/* * TxDbg.c * * Copyright(c) 1998 - 2009 Texas Instruments. All rights reserved. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name Texas Instruments nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /***************************************************************************/ /* */ /* MODULE: */ /* PURPOSE: */ /* */ /***************************************************************************/ #include "tidef.h" #include "DataCtrl_Api.h" #include "dataCtrlDbg.h" #include "osApi.h" #include "report.h" #include "siteMgrApi.h" #include "TWDriver.h" #include "txCtrl.h" void printTxRxDbgFunctions(void); /************************************************************************* * rxTxDebugFunction * ************************************************************************* DESCRIPTION: Call the requested Tx or Rx debug print function. ************************************************************************/ void rxTxDebugFunction(TI_HANDLE hRxTxHandle, TI_UINT32 funcType, void *pParam) { txCtrl_t *pTxCtrl = (txCtrl_t *)hRxTxHandle; /* Relevant only for some of the cases below! */ switch ((ERxTxDbgFunc)funcType) { case TX_RX_DBG_FUNCTIONS: printTxRxDbgFunctions(); break; /* * TX DEBUG FUNCTIONS: * =================== */ case PRINT_TX_CTRL_INFO: txCtrlParams_printInfo (hRxTxHandle); break; case PRINT_TX_CTRL_COUNTERS: txCtrlParams_printDebugCounters (hRxTxHandle); break; case PRINT_TX_DATA_QUEUE_INFO: txDataQ_PrintModuleParams (pTxCtrl->hTxDataQ); break; case PRINT_TX_DATA_QUEUE_COUNTERS: txDataQ_PrintQueueStatistics (pTxCtrl->hTxDataQ); break; case PRINT_TX_MGMT_QUEUE_INFO: txMgmtQ_PrintModuleParams (pTxCtrl->hTxMgmtQ); break; case PRINT_TX_MGMT_QUEUE_COUNTERS: txMgmtQ_PrintQueueStatistics (pTxCtrl->hTxMgmtQ); break; case PRINT_TX_CTRL_BLK_INFO: TWD_PrintTxInfo (pTxCtrl->hTWD, TWD_PRINT_TX_CTRL_BLK_TBL); break; case PRINT_TX_HW_QUEUE_INFO: TWD_PrintTxInfo (pTxCtrl->hTWD, TWD_PRINT_TX_HW_QUEUE_INFO); break; case PRINT_TX_XFER_INFO: TWD_PrintTxInfo (pTxCtrl->hTWD, TWD_PRINT_TX_XFER_INFO); break; case PRINT_TX_RESULT_INFO: TWD_PrintTxInfo (pTxCtrl->hTWD, TWD_PRINT_TX_RESULT_INFO); break; case PRINT_TX_DATA_CLSFR_TABLE: txDataClsfr_PrintClsfrTable (pTxCtrl->hTxDataQ); break; case RESET_TX_CTRL_COUNTERS: txCtrlParams_resetDbgCounters (hRxTxHandle); break; case RESET_TX_DATA_QUEUE_COUNTERS: txDataQ_ResetQueueStatistics (pTxCtrl->hTxDataQ); break; case RESET_TX_DATA_CLSFR_TABLE: { EClsfrType myLocalType; /* Setting again the current classifier type clears the table */ txDataClsfr_GetClsfrType (pTxCtrl->hTxDataQ, &myLocalType); txDataClsfr_SetClsfrType (pTxCtrl->hTxDataQ, myLocalType); } break; case RESET_TX_MGMT_QUEUE_COUNTERS: txMgmtQ_ResetQueueStatistics (pTxCtrl->hTxMgmtQ); break; /* * RX DEBUG FUNCTIONS: * =================== */ case PRINT_RX_BLOCK: WLAN_OS_REPORT(("RX DBG - Print Rx Block \n\n")); rxData_printRxBlock(hRxTxHandle); break; case PRINT_RX_COUNTERS: WLAN_OS_REPORT(("RX DBG - Print Rx counters \n\n")); rxData_printRxCounters(hRxTxHandle); break; case RESET_RX_COUNTERS: WLAN_OS_REPORT(("RX DBG - Reset Rx counters \n\n")); rxData_resetCounters(hRxTxHandle); rxData_resetDbgCounters(hRxTxHandle); break; case PRINT_RX_THROUGHPUT_START: rxData_startRxThroughputTimer (hRxTxHandle); break; case PRINT_RX_THROUGHPUT_STOP: rxData_stopRxThroughputTimer (hRxTxHandle); break; default: WLAN_OS_REPORT(("Invalid function type in Debug Tx Function Command: %d\n\n", funcType)); break; } } void printTxRxDbgFunctions(void) { WLAN_OS_REPORT(("\n Tx Dbg Functions \n")); WLAN_OS_REPORT(("--------------------------------------\n")); WLAN_OS_REPORT(("301 - Print TxCtrl info.\n")); WLAN_OS_REPORT(("302 - Print TxCtrl Statistics.\n")); WLAN_OS_REPORT(("303 - Print TxDataQueue info.\n")); WLAN_OS_REPORT(("304 - Print TxDataQueue Statistics.\n")); WLAN_OS_REPORT(("305 - Print TxMgmtQueue info.\n")); WLAN_OS_REPORT(("306 - Print TxMgmtQueue Statistics.\n")); WLAN_OS_REPORT(("307 - Print Tx control-block table.\n")); WLAN_OS_REPORT(("308 - Print Tx HW queue info.\n")); WLAN_OS_REPORT(("309 - Print Tx Xfer info.\n")); WLAN_OS_REPORT(("310 - Print Tx result info.\n")); WLAN_OS_REPORT(("311 - Print TxDataClsfr Classifier Table.\n")); WLAN_OS_REPORT(("320 - Reset TxCtrl Statistics.\n")); WLAN_OS_REPORT(("321 - Reset TxDataQueue Statistics.\n")); WLAN_OS_REPORT(("322 - Reset TxDataClsfr Classifier Table.\n")); WLAN_OS_REPORT(("323 - Reset TxMgmtQueue Statistics.\n")); WLAN_OS_REPORT(("\n Rx Dbg Functions \n")); WLAN_OS_REPORT(("--------------------------------------\n")); WLAN_OS_REPORT(("350 - Print Rx block.\n")); WLAN_OS_REPORT(("351 - Print Rx counters.\n")); WLAN_OS_REPORT(("352 - Reset Rx counters.\n")); WLAN_OS_REPORT(("353 - Start Rx throughput timer.\n")); WLAN_OS_REPORT(("354 - Stop Rx throughput timer.\n")); }