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 * Copyright (C) 2000 Lars Knoll (knoll@kde.org)
 *           (C) 2000 Antti Koivisto (koivisto@kde.org)
 *           (C) 2000 Dirk Mueller (mueller@kde.org)
 * Copyright (C) 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (C) 2006 Graham Dennis (graham.dennis@gmail.com)
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Library General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
 * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
 * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
 * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#ifndef RenderStyle_h
#define RenderStyle_h

#include "TransformationMatrix.h"
#include "AnimationList.h"
#include "BorderData.h"
#include "BorderValue.h"
#include "CSSHelper.h"
#include "CSSImageGeneratorValue.h"
#include "CSSPrimitiveValue.h"
#include "CSSReflectionDirection.h"
#include "CSSValueList.h"
#include "CachedImage.h"
#include "CollapsedBorderValue.h"
#include "Color.h"
#include "ContentData.h"
#include "CounterDirectives.h"
#include "CursorList.h"
#include "DataRef.h"
#include "FillLayer.h"
#include "FloatPoint.h"
#include "Font.h"
#include "GraphicsTypes.h"
#include "IntRect.h"
#include "Length.h"
#include "LengthBox.h"
#include "LengthSize.h"
#include "NinePieceImage.h"
#include "OutlineValue.h"
#include "Pair.h"
#include "RenderStyleConstants.h"
#include "ShadowData.h"
#include "StyleBackgroundData.h"
#include "StyleBoxData.h"
#include "StyleFlexibleBoxData.h"
#include "StyleInheritedData.h"
#include "StyleMarqueeData.h"
#include "StyleMultiColData.h"
#include "StyleRareInheritedData.h"
#include "StyleRareNonInheritedData.h"
#include "StyleReflection.h"
#include "StyleSurroundData.h"
#include "StyleTransformData.h"
#include "StyleVisualData.h"
#include "TextDirection.h"
#include "ThemeTypes.h"
#include "TimingFunction.h"
#include "TransformOperations.h"
#include <wtf/OwnPtr.h>
#include <wtf/RefCounted.h>
#include <wtf/StdLibExtras.h>
#include <wtf/Vector.h>

#include "StyleDashboardRegion.h"

#include "SVGRenderStyle.h"

#include "BindingURI.h"

template<typename T, typename U> inline bool compareEqual(const T& t, const U& u) { return t == static_cast<T>(u); }

#define SET_VAR(group, variable, value) \
    if (!compareEqual(group->variable, value)) \
        group.access()->variable = value;

namespace WebCore {

using std::max;

class CSSStyleSelector;
class CSSValueList;
class CachedImage;
class Pair;
class StringImpl;
class StyleImage;

class RenderStyle: public RefCounted<RenderStyle> {
    friend class CSSStyleSelector;

    // The following bitfield is 32-bits long, which optimizes padding with the
    // int refCount in the base class. Beware when adding more bits.
    unsigned m_pseudoState : 3; // PseudoState
    bool m_affectedByAttributeSelectors : 1;
    bool m_unique : 1;

    // Bits for dynamic child matching.
    bool m_affectedByEmpty : 1;
    bool m_emptyState : 1;

    // We optimize for :first-child and :last-child.  The other positional child selectors like nth-child or
    // *-child-of-type, we will just give up and re-evaluate whenever children change at all.
    bool m_childrenAffectedByFirstChildRules : 1;
    bool m_childrenAffectedByLastChildRules : 1;
    bool m_childrenAffectedByDirectAdjacentRules : 1;
    bool m_childrenAffectedByForwardPositionalRules : 1;
    bool m_childrenAffectedByBackwardPositionalRules : 1;
    bool m_firstChildState : 1;
    bool m_lastChildState : 1;
    unsigned m_childIndex : 18; // Plenty of bits to cache an index.

    // non-inherited attributes
    DataRef<StyleBoxData> box;
    DataRef<StyleVisualData> visual;
    DataRef<StyleBackgroundData> background;
    DataRef<StyleSurroundData> surround;
    DataRef<StyleRareNonInheritedData> rareNonInheritedData;

    // inherited attributes
    DataRef<StyleRareInheritedData> rareInheritedData;
    DataRef<StyleInheritedData> inherited;

    // list of associated pseudo styles
    RefPtr<RenderStyle> m_cachedPseudoStyle;

    DataRef<SVGRenderStyle> m_svgStyle;

// !START SYNC!: Keep this in sync with the copy constructor in RenderStyle.cpp

    // inherit
    struct InheritedFlags {
        bool operator==(const InheritedFlags& other) const
            return (_empty_cells == other._empty_cells) &&
                   (_caption_side == other._caption_side) &&
                   (_list_style_type == other._list_style_type) &&
                   (_list_style_position == other._list_style_position) &&
                   (_visibility == other._visibility) &&
                   (_text_align == other._text_align) &&
                   (_text_transform == other._text_transform) &&
                   (_text_decorations == other._text_decorations) &&
                   (_text_transform == other._text_transform) &&
                   (_cursor_style == other._cursor_style) &&
                   (_direction == other._direction) &&
                   (_border_collapse == other._border_collapse) &&
                   (_white_space == other._white_space) &&
                   (_box_direction == other._box_direction) &&
                   (_visuallyOrdered == other._visuallyOrdered) &&
                   (_htmlHacks == other._htmlHacks) &&
                   (_force_backgrounds_to_white == other._force_backgrounds_to_white) &&
                   (_pointerEvents == other._pointerEvents);

        bool operator!=(const InheritedFlags& other) const { return !(*this == other); }

        unsigned _empty_cells : 1; // EEmptyCell
        unsigned _caption_side : 2; // ECaptionSide
        unsigned _list_style_type : 5 ; // EListStyleType
        unsigned _list_style_position : 1; // EListStylePosition
        unsigned _visibility : 2; // EVisibility
        unsigned _text_align : 3; // ETextAlign
        unsigned _text_transform : 2; // ETextTransform
        unsigned _text_decorations : 4;
        unsigned _cursor_style : 6; // ECursor
        unsigned _direction : 1; // TextDirection
        bool _border_collapse : 1 ;
        unsigned _white_space : 3; // EWhiteSpace
        unsigned _box_direction : 1; // EBoxDirection (CSS3 box_direction property, flexible box layout module)
        // 32 bits
        // non CSS2 inherited
        bool _visuallyOrdered : 1;
        bool _htmlHacks : 1;
        bool _force_backgrounds_to_white : 1;
        unsigned _pointerEvents : 4; // EPointerEvents
        // 39 bits
    } inherited_flags;

// don't inherit
    struct NonInheritedFlags {
        bool operator==(const NonInheritedFlags& other) const
            return (_effectiveDisplay == other._effectiveDisplay) &&
            (_originalDisplay == other._originalDisplay) &&
            (_overflowX == other._overflowX) &&
            (_overflowY == other._overflowY) &&
            (_vertical_align == other._vertical_align) &&
            (_clear == other._clear) &&
            (_position == other._position) &&
            (_floating == other._floating) &&
            (_table_layout == other._table_layout) &&
            (_page_break_before == other._page_break_before) &&
            (_page_break_after == other._page_break_after) &&
            (_styleType == other._styleType) &&
            (_affectedByHover == other._affectedByHover) &&
            (_affectedByActive == other._affectedByActive) &&
            (_affectedByDrag == other._affectedByDrag) &&
            (_pseudoBits == other._pseudoBits) &&
            (_unicodeBidi == other._unicodeBidi);

        bool operator!=(const NonInheritedFlags& other) const { return !(*this == other); }

        unsigned _effectiveDisplay : 5; // EDisplay
        unsigned _originalDisplay : 5; // EDisplay
        unsigned _overflowX : 3; // EOverflow
        unsigned _overflowY : 3; // EOverflow
        unsigned _vertical_align : 4; // EVerticalAlign
        unsigned _clear : 2; // EClear
        unsigned _position : 2; // EPosition
        unsigned _floating : 2; // EFloat
        unsigned _table_layout : 1; // ETableLayout

        unsigned _page_break_before : 2; // EPageBreak
        unsigned _page_break_after : 2; // EPageBreak

        unsigned _styleType : 5; // PseudoId
        bool _affectedByHover : 1;
        bool _affectedByActive : 1;
        bool _affectedByDrag : 1;
        unsigned _pseudoBits : 7;
        unsigned _unicodeBidi : 2; // EUnicodeBidi
        // 48 bits
    } noninherited_flags;


    void setBitDefaults()
        inherited_flags._empty_cells = initialEmptyCells();
        inherited_flags._caption_side = initialCaptionSide();
        inherited_flags._list_style_type = initialListStyleType();
        inherited_flags._list_style_position = initialListStylePosition();
        inherited_flags._visibility = initialVisibility();
        inherited_flags._text_align = initialTextAlign();
        inherited_flags._text_transform = initialTextTransform();
        inherited_flags._text_decorations = initialTextDecoration();
        inherited_flags._cursor_style = initialCursor();
        inherited_flags._direction = initialDirection();
        inherited_flags._border_collapse = initialBorderCollapse();
        inherited_flags._white_space = initialWhiteSpace();
        inherited_flags._visuallyOrdered = initialVisuallyOrdered();
        inherited_flags._box_direction = initialBoxDirection();
        inherited_flags._force_backgrounds_to_white = false;
        inherited_flags._pointerEvents = initialPointerEvents();

        noninherited_flags._effectiveDisplay = noninherited_flags._originalDisplay = initialDisplay();
        noninherited_flags._overflowX = initialOverflowX();
        noninherited_flags._overflowY = initialOverflowY();
        noninherited_flags._vertical_align = initialVerticalAlign();
        noninherited_flags._clear = initialClear();
        noninherited_flags._position = initialPosition();
        noninherited_flags._floating = initialFloating();
        noninherited_flags._table_layout = initialTableLayout();
        noninherited_flags._page_break_before = initialPageBreak();
        noninherited_flags._page_break_after = initialPageBreak();
        noninherited_flags._styleType = NOPSEUDO;
        noninherited_flags._affectedByHover = false;
        noninherited_flags._affectedByActive = false;
        noninherited_flags._affectedByDrag = false;
        noninherited_flags._pseudoBits = 0;
        noninherited_flags._unicodeBidi = initialUnicodeBidi();

    // used to create the default style.
    RenderStyle(const RenderStyle&);

    static PassRefPtr<RenderStyle> create();
    static PassRefPtr<RenderStyle> createDefaultStyle();
    static PassRefPtr<RenderStyle> clone(const RenderStyle*);


    void inheritFrom(const RenderStyle* inheritParent);

    PseudoId styleType() const { return static_cast<PseudoId>(noninherited_flags._styleType); }
    void setStyleType(PseudoId styleType) { noninherited_flags._styleType = styleType; }

    RenderStyle* getCachedPseudoStyle(PseudoId) const;
    RenderStyle* addCachedPseudoStyle(PassRefPtr<RenderStyle>);

    typedef Vector<RenderStyle*, 10> PseudoStyleCache;
    void getPseudoStyleCache(PseudoStyleCache&) const;

    bool affectedByHoverRules() const { return noninherited_flags._affectedByHover; }
    bool affectedByActiveRules() const { return noninherited_flags._affectedByActive; }
    bool affectedByDragRules() const { return noninherited_flags._affectedByDrag; }

    void setAffectedByHoverRules(bool b) { noninherited_flags._affectedByHover = b; }
    void setAffectedByActiveRules(bool b) { noninherited_flags._affectedByActive = b; }
    void setAffectedByDragRules(bool b) { noninherited_flags._affectedByDrag = b; }

    bool operator==(const RenderStyle& other) const;
    bool operator!=(const RenderStyle& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
    bool isFloating() const { return !(noninherited_flags._floating == FNONE); }
    bool hasMargin() const { return surround->margin.nonZero(); }
    bool hasBorder() const { return surround->border.hasBorder(); }
    bool hasPadding() const { return surround->padding.nonZero(); }
    bool hasOffset() const { return surround->offset.nonZero(); }

    bool hasBackground() const
        if (backgroundColor().isValid() && backgroundColor().alpha() > 0)
            return true;
        return background->m_background.hasImage();
    bool hasBackgroundImage() const { return background->m_background.hasImage(); }
    bool hasFixedBackgroundImage() const { return background->m_background.hasFixedImage(); }
    bool hasAppearance() const { return appearance() != NoControlPart; }

    bool visuallyOrdered() const { return inherited_flags._visuallyOrdered; }
    void setVisuallyOrdered(bool b) { inherited_flags._visuallyOrdered = b; }

    bool isStyleAvailable() const;

    bool hasPseudoStyle(PseudoId pseudo) const;
    void setHasPseudoStyle(PseudoId pseudo);

    // attribute getter methods

    EDisplay display() const { return static_cast<EDisplay>(noninherited_flags._effectiveDisplay); }
    EDisplay originalDisplay() const { return static_cast<EDisplay>(noninherited_flags._originalDisplay); }

    Length left() const { return surround->offset.left(); }
    Length right() const { return surround->offset.right(); }
    Length top() const { return surround->offset.top(); }
    Length bottom() const { return surround->offset.bottom(); }

    // Whether or not a positioned element requires normal flow x/y to be computed
    // to determine its position.
    bool hasStaticX() const { return (left().isAuto() && right().isAuto()) || left().isStatic() || right().isStatic(); }
    bool hasStaticY() const { return (top().isAuto() && bottom().isAuto()) || top().isStatic(); }

    EPosition position() const { return static_cast<EPosition>(noninherited_flags._position); }
    EFloat floating() const { return static_cast<EFloat>(noninherited_flags._floating); }

    Length width() const { return box->width; }
    Length height() const { return box->height; }
    Length minWidth() const { return box->min_width; }
    Length maxWidth() const { return box->max_width; }
    Length minHeight() const { return box->min_height; }
    Length maxHeight() const { return box->max_height; }

    const BorderData& border() const { return surround->border; }
    const BorderValue& borderLeft() const { return surround->border.left; }
    const BorderValue& borderRight() const { return surround->border.right; }
    const BorderValue& borderTop() const { return surround->border.top; }
    const BorderValue& borderBottom() const { return surround->border.bottom; }

    const NinePieceImage& borderImage() const { return surround->border.image; }

    const IntSize& borderTopLeftRadius() const { return surround->border.topLeft; }
    const IntSize& borderTopRightRadius() const { return surround->border.topRight; }
    const IntSize& borderBottomLeftRadius() const { return surround->border.bottomLeft; }
    const IntSize& borderBottomRightRadius() const { return surround->border.bottomRight; }
    bool hasBorderRadius() const { return surround->border.hasBorderRadius(); }

    unsigned short borderLeftWidth() const { return surround->border.borderLeftWidth(); }
    EBorderStyle borderLeftStyle() const { return surround->border.left.style(); }
    const Color& borderLeftColor() const { return surround->border.left.color; }
    bool borderLeftIsTransparent() const { return surround->border.left.isTransparent(); }
    unsigned short borderRightWidth() const { return surround->border.borderRightWidth(); }
    EBorderStyle borderRightStyle() const { return surround->border.right.style(); }
    const Color& borderRightColor() const { return surround->border.right.color; }
    bool borderRightIsTransparent() const { return surround->border.right.isTransparent(); }
    unsigned short borderTopWidth() const { return surround->border.borderTopWidth(); }
    EBorderStyle borderTopStyle() const { return surround->border.top.style(); }
    const Color& borderTopColor() const { return surround->border.top.color; }
    bool borderTopIsTransparent() const { return surround->border.top.isTransparent(); }
    unsigned short borderBottomWidth() const { return surround->border.borderBottomWidth(); }
    EBorderStyle borderBottomStyle() const { return surround->border.bottom.style(); }
    const Color& borderBottomColor() const { return surround->border.bottom.color; }
    bool borderBottomIsTransparent() const { return surround->border.bottom.isTransparent(); }

    unsigned short outlineSize() const { return max(0, outlineWidth() + outlineOffset()); }
    unsigned short outlineWidth() const
        if (background->m_outline.style() == BNONE)
            return 0;
        return background->m_outline.width;
    bool hasOutline() const { return outlineWidth() > 0 && outlineStyle() > BHIDDEN; }
    EBorderStyle outlineStyle() const { return background->m_outline.style(); }
    bool outlineStyleIsAuto() const { return background->m_outline._auto; }
    const Color& outlineColor() const { return background->m_outline.color; }

    EOverflow overflowX() const { return static_cast<EOverflow>(noninherited_flags._overflowX); }
    EOverflow overflowY() const { return static_cast<EOverflow>(noninherited_flags._overflowY); }

    EVisibility visibility() const { return static_cast<EVisibility>(inherited_flags._visibility); }
    EVerticalAlign verticalAlign() const { return static_cast<EVerticalAlign>(noninherited_flags._vertical_align); }
    Length verticalAlignLength() const { return box->vertical_align; }

    Length clipLeft() const { return visual->clip.left(); }
    Length clipRight() const { return visual->clip.right(); }
    Length clipTop() const { return visual->clip.top(); }
    Length clipBottom() const { return visual->clip.bottom(); }
    LengthBox clip() const { return visual->clip; }
    bool hasClip() const { return visual->hasClip; }

    EUnicodeBidi unicodeBidi() const { return static_cast<EUnicodeBidi>(noninherited_flags._unicodeBidi); }

    EClear clear() const { return static_cast<EClear>(noninherited_flags._clear); }
    ETableLayout tableLayout() const { return static_cast<ETableLayout>(noninherited_flags._table_layout); }

    const Font& font() const { return inherited->font; }
    const FontDescription& fontDescription() const { return inherited->font.fontDescription(); }
    int fontSize() const { return inherited->font.pixelSize(); }

    const Color& color() const { return inherited->color; }
    Length textIndent() const { return inherited->indent; }
    ETextAlign textAlign() const { return static_cast<ETextAlign>(inherited_flags._text_align); }
    ETextTransform textTransform() const { return static_cast<ETextTransform>(inherited_flags._text_transform); }
    int textDecorationsInEffect() const { return inherited_flags._text_decorations; }
    int textDecoration() const { return visual->textDecoration; }
    int wordSpacing() const { return inherited->font.wordSpacing(); }
    int letterSpacing() const { return inherited->font.letterSpacing(); }

    float zoom() const { return visual->m_zoom; }
    float effectiveZoom() const { return inherited->m_effectiveZoom; }

    TextDirection direction() const { return static_cast<TextDirection>(inherited_flags._direction); }
    Length lineHeight() const { return inherited->line_height; }
    int computedLineHeight() const
        Length lh = lineHeight();

        // Negative value means the line height is not set.  Use the font's built-in spacing.
        if (lh.isNegative())
            return font().lineSpacing();

        if (lh.isPercent())
            return lh.calcMinValue(fontSize());

        return lh.value();

    EWhiteSpace whiteSpace() const { return static_cast<EWhiteSpace>(inherited_flags._white_space); }
    static bool autoWrap(EWhiteSpace ws)
        // Nowrap and pre don't automatically wrap.
        return ws != NOWRAP && ws != PRE;

    bool autoWrap() const
        return autoWrap(whiteSpace());

    static bool preserveNewline(EWhiteSpace ws)
        // Normal and nowrap do not preserve newlines.
        return ws != NORMAL && ws != NOWRAP;

    bool preserveNewline() const
        return preserveNewline(whiteSpace());

    static bool collapseWhiteSpace(EWhiteSpace ws)
        // Pre and prewrap do not collapse whitespace.
        return ws != PRE && ws != PRE_WRAP;

    bool collapseWhiteSpace() const
        return collapseWhiteSpace(whiteSpace());

    bool isCollapsibleWhiteSpace(UChar c) const
        switch (c) {
            case ' ':
            case '\t':
                return collapseWhiteSpace();
            case '\n':
                return !preserveNewline();
        return false;

    bool breakOnlyAfterWhiteSpace() const
        return whiteSpace() == PRE_WRAP || khtmlLineBreak() == AFTER_WHITE_SPACE;

    bool breakWords() const
        return wordBreak() == BreakWordBreak || wordWrap() == BreakWordWrap;

    const Color& backgroundColor() const { return background->m_color; }
    StyleImage* backgroundImage() const { return background->m_background.m_image.get(); }
    EFillRepeat backgroundRepeat() const { return static_cast<EFillRepeat>(background->m_background.m_repeat); }
    CompositeOperator backgroundComposite() const { return static_cast<CompositeOperator>(background->m_background.m_composite); }
    EFillAttachment backgroundAttachment() const { return static_cast<EFillAttachment>(background->m_background.m_attachment); }
    EFillBox backgroundClip() const { return static_cast<EFillBox>(background->m_background.m_clip); }
    EFillBox backgroundOrigin() const { return static_cast<EFillBox>(background->m_background.m_origin); }
    Length backgroundXPosition() const { return background->m_background.m_xPosition; }
    Length backgroundYPosition() const { return background->m_background.m_yPosition; }
    LengthSize backgroundSize() const { return background->m_background.m_size; }
    FillLayer* accessBackgroundLayers() { return &(background.access()->m_background); }
    const FillLayer* backgroundLayers() const { return &(background->m_background); }

    StyleImage* maskImage() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_mask.m_image.get(); }
    EFillRepeat maskRepeat() const { return static_cast<EFillRepeat>(rareNonInheritedData->m_mask.m_repeat); }
    CompositeOperator maskComposite() const { return static_cast<CompositeOperator>(rareNonInheritedData->m_mask.m_composite); }
    EFillAttachment maskAttachment() const { return static_cast<EFillAttachment>(rareNonInheritedData->m_mask.m_attachment); }
    EFillBox maskClip() const { return static_cast<EFillBox>(rareNonInheritedData->m_mask.m_clip); }
    EFillBox maskOrigin() const { return static_cast<EFillBox>(rareNonInheritedData->m_mask.m_origin); }
    Length maskXPosition() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_mask.m_xPosition; }
    Length maskYPosition() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_mask.m_yPosition; }
    LengthSize maskSize() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_mask.m_size; }
    FillLayer* accessMaskLayers() { return &(rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_mask); }
    const FillLayer* maskLayers() const { return &(rareNonInheritedData->m_mask); }
    const NinePieceImage& maskBoxImage() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_maskBoxImage; }

    // returns true for collapsing borders, false for separate borders
    bool borderCollapse() const { return inherited_flags._border_collapse; }
    short horizontalBorderSpacing() const { return inherited->horizontal_border_spacing; }
    short verticalBorderSpacing() const { return inherited->vertical_border_spacing; }
    EEmptyCell emptyCells() const { return static_cast<EEmptyCell>(inherited_flags._empty_cells); }
    ECaptionSide captionSide() const { return static_cast<ECaptionSide>(inherited_flags._caption_side); }

    short counterIncrement() const { return visual->counterIncrement; }
    short counterReset() const { return visual->counterReset; }

    EListStyleType listStyleType() const { return static_cast<EListStyleType>(inherited_flags._list_style_type); }
    StyleImage* listStyleImage() const { return inherited->list_style_image.get(); }
    EListStylePosition listStylePosition() const { return static_cast<EListStylePosition>(inherited_flags._list_style_position); }

    Length marginTop() const { return surround->margin.top(); }
    Length marginBottom() const { return surround->margin.bottom(); }
    Length marginLeft() const { return surround->margin.left(); }
    Length marginRight() const { return surround->margin.right(); }

    LengthBox paddingBox() const { return surround->padding; }
    Length paddingTop() const { return surround->padding.top(); }
    Length paddingBottom() const { return surround->padding.bottom(); }
    Length paddingLeft() const { return surround->padding.left(); }
    Length paddingRight() const { return surround->padding.right(); }

    ECursor cursor() const { return static_cast<ECursor>(inherited_flags._cursor_style); }

    CursorList* cursors() const { return inherited->cursorData.get(); }

    short widows() const { return inherited->widows; }
    short orphans() const { return inherited->orphans; }
    EPageBreak pageBreakInside() const { return static_cast<EPageBreak>(inherited->page_break_inside); }
    EPageBreak pageBreakBefore() const { return static_cast<EPageBreak>(noninherited_flags._page_break_before); }
    EPageBreak pageBreakAfter() const { return static_cast<EPageBreak>(noninherited_flags._page_break_after); }

    // CSS3 Getter Methods
    BindingURI* bindingURIs() const { return rareNonInheritedData->bindingURI; }

    int outlineOffset() const
        if (background->m_outline.style() == BNONE)
            return 0;
        return background->m_outline._offset;

    ShadowData* textShadow() const { return rareInheritedData->textShadow; }
    const Color& textStrokeColor() const { return rareInheritedData->textStrokeColor; }
    float textStrokeWidth() const { return rareInheritedData->textStrokeWidth; }
    const Color& textFillColor() const { return rareInheritedData->textFillColor; }
    float opacity() const { return rareNonInheritedData->opacity; }
    ControlPart appearance() const { return static_cast<ControlPart>(rareNonInheritedData->m_appearance); }
    EBoxAlignment boxAlign() const { return static_cast<EBoxAlignment>(rareNonInheritedData->flexibleBox->align); }
    EBoxDirection boxDirection() const { return static_cast<EBoxDirection>(inherited_flags._box_direction); }
    float boxFlex() { return rareNonInheritedData->flexibleBox->flex; }
    unsigned int boxFlexGroup() const { return rareNonInheritedData->flexibleBox->flex_group; }
    EBoxLines boxLines() { return static_cast<EBoxLines>(rareNonInheritedData->flexibleBox->lines); }
    unsigned int boxOrdinalGroup() const { return rareNonInheritedData->flexibleBox->ordinal_group; }
    EBoxOrient boxOrient() const { return static_cast<EBoxOrient>(rareNonInheritedData->flexibleBox->orient); }
    EBoxAlignment boxPack() const { return static_cast<EBoxAlignment>(rareNonInheritedData->flexibleBox->pack); }

    ShadowData* boxShadow() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_boxShadow.get(); }
    void getBoxShadowExtent(int &top, int &right, int &bottom, int &left) const;
    void getBoxShadowHorizontalExtent(int &left, int &right) const;
    void getBoxShadowVerticalExtent(int &top, int &bottom) const;

    StyleReflection* boxReflect() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_boxReflect.get(); }
    EBoxSizing boxSizing() const { return static_cast<EBoxSizing>(box->boxSizing); }
    Length marqueeIncrement() const { return rareNonInheritedData->marquee->increment; }
    int marqueeSpeed() const { return rareNonInheritedData->marquee->speed; }
    int marqueeLoopCount() const { return rareNonInheritedData->marquee->loops; }
    EMarqueeBehavior marqueeBehavior() const { return static_cast<EMarqueeBehavior>(rareNonInheritedData->marquee->behavior); }
    EMarqueeDirection marqueeDirection() const { return static_cast<EMarqueeDirection>(rareNonInheritedData->marquee->direction); }
    EUserModify userModify() const { return static_cast<EUserModify>(rareInheritedData->userModify); }
    EUserDrag userDrag() const { return static_cast<EUserDrag>(rareNonInheritedData->userDrag); }
    EUserSelect userSelect() const { return static_cast<EUserSelect>(rareInheritedData->userSelect); }
    bool textOverflow() const { return rareNonInheritedData->textOverflow; }
    EMarginCollapse marginTopCollapse() const { return static_cast<EMarginCollapse>(rareNonInheritedData->marginTopCollapse); }
    EMarginCollapse marginBottomCollapse() const { return static_cast<EMarginCollapse>(rareNonInheritedData->marginBottomCollapse); }
    EWordBreak wordBreak() const { return static_cast<EWordBreak>(rareInheritedData->wordBreak); }
    EWordWrap wordWrap() const { return static_cast<EWordWrap>(rareInheritedData->wordWrap); }
    ENBSPMode nbspMode() const { return static_cast<ENBSPMode>(rareInheritedData->nbspMode); }
    EKHTMLLineBreak khtmlLineBreak() const { return static_cast<EKHTMLLineBreak>(rareInheritedData->khtmlLineBreak); }
    EMatchNearestMailBlockquoteColor matchNearestMailBlockquoteColor() const { return static_cast<EMatchNearestMailBlockquoteColor>(rareNonInheritedData->matchNearestMailBlockquoteColor); }
    const AtomicString& highlight() const { return rareInheritedData->highlight; }
    EBorderFit borderFit() const { return static_cast<EBorderFit>(rareNonInheritedData->m_borderFit); }
    EResize resize() const { return static_cast<EResize>(rareInheritedData->resize); }
    float columnWidth() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_multiCol->m_width; }
    bool hasAutoColumnWidth() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_multiCol->m_autoWidth; }
    unsigned short columnCount() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_multiCol->m_count; }
    bool hasAutoColumnCount() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_multiCol->m_autoCount; }
    float columnGap() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_multiCol->m_gap; }
    bool hasNormalColumnGap() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_multiCol->m_normalGap; }
    const Color& columnRuleColor() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_multiCol->m_rule.color; }
    EBorderStyle columnRuleStyle() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_multiCol->m_rule.style(); }
    unsigned short columnRuleWidth() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_multiCol->ruleWidth(); }
    bool columnRuleIsTransparent() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_multiCol->m_rule.isTransparent(); }
    EPageBreak columnBreakBefore() const { return static_cast<EPageBreak>(rareNonInheritedData->m_multiCol->m_breakBefore); }
    EPageBreak columnBreakInside() const { return static_cast<EPageBreak>(rareNonInheritedData->m_multiCol->m_breakInside); }
    EPageBreak columnBreakAfter() const { return static_cast<EPageBreak>(rareNonInheritedData->m_multiCol->m_breakAfter); }
    const TransformOperations& transform() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_transform->m_operations; }
    Length transformOriginX() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_transform->m_x; }
    Length transformOriginY() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_transform->m_y; }
    float transformOriginZ() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_transform->m_z; }
    bool hasTransform() const { return !rareNonInheritedData->m_transform->m_operations.operations().isEmpty(); }
    // Return true if any transform related property (currently transform, transformStyle3D or perspective) 
    // indicates that we are transforming
    bool hasTransformRelatedProperty() const { return hasTransform() || preserves3D() || hasPerspective(); }

    enum ApplyTransformOrigin { IncludeTransformOrigin, ExcludeTransformOrigin };
    void applyTransform(TransformationMatrix&, const IntSize& borderBoxSize, ApplyTransformOrigin = IncludeTransformOrigin) const;

    bool hasMask() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_mask.hasImage() || rareNonInheritedData->m_maskBoxImage.hasImage(); }
    // End CSS3 Getters

    // Apple-specific property getter methods
    EPointerEvents pointerEvents() const { return static_cast<EPointerEvents>(inherited_flags._pointerEvents); }
    const AnimationList* animations() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_animations.get(); }
    const AnimationList* transitions() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_transitions.get(); }

    AnimationList* accessAnimations();
    AnimationList* accessTransitions();

    bool hasAnimations() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_animations && rareNonInheritedData->m_animations->size() > 0; }
    bool hasTransitions() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_transitions && rareNonInheritedData->m_transitions->size() > 0; }

    // return the first found Animation (including 'all' transitions)
    const Animation* transitionForProperty(int property) const;

    ETransformStyle3D transformStyle3D() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_transformStyle3D; }
    bool preserves3D() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_transformStyle3D == TransformStyle3DPreserve3D; }

    EBackfaceVisibility backfaceVisibility() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_backfaceVisibility; }
    float perspective() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_perspective; }
    bool hasPerspective() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_perspective > 0; }
    Length perspectiveOriginX() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_perspectiveOriginX; }
    Length perspectiveOriginY() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_perspectiveOriginY; }
    // When set, this ensures that styles compare as different. Used during accelerated animations.
    bool isRunningAcceleratedAnimation() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_runningAcceleratedAnimation; }

    int lineClamp() const { return rareNonInheritedData->lineClamp; }
    bool textSizeAdjust() const { return rareInheritedData->textSizeAdjust; }
    ETextSecurity textSecurity() const { return static_cast<ETextSecurity>(rareInheritedData->textSecurity); }

    Color tapHighlightColor() const { return rareInheritedData->tapHighlightColor; }

// attribute setter methods

    void setDisplay(EDisplay v) { noninherited_flags._effectiveDisplay = v; }
    void setOriginalDisplay(EDisplay v) { noninherited_flags._originalDisplay = v; }
    void setPosition(EPosition v) { noninherited_flags._position = v; }
    void setFloating(EFloat v) { noninherited_flags._floating = v; }

    void setLeft(Length v) { SET_VAR(surround, offset.m_left, v) }
    void setRight(Length v) { SET_VAR(surround, offset.m_right, v) }
    void setTop(Length v) { SET_VAR(surround, offset.m_top, v) }
    void setBottom(Length v) { SET_VAR(surround, offset.m_bottom, v) }

    void setWidth(Length v) { SET_VAR(box, width, v) }
    void setHeight(Length v) { SET_VAR(box, height, v) }

    void setMinWidth(Length v) { SET_VAR(box, min_width, v) }
    void setMaxWidth(Length v) { SET_VAR(box, max_width, v) }
    void setMinHeight(Length v) { SET_VAR(box, min_height, v) }
    void setMaxHeight(Length v) { SET_VAR(box, max_height, v) }

    Vector<StyleDashboardRegion> dashboardRegions() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_dashboardRegions; }
    void setDashboardRegions(Vector<StyleDashboardRegion> regions) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, m_dashboardRegions, regions); }

    void setDashboardRegion(int type, const String& label, Length t, Length r, Length b, Length l, bool append)
        StyleDashboardRegion region;
        region.label = label;
        region.offset.m_top = t;
        region.offset.m_right = r;
        region.offset.m_bottom = b;
        region.offset.m_left = l;
        region.type = type;
        if (!append)

    void resetBorder() { resetBorderImage(); resetBorderTop(); resetBorderRight(); resetBorderBottom(); resetBorderLeft(); resetBorderRadius(); }
    void resetBorderTop() { SET_VAR(surround, border.top, BorderValue()) }
    void resetBorderRight() { SET_VAR(surround, border.right, BorderValue()) }
    void resetBorderBottom() { SET_VAR(surround, border.bottom, BorderValue()) }
    void resetBorderLeft() { SET_VAR(surround, border.left, BorderValue()) }
    void resetBorderImage() { SET_VAR(surround, border.image, NinePieceImage()) }
    void resetBorderRadius() { resetBorderTopLeftRadius(); resetBorderTopRightRadius(); resetBorderBottomLeftRadius(); resetBorderBottomRightRadius(); }
    void resetBorderTopLeftRadius() { SET_VAR(surround, border.topLeft, initialBorderRadius()) }
    void resetBorderTopRightRadius() { SET_VAR(surround, border.topRight, initialBorderRadius()) }
    void resetBorderBottomLeftRadius() { SET_VAR(surround, border.bottomLeft, initialBorderRadius()) }
    void resetBorderBottomRightRadius() { SET_VAR(surround, border.bottomRight, initialBorderRadius()) }

    void resetOutline() { SET_VAR(background, m_outline, OutlineValue()) }

    void setBackgroundColor(const Color& v) { SET_VAR(background, m_color, v) }

    void setBackgroundXPosition(Length l) { SET_VAR(background, m_background.m_xPosition, l) }
    void setBackgroundYPosition(Length l) { SET_VAR(background, m_background.m_yPosition, l) }
    void setBackgroundSize(LengthSize l) { SET_VAR(background, m_background.m_size, l) }
    void setBorderImage(const NinePieceImage& b) { SET_VAR(surround, border.image, b) }

    void setBorderTopLeftRadius(const IntSize& s) { SET_VAR(surround, border.topLeft, s) }
    void setBorderTopRightRadius(const IntSize& s) { SET_VAR(surround, border.topRight, s) }
    void setBorderBottomLeftRadius(const IntSize& s) { SET_VAR(surround, border.bottomLeft, s) }
    void setBorderBottomRightRadius(const IntSize& s) { SET_VAR(surround, border.bottomRight, s) }

    void setBorderRadius(const IntSize& s)
    void getBorderRadiiForRect(const IntRect&, IntSize& topLeft, IntSize& topRight, IntSize& bottomLeft, IntSize& bottomRight) const;

    void setBorderLeftWidth(unsigned short v) { SET_VAR(surround, border.left.width, v) }
    void setBorderLeftStyle(EBorderStyle v) { SET_VAR(surround, border.left.m_style, v) }
    void setBorderLeftColor(const Color& v) { SET_VAR(surround, border.left.color, v) }
    void setBorderRightWidth(unsigned short v) { SET_VAR(surround, border.right.width, v) }
    void setBorderRightStyle(EBorderStyle v) { SET_VAR(surround, border.right.m_style, v) }
    void setBorderRightColor(const Color& v) { SET_VAR(surround, border.right.color, v) }
    void setBorderTopWidth(unsigned short v) { SET_VAR(surround, border.top.width, v) }
    void setBorderTopStyle(EBorderStyle v) { SET_VAR(surround, border.top.m_style, v) }
    void setBorderTopColor(const Color& v) { SET_VAR(surround, border.top.color, v) }
    void setBorderBottomWidth(unsigned short v) { SET_VAR(surround, border.bottom.width, v) }
    void setBorderBottomStyle(EBorderStyle v) { SET_VAR(surround, border.bottom.m_style, v) }
    void setBorderBottomColor(const Color& v) { SET_VAR(surround, border.bottom.color, v) }
    void setOutlineWidth(unsigned short v) { SET_VAR(background, m_outline.width, v) }

    void setOutlineStyle(EBorderStyle v, bool isAuto = false)
        SET_VAR(background, m_outline.m_style, v)
        SET_VAR(background, m_outline._auto, isAuto)

    void setOutlineColor(const Color& v) { SET_VAR(background, m_outline.color, v) }

    void setOverflowX(EOverflow v) { noninherited_flags._overflowX = v; }
    void setOverflowY(EOverflow v) { noninherited_flags._overflowY = v; }
    void setVisibility(EVisibility v) { inherited_flags._visibility = v; }
    void setVerticalAlign(EVerticalAlign v) { noninherited_flags._vertical_align = v; }
    void setVerticalAlignLength(Length l) { SET_VAR(box, vertical_align, l) }

    void setHasClip(bool b = true) { SET_VAR(visual, hasClip, b) }
    void setClipLeft(Length v) { SET_VAR(visual, clip.m_left, v) }
    void setClipRight(Length v) { SET_VAR(visual, clip.m_right, v) }
    void setClipTop(Length v) { SET_VAR(visual, clip.m_top, v) }
    void setClipBottom(Length v) { SET_VAR(visual, clip.m_bottom, v) }
    void setClip(Length top, Length right, Length bottom, Length left);

    void setUnicodeBidi(EUnicodeBidi b) { noninherited_flags._unicodeBidi = b; }

    void setClear(EClear v) { noninherited_flags._clear = v; }
    void setTableLayout(ETableLayout v) { noninherited_flags._table_layout = v; }

    bool setFontDescription(const FontDescription& v)
        if (inherited->font.fontDescription() != v) {
            inherited.access()->font = Font(v, inherited->font.letterSpacing(), inherited->font.wordSpacing());
            return true;
        return false;

    // Only used for blending font sizes when animating.
    void setBlendedFontSize(int);

    void setColor(const Color& v) { SET_VAR(inherited, color, v) }
    void setTextIndent(Length v) { SET_VAR(inherited, indent, v) }
    void setTextAlign(ETextAlign v) { inherited_flags._text_align = v; }
    void setTextTransform(ETextTransform v) { inherited_flags._text_transform = v; }
    void addToTextDecorationsInEffect(int v) { inherited_flags._text_decorations |= v; }
    void setTextDecorationsInEffect(int v) { inherited_flags._text_decorations = v; }
    void setTextDecoration(int v) { SET_VAR(visual, textDecoration, v); }
    void setDirection(TextDirection v) { inherited_flags._direction = v; }
    void setLineHeight(Length v) { SET_VAR(inherited, line_height, v) }
    void setZoom(float f) { SET_VAR(visual, m_zoom, f); setEffectiveZoom(effectiveZoom() * zoom()); }
    void setEffectiveZoom(float f) { SET_VAR(inherited, m_effectiveZoom, f) }

    void setWhiteSpace(EWhiteSpace v) { inherited_flags._white_space = v; }

    void setWordSpacing(int v) { inherited.access()->font.setWordSpacing(v); }
    void setLetterSpacing(int v) { inherited.access()->font.setLetterSpacing(v); }

    void clearBackgroundLayers() { background.access()->m_background = FillLayer(BackgroundFillLayer); }
    void inheritBackgroundLayers(const FillLayer& parent) { background.access()->m_background = parent; }

    void adjustBackgroundLayers()
        if (backgroundLayers()->next()) {

    void clearMaskLayers() { rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_mask = FillLayer(MaskFillLayer); }
    void inheritMaskLayers(const FillLayer& parent) { rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_mask = parent; }

    void adjustMaskLayers()
        if (maskLayers()->next()) {

    void setMaskBoxImage(const NinePieceImage& b) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, m_maskBoxImage, b) }
    void setMaskXPosition(Length l) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, m_mask.m_xPosition, l) }
    void setMaskYPosition(Length l) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, m_mask.m_yPosition, l) }
    void setMaskSize(LengthSize l) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, m_mask.m_size, l) }

    void setBorderCollapse(bool collapse) { inherited_flags._border_collapse = collapse; }
    void setHorizontalBorderSpacing(short v) { SET_VAR(inherited, horizontal_border_spacing, v) }
    void setVerticalBorderSpacing(short v) { SET_VAR(inherited, vertical_border_spacing, v) }
    void setEmptyCells(EEmptyCell v) { inherited_flags._empty_cells = v; }
    void setCaptionSide(ECaptionSide v) { inherited_flags._caption_side = v; }

    void setCounterIncrement(short v) { SET_VAR(visual, counterIncrement, v) }
    void setCounterReset(short v) { SET_VAR(visual, counterReset, v) }

    void setListStyleType(EListStyleType v) { inherited_flags._list_style_type = v; }
    void setListStyleImage(StyleImage* v) { if (inherited->list_style_image != v) inherited.access()->list_style_image = v; }
    void setListStylePosition(EListStylePosition v) { inherited_flags._list_style_position = v; }

    void resetMargin() { SET_VAR(surround, margin, LengthBox(Fixed)) }
    void setMarginTop(Length v) { SET_VAR(surround, margin.m_top, v) }
    void setMarginBottom(Length v) { SET_VAR(surround, margin.m_bottom, v) }
    void setMarginLeft(Length v) { SET_VAR(surround, margin.m_left, v) }
    void setMarginRight(Length v) { SET_VAR(surround, margin.m_right, v) }

    void resetPadding() { SET_VAR(surround, padding, LengthBox(Auto)) }
    void setPaddingBox(const LengthBox& b) { SET_VAR(surround, padding, b) }
    void setPaddingTop(Length v) { SET_VAR(surround, padding.m_top, v) }
    void setPaddingBottom(Length v) { SET_VAR(surround, padding.m_bottom, v) }
    void setPaddingLeft(Length v) { SET_VAR(surround, padding.m_left, v) }
    void setPaddingRight(Length v) { SET_VAR(surround, padding.m_right, v) }

    void setCursor(ECursor c) { inherited_flags._cursor_style = c; }
    void addCursor(CachedImage*, const IntPoint& = IntPoint());
    void setCursorList(PassRefPtr<CursorList>);
    void clearCursorList();

    bool forceBackgroundsToWhite() const { return inherited_flags._force_backgrounds_to_white; }
    void setForceBackgroundsToWhite(bool b=true) { inherited_flags._force_backgrounds_to_white = b; }

    bool htmlHacks() const { return inherited_flags._htmlHacks; }
    void setHtmlHacks(bool b=true) { inherited_flags._htmlHacks = b; }

    bool hasAutoZIndex() const { return box->z_auto; }
    void setHasAutoZIndex() { SET_VAR(box, z_auto, true); SET_VAR(box, z_index, 0) }
    int zIndex() const { return box->z_index; }
    void setZIndex(int v) { SET_VAR(box, z_auto, false); SET_VAR(box, z_index, v) }

    void setWidows(short w) { SET_VAR(inherited, widows, w); }
    void setOrphans(short o) { SET_VAR(inherited, orphans, o); }
    void setPageBreakInside(EPageBreak b) { SET_VAR(inherited, page_break_inside, b); }
    void setPageBreakBefore(EPageBreak b) { noninherited_flags._page_break_before = b; }
    void setPageBreakAfter(EPageBreak b) { noninherited_flags._page_break_after = b; }

    // CSS3 Setters
    void deleteBindingURIs() { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, bindingURI, static_cast<BindingURI*>(0)); }
    void inheritBindingURIs(BindingURI* other) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, bindingURI, other->copy()); }
    void addBindingURI(StringImpl* uri);

    void setOutlineOffset(int v) { SET_VAR(background, m_outline._offset, v) }
    void setTextShadow(ShadowData* val, bool add=false);
    void setTextStrokeColor(const Color& c) { SET_VAR(rareInheritedData, textStrokeColor, c) }
    void setTextStrokeWidth(float w) { SET_VAR(rareInheritedData, textStrokeWidth, w) }
    void setTextFillColor(const Color& c) { SET_VAR(rareInheritedData, textFillColor, c) }
    void setOpacity(float f) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, opacity, f); }
    void setAppearance(ControlPart a) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, m_appearance, a); }
    void setBoxAlign(EBoxAlignment a) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData.access()->flexibleBox, align, a); }
    void setBoxDirection(EBoxDirection d) { inherited_flags._box_direction = d; }
    void setBoxFlex(float f) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData.access()->flexibleBox, flex, f); }
    void setBoxFlexGroup(unsigned int fg) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData.access()->flexibleBox, flex_group, fg); }
    void setBoxLines(EBoxLines l) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData.access()->flexibleBox, lines, l); }
    void setBoxOrdinalGroup(unsigned int og) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData.access()->flexibleBox, ordinal_group, og); }
    void setBoxOrient(EBoxOrient o) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData.access()->flexibleBox, orient, o); }
    void setBoxPack(EBoxAlignment p) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData.access()->flexibleBox, pack, p); }
    void setBoxShadow(ShadowData* val, bool add=false);
    void setBoxReflect(PassRefPtr<StyleReflection> reflect) { if (rareNonInheritedData->m_boxReflect != reflect) rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_boxReflect = reflect; }
    void setBoxSizing(EBoxSizing s) { SET_VAR(box, boxSizing, s); }
    void setMarqueeIncrement(const Length& f) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData.access()->marquee, increment, f); }
    void setMarqueeSpeed(int f) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData.access()->marquee, speed, f); }
    void setMarqueeDirection(EMarqueeDirection d) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData.access()->marquee, direction, d); }
    void setMarqueeBehavior(EMarqueeBehavior b) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData.access()->marquee, behavior, b); }
    void setMarqueeLoopCount(int i) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData.access()->marquee, loops, i); }
    void setUserModify(EUserModify u) { SET_VAR(rareInheritedData, userModify, u); }
    void setUserDrag(EUserDrag d) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, userDrag, d); }
    void setUserSelect(EUserSelect s) { SET_VAR(rareInheritedData, userSelect, s); }
    void setTextOverflow(bool b) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, textOverflow, b); }
    void setMarginTopCollapse(EMarginCollapse c) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, marginTopCollapse, c); }
    void setMarginBottomCollapse(EMarginCollapse c) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, marginBottomCollapse, c); }
    void setWordBreak(EWordBreak b) { SET_VAR(rareInheritedData, wordBreak, b); }
    void setWordWrap(EWordWrap b) { SET_VAR(rareInheritedData, wordWrap, b); }
    void setNBSPMode(ENBSPMode b) { SET_VAR(rareInheritedData, nbspMode, b); }
    void setKHTMLLineBreak(EKHTMLLineBreak b) { SET_VAR(rareInheritedData, khtmlLineBreak, b); }
    void setMatchNearestMailBlockquoteColor(EMatchNearestMailBlockquoteColor c) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, matchNearestMailBlockquoteColor, c); }
    void setHighlight(const AtomicString& h) { SET_VAR(rareInheritedData, highlight, h); }
    void setBorderFit(EBorderFit b) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, m_borderFit, b); }
    void setResize(EResize r) { SET_VAR(rareInheritedData, resize, r); }
    void setColumnWidth(float f) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_multiCol, m_autoWidth, false); SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_multiCol, m_width, f); }
    void setHasAutoColumnWidth() { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_multiCol, m_autoWidth, true); SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_multiCol, m_width, 0); }
    void setColumnCount(unsigned short c) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_multiCol, m_autoCount, false); SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_multiCol, m_count, c); }
    void setHasAutoColumnCount() { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_multiCol, m_autoCount, true); SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_multiCol, m_count, 0); }
    void setColumnGap(float f) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_multiCol, m_normalGap, false); SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_multiCol, m_gap, f); }
    void setHasNormalColumnGap() { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_multiCol, m_normalGap, true); SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_multiCol, m_gap, 0); }
    void setColumnRuleColor(const Color& c) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_multiCol, m_rule.color, c); }
    void setColumnRuleStyle(EBorderStyle b) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_multiCol, m_rule.m_style, b); }
    void setColumnRuleWidth(unsigned short w) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_multiCol, m_rule.width, w); }
    void resetColumnRule() { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_multiCol, m_rule, BorderValue()) }
    void setColumnBreakBefore(EPageBreak p) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_multiCol, m_breakBefore, p); }
    void setColumnBreakInside(EPageBreak p) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_multiCol, m_breakInside, p); }
    void setColumnBreakAfter(EPageBreak p) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_multiCol, m_breakAfter, p); }
    void setTransform(const TransformOperations& ops) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_transform, m_operations, ops); }
    void setTransformOriginX(Length l) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_transform, m_x, l); }
    void setTransformOriginY(Length l) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_transform, m_y, l); }
    void setTransformOriginZ(float f) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_transform, m_z, f); }
    // End CSS3 Setters

    // Apple-specific property setters
    void setPointerEvents(EPointerEvents p) { inherited_flags._pointerEvents = p; }

    void clearAnimations()

    void clearTransitions()

    void inheritAnimations(const AnimationList* parent) { rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_animations.set(parent ? new AnimationList(*parent) : 0); }
    void inheritTransitions(const AnimationList* parent) { rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_transitions.set(parent ? new AnimationList(*parent) : 0); }
    void adjustAnimations();
    void adjustTransitions();

    void setTransformStyle3D(ETransformStyle3D b) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, m_transformStyle3D, b); }
    void setBackfaceVisibility(EBackfaceVisibility b) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, m_backfaceVisibility, b); }
    void setPerspective(float p) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, m_perspective, p); }
    void setPerspectiveOriginX(Length l) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, m_perspectiveOriginX, l); }
    void setPerspectiveOriginY(Length l) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, m_perspectiveOriginY, l); }

    void setIsRunningAcceleratedAnimation(bool b = true) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, m_runningAcceleratedAnimation, b); }

    void setLineClamp(int c) { SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, lineClamp, c); }
    void setTextSizeAdjust(bool b) { SET_VAR(rareInheritedData, textSizeAdjust, b); }
    void setTextSecurity(ETextSecurity aTextSecurity) { SET_VAR(rareInheritedData, textSecurity, aTextSecurity); }

    void setTapHighlightColor(const Color& v) { SET_VAR(rareInheritedData, tapHighlightColor, v); }

    const SVGRenderStyle* svgStyle() const { return m_svgStyle.get(); }
    SVGRenderStyle* accessSVGStyle() { return m_svgStyle.access(); }
    float fillOpacity() const { return svgStyle()->fillOpacity(); }
    void setFillOpacity(float f) { accessSVGStyle()->setFillOpacity(f); }
    float strokeOpacity() const { return svgStyle()->strokeOpacity(); }
    void setStrokeOpacity(float f) { accessSVGStyle()->setStrokeOpacity(f); }
    float floodOpacity() const { return svgStyle()->floodOpacity(); }
    void setFloodOpacity(float f) { accessSVGStyle()->setFloodOpacity(f); }

    const ContentData* contentData() const { return rareNonInheritedData->m_content.get(); }
    bool contentDataEquivalent(const RenderStyle* otherStyle) const { return const_cast<RenderStyle*>(this)->rareNonInheritedData->contentDataEquivalent(*const_cast<RenderStyle*>(otherStyle)->rareNonInheritedData); }
    void clearContent();
    void setContent(PassRefPtr<StringImpl>, bool add = false);
    void setContent(PassRefPtr<StyleImage>, bool add = false);
    void setContent(CounterContent*, bool add = false);

    const CounterDirectiveMap* counterDirectives() const;
    CounterDirectiveMap& accessCounterDirectives();

    bool inheritedNotEqual(const RenderStyle*) const;

    StyleDifference diff(const RenderStyle*, unsigned& changedContextSensitiveProperties) const;

    bool isDisplayReplacedType() const
        return display() == INLINE_BLOCK || display() == INLINE_BOX || display() == INLINE_TABLE;

    bool isDisplayInlineType() const
        return display() == INLINE || isDisplayReplacedType();

    bool isOriginalDisplayInlineType() const
        return originalDisplay() == INLINE || originalDisplay() == INLINE_BLOCK ||
               originalDisplay() == INLINE_BOX || originalDisplay() == INLINE_TABLE;

    // To obtain at any time the pseudo state for a given link.
    PseudoState pseudoState() const { return static_cast<PseudoState>(m_pseudoState); }
    void setPseudoState(PseudoState s) { m_pseudoState = s; }

    // To tell if this style matched attribute selectors. This makes it impossible to share.
    bool affectedByAttributeSelectors() const { return m_affectedByAttributeSelectors; }
    void setAffectedByAttributeSelectors() { m_affectedByAttributeSelectors = true; }

    bool unique() const { return m_unique; }
    void setUnique() { m_unique = true; }

    // Methods for indicating the style is affected by dynamic updates (e.g., children changing, our position changing in our sibling list, etc.)
    bool affectedByEmpty() const { return m_affectedByEmpty; }
    bool emptyState() const { return m_emptyState; }
    void setEmptyState(bool b) { m_affectedByEmpty = true; m_unique = true; m_emptyState = b; }
    bool childrenAffectedByPositionalRules() const { return childrenAffectedByForwardPositionalRules() || childrenAffectedByBackwardPositionalRules(); }
    bool childrenAffectedByFirstChildRules() const { return m_childrenAffectedByFirstChildRules; }
    void setChildrenAffectedByFirstChildRules() { m_childrenAffectedByFirstChildRules = true; }
    bool childrenAffectedByLastChildRules() const { return m_childrenAffectedByLastChildRules; }
    void setChildrenAffectedByLastChildRules() { m_childrenAffectedByLastChildRules = true; }
    bool childrenAffectedByDirectAdjacentRules() const { return m_childrenAffectedByDirectAdjacentRules; }
    void setChildrenAffectedByDirectAdjacentRules() { m_childrenAffectedByDirectAdjacentRules = true; }
    bool childrenAffectedByForwardPositionalRules() const { return m_childrenAffectedByForwardPositionalRules; }
    void setChildrenAffectedByForwardPositionalRules() { m_childrenAffectedByForwardPositionalRules = true; }
    bool childrenAffectedByBackwardPositionalRules() const { return m_childrenAffectedByBackwardPositionalRules; }
    void setChildrenAffectedByBackwardPositionalRules() { m_childrenAffectedByBackwardPositionalRules = true; }
    bool firstChildState() const { return m_firstChildState; }
    void setFirstChildState() { m_firstChildState = true; }
    bool lastChildState() const { return m_lastChildState; }
    void setLastChildState() { m_lastChildState = true; }
    unsigned childIndex() const { return m_childIndex; }
    void setChildIndex(unsigned index) { m_childIndex = index; }

    // Initial values for all the properties
    static bool initialBorderCollapse() { return false; }
    static EBorderStyle initialBorderStyle() { return BNONE; }
    static NinePieceImage initialNinePieceImage() { return NinePieceImage(); }
    static IntSize initialBorderRadius() { return IntSize(0, 0); }
    static ECaptionSide initialCaptionSide() { return CAPTOP; }
    static EClear initialClear() { return CNONE; }
    static TextDirection initialDirection() { return LTR; }
    static EDisplay initialDisplay() { return INLINE; }
    static EEmptyCell initialEmptyCells() { return SHOW; }
    static EFloat initialFloating() { return FNONE; }
    static EListStylePosition initialListStylePosition() { return OUTSIDE; }
    static EListStyleType initialListStyleType() { return DISC; }
    static EOverflow initialOverflowX() { return OVISIBLE; }
    static EOverflow initialOverflowY() { return OVISIBLE; }
    static EPageBreak initialPageBreak() { return PBAUTO; }
    static EPosition initialPosition() { return StaticPosition; }
    static ETableLayout initialTableLayout() { return TAUTO; }
    static EUnicodeBidi initialUnicodeBidi() { return UBNormal; }
    static ETextTransform initialTextTransform() { return TTNONE; }
    static EVisibility initialVisibility() { return VISIBLE; }
    static EWhiteSpace initialWhiteSpace() { return NORMAL; }
    static short initialHorizontalBorderSpacing() { return 0; }
    static short initialVerticalBorderSpacing() { return 0; }
    static ECursor initialCursor() { return CURSOR_AUTO; }
    static Color initialColor() { return Color::black; }
    static StyleImage* initialListStyleImage() { return 0; }
    static unsigned short initialBorderWidth() { return 3; }
    static int initialLetterWordSpacing() { return 0; }
    static Length initialSize() { return Length(); }
    static Length initialMinSize() { return Length(0, Fixed); }
    static Length initialMaxSize() { return Length(undefinedLength, Fixed); }
    static Length initialOffset() { return Length(); }
    static Length initialMargin() { return Length(Fixed); }
    static Length initialPadding() { return Length(Fixed); }
    static Length initialTextIndent() { return Length(Fixed); }
    static EVerticalAlign initialVerticalAlign() { return BASELINE; }
    static int initialWidows() { return 2; }
    static int initialOrphans() { return 2; }
    static Length initialLineHeight() { return Length(-100.0, Percent); }
    static ETextAlign initialTextAlign() { return TAAUTO; }
    static ETextDecoration initialTextDecoration() { return TDNONE; }
    static float initialZoom() { return 1.0f; }
    static int initialOutlineOffset() { return 0; }
    static float initialOpacity() { return 1.0f; }
    static EBoxAlignment initialBoxAlign() { return BSTRETCH; }
    static EBoxDirection initialBoxDirection() { return BNORMAL; }
    static EBoxLines initialBoxLines() { return SINGLE; }
    static EBoxOrient initialBoxOrient() { return HORIZONTAL; }
    static EBoxAlignment initialBoxPack() { return BSTART; }
    static float initialBoxFlex() { return 0.0f; }
    static int initialBoxFlexGroup() { return 1; }
    static int initialBoxOrdinalGroup() { return 1; }
    static EBoxSizing initialBoxSizing() { return CONTENT_BOX; }
    static StyleReflection* initialBoxReflect() { return 0; }
    static int initialMarqueeLoopCount() { return -1; }
    static int initialMarqueeSpeed() { return 85; }
    static Length initialMarqueeIncrement() { return Length(6, Fixed); }
    static EMarqueeBehavior initialMarqueeBehavior() { return MSCROLL; }
    static EMarqueeDirection initialMarqueeDirection() { return MAUTO; }
    static EUserModify initialUserModify() { return READ_ONLY; }
    static EUserDrag initialUserDrag() { return DRAG_AUTO; }
    static EUserSelect initialUserSelect() { return SELECT_TEXT; }
    static bool initialTextOverflow() { return false; }
    static EMarginCollapse initialMarginTopCollapse() { return MCOLLAPSE; }
    static EMarginCollapse initialMarginBottomCollapse() { return MCOLLAPSE; }
    static EWordBreak initialWordBreak() { return NormalWordBreak; }
    static EWordWrap initialWordWrap() { return NormalWordWrap; }
    static ENBSPMode initialNBSPMode() { return NBNORMAL; }
    static EKHTMLLineBreak initialKHTMLLineBreak() { return LBNORMAL; }
    static EMatchNearestMailBlockquoteColor initialMatchNearestMailBlockquoteColor() { return BCNORMAL; }
    static const AtomicString& initialHighlight() { return nullAtom; }
    static EBorderFit initialBorderFit() { return BorderFitBorder; }
    static EResize initialResize() { return RESIZE_NONE; }
    static ControlPart initialAppearance() { return NoControlPart; }
    static bool initialVisuallyOrdered() { return false; }
    static float initialTextStrokeWidth() { return 0; }
    static unsigned short initialColumnCount() { return 1; }
    static const TransformOperations& initialTransform() { DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(TransformOperations, ops, ()); return ops; }
    static Length initialTransformOriginX() { return Length(50.0, Percent); }
    static Length initialTransformOriginY() { return Length(50.0, Percent); }
    static EPointerEvents initialPointerEvents() { return PE_AUTO; }
    static float initialTransformOriginZ() { return 0; }
    static ETransformStyle3D initialTransformStyle3D() { return TransformStyle3DFlat; }
    static EBackfaceVisibility initialBackfaceVisibility() { return BackfaceVisibilityVisible; }
    static float initialPerspective() { return 0; }
    static Length initialPerspectiveOriginX() { return Length(50.0, Percent); }
    static Length initialPerspectiveOriginY() { return Length(50.0, Percent); }

    // Keep these at the end.
    static int initialLineClamp() { return -1; }
    static bool initialTextSizeAdjust() { return true; }
    static ETextSecurity initialTextSecurity() { return TSNONE; }
    static const Vector<StyleDashboardRegion>& initialDashboardRegions();
    static const Vector<StyleDashboardRegion>& noneDashboardRegions();

    static Color initialTapHighlightColor() { return Color::tap; }

} // namespace WebCore

#endif // RenderStyle_h