# # Copyright (C) 2002-2009, International Business Machines Corporation and others. # All Rights Reserved. # # file: sent.txt # # ICU Sentence Break Rules # See Unicode Standard Annex #29. # These rules are based on UAX 29 Revision 13 for Unicode Version 5.1.0 # # # Character categories as defined in TR 29 # $CR = [\p{Sentence_Break = CR}]; $LF = [\p{Sentence_Break = LF}]; $Extend = [\p{Sentence_Break = Extend}]; $Sep = [\p{Sentence_Break = Sep}]; $Format = [\p{Sentence_Break = Format}]; $Sp = [\p{Sentence_Break = Sp}]; $Lower = [\p{Sentence_Break = Lower}]; $Upper = [\p{Sentence_Break = Upper}]; $OLetter = [\p{Sentence_Break = OLetter}]; $Numeric = [\p{Sentence_Break = Numeric}]; $ATerm = [\p{Sentence_Break = ATerm}]; $SContinue = [\p{Sentence_Break = SContinue}]; $STerm = [\p{Sentence_Break = STerm}]; $Close = [\p{Sentence_Break = Close}]; # # Define extended forms of the character classes, # incorporate trailing Extend or Format chars. # Rules 4 and 5. $SpEx = $Sp ($Extend | $Format)*; $LowerEx = $Lower ($Extend | $Format)*; $UpperEx = $Upper ($Extend | $Format)*; $OLetterEx = $OLetter ($Extend | $Format)*; $NumericEx = $Numeric ($Extend | $Format)*; $ATermEx = $ATerm ($Extend | $Format)*; $SContinueEx= $SContinue ($Extend | $Format)*; $STermEx = $STerm ($Extend | $Format)*; $CloseEx = $Close ($Extend | $Format)*; ## ------------------------------------------------- !!chain; !!forward; # Rule 3 - break after separators. Keep CR/LF together. # $CR $LF; # Rule 4 - Break after $Sep. # Rule 5 - Ignore $Format and $Extend # [^$Sep $CR $LF]? ($Extend | $Format)*; # Rule 6 $ATermEx $NumericEx; # Rule 7 $UpperEx $ATermEx $UpperEx; #Rule 8 $NotLettersEx = [^$OLetter $Upper $Lower $Sep $CR $LF $ATerm $STerm] ($Extend | $Format)*; $ATermEx $CloseEx* $SpEx* $NotLettersEx* $Lower; # Rule 8a ($STermEx | $ATermEx) $CloseEx* $SpEx* ($SContinueEx | $STermEx | $ATermEx); #Rule 9, 10, 11 ($STermEx | $ATermEx) $CloseEx* $SpEx* ($Sep | $CR | $LF)?; #Rule 12 [[^$STerm $ATerm $Close $Sp $Sep $LF $CR $Format $Extend]{bof}] ($Extend | $Format | $Close | $Sp)* .; [[^$STerm $ATerm $Close $Sp $Sep $LF $CR $Format $Extend]{bof}] ($Extend | $Format | $Close | $Sp)* ([$Sep $LF $CR {eof}] | $CR $LF){100}; ## ------------------------------------------------- !!reverse; $SpEx_R = ($Extend | $Format)* $Sp; $ATermEx_R = ($Extend | $Format)* $ATerm; $STermEx_R = ($Extend | $Format)* $STerm; $CloseEx_R = ($Extend | $Format)* $Close; # # Reverse rules. # For now, use the old style inexact reverse rules, which are easier # to write, but less efficient. # TODO: exact reverse rules. It appears that exact reverse rules # may require improving support for look-ahead breaks in the # builder. Needs more investigation. # [{bof}] (.? | $LF $CR) [^$Sep $CR $LF]* [$Sep $CR $LF {eof}] ($SpEx_R* $CloseEx_R* ($STermEx_R | $ATermEx_R))*; #.*; # Explanation for this rule: # # It needs to back over # The $Sep at which we probably begin # All of the non $Sep chars leading to the preceding $Sep # The preceding $Sep, which will be the second one that the rule matches. # Any immediately preceding STerm or ATerm sequences. We need to see these # to get the correct rule status when moving forwards again. # # [{bof}] inhibit rule chaining. Without this, rule would loop on itself and match # the entire string. # # (.? | $LF $CR) Match one $Sep instance. Use .? rather than $Sep because position might be # at the beginning of the string at this point, and we don't want to fail. # Can only use {eof} once, and it is used later. #