/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * Class that represents what you see in an link or see tag. This is * factored out of SeeTagInfo so it can be used elsewhere (like AttrTagInfo). */ public class LinkReference { /** The original text. */ public String text; /** The kind of this tag, if we have a new suggestion after parsing. */ public String kind; /** The user visible text. */ public String label; /** The link. */ public String href; /** The {@link PackageInfo} if any. */ public PackageInfo packageInfo; /** The {@link ClassInfo} if any. */ public ClassInfo classInfo; /** The {@link MemberInfo} if any. */ public MemberInfo memberInfo; /** The name of the referenced member PackageInfo} if any. */ public String referencedMemberName; /** Set to true if everything is a-ok */ public boolean good; /** * regex pattern to use when matching explicit "<a href" reference text */ private static final Pattern HREF_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^<a href=\"([^\"]*)\">([^<]*)</a>[ \n\r\t]*$", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); /** * regex pattern to use when matching double-quoted reference text */ private static final Pattern QUOTE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^\"([^\"]*)\"[ \n\r\t]*$"); /** * Parse and resolve a link string. * * @param text the original text * @param base the class or whatever that this link is on * @param pos the original position in the source document * @return a new link reference. It always returns something. If there was an * error, it logs it and fills in href and label with error text. */ public static LinkReference parse(String text, ContainerInfo base, SourcePositionInfo pos, boolean printOnErrors) { LinkReference result = new LinkReference(); result.text = text; int index; int len = text.length(); int pairs = 0; int pound = -1; // split the string done: { for (index=0; index<len; index++) { char c = text.charAt(index); switch (c) { case '(': pairs++; break; case '[': pairs++; break; case ')': pairs--; break; case ']': pairs--; break; case ' ': case '\t': case '\r': case '\n': if (pairs == 0) { break done; } break; case '#': if (pound < 0) { pound = index; } break; } } } if (index == len && pairs != 0) { Errors.error(Errors.UNRESOLVED_LINK, pos, "unable to parse link/see tag: " + text.trim()); return result; } int linkend = index; for (; index<len; index++) { char c = text.charAt(index); if (!(c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n')) { break; } } result.label = text.substring(index); String ref; String mem; if (pound == 0) { ref = null; mem = text.substring(1, linkend); } else if (pound > 0) { ref = text.substring(0, pound); mem = text.substring(pound+1, linkend); } else { ref = text.substring(0, linkend); mem = null; } // parse parameters, if any String[] params = null; String[] paramDimensions = null; if (mem != null) { index = mem.indexOf('('); if (index > 0) { ArrayList<String> paramList = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> paramDimensionList = new ArrayList<String>(); len = mem.length(); int start = index+1; final int START = 0; final int TYPE = 1; final int NAME = 2; int dimension = 0; int arraypair = 0; int state = START; int typestart = 0; int typeend = -1; for (int i=start; i<len; i++) { char c = mem.charAt(i); switch (state) { case START: if (c!=' ' && c!='\t' && c!='\r' && c!='\n') { state = TYPE; typestart = i; } break; case TYPE: if (c == '[') { if (typeend < 0) { typeend = i; } dimension++; arraypair++; } else if (c == ']') { arraypair--; } else if (c==' ' || c=='\t' || c=='\r' || c=='\n') { if (typeend < 0) { typeend = i; } } else { if (typeend >= 0 || c == ')' || c == ',') { if (typeend < 0) { typeend = i; } String s = mem.substring(typestart, typeend); paramList.add(s); s = ""; for (int j=0; j<dimension; j++) { s += "[]"; } paramDimensionList.add(s); state = START; typeend = -1; dimension = 0; if (c == ',' || c == ')') { state = START; } else { state = NAME; } } } break; case NAME: if (c == ',' || c == ')') { state = START; } break; } } params = paramList.toArray(new String[paramList.size()]); paramDimensions = paramDimensionList.toArray(new String[paramList.size()]); mem = mem.substring(0, index); } } ClassInfo cl = null; if (base instanceof ClassInfo) { cl = (ClassInfo)base; } if (ref == null) { // no class or package was provided, assume it's this class if (cl != null) { result.classInfo = cl; } } else { // they provided something, maybe it's a class or a package if (cl != null) { result.classInfo = cl.extendedFindClass(ref); if (result.classInfo == null) { result.classInfo = cl.findClass(ref); } if (result.classInfo == null) { result.classInfo = cl.findInnerClass(ref); } } if (result.classInfo == null) { result.classInfo = Converter.obtainClass(ref); } if (result.classInfo == null) { result.packageInfo = Converter.obtainPackage(ref); } } if (result.classInfo != null && mem != null) { // it's either a field or a method, prefer a field if (params == null) { FieldInfo field = result.classInfo.findField(mem); // findField looks in containing classes, so it might actually // be somewhere else; link to where it really is, not what they // typed. if (field != null) { result.classInfo = field.containingClass(); result.memberInfo = field; } } if (result.memberInfo == null) { MethodInfo method = result.classInfo.findMethod(mem, params, paramDimensions); if (method != null) { result.classInfo = method.containingClass(); result.memberInfo = method; } } } result.referencedMemberName = mem; if (params != null) { result.referencedMemberName = result.referencedMemberName + '('; len = params.length; if (len > 0) { len--; for (int i=0; i<len; i++) { result.referencedMemberName = result.referencedMemberName + params[i] + paramDimensions[i] + ", "; } result.referencedMemberName = result.referencedMemberName + params[len] + paramDimensions[len]; } result.referencedMemberName = result.referencedMemberName + ")"; } // debugging spew if (false) { result.label = result.label + "/" + ref + "/" + mem + '/'; if (params != null) { for (int i=0; i<params.length; i++) { result.label += params[i] + "|"; } } FieldInfo f = (result.memberInfo instanceof FieldInfo) ? (FieldInfo)result.memberInfo : null; MethodInfo m = (result.memberInfo instanceof MethodInfo) ? (MethodInfo)result.memberInfo : null; result.label = result.label + "/package=" + (result.packageInfo!=null?result.packageInfo.name():"") + "/class=" + (result.classInfo!=null?result.classInfo.qualifiedName():"") + "/field=" + (f!=null?f.name():"") + "/method=" + (m!=null?m.name():""); } MethodInfo method = null; boolean skipHref = false; if (result.memberInfo != null && result.memberInfo.isExecutable()) { method = (MethodInfo)result.memberInfo; } if (text.startsWith("\"")) { // literal quoted reference (e.g., a book title) Matcher matcher = QUOTE_PATTERN.matcher(text); if (! matcher.matches()) { Errors.error(Errors.UNRESOLVED_LINK, pos, "unbalanced quoted link/see tag: " + text.trim()); result.makeError(); return result; } skipHref = true; result.label = matcher.group(1); result.kind = "@seeJustLabel"; } else if (text.startsWith("<")) { // explicit "<a href" form Matcher matcher = HREF_PATTERN.matcher(text); if (! matcher.matches()) { Errors.error(Errors.UNRESOLVED_LINK, pos, "invalid <a> link/see tag: " + text.trim()); result.makeError(); return result; } result.href = matcher.group(1); result.label = matcher.group(2); result.kind = "@seeHref"; } else if (result.packageInfo != null) { result.href = result.packageInfo.htmlPage(); if (result.label.length() == 0) { result.href = result.packageInfo.htmlPage(); result.label = result.packageInfo.name(); } } else if (result.classInfo != null && result.referencedMemberName == null) { // class reference if (result.label.length() == 0) { result.label = result.classInfo.name(); } result.href = result.classInfo.htmlPage(); } else if (result.memberInfo != null) { // member reference ClassInfo containing = result.memberInfo.containingClass(); if (result.memberInfo.isExecutable()) { if (result.referencedMemberName.indexOf('(') < 0) { result.referencedMemberName += method.flatSignature(); } } if (result.label.length() == 0) { result.label = result.referencedMemberName; } result.href = containing.htmlPage() + '#' + result.memberInfo.anchor(); } if (result.href == null && !skipHref) { if (printOnErrors && (base == null || base.checkLevel())) { Errors.error(Errors.UNRESOLVED_LINK, pos, "Unresolved link/see tag \"" + text.trim() + "\" in " + ((base != null) ? base.qualifiedName() : "[null]")); } result.makeError(); } else if (result.memberInfo != null && !result.memberInfo.checkLevel()) { if (printOnErrors && (base == null || base.checkLevel())) { Errors.error(Errors.HIDDEN_LINK, pos, "Link to hidden member: " + text.trim()); result.href = null; } result.kind = "@seeJustLabel"; } else if (result.classInfo != null && !result.classInfo.checkLevel()) { if (printOnErrors && (base == null || base.checkLevel())) { Errors.error(Errors.HIDDEN_LINK, pos, "Link to hidden class: " + text.trim() + " label=" + result.label); result.href = null; } result.kind = "@seeJustLabel"; } else if (result.packageInfo != null && !result.packageInfo.checkLevel()) { if (printOnErrors && (base == null || base.checkLevel())) { Errors.error(Errors.HIDDEN_LINK, pos, "Link to hidden package: " + text.trim()); result.href = null; } result.kind = "@seeJustLabel"; } result.good = true; return result; } public boolean checkLevel() { if (memberInfo != null) { return memberInfo.checkLevel(); } if (classInfo != null) { return classInfo.checkLevel(); } if (packageInfo != null) { return packageInfo.checkLevel(); } return false; } /** turn this LinkReference into one with an error message */ private void makeError() { //this.href = "ERROR(" + this.text.trim() + ")"; this.href = null; if (this.label == null) { this.label = ""; } this.label = "ERROR(" + this.label + "/" + text.trim() + ")"; } /** private. **/ private LinkReference() { } }