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/* include/linux/a1026.h - a1026 voice processor driver
 * Copyright (C) 2009 HTC Corporation.
 * This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
 * License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
 * may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.

#ifndef A1026_H
#define A1026_H

#include <linux/ioctl.h>

/* A1026 Command codes */
#define A100_msg_Sync                   0x8000
#define CtrlMode_LAL                    0x0001 /* Level Active Low  */
#define CtrlMode_LAH                    0x0002 /* Level Active High */
#define CtrlMode_FE                     0x0003 /* Falling Edge */
#define CtrlMode_RE                     0x0004 /* Rising  Edge */
#define A100_msg_Sync_Ack               0x80000000

#define A100_msg_Reset                  0x8002
#define RESET_IMMEDIATE                 0x0000
#define RESET_DELAYED                   0x0001

#define A100_msg_BootloadInitiate       0x8003
#define A100_msg_GetDeviceParm          0x800B
#define A100_msg_SetDeviceParmID        0x800C
#define A100_msg_SetDeviceParm          0x800D

/* Get/Set PCM Device Parameter ID List */
/* PCM-0 */
#define PCM0WordLength                  0x0100
#define PCM0DelFromFsTx                 0x0101
#define PCM0DelFromFsRx                 0x0102
#define PCM0LatchEdge                   0x0103
#define PCM0Endianness                  0x0105
#define PCM0TristateEnable              0x0107

/* PCM-1 */
#define PCM1WordLength                  0x0200
#define PCM1DelFromFsTx                 0x0201
#define PCM1DelFromFsRx                 0x0202
#define PCM1LatchEdge                   0x0203
#define PCM1Endianness                  0x0205
#define PCM1TristateEnable              0x0207

/* Possible setting values for PCM I/F */
#define PCMWordLength_16bit             0x10 /* Default */
#define PCMWordLength_24bit             0x18
#define PCMWordLength_32bit             0x20
#define PCMLatchEdge_Tx_F_Rx_R          0x00 /* Tx on Falling Edge, Rx on Rising Edge */
#define PCMLatchEdge_Tx_R_Rx_F          0x03 /* Tx on Falling Edge, Rx on Rising Edge (Default) */
#define PCMEndianness_Little            0x00
#define PCMEndianness_Big               0x01 /* Default */
#define PCMTristate_Disable             0x00 /* Default */
#define PCMTristate_Enable              0x01

/* Get/Set ADC Device Parameter ID List */
/* ADC-0 */
#define ADC0Gain                        0x0300
#define ADC0Rate                        0x0301
#define ADC0CutoffFreq                  0x0302

/* ADC-1 */
#define ADC1Gain                        0x0400
#define ADC1Rate                        0x0401
#define ADC1CutoffFreq                  0x0402

/* Possible setting values for ADC I/F */
#define ADC_Gain_0db                    0x00
#define ADC_Gain_6db                    0x01
#define ADC_Gain_12db                   0x02
#define ADC_Gain_18db                   0x03
#define ADC_Gain_24db                   0x04 /* Default */
#define ADC_Gain_30db                   0x05
#define ADC_Rate_8kHz                   0x00 /* Default */
#define ADC_Rate_16kHz                  0x01
#define ADC_CutoffFreq_NO_DC_Filter     0x00
#define ADC_CutoffFreq_59p68Hz          0x01 /* Default */
#define ADC_CutoffFreq_7p46Hz           0x02
#define ADC_CutoffFreq_3p73Hz           0x03

/* Set Power State */
#define A100_msg_Sleep                  0x80100001

/* Get/Set Algorithm Parameter command codes list */
#define A100_msg_GetAlgorithmParm       0x8016
#define A100_msg_SetAlgorithmParmID     0x8017
#define A100_msg_SetAlgorithmParm       0x8018

/* Get/Set Algorithm Parameter ID List (Transmit Feature) */
#define AIS_Global_Supression_Level     0x0000
#define Mic_Config                      0x0002
#define AEC_Mode                        0x0003
#define AEC_CNG                         0x0023
#define Output_AGC                      0x0004
#define Output_AGC_Target_Level         0x0005
#define Output_AGC_Noise_Floor          0x0006
#define Output_AGC_SNR_Improvement      0x0007
#define Comfort_Noise                   0x001A
#define Comfort_Noise_Level             0x001B

/* Get/Set Algorithm Parameter ID List (Receive Feature) */
#define Speaker_Volume                  0x0012
#define VEQ_Mode                        0x0009
#define VEQ_Max_FarEnd_Limiter_Level    0x000D
#define VEQ_Noise_Estimation_Adj        0x0025
#define Receive_NS                      0x000E
#define Receive_NS_Level                0x000F
#define SideTone                        0x0015
#define SideTone_Gain                   0x0016

/* Audio Path Commands */
/* Get/Set Transmit Digital Input Gain */
#define A100_msg_GetTxDigitalInputGain  0x801A
#define A100_msg_SetTxDigitalInputGain  0x801B

/* Get/Set Receive Digital Input Gain */
#define A100_msg_GetRcvDigitalInputGain 0x8022
#define A100_msg_SetRcvDigitalInputGain 0x8023

/* Get/Set Transmit Digital Output Gain */
#define A100_msg_GetTxDigitalOutputGain 0x801D
#define A100_msg_SetTxDigitalOutputGain 0x8015

/* Bypass */
#define A100_msg_Bypass                 0x801C /* 0ff = 0x0000; on = 0x0001 (Default) */
#define A1026_msg_VP_ON                 0x801C0001
#define A1026_msg_VP_OFF                0x801C0000

/* Diagnostic API Commands */
#define A100_msg_GetMicRMS              0x8013
#define A100_msg_GetMicPeak             0x8014
#define DiagPath_Pri_Input_Mic          0x0000
#define DiagPath_Sec_Input_Mic          0x0001
#define DiagPath_Output_Mic             0x0002
#define DiagPath_Far_End_Input          0x0003
#define DiagPath_Far_End_Output         0x0004
#define A100_msg_SwapInputCh            0x8019
#define A100_msg_OutputKnownSig         0x801E

#define A1026_msg_BOOT                  0x0001
#define A1026_msg_BOOT_ACK              0x01

/* general definitions */
#define TIMEOUT                         20	// 20ms
#define RETRY_CNT                       5
#define POLLING_RETRY_CNT               5
#define A1026_ERROR_CODE                0xffff
#define A1026_SLEEP                     0
#define A1026_ACTIVE                    1
#define ERROR                           0xffffffff

/* IOCTLs for Audience A1026 */
#define A1026_IOCTL_MAGIC 'u'

#define A1026_BOOTUP_INIT               _IOW(A1026_IOCTL_MAGIC, 0x01, unsigned)
#define A1026_SET_CONFIG                _IOW(A1026_IOCTL_MAGIC, 0x02, unsigned)

/* For Diag */
#define A1026_SET_MIC_ONOFF             _IOW(A1026_IOCTL_MAGIC, 0x50, unsigned)
#define A1026_SET_MICSEL_ONOFF          _IOW(A1026_IOCTL_MAGIC, 0x51, unsigned)
#define A1026_READ_DATA                 _IOR(A1026_IOCTL_MAGIC, 0x52, unsigned)
#define A1026_WRITE_MSG                 _IOW(A1026_IOCTL_MAGIC, 0x53, unsigned)
#define A1026_SYNC_CMD                  _IO(A1026_IOCTL_MAGIC, 0x54)
#define A1026_SET_CMD_FILE              _IOW(A1026_IOCTL_MAGIC, 0x55, unsigned)

enum A1026_PathID {

struct a1026_platform_data {
        uint32_t gpio_a1026_micsel;
        uint32_t gpio_a1026_wakeup;
        uint32_t gpio_a1026_reset;
        uint32_t gpio_a1026_int;

struct a1026img {
        unsigned char *buf;
        int     img_size;

struct cmd_list {
	unsigned int *p;
	unsigned int cnt;
