/* -*-C-*-
* File: trie.h (Formerly trie.h)
* Description: Functions to build a trie data structure.
* Author: Mark Seaman, SW Productivity
* Created: Fri Oct 16 14:37:00 1987
* Modified: Fri Jul 26 11:26:34 1991 (Mark Seaman) marks@hpgrlt
* Language: C
* Package: N/A
* Status: Reusable Software Component
* (c) Copyright 1987, Hewlett-Packard Company.
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
** You may obtain a copy of the License at
** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
** limitations under the License.
#ifndef TRIE_H
#define TRIE_H
#include "dawg.h"
#include "cutil.h"
// Note: if we consider either NODE_REF or EDGE_INDEX to ever exceed
// max int32, we will need to change GenericVector to use int64 for size
// and address indices. This does not seem to be needed immediately,
// since currently the largest number of edges limit used by tesseract
// (kMaxNumEdges in wordlist2dawg.cpp) is far less than max int32.
typedef inT64 EDGE_INDEX; // index of an edge in a given node
typedef bool *NODE_MARKER;
typedef GenericVector<EDGE_RECORD> EDGE_VECTOR;
EDGE_VECTOR forward_edges;
EDGE_VECTOR backward_edges;
typedef GenericVector<TRIE_NODE_RECORD *> TRIE_NODES;
namespace tesseract {
// Concrete class for Trie data structure that allows to store a list of
// words (extends Dawg base class) as well as dynamically add new words.
// This class stores a vector of pointers to TRIE_NODE_RECORDs, each of
// which has a vector of forward and backward edges.
class Trie : public Dawg {
// max_num_edges argument allows limiting the amount of memory this
// Trie can consume (if a new word insert would cause the Trie to
// contain more edges than max_num_edges, all the edges are cleared
// so that new inserts can proceed).
Trie(DawgType type, const STRING &lang, PermuterType perm,
uinT64 max_num_edges, int unicharset_size) {
init(type, lang, perm, unicharset_size);
num_edges_ = 0;
max_num_edges_ = max_num_edges;
deref_node_index_mask_ = ~letter_mask_;
new_dawg_node(); // need to allocate node 0
~Trie() { nodes_.delete_data_pointers(); }
// Returns the edge that corresponds to the letter out of this node.
EDGE_REF edge_char_of(NODE_REF node_ref, UNICHAR_ID unichar_id,
bool word_end) const {
EDGE_RECORD *edge_ptr;
EDGE_INDEX edge_index;
if (!edge_char_of(node_ref, NO_EDGE, FORWARD_EDGE, word_end, unichar_id,
&edge_ptr, &edge_index)) return NO_EDGE;
return make_edge_ref(node_ref, edge_index);
// Fills the given NodeChildVector with all the unichar ids (and the
// corresponding EDGE_REFs) for which there is an edge out of this node.
void unichar_ids_of(NODE_REF node, NodeChildVector *vec) const {
const EDGE_VECTOR &forward_edges = nodes_[node]->forward_edges;
for (int i = 0; i < forward_edges.size(); ++i) {
make_edge_ref(node, i)));
// Returns the next node visited by following the edge
// indicated by the given EDGE_REF.
NODE_REF next_node(EDGE_REF edge_ref) const {
if (edge_ref == NO_EDGE || num_edges_ == 0) return NO_EDGE;
return next_node_from_edge_rec(*deref_edge_ref(edge_ref));
// Returns true if the edge indicated by the given EDGE_REF
// marks the end of a word.
bool end_of_word(EDGE_REF edge_ref) const {
if (edge_ref == NO_EDGE || num_edges_ == 0) return false;
return end_of_word_from_edge_rec(*deref_edge_ref(edge_ref));
// Returns UNICHAR_ID stored in the edge indicated by the given EDGE_REF.
UNICHAR_ID edge_letter(EDGE_REF edge_ref) const {
if (edge_ref == NO_EDGE || num_edges_ == 0) return INVALID_UNICHAR_ID;
return unichar_id_from_edge_rec(*deref_edge_ref(edge_ref));
// Prints the contents of the node indicated by the given NODE_REF.
// At most max_num_edges will be printed.
void print_node(NODE_REF node, int max_num_edges) const;
// Writes edges from nodes_ to an EDGE_ARRAY and creates a SquishedDawg.
// Eliminates redundant edges and returns the pointer to the SquishedDawg.
// Note: the caller is responsible for deallocating memory associated
// with the returned SquishedDawg pointer.
SquishedDawg *trie_to_dawg();
// Inserts the list of words from the given file into the Trie.
bool read_word_list(const char *filename,
const UNICHARSET &unicharset);
// Adds a word to the Trie (creates the necessary nodes and edges).
void add_word_to_dawg(const WERD_CHOICE &word);
// The structure of an EDGE_REF for Trie edges is as follows:
// [LETTER_START_BIT, flag_start_bit_):
// edge index in *_edges in a TRIE_NODE_RECORD
// [flag_start_bit, 30th bit]: node index in nodes (TRIE_NODES vector)
// With this arrangement there are enough bits to represent edge indices
// (each node can have at most unicharset_size_ forward edges and
// the position of flag_start_bit is set to be log2(unicharset_size_)).
// It is also possible to accomodate a maximum number of nodes that is at
// least as large as that of the SquishedDawg representation (in SquishedDawg
// each EDGE_RECORD has 32-(flag_start_bit+NUM_FLAG_BITS) bits to represent
// the next node index).
// Returns the pointer to EDGE_RECORD after decoding the location
// of the edge from the information in the given EDGE_REF.
// This function assumes that EDGE_REF holds valid node/edge indices.
inline EDGE_RECORD *deref_edge_ref(EDGE_REF edge_ref) const {
uinT64 edge_index = (edge_ref & letter_mask_) >> LETTER_START_BIT;
uinT64 node_index =
(edge_ref & deref_node_index_mask_) >> flag_start_bit_;
TRIE_NODE_RECORD *node_rec = nodes_[node_index];
return &(node_rec->forward_edges[edge_index]);
// Constructs EDGE_REF from the given node_index and edge_index.
inline EDGE_REF make_edge_ref(NODE_REF node_index,
EDGE_INDEX edge_index) const {
return ((node_index << flag_start_bit_) |
(edge_index << LETTER_START_BIT));
// Sets up this edge record to the requested values.
inline void link_edge(EDGE_RECORD *edge, NODE_REF nxt, int direction,
bool word_end, UNICHAR_ID unichar_id) {
EDGE_RECORD flags = 0;
if (word_end) flags |= WERD_END_FLAG;
if (direction == BACKWARD_EDGE) flags |= DIRECTION_FLAG;
*edge = ((nxt << next_node_start_bit_) |
(static_cast<EDGE_RECORD>(flags) << flag_start_bit_) |
(static_cast<EDGE_RECORD>(unichar_id) << LETTER_START_BIT));
// Prints the given EDGE_RECORD.
inline void print_edge_rec(const EDGE_RECORD &edge_rec) const {
tprintf("|" REFFORMAT "|%s%s|%d|", next_node_from_edge_rec(edge_rec),
(direction_from_edge_rec(edge_rec) == FORWARD_EDGE) ? "F" : "B",
end_of_word_from_edge_rec(edge_rec) ? ",E" : "",
// Returns true if the next node in recorded the given EDGE_RECORD
// has exactly one forward edge.
inline bool can_be_eliminated(const EDGE_RECORD &edge_rec) {
NODE_REF node_ref = next_node_from_edge_rec(edge_rec);
return (node_ref != NO_EDGE &&
nodes_[node_ref]->forward_edges.size() == 1);
// Prints the contents of the Trie.
// At most max_num_edges will be printed for each node.
void print_all(const char* msg, int max_num_edges) {
tprintf("\n__________________________\n%s\n", msg);
for (int i = 0; i < nodes_.size(); ++i) print_node(i, max_num_edges);
// Finds the edge with the given direction, word_end and unichar_id
// in the node indicated by node_ref. Fills in the pointer to the
// EDGE_RECORD and the index of the edge with the the values
// corresponding to the edge found. Returns true if an edge was found.
bool edge_char_of(NODE_REF node_ref, NODE_REF next_node,
int direction, bool word_end, UNICHAR_ID unichar_id,
EDGE_RECORD **edge_ptr, EDGE_INDEX *edge_index) const;
// Adds an single edge linkage between node1 and node2 in the direction
// indicated by direction argument.
bool add_edge_linkage(NODE_REF node1, NODE_REF node2, int direction,
bool word_end, UNICHAR_ID unichar_id);
// Adds forward edge linkage from node1 to node2 and the corresponding
// backwad edge linkage in the other direction.
bool add_new_edge(NODE_REF node1, NODE_REF node2,
bool word_end, UNICHAR_ID unichar_id) {
return (add_edge_linkage(node1, node2, FORWARD_EDGE,
word_end, unichar_id) &&
add_edge_linkage(node2, node1, BACKWARD_EDGE,
word_end, unichar_id));
// Sets the word ending flags in an already existing edge pair.
// Returns true on success.
void add_word_ending(EDGE_RECORD *edge,
NODE_REF the_next_node,
UNICHAR_ID unichar_id);
// Allocates space for a new node in the Trie.
NODE_REF new_dawg_node();
// Removes a single edge linkage to between node1 and node2 in the
// direction indicated by direction argument.
void remove_edge_linkage(NODE_REF node1, NODE_REF node2, int direction,
bool word_end, UNICHAR_ID unichar_id);
// Removes forward edge linkage from node1 to node2 and the corresponding
// backward edge linkage in the other direction.
void remove_edge(NODE_REF node1, NODE_REF node2,
bool word_end, UNICHAR_ID unichar_id) {
remove_edge_linkage(node1, node2, FORWARD_EDGE, word_end, unichar_id);
remove_edge_linkage(node2, node1, BACKWARD_EDGE, word_end, unichar_id);
// Compares edge1 and edge2 in the given node to see if they point to two
// next nodes that could be collapsed. If they do, performs the reduction
// and returns true.
bool eliminate_redundant_edges(NODE_REF node, const EDGE_RECORD &edge1,
const EDGE_RECORD &edge2);
// Assuming that edge_index indicates the first edge in a group of edges
// in this node with a particular letter value, looks through these edges
// to see if any of them can be collapsed. If so does it. Returns to the
// caller when all edges with this letter have been reduced.
// Returns true if further reduction is possible with this same letter.
bool reduce_lettered_edges(EDGE_INDEX edge_index,
UNICHAR_ID unichar_id,
NODE_REF node,
const EDGE_VECTOR &backward_edges,
NODE_MARKER reduced_nodes);
// Order num_edges of consequtive EDGE_RECORDS in the given EDGE_VECTOR in
// increasing order of unichar ids. This function is normally called
// for all edges in a single node, and since number of edges in each node
// is usually quite small, selection sort is used.
void sort_edges(EDGE_VECTOR *edges);
// Eliminates any redundant edges from this node in the Trie.
void reduce_node_input(NODE_REF node, NODE_MARKER reduced_nodes);
// Member variables
TRIE_NODES nodes_; // vector of nodes in the Trie
uinT64 num_edges_; // sum of all edges (forward and backward)
uinT64 max_num_edges_; // maximum number of edges allowed
uinT64 deref_direction_mask_; // mask for EDGE_REF to extract direction
uinT64 deref_node_index_mask_; // mask for EDGE_REF to extract node index
} // namespace tesseract