------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OpenWnn Japnese README Version 1.3.1 (C) Copyright OMRON SOFTWARE Co., Ltd. 2008,2009 All Rights Reserved. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. About OpenWnn OpenWnn is a IME(Input Method Editor) package which works on Android's IMF(Input Method Framework). This version contains Japanese IME. 2. Contents This package includes the following items. o Document . Apache license paper (text) . This README (text) . Change history (text) . Java docs of the IME (HTML) o Building environment . Building control file (XML, makefile, shell script) . IME native library source code (C) . IME resource (XML, PNG) . IME source code (Java) 3. Dictionary Libraries [libWnnEngDic.so: English dictionary] Index 0: English dictionary for normal prediction (high priority) Index 1: English dictionary for normal prediction (middle priority) Index 2: English dictionary for normal prediction (low priority) Index 3: English dictionary for relative prediction #1 Index 4: English dictionary for relative prediction #2 [libWnnJpnDic.so: Japanese dictionary] Index 0: Japanese dictionary for normal prediction (high priority) Index 1: Japanese dictionary for normal prediction (low priority) Index 2: Japanese dictionary for relative prediction #1 Index 3: Japanese dictionary for relative prediction #2 Index 4: Japanese dictionary for clause conversion (single Kanji) Index 5: Japanese dictionary for clause conversion (basic words) Index 6: Japanese dictionary for clause conversion (ancillary words) 4. File constitution NOTICE Apache license paper README.txt This README ChangeLog.txt Change history doc/ *.html Java docs of the IME Android.mk Building control file AndroidManifest.xml | libs/ IME native library source code (C language) Android.mk | libwnnDictionary/ | Android.mk | *.c | *.h | engine/ | *.c | include/ | *.h | libwnnEngDic/ | Android.mk | *.c | libwnnJpnDic/ | Android.mk | *.c | res/ IME resource (XML, PNG) drawable/ | *.xml | *.png | drawable-ja/ | *.png | layout/ | *.xml | raw/ | type.ogg | values/ | *.xml | values-ja/ | *.xml | values-zh-rCN | *.xml | xml/ | *.xml | src/ IME source code (Java) jp/ | co/ | omronsoft/ | openwnn/ | *.java | EN/ | *.java | JAJP/ | *.java | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------