* This file is part of the WebKit project.
* Copyright (C) 2007 Nikolas Zimmermann <zimmermann@kde.org>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef SVGCharacterLayoutInfo_h
#define SVGCharacterLayoutInfo_h
#include <wtf/Assertions.h>
#include <wtf/HashMap.h>
#include <wtf/HashSet.h>
#include <wtf/Vector.h>
#include "TransformationMatrix.h"
#include <wtf/RefCounted.h>
#include "SVGRenderStyle.h"
#include "SVGTextContentElement.h"
namespace WebCore {
class InlineBox;
class InlineFlowBox;
class SVGInlineTextBox;
class SVGLengthList;
class SVGNumberList;
class SVGTextPositioningElement;
template<class Type>
class PositionedVector : public Vector<Type> {
: m_position(0)
unsigned position() const
return m_position;
void advance(unsigned position)
m_position += position;
ASSERT(m_position < Vector<Type>::size());
Type valueAtCurrentPosition() const
ASSERT(m_position < Vector<Type>::size());
return Vector<Type>::at(m_position);
unsigned m_position;
class PositionedFloatVector : public PositionedVector<float> { };
struct SVGChar;
struct SVGCharacterLayoutInfo {
enum StackType { XStack, YStack, DxStack, DyStack, AngleStack, BaselineShiftStack };
bool xValueAvailable() const;
bool yValueAvailable() const;
bool dxValueAvailable() const;
bool dyValueAvailable() const;
bool angleValueAvailable() const;
bool baselineShiftValueAvailable() const;
float xValueNext() const;
float yValueNext() const;
float dxValueNext() const;
float dyValueNext() const;
float angleValueNext() const;
float baselineShiftValueNext() const;
void processedChunk(float savedShiftX, float savedShiftY);
void processedSingleCharacter();
bool nextPathLayoutPointAndAngle(float glyphAdvance, float extraAdvance, float newOffset);
// Used for text-on-path.
void addLayoutInformation(InlineFlowBox*, float textAnchorOffset = 0.0f);
bool inPathLayout() const;
void setInPathLayout(bool value);
// Used for anything else.
void addLayoutInformation(SVGTextPositioningElement*);
// Global position
float curx;
float cury;
// Global rotation
float angle;
// Accumulated dx/dy values
float dx;
float dy;
// Accumulated baseline-shift values
float shiftx;
float shifty;
// Path specific advance values to handle lengthAdjust
float pathExtraAdvance;
float pathTextLength;
float pathChunkLength;
// Result vector
Vector<SVGChar>& svgChars;
bool nextDrawnSeperated : 1;
// Used for baseline-shift.
void addStackContent(StackType, float);
// Used for angle.
void addStackContent(StackType, SVGNumberList*);
// Used for x/y/dx/dy.
void addStackContent(StackType, SVGLengthList*, const SVGElement*);
void addStackContent(StackType, const PositionedFloatVector&);
void xStackWalk();
void yStackWalk();
void dxStackWalk();
void dyStackWalk();
void angleStackWalk();
void baselineShiftStackWalk();
bool xStackChanged : 1;
bool yStackChanged : 1;
bool dxStackChanged : 1;
bool dyStackChanged : 1;
bool angleStackChanged : 1;
bool baselineShiftStackChanged : 1;
// text on path layout
bool pathLayout : 1;
float currentOffset;
float startOffset;
float layoutPathLength;
Path layoutPath;
Vector<PositionedFloatVector> xStack;
Vector<PositionedFloatVector> yStack;
Vector<PositionedFloatVector> dxStack;
Vector<PositionedFloatVector> dyStack;
Vector<PositionedFloatVector> angleStack;
Vector<float> baselineShiftStack;
// Holds extra data, when the character is laid out on a path
struct SVGCharOnPath : RefCounted<SVGCharOnPath> {
static PassRefPtr<SVGCharOnPath> create() { return adoptRef(new SVGCharOnPath); }
float xScale;
float yScale;
float xShift;
float yShift;
float orientationAngle;
bool hidden : 1;
: xScale(1.0f)
, yScale(1.0f)
, xShift(0.0f)
, yShift(0.0f)
, orientationAngle(0.0f)
, hidden(false)
struct SVGChar {
: x(0.0f)
, y(0.0f)
, angle(0.0f)
, orientationShiftX(0.0f)
, orientationShiftY(0.0f)
, pathData()
, drawnSeperated(false)
, newTextChunk(false)
float x;
float y;
float angle;
float orientationShiftX;
float orientationShiftY;
RefPtr<SVGCharOnPath> pathData;
// Determines wheter this char needs to be drawn seperated
bool drawnSeperated : 1;
// Determines wheter this char starts a new chunk
bool newTextChunk : 1;
// Helper methods
bool isHidden() const;
TransformationMatrix characterTransform() const;
struct SVGInlineBoxCharacterRange {
: startOffset(INT_MIN)
, endOffset(INT_MIN)
, box(0)
bool isOpen() const { return (startOffset == endOffset) && (endOffset == INT_MIN); }
bool isClosed() const { return startOffset != INT_MIN && endOffset != INT_MIN; }
int startOffset;
int endOffset;
InlineBox* box;
// Convenience typedef
typedef SVGTextContentElement::SVGLengthAdjustType ELengthAdjust;
struct SVGTextChunk {
: anchor(TA_START)
, textLength(0.0f)
, lengthAdjust(SVGTextContentElement::LENGTHADJUST_SPACING)
, ctm()
, isVerticalText(false)
, isTextPath(false)
, start(0)
, end(0)
{ }
// text-anchor support
ETextAnchor anchor;
// textLength & lengthAdjust support
float textLength;
ELengthAdjust lengthAdjust;
TransformationMatrix ctm;
// status flags
bool isVerticalText : 1;
bool isTextPath : 1;
// main chunk data
Vector<SVGChar>::iterator start;
Vector<SVGChar>::iterator end;
Vector<SVGInlineBoxCharacterRange> boxes;
struct SVGTextChunkWalkerBase {
virtual ~SVGTextChunkWalkerBase() { }
virtual void operator()(SVGInlineTextBox* textBox, int startOffset, const TransformationMatrix& chunkCtm,
const Vector<SVGChar>::iterator& start, const Vector<SVGChar>::iterator& end) = 0;
// Followings methods are only used for painting text chunks
virtual void start(InlineBox*) = 0;
virtual void end(InlineBox*) = 0;
virtual bool setupFill(InlineBox*) = 0;
virtual bool setupStroke(InlineBox*) = 0;
template<typename CallbackClass>
struct SVGTextChunkWalker : public SVGTextChunkWalkerBase {
typedef void (CallbackClass::*SVGTextChunkWalkerCallback)(SVGInlineTextBox* textBox,
int startOffset,
const TransformationMatrix& chunkCtm,
const Vector<SVGChar>::iterator& start,
const Vector<SVGChar>::iterator& end);
// These callbacks are only used for painting!
typedef void (CallbackClass::*SVGTextChunkStartCallback)(InlineBox* box);
typedef void (CallbackClass::*SVGTextChunkEndCallback)(InlineBox* box);
typedef bool (CallbackClass::*SVGTextChunkSetupFillCallback)(InlineBox* box);
typedef bool (CallbackClass::*SVGTextChunkSetupStrokeCallback)(InlineBox* box);
SVGTextChunkWalker(CallbackClass* object,
SVGTextChunkWalkerCallback walker,
SVGTextChunkStartCallback start = 0,
SVGTextChunkEndCallback end = 0,
SVGTextChunkSetupFillCallback fill = 0,
SVGTextChunkSetupStrokeCallback stroke = 0)
: m_object(object)
, m_walkerCallback(walker)
, m_startCallback(start)
, m_endCallback(end)
, m_setupFillCallback(fill)
, m_setupStrokeCallback(stroke)
virtual void operator()(SVGInlineTextBox* textBox, int startOffset, const TransformationMatrix& chunkCtm,
const Vector<SVGChar>::iterator& start, const Vector<SVGChar>::iterator& end)
(*m_object.*m_walkerCallback)(textBox, startOffset, chunkCtm, start, end);
// Followings methods are only used for painting text chunks
virtual void start(InlineBox* box)
if (m_startCallback)
virtual void end(InlineBox* box)
if (m_endCallback)
virtual bool setupFill(InlineBox* box)
if (m_setupFillCallback)
return (*m_object.*m_setupFillCallback)(box);
return false;
virtual bool setupStroke(InlineBox* box)
if (m_setupStrokeCallback)
return (*m_object.*m_setupStrokeCallback)(box);
return false;
CallbackClass* m_object;
SVGTextChunkWalkerCallback m_walkerCallback;
SVGTextChunkStartCallback m_startCallback;
SVGTextChunkEndCallback m_endCallback;
SVGTextChunkSetupFillCallback m_setupFillCallback;
SVGTextChunkSetupStrokeCallback m_setupStrokeCallback;
struct SVGTextChunkLayoutInfo {
SVGTextChunkLayoutInfo(Vector<SVGTextChunk>& textChunks)
: assignChunkProperties(true)
, handlingTextPath(false)
, svgTextChunks(textChunks)
, it(0)
bool assignChunkProperties : 1;
bool handlingTextPath : 1;
Vector<SVGTextChunk>& svgTextChunks;
Vector<SVGChar>::iterator it;
SVGTextChunk chunk;
struct SVGTextDecorationInfo {
// ETextDecoration is meant to be used here
HashMap<int, RenderObject*> fillServerMap;
HashMap<int, RenderObject*> strokeServerMap;
} // namespace WebCore
#endif // ENABLE(SVG)
#endif // SVGCharacterLayoutInfo_h