page.title=Testing In Eclipse, with ADT

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  <h2>In this document</h2>
    <li><a href="#CreateTestProjectEclipse">Creating a Test Project</a></li>
    <li><a href="#CreateTestAppEclipse">Creating a Test Application</a></li>
    <li><a href="#RunTestEclipse">Running Tests</a></li>
  This topic explains how create and run tests of Android applications in Eclipse with ADT.

  with the basic processes for creating and running applications with ADT, as described in
  <a href="{@docRoot}guide/developing/eclipse-adt.html">Developing In Eclipse, with ADT</a>.

  Before you read this topic, you should read about how to create a Android application with the
  basic processes for creating and running applications with ADT, as described in
  <a href="{@docRoot}guide/developing/eclipse-adt.html">Developing In Eclipse, with ADT</a>.
  You may also want to read
  <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/testing/testing_android.html">Testing and Instrumentation</a>,
  which provides an overview of the Android testing framework.
    ADT provides several features that help you set up and manage your testing environment
            It lets you quickly create a test project and link it to the application under test.
            When it creates the test project, it automatically inserts the necessary
            <code>&lt;instrumentation&gt;</code> element in the test application's manifest file.
            It lets you quickly import the classes of the application under test, so that your
            tests can inspect them.
            It lets you create run configurations for your test application and include in
            them flags that are passed to the Android testing framework.
            It lets you run your test application without leaving Eclipse. ADT builds both the
            application under test and the test application automatically, installs them if
            necessary to your device or emulator, runs the test application, and displays the
            results in a separate window in Eclipse.
    If you are not developing in Eclipse or you want to learn how to create and run tests from the
    command line, see
    <a href="{@docRoot}guide/developing/testing/testing_otheride.html">Testing in Other IDEs</a>.
<h2 id="CreateTestProjectEclipse">Creating a Test Project</h2>
    To set up a test environment for your Android application, you must first create a separate
    application project that holds the test code. The new project follows the directory structure
    used for any Android application. It includes the same types of content and files, such as
    source code, resources, a manifest file, and so forth. The test application you
    create is connected to the application under test by an
    <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/instrumentation-element.html">
    <code>&lt;instrumentation&gt;</code></a> element in its manifest file.
    The <strong>New Android Test Project</strong> dialog makes it easy for you to generate a
    new test project that has the proper structure, including the
    <code>&lt;instrumentation&gt;</code> element in the manifest file. You can use the New Android
    Test Project dialog to generate the test project at any time. The dialog appears just after you
    create a new Android main application project, but you can also run it to create a test project
    for a project that you created previously.
  To create a test project in Eclipse with ADT:
    In Eclipse, select <strong>File &gt; New &gt; Other</strong>. This
    opens the Select a Wizard dialog.
    In the dialog, in the Wizards drop-down list,
    find the entry for Android, then click the toggle to the left. Select
    Android Test Project, then at the bottom
    of the dialog click Next. The New Android Test Project wizard appears.
    Enter a project name. You may use any name, but you may want to
    associate the name with the project name for your Application. One
    way to do this is to take the Application's project name, append the
    string "Test" to it, and then use this as the test case project name.
    In the Test Target panel, set
    An Existing Android Project, click
    Browse, then select your Android application from
    the list. You now see that the wizard has completed the Test
    Target Package, Application Name, and
    Package Name fields for you (the latter two are in
    the Properties panel).
    In the Build Target panel, select the Android SDK
    platform that you will use to test your application. Make this the same as the
    build target of the application under test.
    Click Finish to complete the wizard. If
    Finish is disabled, look
    for error messages at the top of the wizard dialog, and then fix
    any problems.

<h2 id="CreateTestAppEclipse">Creating a Test Application</h2>
  Once you have created a test project, you populate it with a test
  Android application. This application does not require an {@link Activity},
  although you can define one if you wish. Although your test application can
  combine Activities, Android test class extensions, JUnit extensions, or
  ordinary classes, you should extend one of the Android test classes or JUnit classes,
  because these provide the best testing features.
  Test applications do not have an Android GUI. Instead, when you run the application in
  Eclipse with ADT, its results appear in the JUnit view. If you run
  your tests with {@link android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner InstrumentationTestRunner} (or a related test runner),
  then it will run all the methods in each class. You can modify this behavior
  by using the {@link junit.framework.TestSuite TestSuite} class.

  To create a test application, start with one of Android's test classes in the Java package {@link android.test android.test}.
  These extend the JUnit {@link junit.framework.TestCase TestCase} class. With a few exceptions, the Android test classes
  also provide instrumentation for testing.
  For test classes that extend {@link junit.framework.TestCase TestCase}, you probably want to override
  the <code>setUp()</code> and <code>tearDown()</code> methods:
    <code>setUp()</code>: This method is invoked before any of the test methods in the class.
      Use it to set up the environment for the test. You can use <code>setUp()</code>
      to instantiate a new <code>Intent</code> object with the action <code>ACTION_MAIN</code>. You can
      then use this intent to start the Activity under test.
      <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> If you override this method, call
        <code>super.setUp()</code> as the first statement in your code.
    <code>tearDown()</code>: This method is invoked after all the test methods in the class. Use
    it to do garbage collection and re-setting before moving on to the next set of tests.
    <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> If you override this method, you must call
    <code>super.tearDown()</code> as the <em>last</em> statement in your code.</p>
  Another useful convention is to add the method <code>testPreConditions()</code> to your test
  class. Use this method to test that the application under test is initialized correctly. If this
  test fails, you know that that the initial conditions were in error. When this happens, further test
  results are suspect, regardless of whether or not the tests succeeded.
  The Resources tab contains an <a href="{@docRoot}resources/tutorials/testing/activity_test.html">Activity Testing</a>
  tutorial with more information about creating test classes and methods.
<h2 id="RunTestEclipse">Running Tests</h2>
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        <h2>Running tests from the command line</h2>
                If you've created your tests in Eclipse, you can still run your tests and test
                suites by using command-line tools included with the Android SDK. You may want to
                do this, for example, if you have a large number of tests to run, if you have a
                large test case, or if you want a fine level of control over which tests are run at
                a particular time.
                To run tests created in Eclipse with ADT with command-line tools, you must first
                install additional files into the test project using the <code>android</code> tool's
                "create test-project" option. To see how to do this, read the section
                <a href="{@docRoot}guide/developing/testing/testing_otheride.html#CreateProject">
                Creating a test project</a> in the topic
                <a href="{@docRoot}guide/developing/testing/testing_otheride.html">Testing in Other
  When you run a test application in Eclipse with ADT, the output appears in
  an Eclipse view panel. You can run the entire test application, one class, or one
  method of a class. To do this, Eclipse runs the <code>adb</code> command for running a test application, and
  displays the output, so there is no difference between running tests inside Eclipse and running them from the command line.
    As with any other application, to run a test application in Eclipse with ADT you must either attach a device to your
    computer or use the Android emulator. If you use the emulator, you must have an Android Virtual Device (AVD) that uses
    the same target
  To run a test in Eclipse, you have two choices:</p>
  Run a test just as you run an application, by selecting
  <strong>Run As... &gt; Android JUnit Test</strong> from the project's context menu or
  from the main menu's <strong>Run</strong> item.
  Create an Eclipse run configuration for your test project. This is useful if you want multiple test suites, each consisting of selected tests from the project. To run
  a test suite, you run the test configuration.
    Creating and running test configurations is described in the next section.
<p>To create and run a test suite using a run configuration:</p>
    In the Package Explorer, select the test
    project, then from the main menu, select
    <strong>Run &gt; Run Configurations...</strong>. The
    Run Configurations dialog appears.
    In the left-hand pane, find the
    Android JUnit Test entry.
    In the right-hand pane, click the Test tab.
    The Name: text box
    shows the name of your project. The
    Test class: dropdown box shows one your project's classes
    test classes in your project.
    To run one test class, click  Run a single test, then enter your project
    name in the Project: text box and the class name in the
    Test class: text box.
        To run all the test classes,
        click Run all tests in the selected project or package,
        then enter the project or package name in the text box.
    Now click the Target tab.
            Optional: If you are using the emulator, click
            Automatic, then in the Android Virtual Device (AVD)
            selection table, select an existing AVD.
            In the Emulator Launch Parameters pane, set the
            Android emulator flags you want to use. These are documented in the topic
            <a href="{@docRoot}guide/developing/tools/emulator.html#startup-options">Emulator Startup Options</a>.
    Click the Common tab. In the
    Save As pane, click Local to save
    this run configuration locally, or click Shared to
    save it to another project.
    Optional: Add the configuration to the Run toolbar and the <strong>Favorites</strong>
    menu: in the Display in Favorites pane
    click the checkbox next to Run.
    Optional: To add this configuration to the <strong>Debug</strong> menu and toolbar, click
    the checkbox next to Debug.
    To save your settings, click Close.<br/>
    <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> Although you can run the test immediately by
    clicking Run, you should save the test first and then
    run it by selecting it from the Eclipse standard toolbar.</p>
    On the Eclipse standard toolbar, click the down arrow next to the
    green Run arrow. This displays a menu of saved Run and Debug
    Select the test run configuration you just created.
    The progress of your test appears in the Console view.
    You should see the following messages, among others:
        <code>Performing Android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner JUnit launch</code><br>
        The class name that proceeds "JUnit" depends on the Android instrumentation
        class you have chosen.
        If you are using an emulator and you have not yet started it, then you will see
        the message:
          <code>Automatic Target Mode: launching new emulator with compatible
          AVD <em>avdname</em></code><br>(where <em>avdname</em> is the name of
          the AVD you are using.)
        If you have not already installed your test application, then you will see
        the message:
          <code>Uploading <em>testclass</em>.apk onto device '<em>device-id</em>'</code><br>
          where <em>testclass</em> is the name of your unit test class and <em>device-id</em>
          is the name and port for your test device or emulator, followed by the message <code>Installing <em>testclass</em>.apk</code>
       <code>Launching instrumentation Android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner on device <em>device-id</em></code>.<br>
       This indicates that Android's Instrumentation system is now testing your code. Again, the
       instrumentation class name depends on the Android instrumentation class you have chosen.
       <code>Test run complete</code>.<br> When you see this, your unit tests have finished.
        The test results appear in the JUnit view. This is divided into an upper summary pane,
        and a lower stack trace pane.
        The upper pane contains test information. In the pane's header, you see the following
           Total time elapsed for the test application (labeled Finished after <em>x</em> seconds).
           Number of runs (Runs:) - the number of tests in the entire test class.
           Number of errors (Errors:) - the number of program errors and exceptions encountered
           during the test run.
           Number of failures (Failures:) - the number of test failures encountered during the test
           run. This is the number of assertion failures. A test can fail even if the program does
           not encounter an error.
           A progress bar. The progress bar extends from left to right as the tests run. If all the
           tests succeed, the bar remains green. If a test fails, the bar turns from green to red.
    The body of the upper pane contains the details of the test run. For each test case class
    that was run, you see a line with the class name. To look at the results for the individual
    test methods in that class, you click the left arrow to expand the line. You now see a
    line for each test method in the class, and to its right the time it took to run.
    If you double-click the method name, Eclipse opens the test class source in an editor view
    pane and moves the focus to the first line of the test method.
    The lower pane is for stack traces. If you highlight a failed test in the upper pane, the
    lower pane contains a stack trace for the test. If a line corresponds to a point in your
    test code, you can double-click it to display the code in an editor view pane, with the
    line highlighted. For a successful test, the lower pane is empty.