<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <resources> <!-- Application name --> <string name="app_name">Calculator</string> <!-- If there is a syntax error in the user entered calculation, an error dialog will appear. This is the title. --> <string name="error">Error</string> <!-- Displayed numbers for the digit buttons --> <string name="digit0">0</string> <!-- Displayed numbers for the digit buttons --> <string name="digit1">1</string> <!-- Displayed numbers for the digit buttons --> <string name="digit2">2</string> <!-- Displayed numbers for the digit buttons --> <string name="digit3">3</string> <!-- Displayed numbers for the digit buttons --> <string name="digit4">4</string> <!-- Displayed numbers for the digit buttons --> <string name="digit5">5</string> <!-- Displayed numbers for the digit buttons --> <string name="digit6">6</string> <!-- Displayed numbers for the digit buttons --> <string name="digit7">7</string> <!-- Displayed numbers for the digit buttons --> <string name="digit8">8</string> <!-- Displayed numbers for the digit buttons --> <string name="digit9">9</string> <!-- Button name on screen to delete the last entered digit or operator --> <string name="del">DELETE</string> <!-- Button name on screen to clear the entire calculation field --> <string name="clear">CLEAR</string> <!-- Do not translate. Unicode division sign; don't translate. Displayed as button on screen. --> <string name="div">\u00f7</string> <!-- Do not translate. Unicode multiplication sign; don't translate. Displayed as button on screen. --> <string name="mul">\u00d7</string> <!-- Do not translate. Plus sign, displayed as button on screen --> <string name="plus">+</string> <!-- Do not translate. Unicode minus sign; don't translate. Displayed as button on screen. --> <string name="minus">\u2212</string> <!-- Do not translate. Decimal point; don't translate. Displayed as button on screen. --> <string name="dot">.</string> <!-- Do not translate. Equal sign; don't translate. Displayed as button on screen. --> <string name="equal">=</string> <!-- Do not translate. Down arrow; don't translate. Displayed as button on screen. --> <string name="enter">\u2193</string> <!-- Displayed on buttons on screen for the sin function. --> <string name="sin">sin</string> <!-- Displayed on buttons on screen for the cos function. --> <string name="cos">cos</string> <!-- Displayed on buttons on screen for the tan function. --> <string name="tan">tan</string> <!-- Do not translate. Unicode pi sign; don't translate. Displayed as button on screen. --> <string name="pi">\u03c0</string> <!-- Displayed on buttons on screen for the e function. --> <string name="e">e</string> <!-- Displayed on buttons on screen for the ln function. --> <string name="ln">ln</string> <!-- Displayed on buttons on screen for the log function. --> <string name="lg">log</string> <!-- Displayed on buttons on screen for a left parenthesis. --> <string name="leftParen">(</string> <!-- Displayed on buttons on screen for a right parenthesis. --> <string name="rightParen">)</string> <!-- Do not translate. Unicode square root sign; don't translate. Displayed on button on screen. --> <string name="sqrt">\u221a</string> <!-- Do not translate. Displayed on buttons on screen. --> <string name="power">^</string> <!-- Do not translate. --> <string name="factorial">!</string> <!-- Menu item text to take user to the screen with the basic digits and operators. --> <string name="basic">Basic panel</string> <!-- Menu item text to take user to the screen with the advanced functions, such as sin, cos, ln, log, etc. --> <string name="advanced">Advanced panel</string> <!-- Menu item text to clear the calculation history. --> <string name="clear_history">Clear history</string> </resources>