/* * =========================================================================== * Common subroutines and data * =========================================================================== */ .text .align 2 #if defined(WITH_JIT) #if defined(WITH_SELF_VERIFICATION) .global dvmJitToInterpPunt dvmJitToInterpPunt: ldr r10, [rGLUE, #offGlue_self] @ callee saved r10 <- glue->self mov r2,#kSVSPunt @ r2<- interpreter entry point mov r3, #0 str r3, [r10, #offThread_inJitCodeCache] @ Back to the interp land b jitSVShadowRunEnd @ doesn't return .global dvmJitToInterpSingleStep dvmJitToInterpSingleStep: str lr,[rGLUE,#offGlue_jitResumeNPC] str r1,[rGLUE,#offGlue_jitResumeDPC] mov r2,#kSVSSingleStep @ r2<- interpreter entry point b jitSVShadowRunEnd @ doesn't return .global dvmJitToInterpTraceSelectNoChain dvmJitToInterpTraceSelectNoChain: ldr r10, [rGLUE, #offGlue_self] @ callee saved r10 <- glue->self mov r0,rPC @ pass our target PC mov r2,#kSVSTraceSelectNoChain @ r2<- interpreter entry point mov r3, #0 str r3, [r10, #offThread_inJitCodeCache] @ Back to the interp land b jitSVShadowRunEnd @ doesn't return .global dvmJitToInterpTraceSelect dvmJitToInterpTraceSelect: ldr r10, [rGLUE, #offGlue_self] @ callee saved r10 <- glue->self ldr r0,[lr, #-1] @ pass our target PC mov r2,#kSVSTraceSelect @ r2<- interpreter entry point mov r3, #0 str r3, [r10, #offThread_inJitCodeCache] @ Back to the interp land b jitSVShadowRunEnd @ doesn't return .global dvmJitToInterpBackwardBranch dvmJitToInterpBackwardBranch: ldr r10, [rGLUE, #offGlue_self] @ callee saved r10 <- glue->self ldr r0,[lr, #-1] @ pass our target PC mov r2,#kSVSBackwardBranch @ r2<- interpreter entry point mov r3, #0 str r3, [r10, #offThread_inJitCodeCache] @ Back to the interp land b jitSVShadowRunEnd @ doesn't return .global dvmJitToInterpNormal dvmJitToInterpNormal: ldr r10, [rGLUE, #offGlue_self] @ callee saved r10 <- glue->self ldr r0,[lr, #-1] @ pass our target PC mov r2,#kSVSNormal @ r2<- interpreter entry point mov r3, #0 str r3, [r10, #offThread_inJitCodeCache] @ Back to the interp land b jitSVShadowRunEnd @ doesn't return .global dvmJitToInterpNoChain dvmJitToInterpNoChain: ldr r10, [rGLUE, #offGlue_self] @ callee saved r10 <- glue->self mov r0,rPC @ pass our target PC mov r2,#kSVSNoChain @ r2<- interpreter entry point mov r3, #0 str r3, [r10, #offThread_inJitCodeCache] @ Back to the interp land b jitSVShadowRunEnd @ doesn't return #else /* * Return from the translation cache to the interpreter when the compiler is * having issues translating/executing a Dalvik instruction. We have to skip * the code cache lookup otherwise it is possible to indefinitely bouce * between the interpreter and the code cache if the instruction that fails * to be compiled happens to be at a trace start. */ .global dvmJitToInterpPunt dvmJitToInterpPunt: ldr r10, [rGLUE, #offGlue_self] @ callee saved r10 <- glue->self mov rPC, r0 #ifdef JIT_STATS mov r0,lr bl dvmBumpPunt; #endif EXPORT_PC() mov r0, #0 str r0, [r10, #offThread_inJitCodeCache] @ Back to the interp land adrl rIBASE, dvmAsmInstructionStart FETCH_INST() GET_INST_OPCODE(ip) GOTO_OPCODE(ip) /* * Return to the interpreter to handle a single instruction. * On entry: * r0 <= PC * r1 <= PC of resume instruction * lr <= resume point in translation */ .global dvmJitToInterpSingleStep dvmJitToInterpSingleStep: str lr,[rGLUE,#offGlue_jitResumeNPC] str r1,[rGLUE,#offGlue_jitResumeDPC] mov r1,#kInterpEntryInstr @ enum is 4 byte in aapcs-EABI str r1, [rGLUE, #offGlue_entryPoint] mov rPC,r0 EXPORT_PC() adrl rIBASE, dvmAsmInstructionStart mov r2,#kJitSingleStep @ Ask for single step and then revert str r2,[rGLUE,#offGlue_jitState] mov r1,#1 @ set changeInterp to bail to debug interp b common_gotoBail /* * Return from the translation cache and immediately request * a translation for the exit target. Commonly used for callees. */ .global dvmJitToInterpTraceSelectNoChain dvmJitToInterpTraceSelectNoChain: #ifdef JIT_STATS bl dvmBumpNoChain #endif ldr r10, [rGLUE, #offGlue_self] @ callee saved r10 <- glue->self mov r0,rPC bl dvmJitGetCodeAddr @ Is there a translation? str r0, [r10, #offThread_inJitCodeCache] @ set the inJitCodeCache flag mov r1, rPC @ arg1 of translation may need this mov lr, #0 @ in case target is HANDLER_INTERPRET cmp r0,#0 bxne r0 @ continue native execution if so b 2f /* * Return from the translation cache and immediately request * a translation for the exit target. Commonly used following * invokes. */ .global dvmJitToInterpTraceSelect dvmJitToInterpTraceSelect: ldr rPC,[lr, #-1] @ get our target PC ldr r10, [rGLUE, #offGlue_self] @ callee saved r10 <- glue->self add rINST,lr,#-5 @ save start of chain branch mov r0,rPC bl dvmJitGetCodeAddr @ Is there a translation? str r0, [r10, #offThread_inJitCodeCache] @ set the inJitCodeCache flag cmp r0,#0 beq 2f mov r1,rINST bl dvmJitChain @ r0<- dvmJitChain(codeAddr,chainAddr) mov r1, rPC @ arg1 of translation may need this mov lr, #0 @ in case target is HANDLER_INTERPRET cmp r0,#0 @ successful chain? bxne r0 @ continue native execution b toInterpreter @ didn't chain - resume with interpreter /* No translation, so request one if profiling isn't disabled*/ 2: adrl rIBASE, dvmAsmInstructionStart GET_JIT_PROF_TABLE(r0) FETCH_INST() cmp r0, #0 movne r2,#kJitTSelectRequestHot @ ask for trace selection bne common_selectTrace GET_INST_OPCODE(ip) GOTO_OPCODE(ip) /* * Return from the translation cache to the interpreter. * The return was done with a BLX from thumb mode, and * the following 32-bit word contains the target rPC value. * Note that lr (r14) will have its low-order bit set to denote * its thumb-mode origin. * * We'll need to stash our lr origin away, recover the new * target and then check to see if there is a translation available * for our new target. If so, we do a translation chain and * go back to native execution. Otherwise, it's back to the * interpreter (after treating this entry as a potential * trace start). */ .global dvmJitToInterpNormal dvmJitToInterpNormal: ldr rPC,[lr, #-1] @ get our target PC ldr r10, [rGLUE, #offGlue_self] @ callee saved r10 <- glue->self add rINST,lr,#-5 @ save start of chain branch #ifdef JIT_STATS bl dvmBumpNormal #endif mov r0,rPC bl dvmJitGetCodeAddr @ Is there a translation? str r0, [r10, #offThread_inJitCodeCache] @ set the inJitCodeCache flag cmp r0,#0 beq toInterpreter @ go if not, otherwise do chain mov r1,rINST bl dvmJitChain @ r0<- dvmJitChain(codeAddr,chainAddr) mov r1, rPC @ arg1 of translation may need this mov lr, #0 @ in case target is HANDLER_INTERPRET cmp r0,#0 @ successful chain? bxne r0 @ continue native execution b toInterpreter @ didn't chain - resume with interpreter /* * Return from the translation cache to the interpreter to do method invocation. * Check if translation exists for the callee, but don't chain to it. */ .global dvmJitToInterpNoChain dvmJitToInterpNoChain: #ifdef JIT_STATS bl dvmBumpNoChain #endif ldr r10, [rGLUE, #offGlue_self] @ callee saved r10 <- glue->self mov r0,rPC bl dvmJitGetCodeAddr @ Is there a translation? str r0, [r10, #offThread_inJitCodeCache] @ set the inJitCodeCache flag mov r1, rPC @ arg1 of translation may need this mov lr, #0 @ in case target is HANDLER_INTERPRET cmp r0,#0 bxne r0 @ continue native execution if so #endif /* * No translation, restore interpreter regs and start interpreting. * rGLUE & rFP were preserved in the translated code, and rPC has * already been restored by the time we get here. We'll need to set * up rIBASE & rINST, and load the address of the JitTable into r0. */ toInterpreter: EXPORT_PC() adrl rIBASE, dvmAsmInstructionStart FETCH_INST() GET_JIT_PROF_TABLE(r0) @ NOTE: intended fallthrough /* * Common code to update potential trace start counter, and initiate * a trace-build if appropriate. On entry, rPC should point to the * next instruction to execute, and rINST should be already loaded with * the next opcode word, and r0 holds a pointer to the jit profile * table (pJitProfTable). */ common_testUpdateProfile: cmp r0,#0 GET_INST_OPCODE(ip) GOTO_OPCODE_IFEQ(ip) @ if not profiling, fallthrough otherwise */ common_updateProfile: eor r3,rPC,rPC,lsr #12 @ cheap, but fast hash function lsl r3,r3,#(32 - JIT_PROF_SIZE_LOG_2) @ shift out excess bits ldrb r1,[r0,r3,lsr #(32 - JIT_PROF_SIZE_LOG_2)] @ get counter GET_INST_OPCODE(ip) subs r1,r1,#1 @ decrement counter strb r1,[r0,r3,lsr #(32 - JIT_PROF_SIZE_LOG_2)] @ and store it GOTO_OPCODE_IFNE(ip) @ if not threshold, fallthrough otherwise */ /* * Here, we switch to the debug interpreter to request * trace selection. First, though, check to see if there * is already a native translation in place (and, if so, * jump to it now). */ GET_JIT_THRESHOLD(r1) ldr r10, [rGLUE, #offGlue_self] @ callee saved r10 <- glue->self strb r1,[r0,r3,lsr #(32 - JIT_PROF_SIZE_LOG_2)] @ reset counter EXPORT_PC() mov r0,rPC bl dvmJitGetCodeAddr @ r0<- dvmJitGetCodeAddr(rPC) str r0, [r10, #offThread_inJitCodeCache] @ set the inJitCodeCache flag mov r1, rPC @ arg1 of translation may need this mov lr, #0 @ in case target is HANDLER_INTERPRET cmp r0,#0 #if !defined(WITH_SELF_VERIFICATION) bxne r0 @ jump to the translation mov r2,#kJitTSelectRequest @ ask for trace selection @ fall-through to common_selectTrace #else moveq r2,#kJitTSelectRequest @ ask for trace selection beq common_selectTrace /* * At this point, we have a target translation. However, if * that translation is actually the interpret-only pseudo-translation * we want to treat it the same as no translation. */ mov r10, r0 @ save target bl dvmCompilerGetInterpretTemplate cmp r0, r10 @ special case? bne jitSVShadowRunStart @ set up self verification shadow space GET_INST_OPCODE(ip) GOTO_OPCODE(ip) /* no return */ #endif /* * On entry: * r2 is jit state, e.g. kJitTSelectRequest or kJitTSelectRequestHot */ common_selectTrace: str r2,[rGLUE,#offGlue_jitState] mov r2,#kInterpEntryInstr @ normal entry reason str r2,[rGLUE,#offGlue_entryPoint] mov r1,#1 @ set changeInterp b common_gotoBail #if defined(WITH_SELF_VERIFICATION) /* * Save PC and registers to shadow memory for self verification mode * before jumping to native translation. * On entry: * rPC, rFP, rGLUE: the values that they should contain * r10: the address of the target translation. */ jitSVShadowRunStart: mov r0,rPC @ r0<- program counter mov r1,rFP @ r1<- frame pointer mov r2,rGLUE @ r2<- InterpState pointer mov r3,r10 @ r3<- target translation bl dvmSelfVerificationSaveState @ save registers to shadow space ldr rFP,[r0,#offShadowSpace_shadowFP] @ rFP<- fp in shadow space add rGLUE,r0,#offShadowSpace_interpState @ rGLUE<- rGLUE in shadow space bx r10 @ jump to the translation /* * Restore PC, registers, and interpState to original values * before jumping back to the interpreter. */ jitSVShadowRunEnd: mov r1,rFP @ pass ending fp bl dvmSelfVerificationRestoreState @ restore pc and fp values ldr rPC,[r0,#offShadowSpace_startPC] @ restore PC ldr rFP,[r0,#offShadowSpace_fp] @ restore FP ldr rGLUE,[r0,#offShadowSpace_glue] @ restore InterpState ldr r1,[r0,#offShadowSpace_svState] @ get self verification state cmp r1,#0 @ check for punt condition beq 1f mov r2,#kJitSelfVerification @ ask for self verification str r2,[rGLUE,#offGlue_jitState] mov r2,#kInterpEntryInstr @ normal entry reason str r2,[rGLUE,#offGlue_entryPoint] mov r1,#1 @ set changeInterp b common_gotoBail 1: @ exit to interpreter without check EXPORT_PC() adrl rIBASE, dvmAsmInstructionStart FETCH_INST() GET_INST_OPCODE(ip) GOTO_OPCODE(ip) #endif #endif /* * Common code when a backward branch is taken. * * On entry: * r9 is PC adjustment *in bytes* */ common_backwardBranch: mov r0, #kInterpEntryInstr bl common_periodicChecks #if defined(WITH_JIT) GET_JIT_PROF_TABLE(r0) FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB(r9) @ update rPC, load rINST cmp r0,#0 bne common_updateProfile GET_INST_OPCODE(ip) GOTO_OPCODE(ip) #else FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB(r9) @ update rPC, load rINST GET_INST_OPCODE(ip) @ extract opcode from rINST GOTO_OPCODE(ip) @ jump to next instruction #endif /* * Need to see if the thread needs to be suspended or debugger/profiler * activity has begun. * * TODO: if JDWP isn't running, zero out pDebuggerActive pointer so we don't * have to do the second ldr. * * TODO: reduce this so we're just checking a single location. * * On entry: * r0 is reentry type, e.g. kInterpEntryInstr * r9 is trampoline PC adjustment *in bytes* */ common_periodicChecks: ldr r3, [rGLUE, #offGlue_pSelfSuspendCount] @ r3<- &suspendCount @ speculatively store r0 before it is clobbered by dvmCheckSuspendPending str r0, [rGLUE, #offGlue_entryPoint] #if defined(WITH_DEBUGGER) ldr r1, [rGLUE, #offGlue_pDebuggerActive] @ r1<- &debuggerActive #endif #if defined(WITH_PROFILER) ldr r2, [rGLUE, #offGlue_pActiveProfilers] @ r2<- &activeProfilers #endif ldr r3, [r3] @ r3<- suspendCount (int) #if defined(WITH_DEBUGGER) ldrb r1, [r1] @ r1<- debuggerActive (boolean) #endif #if defined (WITH_PROFILER) ldr r2, [r2] @ r2<- activeProfilers (int) #endif cmp r3, #0 @ suspend pending? bne 2f @ yes, do full suspension check #if defined(WITH_DEBUGGER) || defined(WITH_PROFILER) # if defined(WITH_DEBUGGER) && defined(WITH_PROFILER) orrs r1, r1, r2 @ r1<- r1 | r2 cmp r1, #0 @ debugger attached or profiler started? # elif defined(WITH_DEBUGGER) cmp r1, #0 @ debugger attached? # elif defined(WITH_PROFILER) cmp r2, #0 @ profiler started? # endif bne 3f @ debugger/profiler, switch interp #endif bx lr @ nothing to do, return 2: @ check suspend #if defined(WITH_JIT) /* * Refresh the Jit's cached copy of profile table pointer. This pointer * doubles as the Jit's on/off switch. */ ldr r3, [rGLUE, #offGlue_ppJitProfTable] @ r3<-&gDvmJit.pJitProfTable ldr r0, [rGLUE, #offGlue_self] @ r0<- glue->self ldr r3, [r3] @ r3 <- pJitProfTable EXPORT_PC() @ need for precise GC str r3, [rGLUE, #offGlue_pJitProfTable] @ refresh Jit's on/off switch #else ldr r0, [rGLUE, #offGlue_self] @ r0<- glue->self EXPORT_PC() @ need for precise GC #endif b dvmCheckSuspendPending @ suspend if necessary, then return 3: @ debugger/profiler enabled, bail out add rPC, rPC, r9 @ update rPC mov r1, #1 @ "want switch" = true b common_gotoBail /* * The equivalent of "goto bail", this calls through the "bail handler". * * State registers will be saved to the "glue" area before bailing. * * On entry: * r1 is "bool changeInterp", indicating if we want to switch to the * other interpreter or just bail all the way out */ common_gotoBail: SAVE_PC_FP_TO_GLUE() @ export state to "glue" mov r0, rGLUE @ r0<- glue ptr b dvmMterpStdBail @ call(glue, changeInterp) @add r1, r1, #1 @ using (boolean+1) @add r0, rGLUE, #offGlue_jmpBuf @ r0<- &glue->jmpBuf @bl _longjmp @ does not return @bl common_abort /* * Common code for method invocation with range. * * On entry: * r0 is "Method* methodToCall", the method we're trying to call */ common_invokeMethodRange: .LinvokeNewRange: @ prepare to copy args to "outs" area of current frame movs r2, rINST, lsr #8 @ r2<- AA (arg count) -- test for zero SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(r10, rFP) @ r10<- stack save area beq .LinvokeArgsDone @ if no args, skip the rest FETCH(r1, 2) @ r1<- CCCC @ r0=methodToCall, r1=CCCC, r2=count, r10=outs @ (very few methods have > 10 args; could unroll for common cases) add r3, rFP, r1, lsl #2 @ r3<- &fp[CCCC] sub r10, r10, r2, lsl #2 @ r10<- "outs" area, for call args ldrh r9, [r0, #offMethod_registersSize] @ r9<- methodToCall->regsSize 1: ldr r1, [r3], #4 @ val = *fp++ subs r2, r2, #1 @ count-- str r1, [r10], #4 @ *outs++ = val bne 1b @ ...while count != 0 ldrh r3, [r0, #offMethod_outsSize] @ r3<- methodToCall->outsSize b .LinvokeArgsDone /* * Common code for method invocation without range. * * On entry: * r0 is "Method* methodToCall", the method we're trying to call */ common_invokeMethodNoRange: .LinvokeNewNoRange: @ prepare to copy args to "outs" area of current frame movs r2, rINST, lsr #12 @ r2<- B (arg count) -- test for zero SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(r10, rFP) @ r10<- stack save area FETCH(r1, 2) @ r1<- GFED (load here to hide latency) ldrh r9, [r0, #offMethod_registersSize] @ r9<- methodToCall->regsSize ldrh r3, [r0, #offMethod_outsSize] @ r3<- methodToCall->outsSize beq .LinvokeArgsDone @ r0=methodToCall, r1=GFED, r3=outSize, r2=count, r9=regSize, r10=outs .LinvokeNonRange: rsb r2, r2, #5 @ r2<- 5-r2 add pc, pc, r2, lsl #4 @ computed goto, 4 instrs each bl common_abort @ (skipped due to ARM prefetch) 5: and ip, rINST, #0x0f00 @ isolate A ldr r2, [rFP, ip, lsr #6] @ r2<- vA (shift right 8, left 2) mov r0, r0 @ nop str r2, [r10, #-4]! @ *--outs = vA 4: and ip, r1, #0xf000 @ isolate G ldr r2, [rFP, ip, lsr #10] @ r2<- vG (shift right 12, left 2) mov r0, r0 @ nop str r2, [r10, #-4]! @ *--outs = vG 3: and ip, r1, #0x0f00 @ isolate F ldr r2, [rFP, ip, lsr #6] @ r2<- vF mov r0, r0 @ nop str r2, [r10, #-4]! @ *--outs = vF 2: and ip, r1, #0x00f0 @ isolate E ldr r2, [rFP, ip, lsr #2] @ r2<- vE mov r0, r0 @ nop str r2, [r10, #-4]! @ *--outs = vE 1: and ip, r1, #0x000f @ isolate D ldr r2, [rFP, ip, lsl #2] @ r2<- vD mov r0, r0 @ nop str r2, [r10, #-4]! @ *--outs = vD 0: @ fall through to .LinvokeArgsDone .LinvokeArgsDone: @ r0=methodToCall, r3=outSize, r9=regSize ldr r2, [r0, #offMethod_insns] @ r2<- method->insns ldr rINST, [r0, #offMethod_clazz] @ rINST<- method->clazz @ find space for the new stack frame, check for overflow SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(r1, rFP) @ r1<- stack save area sub r1, r1, r9, lsl #2 @ r1<- newFp (old savearea - regsSize) SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(r10, r1) @ r10<- newSaveArea @ bl common_dumpRegs ldr r9, [rGLUE, #offGlue_interpStackEnd] @ r9<- interpStackEnd sub r3, r10, r3, lsl #2 @ r3<- bottom (newsave - outsSize) cmp r3, r9 @ bottom < interpStackEnd? ldr r3, [r0, #offMethod_accessFlags] @ r3<- methodToCall->accessFlags blt .LstackOverflow @ yes, this frame will overflow stack @ set up newSaveArea #ifdef EASY_GDB SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(ip, rFP) @ ip<- stack save area str ip, [r10, #offStackSaveArea_prevSave] #endif str rFP, [r10, #offStackSaveArea_prevFrame] str rPC, [r10, #offStackSaveArea_savedPc] #if defined(WITH_JIT) mov r9, #0 str r9, [r10, #offStackSaveArea_returnAddr] #endif str r0, [r10, #offStackSaveArea_method] tst r3, #ACC_NATIVE bne .LinvokeNative /* stmfd sp!, {r0-r3} bl common_printNewline mov r0, rFP mov r1, #0 bl dvmDumpFp ldmfd sp!, {r0-r3} stmfd sp!, {r0-r3} mov r0, r1 mov r1, r10 bl dvmDumpFp bl common_printNewline ldmfd sp!, {r0-r3} */ ldrh r9, [r2] @ r9 <- load INST from new PC ldr r3, [rINST, #offClassObject_pDvmDex] @ r3<- method->clazz->pDvmDex mov rPC, r2 @ publish new rPC ldr r2, [rGLUE, #offGlue_self] @ r2<- glue->self @ Update "glue" values for the new method @ r0=methodToCall, r1=newFp, r2=self, r3=newMethodClass, r9=newINST str r0, [rGLUE, #offGlue_method] @ glue->method = methodToCall str r3, [rGLUE, #offGlue_methodClassDex] @ glue->methodClassDex = ... #if defined(WITH_JIT) GET_JIT_PROF_TABLE(r0) mov rFP, r1 @ fp = newFp GET_PREFETCHED_OPCODE(ip, r9) @ extract prefetched opcode from r9 mov rINST, r9 @ publish new rINST str r1, [r2, #offThread_curFrame] @ self->curFrame = newFp cmp r0,#0 bne common_updateProfile GOTO_OPCODE(ip) @ jump to next instruction #else mov rFP, r1 @ fp = newFp GET_PREFETCHED_OPCODE(ip, r9) @ extract prefetched opcode from r9 mov rINST, r9 @ publish new rINST str r1, [r2, #offThread_curFrame] @ self->curFrame = newFp GOTO_OPCODE(ip) @ jump to next instruction #endif .LinvokeNative: @ Prep for the native call @ r0=methodToCall, r1=newFp, r10=newSaveArea ldr r3, [rGLUE, #offGlue_self] @ r3<- glue->self ldr r9, [r3, #offThread_jniLocal_topCookie] @ r9<- thread->localRef->... str r1, [r3, #offThread_curFrame] @ self->curFrame = newFp str r9, [r10, #offStackSaveArea_localRefCookie] @newFp->localRefCookie=top mov r9, r3 @ r9<- glue->self (preserve) mov r2, r0 @ r2<- methodToCall mov r0, r1 @ r0<- newFp (points to args) add r1, rGLUE, #offGlue_retval @ r1<- &retval #ifdef ASSIST_DEBUGGER /* insert fake function header to help gdb find the stack frame */ b .Lskip .type dalvik_mterp, %function dalvik_mterp: .fnstart MTERP_ENTRY1 MTERP_ENTRY2 .Lskip: #endif @mov lr, pc @ set return addr @ldr pc, [r2, #offMethod_nativeFunc] @ pc<- methodToCall->nativeFunc LDR_PC_LR "[r2, #offMethod_nativeFunc]" #if defined(WITH_JIT) ldr r3, [rGLUE, #offGlue_ppJitProfTable] @ Refresh Jit's on/off status #endif @ native return; r9=self, r10=newSaveArea @ equivalent to dvmPopJniLocals ldr r0, [r10, #offStackSaveArea_localRefCookie] @ r0<- saved top ldr r1, [r9, #offThread_exception] @ check for exception #if defined(WITH_JIT) ldr r3, [r3] @ r3 <- gDvmJit.pProfTable #endif str rFP, [r9, #offThread_curFrame] @ self->curFrame = fp cmp r1, #0 @ null? str r0, [r9, #offThread_jniLocal_topCookie] @ new top <- old top #if defined(WITH_JIT) str r3, [rGLUE, #offGlue_pJitProfTable] @ refresh cached on/off switch #endif bne common_exceptionThrown @ no, handle exception FETCH_ADVANCE_INST(3) @ advance rPC, load rINST GET_INST_OPCODE(ip) @ extract opcode from rINST GOTO_OPCODE(ip) @ jump to next instruction .LstackOverflow: @ r0=methodToCall mov r1, r0 @ r1<- methodToCall ldr r0, [rGLUE, #offGlue_self] @ r0<- self bl dvmHandleStackOverflow b common_exceptionThrown #ifdef ASSIST_DEBUGGER .fnend #endif /* * Common code for method invocation, calling through "glue code". * * TODO: now that we have range and non-range invoke handlers, this * needs to be split into two. Maybe just create entry points * that set r9 and jump here? * * On entry: * r0 is "Method* methodToCall", the method we're trying to call * r9 is "bool methodCallRange", indicating if this is a /range variant */ .if 0 .LinvokeOld: sub sp, sp, #8 @ space for args + pad FETCH(ip, 2) @ ip<- FEDC or CCCC mov r2, r0 @ A2<- methodToCall mov r0, rGLUE @ A0<- glue SAVE_PC_FP_TO_GLUE() @ export state to "glue" mov r1, r9 @ A1<- methodCallRange mov r3, rINST, lsr #8 @ A3<- AA str ip, [sp, #0] @ A4<- ip bl dvmMterp_invokeMethod @ call the C invokeMethod add sp, sp, #8 @ remove arg area b common_resumeAfterGlueCall @ continue to next instruction .endif /* * Common code for handling a return instruction. * * This does not return. */ common_returnFromMethod: .LreturnNew: mov r0, #kInterpEntryReturn mov r9, #0 bl common_periodicChecks SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(r0, rFP) @ r0<- saveArea (old) ldr rFP, [r0, #offStackSaveArea_prevFrame] @ fp = saveArea->prevFrame ldr r9, [r0, #offStackSaveArea_savedPc] @ r9 = saveArea->savedPc ldr r2, [rFP, #(offStackSaveArea_method - sizeofStackSaveArea)] @ r2<- method we're returning to ldr r3, [rGLUE, #offGlue_self] @ r3<- glue->self cmp r2, #0 @ is this a break frame? ldrne r10, [r2, #offMethod_clazz] @ r10<- method->clazz mov r1, #0 @ "want switch" = false beq common_gotoBail @ break frame, bail out completely PREFETCH_ADVANCE_INST(rINST, r9, 3) @ advance r9, update new rINST str r2, [rGLUE, #offGlue_method]@ glue->method = newSave->method ldr r1, [r10, #offClassObject_pDvmDex] @ r1<- method->clazz->pDvmDex str rFP, [r3, #offThread_curFrame] @ self->curFrame = fp #if defined(WITH_JIT) ldr r10, [r0, #offStackSaveArea_returnAddr] @ r10 = saveArea->returnAddr GET_JIT_PROF_TABLE(r0) mov rPC, r9 @ publish new rPC str r1, [rGLUE, #offGlue_methodClassDex] str r10, [r3, #offThread_inJitCodeCache] @ may return to JIT'ed land cmp r10, #0 @ caller is compiled code blxne r10 GET_INST_OPCODE(ip) @ extract opcode from rINST cmp r0,#0 bne common_updateProfile GOTO_OPCODE(ip) @ jump to next instruction #else GET_INST_OPCODE(ip) @ extract opcode from rINST mov rPC, r9 @ publish new rPC str r1, [rGLUE, #offGlue_methodClassDex] GOTO_OPCODE(ip) @ jump to next instruction #endif /* * Return handling, calls through "glue code". */ .if 0 .LreturnOld: SAVE_PC_FP_TO_GLUE() @ export state mov r0, rGLUE @ arg to function bl dvmMterp_returnFromMethod b common_resumeAfterGlueCall .endif /* * Somebody has thrown an exception. Handle it. * * If the exception processing code returns to us (instead of falling * out of the interpreter), continue with whatever the next instruction * now happens to be. * * This does not return. */ .global dvmMterpCommonExceptionThrown dvmMterpCommonExceptionThrown: common_exceptionThrown: .LexceptionNew: mov r0, #kInterpEntryThrow mov r9, #0 bl common_periodicChecks ldr r10, [rGLUE, #offGlue_self] @ r10<- glue->self ldr r9, [r10, #offThread_exception] @ r9<- self->exception mov r1, r10 @ r1<- self mov r0, r9 @ r0<- exception bl dvmAddTrackedAlloc @ don't let the exception be GCed mov r3, #0 @ r3<- NULL str r3, [r10, #offThread_exception] @ self->exception = NULL /* set up args and a local for "&fp" */ /* (str sp, [sp, #-4]! would be perfect here, but is discouraged) */ str rFP, [sp, #-4]! @ *--sp = fp mov ip, sp @ ip<- &fp mov r3, #0 @ r3<- false str ip, [sp, #-4]! @ *--sp = &fp ldr r1, [rGLUE, #offGlue_method] @ r1<- glue->method mov r0, r10 @ r0<- self ldr r1, [r1, #offMethod_insns] @ r1<- method->insns mov r2, r9 @ r2<- exception sub r1, rPC, r1 @ r1<- pc - method->insns mov r1, r1, asr #1 @ r1<- offset in code units /* call, r0 gets catchRelPc (a code-unit offset) */ bl dvmFindCatchBlock @ call(self, relPc, exc, scan?, &fp) /* fix earlier stack overflow if necessary; may trash rFP */ ldrb r1, [r10, #offThread_stackOverflowed] cmp r1, #0 @ did we overflow earlier? beq 1f @ no, skip ahead mov rFP, r0 @ save relPc result in rFP mov r0, r10 @ r0<- self mov r1, r9 @ r1<- exception bl dvmCleanupStackOverflow @ call(self) mov r0, rFP @ restore result 1: /* update frame pointer and check result from dvmFindCatchBlock */ ldr rFP, [sp, #4] @ retrieve the updated rFP cmp r0, #0 @ is catchRelPc < 0? add sp, sp, #8 @ restore stack bmi .LnotCaughtLocally /* adjust locals to match self->curFrame and updated PC */ SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(r1, rFP) @ r1<- new save area ldr r1, [r1, #offStackSaveArea_method] @ r1<- new method str r1, [rGLUE, #offGlue_method] @ glue->method = new method ldr r2, [r1, #offMethod_clazz] @ r2<- method->clazz ldr r3, [r1, #offMethod_insns] @ r3<- method->insns ldr r2, [r2, #offClassObject_pDvmDex] @ r2<- method->clazz->pDvmDex add rPC, r3, r0, asl #1 @ rPC<- method->insns + catchRelPc str r2, [rGLUE, #offGlue_methodClassDex] @ glue->pDvmDex = meth... /* release the tracked alloc on the exception */ mov r0, r9 @ r0<- exception mov r1, r10 @ r1<- self bl dvmReleaseTrackedAlloc @ release the exception /* restore the exception if the handler wants it */ FETCH_INST() @ load rINST from rPC GET_INST_OPCODE(ip) @ extract opcode from rINST cmp ip, #OP_MOVE_EXCEPTION @ is it "move-exception"? streq r9, [r10, #offThread_exception] @ yes, restore the exception GOTO_OPCODE(ip) @ jump to next instruction .LnotCaughtLocally: @ r9=exception, r10=self /* fix stack overflow if necessary */ ldrb r1, [r10, #offThread_stackOverflowed] cmp r1, #0 @ did we overflow earlier? movne r0, r10 @ if yes: r0<- self movne r1, r9 @ if yes: r1<- exception blne dvmCleanupStackOverflow @ if yes: call(self) @ may want to show "not caught locally" debug messages here #if DVM_SHOW_EXCEPTION >= 2 /* call __android_log_print(prio, tag, format, ...) */ /* "Exception %s from %s:%d not caught locally" */ @ dvmLineNumFromPC(method, pc - method->insns) ldr r0, [rGLUE, #offGlue_method] ldr r1, [r0, #offMethod_insns] sub r1, rPC, r1 asr r1, r1, #1 bl dvmLineNumFromPC str r0, [sp, #-4]! @ dvmGetMethodSourceFile(method) ldr r0, [rGLUE, #offGlue_method] bl dvmGetMethodSourceFile str r0, [sp, #-4]! @ exception->clazz->descriptor ldr r3, [r9, #offObject_clazz] ldr r3, [r3, #offClassObject_descriptor] @ ldr r2, strExceptionNotCaughtLocally ldr r1, strLogTag mov r0, #3 @ LOG_DEBUG bl __android_log_print #endif str r9, [r10, #offThread_exception] @ restore exception mov r0, r9 @ r0<- exception mov r1, r10 @ r1<- self bl dvmReleaseTrackedAlloc @ release the exception mov r1, #0 @ "want switch" = false b common_gotoBail @ bail out /* * Exception handling, calls through "glue code". */ .if 0 .LexceptionOld: SAVE_PC_FP_TO_GLUE() @ export state mov r0, rGLUE @ arg to function bl dvmMterp_exceptionThrown b common_resumeAfterGlueCall .endif /* * After returning from a "glued" function, pull out the updated * values and start executing at the next instruction. */ common_resumeAfterGlueCall: LOAD_PC_FP_FROM_GLUE() @ pull rPC and rFP out of glue FETCH_INST() @ load rINST from rPC GET_INST_OPCODE(ip) @ extract opcode from rINST GOTO_OPCODE(ip) @ jump to next instruction /* * Invalid array index. */ common_errArrayIndex: EXPORT_PC() ldr r0, strArrayIndexException mov r1, #0 bl dvmThrowException b common_exceptionThrown /* * Invalid array value. */ common_errArrayStore: EXPORT_PC() ldr r0, strArrayStoreException mov r1, #0 bl dvmThrowException b common_exceptionThrown /* * Integer divide or mod by zero. */ common_errDivideByZero: EXPORT_PC() ldr r0, strArithmeticException ldr r1, strDivideByZero bl dvmThrowException b common_exceptionThrown /* * Attempt to allocate an array with a negative size. */ common_errNegativeArraySize: EXPORT_PC() ldr r0, strNegativeArraySizeException mov r1, #0 bl dvmThrowException b common_exceptionThrown /* * Invocation of a non-existent method. */ common_errNoSuchMethod: EXPORT_PC() ldr r0, strNoSuchMethodError mov r1, #0 bl dvmThrowException b common_exceptionThrown /* * We encountered a null object when we weren't expecting one. We * export the PC, throw a NullPointerException, and goto the exception * processing code. */ common_errNullObject: EXPORT_PC() ldr r0, strNullPointerException mov r1, #0 bl dvmThrowException b common_exceptionThrown /* * For debugging, cause an immediate fault. The source address will * be in lr (use a bl instruction to jump here). */ common_abort: ldr pc, .LdeadFood .LdeadFood: .word 0xdeadf00d /* * Spit out a "we were here", preserving all registers. (The attempt * to save ip won't work, but we need to save an even number of * registers for EABI 64-bit stack alignment.) */ .macro SQUEAK num common_squeak\num: stmfd sp!, {r0, r1, r2, r3, ip, lr} ldr r0, strSqueak mov r1, #\num bl printf ldmfd sp!, {r0, r1, r2, r3, ip, lr} bx lr .endm SQUEAK 0 SQUEAK 1 SQUEAK 2 SQUEAK 3 SQUEAK 4 SQUEAK 5 /* * Spit out the number in r0, preserving registers. */ common_printNum: stmfd sp!, {r0, r1, r2, r3, ip, lr} mov r1, r0 ldr r0, strSqueak bl printf ldmfd sp!, {r0, r1, r2, r3, ip, lr} bx lr /* * Print a newline, preserving registers. */ common_printNewline: stmfd sp!, {r0, r1, r2, r3, ip, lr} ldr r0, strNewline bl printf ldmfd sp!, {r0, r1, r2, r3, ip, lr} bx lr /* * Print the 32-bit quantity in r0 as a hex value, preserving registers. */ common_printHex: stmfd sp!, {r0, r1, r2, r3, ip, lr} mov r1, r0 ldr r0, strPrintHex bl printf ldmfd sp!, {r0, r1, r2, r3, ip, lr} bx lr /* * Print the 64-bit quantity in r0-r1, preserving registers. */ common_printLong: stmfd sp!, {r0, r1, r2, r3, ip, lr} mov r3, r1 mov r2, r0 ldr r0, strPrintLong bl printf ldmfd sp!, {r0, r1, r2, r3, ip, lr} bx lr /* * Print full method info. Pass the Method* in r0. Preserves regs. */ common_printMethod: stmfd sp!, {r0, r1, r2, r3, ip, lr} bl dvmMterpPrintMethod ldmfd sp!, {r0, r1, r2, r3, ip, lr} bx lr /* * Call a C helper function that dumps regs and possibly some * additional info. Requires the C function to be compiled in. */ .if 0 common_dumpRegs: stmfd sp!, {r0, r1, r2, r3, ip, lr} bl dvmMterpDumpArmRegs ldmfd sp!, {r0, r1, r2, r3, ip, lr} bx lr .endif #if 0 /* * Experiment on VFP mode. * * uint32_t setFPSCR(uint32_t val, uint32_t mask) * * Updates the bits specified by "mask", setting them to the values in "val". */ setFPSCR: and r0, r0, r1 @ make sure no stray bits are set fmrx r2, fpscr @ get VFP reg mvn r1, r1 @ bit-invert mask and r2, r2, r1 @ clear masked bits orr r2, r2, r0 @ set specified bits fmxr fpscr, r2 @ set VFP reg mov r0, r2 @ return new value bx lr .align 2 .global dvmConfigureFP .type dvmConfigureFP, %function dvmConfigureFP: stmfd sp!, {ip, lr} /* 0x03000000 sets DN/FZ */ /* 0x00009f00 clears the six exception enable flags */ bl common_squeak0 mov r0, #0x03000000 @ r0<- 0x03000000 add r1, r0, #0x9f00 @ r1<- 0x03009f00 bl setFPSCR ldmfd sp!, {ip, pc} #endif /* * String references, must be close to the code that uses them. */ .align 2 strArithmeticException: .word .LstrArithmeticException strArrayIndexException: .word .LstrArrayIndexException strArrayStoreException: .word .LstrArrayStoreException strDivideByZero: .word .LstrDivideByZero strNegativeArraySizeException: .word .LstrNegativeArraySizeException strNoSuchMethodError: .word .LstrNoSuchMethodError strNullPointerException: .word .LstrNullPointerException strLogTag: .word .LstrLogTag strExceptionNotCaughtLocally: .word .LstrExceptionNotCaughtLocally strNewline: .word .LstrNewline strSqueak: .word .LstrSqueak strPrintHex: .word .LstrPrintHex strPrintLong: .word .LstrPrintLong /* * Zero-terminated ASCII string data. * * On ARM we have two choices: do like gcc does, and LDR from a .word * with the address, or use an ADR pseudo-op to get the address * directly. ADR saves 4 bytes and an indirection, but it's using a * PC-relative addressing mode and hence has a limited range, which * makes it not work well with mergeable string sections. */ .section .rodata.str1.4,"aMS",%progbits,1 .LstrBadEntryPoint: .asciz "Bad entry point %d\n" .LstrArithmeticException: .asciz "Ljava/lang/ArithmeticException;" .LstrArrayIndexException: .asciz "Ljava/lang/ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException;" .LstrArrayStoreException: .asciz "Ljava/lang/ArrayStoreException;" .LstrClassCastException: .asciz "Ljava/lang/ClassCastException;" .LstrDivideByZero: .asciz "divide by zero" .LstrFilledNewArrayNotImpl: .asciz "filled-new-array only implemented for objects and 'int'" .LstrInternalError: .asciz "Ljava/lang/InternalError;" .LstrInstantiationError: .asciz "Ljava/lang/InstantiationError;" .LstrNegativeArraySizeException: .asciz "Ljava/lang/NegativeArraySizeException;" .LstrNoSuchMethodError: .asciz "Ljava/lang/NoSuchMethodError;" .LstrNullPointerException: .asciz "Ljava/lang/NullPointerException;" .LstrLogTag: .asciz "mterp" .LstrExceptionNotCaughtLocally: .asciz "Exception %s from %s:%d not caught locally\n" .LstrNewline: .asciz "\n" .LstrSqueak: .asciz "<%d>" .LstrPrintHex: .asciz "<0x%x>" .LstrPrintLong: .asciz "<%lld>"