/* * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #define LOG_TAG "TestPlayerStub" #include "utils/Log.h" #include "TestPlayerStub.h" #include <dlfcn.h> // for dlopen/dlclose #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <cutils/properties.h> #include <utils/Errors.h> // for status_t #include "media/MediaPlayerInterface.h" namespace { using android::status_t; using android::MediaPlayerBase; const char *kTestUrlScheme = "test:"; const char *kUrlParam = "url="; const char *kBuildTypePropName = "ro.build.type"; const char *kEngBuild = "eng"; const char *kTestBuild = "test"; // @return true if the current build is 'eng' or 'test'. bool isTestBuild() { char prop[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX] = { '\0', }; property_get(kBuildTypePropName, prop, '\0'); return strcmp(prop, kEngBuild) == 0 || strcmp(prop, kTestBuild) == 0; } // @return true if the url scheme is 'test:' bool isTestUrl(const char *url) { return url && strncmp(url, kTestUrlScheme, strlen(kTestUrlScheme)) == 0; } } // anonymous namespace namespace android { TestPlayerStub::TestPlayerStub() :mUrl(NULL), mFilename(NULL), mContentUrl(NULL), mHandle(NULL), mNewPlayer(NULL), mDeletePlayer(NULL), mPlayer(NULL) { } TestPlayerStub::~TestPlayerStub() { resetInternal(); } status_t TestPlayerStub::initCheck() { return isTestBuild() ? OK : INVALID_OPERATION; } // Parse mUrl to get: // * The library to be dlopened. // * The url to be passed to the real setDataSource impl. // // mUrl is expected to be in following format: // // test:<name of the .so>?url=<url for setDataSource> // // The value of the url parameter is treated as a string (no // unescaping of illegal charaters). status_t TestPlayerStub::parseUrl() { if (strlen(mUrl) < strlen(kTestUrlScheme)) { resetInternal(); return BAD_VALUE; } char *i = mUrl + strlen(kTestUrlScheme); mFilename = i; while (*i != '\0' && *i != '?') { ++i; } if (*i == '\0' || strncmp(i + 1, kUrlParam, strlen(kUrlParam)) != 0) { resetInternal(); return BAD_VALUE; } *i = '\0'; // replace '?' to nul-terminate mFilename mContentUrl = i + 1 + strlen(kUrlParam); return OK; } // Load the dynamic library. // Create the test player. // Call setDataSource on the test player with the url in param. status_t TestPlayerStub::setDataSource(const char *url) { if (!isTestUrl(url) || NULL != mHandle) { return INVALID_OPERATION; } mUrl = strdup(url); status_t status = parseUrl(); if (OK != status) { resetInternal(); return status; } ::dlerror(); // Clears any pending error. // Load the test player from the url. dlopen will fail if the lib // is not there. dls are under /system/lib // None of the entry points should be NULL. mHandle = ::dlopen(mFilename, RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL); if (!mHandle) { LOGE("dlopen failed: %s", ::dlerror()); resetInternal(); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } // Load the 2 entry points to create and delete instances. const char *err; mNewPlayer = reinterpret_cast<NEW_PLAYER>(dlsym(mHandle, "newPlayer")); err = ::dlerror(); if (err || mNewPlayer == NULL) { // if err is NULL the string <null> is inserted in the logs => // mNewPlayer was NULL. LOGE("dlsym for newPlayer failed %s", err); resetInternal(); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } mDeletePlayer = reinterpret_cast<DELETE_PLAYER>(dlsym(mHandle, "deletePlayer")); err = ::dlerror(); if (err || mDeletePlayer == NULL) { LOGE("dlsym for deletePlayer failed %s", err); resetInternal(); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } mPlayer = (*mNewPlayer)(); return mPlayer->setDataSource(mContentUrl); } // Internal cleanup. status_t TestPlayerStub::resetInternal() { if(mUrl) { free(mUrl); mUrl = NULL; } mFilename = NULL; mContentUrl = NULL; if (mPlayer) { LOG_ASSERT(mDeletePlayer != NULL); (*mDeletePlayer)(mPlayer); mPlayer = NULL; } if (mHandle) { ::dlclose(mHandle); mHandle = NULL; } return OK; } /* static */ bool TestPlayerStub::canBeUsed(const char *url) { return isTestBuild() && isTestUrl(url); } } // namespace android