequest(), false); return S_OK; } void WebFrame::loadData(PassRefPtr<WebCore::SharedBuffer> data, BSTR mimeType, BSTR textEncodingName, BSTR baseURL, BSTR failingURL) { String mimeTypeString(mimeType, SysStringLen(mimeType)); if (!mimeType) mimeTypeString = "text/html"; String encodingString(textEncodingName, SysStringLen(textEncodingName)); // FIXME: We should really be using MarshallingHelpers::BSTRToKURL here, // but that would turn a null BSTR into a null KURL, and we crash inside of // WebCore if we use a null KURL in constructing the ResourceRequest. KURL baseKURL = KURL(KURL(), String(baseURL ? baseURL : L"", SysStringLen(baseURL))); KURL failingKURL = MarshallingHelpers::BSTRToKURL(failingURL); ResourceRequest request(baseKURL); SubstituteData substituteData(data, mimeTypeString, encodingString, failingKURL); // This method is only called from IWebFrame methods, so don't ASSERT that the Frame pointer isn't null. if (Frame* coreFrame = core(this)) coreFrame->loader()->load(request, substituteData, false); } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::loadData( /* [in] */ IStream* data, /* [in] */ BSTR mimeType, /* [in] */ BSTR textEncodingName, /* [in] */ BSTR url) { RefPtr<SharedBuffer> sharedBuffer = SharedBuffer::create(); STATSTG stat; if (SUCCEEDED(data->Stat(&stat, STATFLAG_NONAME))) { if (!stat.cbSize.HighPart && stat.cbSize.LowPart) { Vector<char> dataBuffer(stat.cbSize.LowPart); ULONG read; // FIXME: this does a needless copy, would be better to read right into the SharedBuffer // or adopt the Vector or something. if (SUCCEEDED(data->Read(dataBuffer.data(), static_cast<ULONG>(dataBuffer.size()), &read))) sharedBuffer->append(dataBuffer.data(), static_cast<int>(dataBuffer.size())); } } loadData(sharedBuffer, mimeType, textEncodingName, url, 0); return S_OK; } void WebFrame::loadHTMLString(BSTR string, BSTR baseURL, BSTR unreachableURL) { RefPtr<SharedBuffer> sharedBuffer = SharedBuffer::create(reinterpret_cast<char*>(string), sizeof(UChar) * SysStringLen(string)); BString utf16Encoding(TEXT("utf-16"), 6); loadData(sharedBuffer.release(), 0, utf16Encoding, baseURL, unreachableURL); } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::loadHTMLString( /* [in] */ BSTR string, /* [in] */ BSTR baseURL) { loadHTMLString(string, baseURL, 0); return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::loadAlternateHTMLString( /* [in] */ BSTR str, /* [in] */ BSTR baseURL, /* [in] */ BSTR unreachableURL) { loadHTMLString(str, baseURL, unreachableURL); return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::loadArchive( /* [in] */ IWebArchive* /*archive*/) { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return E_NOTIMPL; } static inline WebDataSource *getWebDataSource(DocumentLoader* loader) { return loader ? static_cast<WebDocumentLoader*>(loader)->dataSource() : 0; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::dataSource( /* [retval][out] */ IWebDataSource** source) { if (!source) { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return E_POINTER; } *source = 0; Frame* coreFrame = core(this); if (!coreFrame) return E_FAIL; WebDataSource* webDataSource = getWebDataSource(coreFrame->loader()->documentLoader()); *source = webDataSource; if (webDataSource) webDataSource->AddRef(); return *source ? S_OK : E_FAIL; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::provisionalDataSource( /* [retval][out] */ IWebDataSource** source) { if (!source) { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return E_POINTER; } *source = 0; Frame* coreFrame = core(this); if (!coreFrame) return E_FAIL; WebDataSource* webDataSource = getWebDataSource(coreFrame->loader()->provisionalDocumentLoader()); *source = webDataSource; if (webDataSource) webDataSource->AddRef(); return *source ? S_OK : E_FAIL; } KURL WebFrame::url() const { Frame* coreFrame = core(this); if (!coreFrame) return KURL(); return coreFrame->loader()->url(); } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::stopLoading( void) { if (Frame* coreFrame = core(this)) coreFrame->loader()->stopAllLoaders(); return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::reload( void) { Frame* coreFrame = core(this); if (!coreFrame) return E_FAIL; coreFrame->loader()->reload(); return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::findFrameNamed( /* [in] */ BSTR name, /* [retval][out] */ IWebFrame** frame) { if (!frame) { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return E_POINTER; } *frame = 0; Frame* coreFrame = core(this); if (!coreFrame) return E_FAIL; Frame* foundFrame = coreFrame->tree()->find(AtomicString(name, SysStringLen(name))); if (!foundFrame) return S_OK; WebFrame* foundWebFrame = kit(foundFrame); if (!foundWebFrame) return E_FAIL; return foundWebFrame->QueryInterface(IID_IWebFrame, (void**)frame); } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::parentFrame( /* [retval][out] */ IWebFrame** frame) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; *frame = 0; if (Frame* coreFrame = core(this)) if (WebFrame* webFrame = kit(coreFrame->tree()->parent())) hr = webFrame->QueryInterface(IID_IWebFrame, (void**) frame); return hr; } class EnumChildFrames : public IEnumVARIANT { public: EnumChildFrames(Frame* f) : m_refCount(1), m_frame(f), m_curChild(f ? f->tree()->firstChild() : 0) { } virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void** ppvObject) { *ppvObject = 0; if (IsEqualGUID(riid, IID_IUnknown) || IsEqualGUID(riid, IID_IEnumVARIANT)) *ppvObject = this; else return E_NOINTERFACE; AddRef(); return S_OK; } virtual ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef(void) { return ++m_refCount; } virtual ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release(void) { ULONG newRef = --m_refCount; if (!newRef) delete(this); return newRef; } virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Next(ULONG celt, VARIANT *rgVar, ULONG *pCeltFetched) { if (pCeltFetched) *pCeltFetched = 0; if (!rgVar) return E_POINTER; VariantInit(rgVar); if (!celt || celt > 1) return S_FALSE; if (!m_frame || !m_curChild) return S_FALSE; WebFrame* webFrame = kit(m_curChild); IUnknown* unknown; HRESULT hr = webFrame->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (void**)&unknown); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; V_VT(rgVar) = VT_UNKNOWN; V_UNKNOWN(rgVar) = unknown; m_curChild = m_curChild->tree()->nextSibling(); if (pCeltFetched) *pCeltFetched = 1; return S_OK; } virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Skip(ULONG celt) { if (!m_frame) return S_FALSE; for (unsigned i = 0; i < celt && m_curChild; i++) m_curChild = m_curChild->tree()->nextSibling(); return m_curChild ? S_OK : S_FALSE; } virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Reset(void) { if (!m_frame) return S_FALSE; m_curChild = m_frame->tree()->firstChild(); return S_OK; } virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Clone(IEnumVARIANT**) { return E_NOTIMPL; } private: ULONG m_refCount; Frame* m_frame; Frame* m_curChild; }; HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::childFrames( /* [retval][out] */ IEnumVARIANT **enumFrames) { if (!enumFrames) return E_POINTER; *enumFrames = new EnumChildFrames(core(this)); return S_OK; } // IWebFramePrivate ------------------------------------------------------ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::renderTreeAsExternalRepresentation( /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *result) { if (!result) return E_POINTER; Frame* coreFrame = core(this); if (!coreFrame) return E_FAIL; *result = BString(externalRepresentation(coreFrame->contentRenderer())).release(); return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::scrollOffset( /* [retval][out] */ SIZE* offset) { if (!offset) { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return E_POINTER; } Frame* coreFrame = core(this); if (!coreFrame) return E_FAIL; FrameView* view = coreFrame->view(); if (!view) return E_FAIL; *offset = view->scrollOffset(); return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::layout() { Frame* coreFrame = core(this); if (!coreFrame) return E_FAIL; FrameView* view = coreFrame->view(); if (!view) return E_FAIL; view->layout(); return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::firstLayoutDone( /* [retval][out] */ BOOL* result) { if (!result) { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return E_POINTER; } *result = 0; Frame* coreFrame = core(this); if (!coreFrame) return E_FAIL; *result = coreFrame->loader()->firstLayoutDone(); return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::loadType( /* [retval][out] */ WebFrameLoadType* type) { if (!type) { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return E_POINTER; } *type = (WebFrameLoadType)0; Frame* coreFrame = core(this); if (!coreFrame) return E_FAIL; *type = (WebFrameLoadType)coreFrame->loader()->loadType(); return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::pendingFrameUnloadEventCount( /* [retval][out] */ UINT* result) { if (!result) { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return E_POINTER; } *result = 0; Frame* coreFrame = core(this); if (!coreFrame) return E_FAIL; *result = coreFrame->domWindow()->pendingUnloadEventListeners(); return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::fetchApplicationIcon( /* [in] */ IWebIconFetcherDelegate *delegate, /* [retval][out] */ IWebIconFetcher **result) { if (!result) return E_POINTER; *result = 0; if (!delegate) return E_FAIL; Frame* coreFrame = core(this); if (!coreFrame) return E_FAIL; *result = WebIconFetcher::fetchApplicationIcon(coreFrame, delegate); if (!*result) return E_FAIL; return S_OK; } // IWebDocumentText ----------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::supportsTextEncoding( /* [retval][out] */ BOOL* result) { *result = FALSE; return E_NOTIMPL; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::selectedString( /* [retval][out] */ BSTR* result) { *result = 0; Frame* coreFrame = core(this); if (!coreFrame) return E_FAIL; String text = coreFrame->displayStringModifiedByEncoding(coreFrame->selectedText()); *result = BString(text).release(); return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::selectAll() { return E_NOTIMPL; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::deselectAll() { return E_NOTIMPL; } // WebFrame --------------------------------------------------------------- PassRefPtr<Frame> WebFrame::init(IWebView* webView, Page* page, HTMLFrameOwnerElement* ownerElement) { webView->QueryInterface(&d->webView); d->webView->Release(); // don't hold the extra ref HWND viewWindow; d->webView->viewWindow((OLE_HANDLE*)&viewWindow); this->AddRef(); // We release this ref in frameLoaderDestroyed() RefPtr<Frame> frame = Frame::create(page, ownerElement, this); d->frame = frame.get(); return frame.release(); } Frame* WebFrame::impl() { return d->frame; } void WebFrame::invalidate() { Frame* coreFrame = core(this); ASSERT(coreFrame); if (Document* document = coreFrame->document()) document->recalcStyle(Node::Force); } void WebFrame::setTextSizeMultiplier(float multiplier) { Frame* coreFrame = core(this); ASSERT(coreFrame); coreFrame->setZoomFactor(multiplier, true); } HRESULT WebFrame::inViewSourceMode(BOOL* flag) { if (!flag) { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return E_POINTER; } *flag = FALSE; Frame* coreFrame = core(this); if (!coreFrame) return E_FAIL; *flag = coreFrame->inViewSourceMode() ? TRUE : FALSE; return S_OK; } HRESULT WebFrame::setInViewSourceMode(BOOL flag) { Frame* coreFrame = core(this); if (!coreFrame) return E_FAIL; coreFrame->setInViewSourceMode(!!flag); return S_OK; } HRESULT WebFrame::elementWithName(BSTR name, IDOMElement* form, IDOMElement** element) { if (!form) return E_INVALIDARG; HTMLFormElement *formElement = formElementFromDOMElement(form); if (formElement) { Vector<HTMLFormControlElement*>& elements = formElement->formElements; AtomicString targetName((UChar*)name, SysStringLen(name)); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++) { HTMLFormControlElement *elt = elements[i]; // Skip option elements, other duds if (elt->name() == targetName) { *element = DOMElement::createInstance(elt); return S_OK; } } } return E_FAIL; } HRESULT WebFrame::formForElement(IDOMElement* element, IDOMElement** form) { if (!element) return E_INVALIDARG; HTMLInputElement *inputElement = inputElementFromDOMElement(element); if (!inputElement) return E_FAIL; HTMLFormElement *formElement = inputElement->form(); if (!formElement) return E_FAIL; *form = DOMElement::createInstance(formElement); return S_OK; } HRESULT WebFrame::elementDoesAutoComplete(IDOMElement *element, BOOL *result) { *result = false; if (!element) return E_INVALIDARG; HTMLInputElement *inputElement = inputElementFromDOMElement(element); if (!inputElement) *result = false; else *result = (inputElement->inputType() == HTMLInputElement::TEXT && inputElement->autoComplete()); return S_OK; } HRESULT WebFrame::pauseAnimation(BSTR animationName, IDOMNode* node, double secondsFromNow, BOOL* animationWasRunning) { if (!node || !animationWasRunning) return E_POINTER; *animationWasRunning = FALSE; Frame* frame = core(this); if (!frame) return E_FAIL; AnimationController* controller = frame->animation(); if (!controller) return E_FAIL; COMPtr<DOMNode> domNode(Query, node); if (!domNode) return E_FAIL; *animationWasRunning = controller->pauseAnimationAtTime(domNode->node()->renderer(), String(animationName, SysStringLen(animationName)), secondsFromNow); return S_OK; } HRESULT WebFrame::pauseTransition(BSTR propertyName, IDOMNode* node, double secondsFromNow, BOOL* transitionWasRunning) { if (!node || !transitionWasRunning) return E_POINTER; *transitionWasRunning = FALSE; Frame* frame = core(this); if (!frame) return E_FAIL; AnimationController* controller = frame->animation(); if (!controller) return E_FAIL; COMPtr<DOMNode> domNode(Query, node); if (!domNode) return E_FAIL; *transitionWasRunning = controller->pauseTransitionAtTime(domNode->node()->renderer(), String(propertyName, SysStringLen(propertyName)), secondsFromNow); return S_OK; } HRESULT WebFrame::numberOfActiveAnimations(UINT* number) { if (!number) return E_POINTER; *number = 0; Frame* frame = core(this); if (!frame) return E_FAIL; AnimationController* controller = frame->animation(); if (!controller) return E_FAIL; *number = controller->numberOfActiveAnimations(); return S_OK; } HRESULT WebFrame::isDisplayingStandaloneImage(BOOL* result) { if (!result) return E_POINTER; *result = FALSE; Frame* frame = core(this); if (!frame) return E_FAIL; Document* document = frame->document(); *result = document && document->isImageDocument(); return S_OK; } HRESULT WebFrame::controlsInForm(IDOMElement* form, IDOMElement** controls, int* cControls) { if (!form) return E_INVALIDARG; HTMLFormElement *formElement = formElementFromDOMElement(form); if (!formElement) return E_FAIL; int inCount = *cControls; int count = (int) formElement->formElements.size(); *cControls = count; if (!controls) return S_OK; if (inCount < count) return E_FAIL; *cControls = 0; Vector<HTMLFormControlElement*>& elements = formElement->formElements; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (elements.at(i)->isEnumeratable()) { // Skip option elements, other duds controls[*cControls] = DOMElement::createInstance(elements.at(i)); (*cControls)++; } } return S_OK; } HRESULT WebFrame::elementIsPassword(IDOMElement *element, bool *result) { HTMLInputElement *inputElement = inputElementFromDOMElement(element); *result = inputElement != 0 && inputElement->inputType() == HTMLInputElement::PASSWORD; return S_OK; } HRESULT WebFrame::searchForLabelsBeforeElement(const BSTR* labels, int cLabels, IDOMElement* beforeElement, BSTR* result) { if (!result) { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return E_POINTER; } *result = 0; if (!cLabels) return S_OK; if (cLabels < 1) return E_INVALIDARG; Frame* coreFrame = core(this); if (!coreFrame) return E_FAIL; Vector<String> labelStrings(cLabels); for (int i=0; i<cLabels; i++) labelStrings[i] = String(labels[i], SysStringLen(labels[i])); Element *coreElement = elementFromDOMElement(beforeElement); if (!coreElement) return E_FAIL; String label = coreFrame->searchForLabelsBeforeElement(labelStrings, coreElement); *result = SysAllocStringLen(label.characters(), label.length()); if (label.length() && !*result) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; return S_OK; } HRESULT WebFrame::matchLabelsAgainstElement(const BSTR* labels, int cLabels, IDOMElement* againstElement, BSTR* result) { if (!result) { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return E_POINTER; } *result = 0; if (!cLabels) return S_OK; if (cLabels < 1) return E_INVALIDARG; Frame* coreFrame = core(this); if (!coreFrame) return E_FAIL; Vector<String> labelStrings(cLabels); for (int i=0; i<cLabels; i++) labelStrings[i] = String(labels[i], SysStringLen(labels[i])); Element *coreElement = elementFromDOMElement(againstElement); if (!coreElement) return E_FAIL; String label = coreFrame->matchLabelsAgainstElement(labelStrings, coreElement); *result = SysAllocStringLen(label.characters(), label.length()); if (label.length() && !*result) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; return S_OK; } HRESULT WebFrame::canProvideDocumentSource(bool* result) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; *result = false; COMPtr<IWebDataSource> dataSource; hr = WebFrame::dataSource(&dataSource); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; COMPtr<IWebURLResponse> urlResponse; hr = dataSource->response(&urlResponse); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && urlResponse) { BSTR mimeTypeBStr; if (SUCCEEDED(urlResponse->MIMEType(&mimeTypeBStr))) { String mimeType(mimeTypeBStr, SysStringLen(mimeTypeBStr)); *result = mimeType == "text/html" || WebCore::DOMImplementation::isXMLMIMEType(mimeType); SysFreeString(mimeTypeBStr); } } return hr; } void WebFrame::frameLoaderDestroyed() { // The FrameLoader going away is equivalent to the Frame going away, // so we now need to clear our frame pointer. d->frame = 0; this->Release(); } void WebFrame::makeRepresentation(DocumentLoader*) { notImplemented(); } void WebFrame::forceLayoutForNonHTML() { notImplemented(); } void WebFrame::setCopiesOnScroll() { notImplemented(); } void WebFrame::detachedFromParent2() { notImplemented(); } void WebFrame::detachedFromParent3() { notImplemented(); } void WebFrame::cancelPolicyCheck() { if (d->m_policyListener) { d->m_policyListener->invalidate(); d->m_policyListener = 0; } d->m_policyFunction = 0; } void WebFrame::dispatchWillSubmitForm(FramePolicyFunction function, PassRefPtr<FormState> formState) { Frame* coreFrame = core(this); ASSERT(coreFrame); COMPtr<IWebFormDelegate> formDelegate; if (FAILED(d->webView->formDelegate(&formDelegate))) { (coreFrame->loader()->*function)(PolicyUse); return; } COMPtr<IDOMElement> formElement(AdoptCOM, DOMElement::createInstance(formState->form())); HashMap<String, String> formValuesMap; const StringPairVector& textFieldValues = formState->textFieldValues(); size_t size = textFieldValues.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) formValuesMap.add(textFieldValues[i].first, textFieldValues[i].second); COMPtr<IPropertyBag> formValuesPropertyBag(AdoptCOM, COMPropertyBag<String>::createInstance(formValuesMap)); COMPtr<WebFrame> sourceFrame(kit(formState->sourceFrame())); if (SUCCEEDED(formDelegate->willSubmitForm(this, sourceFrame.get(), formElement.get(), formValuesPropertyBag.get(), setUpPolicyListener(function).get()))) return; // FIXME: Add a sane default implementation (coreFrame->loader()->*function)(PolicyUse); } void WebFrame::revertToProvisionalState(DocumentLoader*) { notImplemented(); } void WebFrame::setMainFrameDocumentReady(bool) { notImplemented(); } void WebFrame::willChangeTitle(DocumentLoader*) { notImplemented(); } void WebFrame::didChangeTitle(DocumentLoader*) { notImplemented(); } bool WebFrame::canHandleRequest(const ResourceRequest& request) const { return WebView::canHandleRequest(request); } bool WebFrame::canShowMIMEType(const String& /*MIMEType*/) const { notImplemented(); return true; } bool WebFrame::representationExistsForURLScheme(const String& /*URLScheme*/) const { notImplemented(); return false; } String WebFrame::generatedMIMETypeForURLScheme(const String& /*URLScheme*/) const { notImplemented(); ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return String(); } void WebFrame::frameLoadCompleted() { } void WebFrame::restoreViewState() { } void WebFrame::provisionalLoadStarted() { notImplemented(); } bool WebFrame::shouldTreatURLAsSameAsCurrent(const KURL&) const { notImplemented(); return false; } void WebFrame::addHistoryItemForFragmentScroll() { notImplemented(); } void WebFrame::didFinishLoad() { notImplemented(); } void WebFrame::prepareForDataSourceReplacement() { notImplemented(); } String WebFrame::userAgent(const KURL& url) { return d->webView->userAgentForKURL(url); } void WebFrame::saveViewStateToItem(HistoryItem*) { } ResourceError WebFrame::cancelledError(const ResourceRequest& request) { // FIXME: Need ChickenCat to include CFNetwork/CFURLError.h to get these values // Alternatively, we could create our own error domain/codes. return ResourceError(String(WebURLErrorDomain), -999, request.url().string(), String()); } ResourceError WebFrame::blockedError(const ResourceRequest& request) { // FIXME: Need to implement the String descriptions for errors in the WebKitErrorDomain and have them localized return ResourceError(String(WebKitErrorDomain), WebKitErrorCannotUseRestrictedPort, request.url().string(), String()); } ResourceError WebFrame::cannotShowURLError(const ResourceRequest& request) { // FIXME: Need to implement the String descriptions for errors in the WebKitErrorDomain and have them localized return ResourceError(String(WebKitErrorDomain), WebKitErrorCannotShowURL, request.url().string(), String()); } ResourceError WebFrame::interruptForPolicyChangeError(const ResourceRequest& request) { // FIXME: Need to implement the String descriptions for errors in the WebKitErrorDomain and have them localized return ResourceError(String(WebKitErrorDomain), WebKitErrorFrameLoadInterruptedByPolicyChange, request.url().string(), String()); } ResourceError WebFrame::cannotShowMIMETypeError(const ResourceResponse&) { notImplemented(); return ResourceError(); } ResourceError WebFrame::fileDoesNotExistError(const ResourceResponse&) { notImplemented(); return ResourceError(); } ResourceError WebFrame::pluginWillHandleLoadError(const ResourceResponse& response) { return ResourceError(String(WebKitErrorDomain), WebKitErrorPlugInWillHandleLoad, response.url().string(), String()); } bool WebFrame::shouldFallBack(const ResourceError& error) { return error.errorCode() != WebURLErrorCancelled; } COMPtr<WebFramePolicyListener> WebFrame::setUpPolicyListener(WebCore::FramePolicyFunction function) { // FIXME: <rdar://5634381> We need to support multiple active policy listeners. if (d->m_policyListener) d->m_policyListener->invalidate(); Frame* coreFrame = core(this); ASSERT(coreFrame); d->m_policyListener.adoptRef(WebFramePolicyListener::createInstance(coreFrame)); d->m_policyFunction = function; return d->m_policyListener; } void WebFrame::receivedPolicyDecision(PolicyAction action) { ASSERT(d->m_policyListener); ASSERT(d->m_policyFunction); FramePolicyFunction function = d->m_policyFunction; d->m_policyListener = 0; d->m_policyFunction = 0; Frame* coreFrame = core(this); ASSERT(coreFrame); (coreFrame->loader()->*function)(action); } void WebFrame::dispatchDecidePolicyForMIMEType(FramePolicyFunction function, const String& mimeType, const ResourceRequest& request) { Frame* coreFrame = core(this); ASSERT(coreFrame); COMPtr<IWebPolicyDelegate> policyDelegate; if (FAILED(d->webView->policyDelegate(&policyDelegate))) policyDelegate = DefaultPolicyDelegate::sharedInstance(); COMPtr<IWebURLRequest> urlRequest(AdoptCOM, WebMutableURLRequest::createInstance(request)); if (SUCCEEDED(policyDelegate->decidePolicyForMIMEType(d->webView, BString(mimeType), urlRequest.get(), this, setUpPolicyListener(function).get()))) return; (coreFrame->loader()->*function)(PolicyUse); } void WebFrame::dispatchDecidePolicyForNewWindowAction(FramePolicyFunction function, const NavigationAction& action, const ResourceRequest& request, PassRefPtr<FormState> formState, const String& frameName) { Frame* coreFrame = core(this); ASSERT(coreFrame); COMPtr<IWebPolicyDelegate> policyDelegate; if (FAILED(d->webView->policyDelegate(&policyDelegate))) policyDelegate = DefaultPolicyDelegate::sharedInstance(); COMPtr<IWebURLRequest> urlRequest(AdoptCOM, WebMutableURLRequest::createInstance(request)); COMPtr<WebActionPropertyBag> actionInformation(AdoptCOM, WebActionPropertyBag::createInstance(action, formState ? formState->form() : 0, coreFrame)); if (SUCCEEDED(policyDelegate->decidePolicyForNewWindowAction(d->webView, actionInformation.get(), urlRequest.get(), BString(frameName), setUpPolicyListener(function).get()))) return; (coreFrame->loader()->*function)(PolicyUse); } void WebFrame::dispatchDecidePolicyForNavigationAction(FramePolicyFunction function, const NavigationAction& action, const ResourceRequest& request, PassRefPtr<FormState> formState) { Frame* coreFrame = core(this); ASSERT(coreFrame); COMPtr<IWebPolicyDelegate> policyDelegate; if (FAILED(d->webView->policyDelegate(&policyDelegate))) policyDelegate = DefaultPolicyDelegate::sharedInstance(); COMPtr<IWebURLRequest> urlRequest(AdoptCOM, WebMutableURLRequest::createInstance(request)); COMPtr<WebActionPropertyBag> actionInformation(AdoptCOM, WebActionPropertyBag::createInstance(action, formState ? formState->form() : 0, coreFrame)); if (SUCCEEDED(policyDelegate->decidePolicyForNavigationAction(d->webView, actionInformation.get(), urlRequest.get(), this, setUpPolicyListener(function).get()))) return; (coreFrame->loader()->*function)(PolicyUse); } void WebFrame::dispatchUnableToImplementPolicy(const ResourceError& error) { COMPtr<IWebPolicyDelegate> policyDelegate; if (FAILED(d->webView->policyDelegate(&policyDelegate))) policyDelegate = DefaultPolicyDelegate::sharedInstance(); COMPtr<IWebError> webError(AdoptCOM, WebError::createInstance(error)); policyDelegate->unableToImplementPolicyWithError(d->webView, webError.get(), this); } void WebFrame::download(ResourceHandle* handle, const ResourceRequest& request, const ResourceRequest&, const ResourceResponse& response) { COMPtr<IWebDownloadDelegate> downloadDelegate; COMPtr<IWebView> webView; if (SUCCEEDED(this->webView(&webView))) { if (FAILED(webView->downloadDelegate(&downloadDelegate))) { // If the WebView doesn't successfully provide a download delegate we'll pass a null one // into the WebDownload - which may or may not decide to use a DefaultDownloadDelegate LOG_ERROR("Failed to get downloadDelegate from WebView"); downloadDelegate = 0; } } // Its the delegate's job to ref the WebDownload to keep it alive - otherwise it will be destroyed // when this method returns COMPtr<WebDownload> download; download.adoptRef(WebDownload::createInstance(handle, request, response, downloadDelegate.get())); } bool WebFrame::dispatchDidLoadResourceFromMemoryCache(DocumentLoader*, const ResourceRequest&, const ResourceResponse&, int /*length*/) { notImplemented(); return false; } void WebFrame::dispatchDidFailProvisionalLoad(const ResourceError& error) { COMPtr<IWebFrameLoadDelegate> frameLoadDelegate; if (SUCCEEDED(d->webView->frameLoadDelegate(&frameLoadDelegate))) { COMPtr<IWebError> webError; webError.adoptRef(WebError::createInstance(error)); frameLoadDelegate->didFailProvisionalLoadWithError(d->webView, webError.get(), this); } } void WebFrame::dispatchDidFailLoad(const ResourceError& error) { COMPtr<IWebFrameLoadDelegate> frameLoadDelegate; if (SUCCEEDED(d->webView->frameLoadDelegate(&frameLoadDelegate))) { COMPtr<IWebError> webError; webError.adoptRef(WebError::createInstance(error)); frameLoadDelegate->didFailLoadWithError(d->webView, webError.get(), this); } } void WebFrame::startDownload(const ResourceRequest& request) { d->webView->downloadURL(request.url()); } PassRefPtr<Widget> WebFrame::createJavaAppletWidget(const IntSize& pluginSize, HTMLAppletElement* element, const KURL& /*baseURL*/, const Vector<String>& paramNames, const Vector<String>& paramValues) { RefPtr<PluginView> pluginView = PluginView::create(core(this), pluginSize, element, KURL(), paramNames, paramValues, "application/x-java-applet", false); // Check if the plugin can be loaded successfully if (pluginView->plugin() && pluginView->plugin()->load()) return pluginView; COMPtr<IWebResourceLoadDelegate> resourceLoadDelegate; if (FAILED(d->webView->resourceLoadDelegate(&resourceLoadDelegate))) return pluginView; COMPtr<CFDictionaryPropertyBag> userInfoBag(AdoptCOM, CFDictionaryPropertyBag::createInstance()); ResourceError resourceError(String(WebKitErrorDomain), WebKitErrorJavaUnavailable, String(), String()); COMPtr<IWebError> error(AdoptCOM, WebError::createInstance(resourceError, userInfoBag.get())); resourceLoadDelegate->plugInFailedWithError(d->webView, error.get(), getWebDataSource(d->frame->loader()->documentLoader())); return pluginView; } ObjectContentType WebFrame::objectContentType(const KURL& url, const String& mimeTypeIn) { String mimeType = mimeTypeIn; if (mimeType.isEmpty()) mimeType = MIMETypeRegistry::getMIMETypeForExtension(url.path().substring(url.path().reverseFind('.') + 1)); if (mimeType.isEmpty()) return ObjectContentFrame; // Go ahead and hope that we can display the content. if (MIMETypeRegistry::isSupportedImageMIMEType(mimeType)) return WebCore::ObjectContentImage; if (PluginDatabase::installedPlugins()->isMIMETypeRegistered(mimeType)) return WebCore::ObjectContentNetscapePlugin; if (MIMETypeRegistry::isSupportedNonImageMIMEType(mimeType)) return WebCore::ObjectContentFrame; return WebCore::ObjectContentNone; } String WebFrame::overrideMediaType() const { notImplemented(); return String(); } void WebFrame::windowObjectCleared() { Frame* coreFrame = core(this); ASSERT(coreFrame); Settings* settings = coreFrame->settings(); if (!settings || !settings->isJavaScriptEnabled()) return; COMPtr<IWebFrameLoadDelegate> frameLoadDelegate; if (SUCCEEDED(d->webView->frameLoadDelegate(&frameLoadDelegate))) { JSContextRef context = toRef(coreFrame->script()->globalObject()->globalExec()); JSObjectRef windowObject = toRef(coreFrame->script()->globalObject()); ASSERT(windowObject); if (FAILED(frameLoadDelegate->didClearWindowObject(d->webView, context, windowObject, this))) frameLoadDelegate->windowScriptObjectAvailable(d->webView, context, windowObject); } } void WebFrame::documentElementAvailable() { } void WebFrame::didPerformFirstNavigation() const { COMPtr<IWebPreferences> preferences; if (FAILED(d->webView->preferences(&preferences))) return; COMPtr<IWebPreferencesPrivate> preferencesPrivate(Query, preferences); if (!preferencesPrivate) return; BOOL automaticallyDetectsCacheModel; if (FAILED(preferencesPrivate->automaticallyDetectsCacheModel(&automaticallyDetectsCacheModel))) return; WebCacheModel cacheModel; if (FAILED(preferences->cacheModel(&cacheModel))) return; if (automaticallyDetectsCacheModel && cacheModel < WebCacheModelDocumentBrowser) preferences->setCacheModel(WebCacheModelDocumentBrowser); } void WebFrame::registerForIconNotification(bool listen) { d->webView->registerForIconNotification(listen); } static IntRect printerRect(HDC printDC) { return IntRect(0, 0, GetDeviceCaps(printDC, PHYSICALWIDTH) - 2 * GetDeviceCaps(printDC, PHYSICALOFFSETX), GetDeviceCaps(printDC, PHYSICALHEIGHT) - 2 * GetDeviceCaps(printDC, PHYSICALOFFSETY)); } void WebFrame::setPrinting(bool printing, float minPageWidth, float maxPageWidth, bool adjustViewSize) { Frame* coreFrame = core(this); ASSERT(coreFrame); coreFrame->setPrinting(printing, minPageWidth, maxPageWidth, adjustViewSize); } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::setInPrintingMode( /* [in] */ BOOL value, /* [in] */ HDC printDC) { if (m_inPrintingMode == !!value) return S_OK; Frame* coreFrame = core(this); if (!coreFrame || !coreFrame->document()) return E_FAIL; m_inPrintingMode = !!value; // If we are a frameset just print with the layout we have onscreen, otherwise relayout // according to the paper size float minLayoutWidth = 0.0f; float maxLayoutWidth = 0.0f; if (m_inPrintingMode && !coreFrame->document()->isFrameSet()) { if (!printDC) { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return E_POINTER; } const int desiredHorizontalPixelsPerInch = 72; int paperHorizontalPixelsPerInch = ::GetDeviceCaps(printDC, LOGPIXELSX); int paperWidth = printerRect(printDC).width() * desiredHorizontalPixelsPerInch / paperHorizontalPixelsPerInch; minLayoutWidth = paperWidth * PrintingMinimumShrinkFactor; maxLayoutWidth = paperWidth * PrintingMaximumShrinkFactor; } setPrinting(m_inPrintingMode, minLayoutWidth, maxLayoutWidth, true); if (!m_inPrintingMode) m_pageRects.clear(); return S_OK; } void WebFrame::headerAndFooterHeights(float* headerHeight, float* footerHeight) { if (headerHeight) *headerHeight = 0; if (footerHeight) *footerHeight = 0; float height = 0; COMPtr<IWebUIDelegate> ui; if (FAILED(d->webView->uiDelegate(&ui))) return; if (headerHeight && SUCCEEDED(ui->webViewHeaderHeight(d->webView, &height))) *headerHeight = height; if (footerHeight && SUCCEEDED(ui->webViewFooterHeight(d->webView, &height))) *footerHeight = height; } IntRect WebFrame::printerMarginRect(HDC printDC) { IntRect emptyRect(0, 0, 0, 0); COMPtr<IWebUIDelegate> ui; if (FAILED(d->webView->uiDelegate(&ui))) return emptyRect; RECT rect; if (FAILED(ui->webViewPrintingMarginRect(d->webView, &rect))) return emptyRect; rect.left = MulDiv(rect.left, ::GetDeviceCaps(printDC, LOGPIXELSX), 1000); rect.top = MulDiv(rect.top, ::GetDeviceCaps(printDC, LOGPIXELSY), 1000); rect.right = MulDiv(rect.right, ::GetDeviceCaps(printDC, LOGPIXELSX), 1000); rect.bottom = MulDiv(rect.bottom, ::GetDeviceCaps(printDC, LOGPIXELSY), 1000); return IntRect(rect.left, rect.top, (rect.right - rect.left), rect.bottom - rect.top); } const Vector<WebCore::IntRect>& WebFrame::computePageRects(HDC printDC) { ASSERT(m_inPrintingMode); Frame* coreFrame = core(this); ASSERT(coreFrame); ASSERT(coreFrame->document()); if (!printDC) return m_pageRects; // adjust the page rect by the header and footer float headerHeight = 0, footerHeight = 0; headerAndFooterHeights(&headerHeight, &footerHeight); IntRect pageRect = printerRect(printDC); IntRect marginRect = printerMarginRect(printDC); IntRect adjustedRect = IntRect( pageRect.x() + marginRect.x(), pageRect.y() + marginRect.y(), pageRect.width() - marginRect.x() - marginRect.right(), pageRect.height() - marginRect.y() - marginRect.bottom()); computePageRectsForFrame(coreFrame, adjustedRect, headerHeight, footerHeight, 1.0,m_pageRects, m_pageHeight); return m_pageRects; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::getPrintedPageCount( /* [in] */ HDC printDC, /* [retval][out] */ UINT *pageCount) { if (!pageCount || !printDC) { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return E_POINTER; } *pageCount = 0; if (!m_inPrintingMode) { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return E_FAIL; } Frame* coreFrame = core(this); if (!coreFrame || !coreFrame->document()) return E_FAIL; const Vector<IntRect>& pages = computePageRects(printDC); *pageCount = (UINT) pages.size(); return S_OK; } void WebFrame::drawHeader(PlatformGraphicsContext* pctx, IWebUIDelegate* ui, const IntRect& pageRect, float headerHeight) { int x = pageRect.x(); int y = 0; RECT headerRect = {x, y, x+pageRect.width(), y+static_cast<int>(headerHeight)}; ui->drawHeaderInRect(d->webView, &headerRect, static_cast<OLE_HANDLE>(reinterpret_cast<LONG64>(pctx))); } void WebFrame::drawFooter(PlatformGraphicsContext* pctx, IWebUIDelegate* ui, const IntRect& pageRect, UINT page, UINT pageCount, float headerHeight, float footerHeight) { int x = pageRect.x(); int y = max((int)headerHeight+pageRect.height(), m_pageHeight-static_cast<int>(footerHeight)); RECT footerRect = {x, y, x+pageRect.width(), y+static_cast<int>(footerHeight)}; ui->drawFooterInRect(d->webView, &footerRect, static_cast<OLE_HANDLE>(reinterpret_cast<LONG64>(pctx)), page+1, pageCount); } #if PLATFORM(CG) void WebFrame::spoolPage(PlatformGraphicsContext* pctx, GraphicsContext* spoolCtx, HDC printDC, IWebUIDelegate* ui, float headerHeight, float footerHeight, UINT page, UINT pageCount) { Frame* coreFrame = core(this); IntRect pageRect = m_pageRects[page]; CGContextSaveGState(pctx); IntRect printRect = printerRect(printDC); CGRect mediaBox = CGRectMake(CGFloat(0), CGFloat(0), CGFloat(printRect.width()), CGFloat(printRect.height())); CGContextBeginPage(pctx, &mediaBox); // FIXME: Could some of this coordinate space manipulation be shared with Cairo? CGFloat scale = static_cast<float>(mediaBox.size.width)/static_cast<float>(pageRect.width()); CGAffineTransform ctm = CGContextGetBaseCTM(pctx); ctm = CGAffineTransformScale(ctm, -scale, -scale); ctm = CGAffineTransformTranslate(ctm, CGFloat(-pageRect.x()), CGFloat(-pageRect.y()+headerHeight)); // reserves space for header CGContextScaleCTM(pctx, scale, scale); CGContextTranslateCTM(pctx, CGFloat(-pageRect.x()), CGFloat(-pageRect.y()+headerHeight)); // reserves space for header CGContextSetBaseCTM(pctx, ctm); coreFrame->view()->paintContents(spoolCtx, pageRect); CGContextTranslateCTM(pctx, CGFloat(pageRect.x()), CGFloat(pageRect.y())-headerHeight); if (headerHeight) drawHeader(pctx, ui, pageRect, headerHeight); if (footerHeight) drawFooter(pctx, ui, pageRect, page, pageCount, headerHeight, footerHeight); CGContextEndPage(pctx); CGContextRestoreGState(pctx); } #elif PLATFORM(CAIRO) void WebFrame::spoolPage(PlatformGraphicsContext* pctx, GraphicsContext* spoolCtx, HDC printDC, IWebUIDelegate* ui, float headerHeight, float footerHeight, UINT page, UINT pageCount) { Frame* coreFrame = core(this); IntRect pageRect = m_pageRects[page]; cairo_save(pctx); IntRect printRect = printerRect(printDC); IntRect mediaBox(0, 0, printRect.width(), printRect.height()); ::StartPage(printDC); // FIXME: Could some of this coordinate space manipulation be shared with CG? float scale = static_cast<float>(mediaBox.size().width())/static_cast<float>(pageRect.width()); cairo_scale(pctx, -scale, -scale); cairo_translate(pctx, -pageRect.x(), -pageRect.y()+headerHeight); cairo_scale(pctx, scale, scale); cairo_translate(pctx, -pageRect.x(), -pageRect.y()+headerHeight); // reserves space for header coreFrame->view()->paintContents(spoolCtx, pageRect); cairo_translate(pctx, pageRect.x(), pageRect.y()-headerHeight); if (headerHeight) drawHeader(pctx, ui, pageRect, headerHeight); if (footerHeight) drawFooter(pctx, ui, pageRect, page, pageCount, headerHeight, footerHeight); cairo_show_page(pctx); ::EndPage(printDC); cairo_restore(pctx); } #endif HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::spoolPages( /* [in] */ HDC printDC, /* [in] */ UINT startPage, /* [in] */ UINT endPage, /* [retval][out] */ void* ctx) { if (!printDC || !ctx) { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return E_POINTER; } if (!m_inPrintingMode) { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return E_FAIL; } Frame* coreFrame = core(this); if (!coreFrame || !coreFrame->document()) return E_FAIL; UINT pageCount = (UINT) m_pageRects.size(); PlatformGraphicsContext* pctx = (PlatformGraphicsContext*)ctx; if (!pageCount || startPage > pageCount) { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return E_FAIL; } if (startPage > 0) startPage--; if (endPage == 0) endPage = pageCount; COMPtr<IWebUIDelegate> ui; if (FAILED(d->webView->uiDelegate(&ui))) return E_FAIL; float headerHeight = 0, footerHeight = 0; headerAndFooterHeights(&headerHeight, &footerHeight); GraphicsContext spoolCtx(pctx); spoolCtx.setShouldIncludeChildWindows(true); for (UINT ii = startPage; ii < endPage; ii++) spoolPage(pctx, &spoolCtx, printDC, ui.get(), headerHeight, footerHeight, ii, pageCount); return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::isFrameSet( /* [retval][out] */ BOOL* result) { *result = FALSE; Frame* coreFrame = core(this); if (!coreFrame || !coreFrame->document()) return E_FAIL; *result = coreFrame->document()->isFrameSet() ? TRUE : FALSE; return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::string( /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *result) { *result = 0; Frame* coreFrame = core(this); if (!coreFrame) return E_FAIL; RefPtr<Range> allRange(rangeOfContents(coreFrame->document())); String allString = plainText(allRange.get()); *result = BString(allString).release(); return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::size( /* [retval][out] */ SIZE *size) { if (!size) return E_POINTER; size->cx = size->cy = 0; Frame* coreFrame = core(this); if (!coreFrame) return E_FAIL; FrameView* view = coreFrame->view(); if (!view) return E_FAIL; size->cx = view->width(); size->cy = view->height(); return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::hasScrollBars( /* [retval][out] */ BOOL *result) { if (!result) return E_POINTER; *result = FALSE; Frame* coreFrame = core(this); if (!coreFrame) return E_FAIL; FrameView* view = coreFrame->view(); if (!view) return E_FAIL; if (view->horizontalScrollbar() || view->verticalScrollbar()) *result = TRUE; return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::contentBounds( /* [retval][out] */ RECT *result) { if (!result) return E_POINTER; ::SetRectEmpty(result); Frame* coreFrame = core(this); if (!coreFrame) return E_FAIL; FrameView* view = coreFrame->view(); if (!view) return E_FAIL; result->bottom = view->contentsHeight(); result->right = view->contentsWidth(); return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::frameBounds( /* [retval][out] */ RECT *result) { if (!result) return E_POINTER; ::SetRectEmpty(result); Frame* coreFrame = core(this); if (!coreFrame) return E_FAIL; FrameView* view = coreFrame->view(); if (!view) return E_FAIL; FloatRect bounds = view->visibleContentRect(true); result->bottom = (LONG) bounds.height(); result->right = (LONG) bounds.width(); return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE WebFrame::isDescendantOfFrame( /* [in] */ IWebFrame *ancestor, /* [retval][out] */ BOOL *result) { if (!result) return E_POINTER; *result = FALSE; Frame* coreFrame = core(this); COMPtr<WebFrame> ancestorWebFrame(Query, ancestor); if (!ancestorWebFrame) return S_OK; *result = (coreFrame && coreFrame->tree()->isDescendantOf(core(ancestorWebFrame.get()))) ? TRUE : FALSE; return S_OK; } void WebFrame::unmarkAllMisspellings() { Frame* coreFrame = core(this); for (Frame* frame = coreFrame; frame; frame = frame->tree()->traverseNext(coreFrame)) { Document *doc = frame->document(); if (!doc) return; doc->removeMarkers(DocumentMarker::Spelling); } } void WebFrame::unmarkAllBadGrammar() { Frame* coreFrame = core(this); for (Frame* frame = coreFrame; frame; frame = frame->tree()->traverseNext(coreFrame)) { Document *doc = frame->document(); if (!doc) return; doc->removeMarkers(DocumentMarker::Grammar); } } WebView* WebFrame::webView() const { return d->webView; } COMPtr<IAccessible> WebFrame::accessible() const { Frame* coreFrame = core(this); ASSERT(coreFrame); Document* currentDocument = coreFrame->document(); if (!currentDocument) m_accessible = 0; else if (!m_accessible || m_accessible->document() != currentDocument) { // Either we've never had a wrapper for this frame's top-level Document, // the Document renderer was destroyed and its wrapper was detached, or // the previous Document is in the page cache, and the current document // needs to be wrapped. m_accessible = new AccessibleDocument(currentDocument); } return m_accessible.get(); } void WebFrame::updateBackground() { Color backgroundColor = webView()->transparent() ? Color::transparent : Color::white; Frame* coreFrame = core(this); if (!coreFrame || !coreFrame->view()) return; coreFrame->view()->updateBackgroundRecursively(backgroundColor, webView()->transparent()); }