LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
copy_from := \
baseline11k.par \
baseline8k.par \
baseline.par \
dictionary/basic.ok \
dictionary/enroll.ok \
dictionary/cmu6plus.ok.zip \
g2p/en-US-ttp.data \
models/generic.swiarb \
models/generic11.lda \
models/generic11_f.swimdl \
models/generic11_m.swimdl \
models/generic8.lda \
models/generic8_f.swimdl \
models/generic8_m.swimdl \
copy_to := $(addprefix $(TARGET_OUT)/usr/srec/config/en.us/,$(copy_from))
$(copy_to) : $(TARGET_OUT)/usr/srec/config/en.us/% : $(LOCAL_PATH)/% | $(ACP)
ALL_PREBUILT += $(copy_to)
# define paths to some grammar tools
srec_grammars : \
$(G2G_INSTALL_PATH)/enroll.g2g \
$(G2G_INSTALL_PATH)/bothtags5.g2g \
$(G2G_INSTALL_PATH)/dynamic-test.g2g \
$(G2G_INSTALL_PATH)/digits.g2g \
$(G2G_INSTALL_PATH)/boolean.g2g \
$(G2G_INSTALL_PATH)/homonym_test1.g2g \
$(G2G_INSTALL_PATH)/homonym_test2.g2g \
$(G2G_INSTALL_PATH)/homonym_test3.g2g \
$(G2G_INSTALL_PATH)/homonym_test4.g2g \
$(G2G_INSTALL_PATH)/ipaq_commands.g2g \
$(G2G_INSTALL_PATH)/lookup.g2g \
# Explicit rules.
# Those without explicit rules are subject to the rule at the end of this makefile
# This needs an explicit rule to specify the vocabulary (dictionary)
$(G2G_INSTALL_PATH)/enroll.g2g: $(LOCAL_PATH)/grammars/enroll.grxml $(GRXML) $(MAKE_G2G) $(DEFAULT_PAR) $(LOCAL_PATH)/dictionary/enroll.ok
mkdir -p $(G2G_INSTALL_PATH)
$(GRXML) -par $(DEFAULT_PAR) -grxml $< -vocab dictionary/enroll.ok -outdir $(G2G_INSTALL_PATH)
$(MAKE_G2G) -base $(G2G_INSTALL_PATH)/enroll,addWords=0 -out $@
(cd $(G2G_INSTALL_PATH); rm -f $*.Grev2.det.txt $*.map $*.omap $*.P.txt $*.params $*.PCLG.txt $*.script)
# Those without explicit rules are subject to the rule below
$(G2G_INSTALL_PATH)/%.g2g: $(LOCAL_PATH)/grammars/%.grxml $(GRXML) $(MAKE_G2G) $(DEFAULT_PAR) $(LOCAL_PATH)/dictionary/cmu6plus.ok.zip
mkdir -p $(G2G_INSTALL_PATH)
$(GRXML) -par $(DEFAULT_PAR) -grxml $< -outdir $(G2G_INSTALL_PATH)
$(MAKE_G2G) -base $(G2G_INSTALL_PATH)/$*,addWords=0 -out $@
(cd $(G2G_INSTALL_PATH); rm -f $*.Grev2.det.txt $*.map $*.omap $*.P.txt $*.params $*.PCLG.txt $*.script)
# this rule generates cmu6plus.ok.zip, which is built manually and checked in.
# the grxml compiler expects this (and other) data files to be here.
# $ g4 edit external/srec/config/en.us/dictionary/cmu6plus.ok.zip
# $ make cmu6plus.ok.zip
# To make the resulting zip as small as possible, install advzip from
# the advancecomp suite of compression utilities. (On ubuntu,
# "apt-get install advancecomp".) It makes the output about 10% smaller.
# This make rule will fall back to 'zip' if 'advzip' is not
# available.
cmu6plus.ok.zip: $(CMU2NUANCE) $(DICT_DIR)/c0.6 $(DICT_DIR)/numbers.ok $(DICT_DIR)/fixit.ok $(DICT_DIR)/enroll.ok
$(CMU2NUANCE) < $(DICT_DIR)/c0.6 > $(DICT_DIR)/c0.6.ok
sort -u $(DICT_DIR)/c0.6.ok $(DICT_DIR)/numbers.ok $(DICT_DIR)/fixit.ok $(DICT_DIR)/enroll.ok > $(DICT_DIR)/cmu6plus.ok
$(hide) (cd $(DICT_DIR)/ && advzip -a -4 cmu6plus.ok.zip cmu6plus.ok || \
(zip cmu6plus.ok.zip cmu6plus.ok && \
echo -e "\n+++ advzip not installed; fell back to zip\n cmu6plus.ok.zip (`du -h cmu6plus.ok.zip | cut -f 1`) could be ~10% smaller with advzip\n"))
# build cmu2nuance dictionary conversion program, to prevent bitrot
LOCAL_SRC_FILES:= dictionary/cmu2nuance.cpp
LOCAL_MODULE:= cmu2nuance