/* * Copyright (C) 1999-2010, Broadcom Corporation * * Unless you and Broadcom execute a separate written software license * agreement governing use of this software, this software is licensed to you * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), * available at http://www.broadcom.com/licenses/GPLv2.php, with the * following added to such license: * * As a special exception, the copyright holders of this software give you * permission to link this software with independent modules, and to copy and * distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice, provided that * you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of * the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not * derived from this software. The special exception does not apply to any * modifications of the software. * * Notwithstanding the above, under no circumstances may you combine this * software in any way with any other Broadcom software provided under a license * other than the GPL, without Broadcom's express prior written consent. * * Fundamental types and constants relating to 802.11 * * $Id: 802.11.h,v 2010/02/09 13:23:26 Exp $ */ #ifndef _802_11_H_ #define _802_11_H_ #ifndef _TYPEDEFS_H_ #include <typedefs.h> #endif #ifndef _NET_ETHERNET_H_ #include <proto/ethernet.h> #endif #include <proto/wpa.h> #include <packed_section_start.h> #define DOT11_TU_TO_US 1024 #define DOT11_A3_HDR_LEN 24 #define DOT11_A4_HDR_LEN 30 #define DOT11_MAC_HDR_LEN DOT11_A3_HDR_LEN #define DOT11_FCS_LEN 4 #define DOT11_ICV_LEN 4 #define DOT11_ICV_AES_LEN 8 #define DOT11_QOS_LEN 2 #define DOT11_HTC_LEN 4 #define DOT11_KEY_INDEX_SHIFT 6 #define DOT11_IV_LEN 4 #define DOT11_IV_TKIP_LEN 8 #define DOT11_IV_AES_OCB_LEN 4 #define DOT11_IV_AES_CCM_LEN 8 #define DOT11_IV_MAX_LEN 8 #define DOT11_MAX_MPDU_BODY_LEN 2304 #define DOT11_MAX_MPDU_LEN (DOT11_A4_HDR_LEN + \ DOT11_QOS_LEN + \ DOT11_IV_AES_CCM_LEN + \ DOT11_MAX_MPDU_BODY_LEN + \ DOT11_ICV_LEN + \ DOT11_FCS_LEN) #define DOT11_MAX_SSID_LEN 32 #define DOT11_DEFAULT_RTS_LEN 2347 #define DOT11_MAX_RTS_LEN 2347 #define DOT11_MIN_FRAG_LEN 256 #define DOT11_MAX_FRAG_LEN 2346 #define DOT11_DEFAULT_FRAG_LEN 2346 #define DOT11_MIN_BEACON_PERIOD 1 #define DOT11_MAX_BEACON_PERIOD 0xFFFF #define DOT11_MIN_DTIM_PERIOD 1 #define DOT11_MAX_DTIM_PERIOD 0xFF #define DOT11_LLC_SNAP_HDR_LEN 8 #define DOT11_OUI_LEN 3 BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct dot11_llc_snap_header { uint8 dsap; uint8 ssap; uint8 ctl; uint8 oui[DOT11_OUI_LEN]; uint16 type; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; #define RFC1042_HDR_LEN (ETHER_HDR_LEN + DOT11_LLC_SNAP_HDR_LEN) BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct dot11_header { uint16 fc; uint16 durid; struct ether_addr a1; struct ether_addr a2; struct ether_addr a3; uint16 seq; struct ether_addr a4; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct dot11_rts_frame { uint16 fc; uint16 durid; struct ether_addr ra; struct ether_addr ta; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; #define DOT11_RTS_LEN 16 BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct dot11_cts_frame { uint16 fc; uint16 durid; struct ether_addr ra; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; #define DOT11_CTS_LEN 10 BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct dot11_ack_frame { uint16 fc; uint16 durid; struct ether_addr ra; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; #define DOT11_ACK_LEN 10 BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct dot11_ps_poll_frame { uint16 fc; uint16 durid; struct ether_addr bssid; struct ether_addr ta; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; #define DOT11_PS_POLL_LEN 16 BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct dot11_cf_end_frame { uint16 fc; uint16 durid; struct ether_addr ra; struct ether_addr bssid; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; #define DOT11_CS_END_LEN 16 BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct dot11_action_wifi_vendor_specific { uint8 category; uint8 OUI[3]; uint8 type; uint8 subtype; uint8 data[1040]; struct dot11_action_wifi_vendor_specific* next_node; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; typedef struct dot11_action_wifi_vendor_specific dot11_action_wifi_vendor_specific_t; #define DOT11_BA_CTL_POLICY_NORMAL 0x0000 #define DOT11_BA_CTL_POLICY_NOACK 0x0001 #define DOT11_BA_CTL_POLICY_MASK 0x0001 #define DOT11_BA_CTL_MTID 0x0002 #define DOT11_BA_CTL_COMPRESSED 0x0004 #define DOT11_BA_CTL_NUMMSDU_MASK 0x0FC0 #define DOT11_BA_CTL_NUMMSDU_SHIFT 6 #define DOT11_BA_CTL_TID_MASK 0xF000 #define DOT11_BA_CTL_TID_SHIFT 12 BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct dot11_ctl_header { uint16 fc; uint16 durid; struct ether_addr ra; struct ether_addr ta; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; #define DOT11_CTL_HDR_LEN 16 BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct dot11_bar { uint16 bar_control; uint16 seqnum; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; #define DOT11_BAR_LEN 4 #define DOT11_BA_BITMAP_LEN 128 #define DOT11_BA_CMP_BITMAP_LEN 8 BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct dot11_ba { uint16 ba_control; uint16 seqnum; uint8 bitmap[DOT11_BA_BITMAP_LEN]; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; #define DOT11_BA_LEN 4 BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct dot11_management_header { uint16 fc; uint16 durid; struct ether_addr da; struct ether_addr sa; struct ether_addr bssid; uint16 seq; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; #define DOT11_MGMT_HDR_LEN 24 BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct dot11_bcn_prb { uint32 timestamp[2]; uint16 beacon_interval; uint16 capability; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; #define DOT11_BCN_PRB_LEN 12 BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct dot11_auth { uint16 alg; uint16 seq; uint16 status; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; #define DOT11_AUTH_FIXED_LEN 6 BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct dot11_assoc_req { uint16 capability; uint16 listen; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; #define DOT11_ASSOC_REQ_FIXED_LEN 4 BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct dot11_reassoc_req { uint16 capability; uint16 listen; struct ether_addr ap; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; #define DOT11_REASSOC_REQ_FIXED_LEN 10 BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct dot11_assoc_resp { uint16 capability; uint16 status; uint16 aid; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; #define DOT11_ASSOC_RESP_FIXED_LEN 6 BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct dot11_action_measure { uint8 category; uint8 action; uint8 token; uint8 data[1]; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; #define DOT11_ACTION_MEASURE_LEN 3 BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct dot11_action_ht_ch_width { uint8 category; uint8 action; uint8 ch_width; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct dot11_action_ht_mimops { uint8 category; uint8 action; uint8 control; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; #define SM_PWRSAVE_ENABLE 1 #define SM_PWRSAVE_MODE 2 BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct dot11_power_cnst { uint8 id; uint8 len; uint8 power; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; typedef struct dot11_power_cnst dot11_power_cnst_t; BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct dot11_power_cap { uint8 min; uint8 max; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; typedef struct dot11_power_cap dot11_power_cap_t; BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct dot11_tpc_rep { uint8 id; uint8 len; uint8 tx_pwr; uint8 margin; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; typedef struct dot11_tpc_rep dot11_tpc_rep_t; #define DOT11_MNG_IE_TPC_REPORT_LEN 2 BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct dot11_supp_channels { uint8 id; uint8 len; uint8 first_channel; uint8 num_channels; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; typedef struct dot11_supp_channels dot11_supp_channels_t; BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct dot11_extch { uint8 id; uint8 len; uint8 extch; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; typedef struct dot11_extch dot11_extch_ie_t; BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct dot11_brcm_extch { uint8 id; uint8 len; uint8 oui[3]; uint8 type; uint8 extch; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; typedef struct dot11_brcm_extch dot11_brcm_extch_ie_t; #define BRCM_EXTCH_IE_LEN 5 #define BRCM_EXTCH_IE_TYPE 53 #define DOT11_EXTCH_IE_LEN 1 #define DOT11_EXT_CH_MASK 0x03 #define DOT11_EXT_CH_UPPER 0x01 #define DOT11_EXT_CH_LOWER 0x03 #define DOT11_EXT_CH_NONE 0x00 BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct dot11_action_frmhdr { uint8 category; uint8 action; uint8 data[1]; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; #define DOT11_ACTION_FRMHDR_LEN 2 BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct dot11_channel_switch { uint8 id; uint8 len; uint8 mode; uint8 channel; uint8 count; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; typedef struct dot11_channel_switch dot11_chan_switch_ie_t; #define DOT11_SWITCH_IE_LEN 3 #define DOT11_CSA_MODE_ADVISORY 0 #define DOT11_CSA_MODE_NO_TX 1 BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct dot11_action_switch_channel { uint8 category; uint8 action; dot11_chan_switch_ie_t chan_switch_ie; dot11_brcm_extch_ie_t extch_ie; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct dot11_csa_body { uint8 mode; uint8 reg; uint8 channel; uint8 count; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct dot11_ext_csa { uint8 id; uint8 len; struct dot11_csa_body b; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct dot11y_action_ext_csa { uint8 category; uint8 action; struct dot11_csa_body b; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; typedef struct dot11_ext_csa dot11_ext_csa_ie_t; #define DOT11_EXT_CSA_IE_LEN 4 BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct dot11_action_ext_csa { uint8 category; uint8 action; dot11_ext_csa_ie_t chan_switch_ie; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct dot11_obss_coex { uint8 id; uint8 len; uint8 info; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; typedef struct dot11_obss_coex dot11_obss_coex_t; #define DOT11_OBSS_COEXINFO_LEN 1 #define DOT11_OBSS_COEX_INFO_REQ 0x01 #define DOT11_OBSS_COEX_40MHZ_INTOLERANT 0x02 #define DOT11_OBSS_COEX_20MHZ_WIDTH_REQ 0x04 BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct dot11_obss_chanlist { uint8 id; uint8 len; uint8 regclass; uint8 chanlist[1]; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; typedef struct dot11_obss_chanlist dot11_obss_chanlist_t; #define DOT11_OBSS_CHANLIST_FIXED_LEN 1 BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct dot11_extcap_ie { uint8 id; uint8 len; uint8 cap; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; typedef struct dot11_extcap_ie dot11_extcap_ie_t; #define DOT11_EXTCAP_LEN 1 #define DOT11_MEASURE_TYPE_BASIC 0 #define DOT11_MEASURE_TYPE_CCA 1 #define DOT11_MEASURE_TYPE_RPI 2 #define DOT11_MEASURE_MODE_ENABLE (1<<1) #define DOT11_MEASURE_MODE_REQUEST (1<<2) #define DOT11_MEASURE_MODE_REPORT (1<<3) #define DOT11_MEASURE_MODE_LATE (1<<0) #define DOT11_MEASURE_MODE_INCAPABLE (1<<1) #define DOT11_MEASURE_MODE_REFUSED (1<<2) #define DOT11_MEASURE_BASIC_MAP_BSS ((uint8)(1<<0)) #define DOT11_MEASURE_BASIC_MAP_OFDM ((uint8)(1<<1)) #define DOT11_MEASURE_BASIC_MAP_UKNOWN ((uint8)(1<<2)) #define DOT11_MEASURE_BASIC_MAP_RADAR ((uint8)(1<<3)) #define DOT11_MEASURE_BASIC_MAP_UNMEAS ((uint8)(1<<4)) BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct dot11_meas_req { uint8 id; uint8 len; uint8 token; uint8 mode; uint8 type; uint8 channel; uint8 start_time[8]; uint16 duration; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; typedef struct dot11_meas_req dot11_meas_req_t; #define DOT11_MNG_IE_MREQ_LEN 14 #define DOT11_MNG_IE_MREQ_FIXED_LEN 3 BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct dot11_meas_rep { uint8 id; uint8 len; uint8 token; uint8 mode; uint8 type; BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT union { BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct { uint8 channel; uint8 start_time[8]; uint16 duration; uint8 map; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT basic; uint8 data[1]; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT rep; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; typedef struct dot11_meas_rep dot11_meas_rep_t; #define DOT11_MNG_IE_MREP_FIXED_LEN 3 BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct dot11_meas_rep_basic { uint8 channel; uint8 start_time[8]; uint16 duration; uint8 map; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; typedef struct dot11_meas_rep_basic dot11_meas_rep_basic_t; #define DOT11_MEASURE_BASIC_REP_LEN 12 BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct dot11_quiet { uint8 id; uint8 len; uint8 count; uint8 period; uint16 duration; uint16 offset; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; typedef struct dot11_quiet dot11_quiet_t; BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct chan_map_tuple { uint8 channel; uint8 map; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; typedef struct chan_map_tuple chan_map_tuple_t; BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct dot11_ibss_dfs { uint8 id; uint8 len; uint8 eaddr[ETHER_ADDR_LEN]; uint8 interval; chan_map_tuple_t map[1]; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; typedef struct dot11_ibss_dfs dot11_ibss_dfs_t; #define WME_OUI "\x00\x50\xf2" #define WME_VER 1 #define WME_TYPE 2 #define WME_SUBTYPE_IE 0 #define WME_SUBTYPE_PARAM_IE 1 #define WME_SUBTYPE_TSPEC 2 #define AC_BE 0 #define AC_BK 1 #define AC_VI 2 #define AC_VO 3 #define AC_COUNT 4 typedef uint8 ac_bitmap_t; #define AC_BITMAP_NONE 0x0 #define AC_BITMAP_ALL 0xf #define AC_BITMAP_TST(ab, ac) (((ab) & (1 << (ac))) != 0) #define AC_BITMAP_SET(ab, ac) (((ab) |= (1 << (ac)))) #define AC_BITMAP_RESET(ab, ac) (((ab) &= ~(1 << (ac)))) BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct wme_ie { uint8 oui[3]; uint8 type; uint8 subtype; uint8 version; uint8 qosinfo; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; typedef struct wme_ie wme_ie_t; #define WME_IE_LEN 7 BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct edcf_acparam { uint8 ACI; uint8 ECW; uint16 TXOP; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; typedef struct edcf_acparam edcf_acparam_t; BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct wme_param_ie { uint8 oui[3]; uint8 type; uint8 subtype; uint8 version; uint8 qosinfo; uint8 rsvd; edcf_acparam_t acparam[AC_COUNT]; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; typedef struct wme_param_ie wme_param_ie_t; #define WME_PARAM_IE_LEN 24 #define WME_QI_AP_APSD_MASK 0x80 #define WME_QI_AP_APSD_SHIFT 7 #define WME_QI_AP_COUNT_MASK 0x0f #define WME_QI_AP_COUNT_SHIFT 0 #define WME_QI_STA_MAXSPLEN_MASK 0x60 #define WME_QI_STA_MAXSPLEN_SHIFT 5 #define WME_QI_STA_APSD_ALL_MASK 0xf #define WME_QI_STA_APSD_ALL_SHIFT 0 #define WME_QI_STA_APSD_BE_MASK 0x8 #define WME_QI_STA_APSD_BE_SHIFT 3 #define WME_QI_STA_APSD_BK_MASK 0x4 #define WME_QI_STA_APSD_BK_SHIFT 2 #define WME_QI_STA_APSD_VI_MASK 0x2 #define WME_QI_STA_APSD_VI_SHIFT 1 #define WME_QI_STA_APSD_VO_MASK 0x1 #define WME_QI_STA_APSD_VO_SHIFT 0 #define EDCF_AIFSN_MIN 1 #define EDCF_AIFSN_MAX 15 #define EDCF_AIFSN_MASK 0x0f #define EDCF_ACM_MASK 0x10 #define EDCF_ACI_MASK 0x60 #define EDCF_ACI_SHIFT 5 #define EDCF_AIFSN_SHIFT 12 #define EDCF_ECW_MIN 0 #define EDCF_ECW_MAX 15 #define EDCF_ECW2CW(exp) ((1 << (exp)) - 1) #define EDCF_ECWMIN_MASK 0x0f #define EDCF_ECWMAX_MASK 0xf0 #define EDCF_ECWMAX_SHIFT 4 #define EDCF_TXOP_MIN 0 #define EDCF_TXOP_MAX 65535 #define EDCF_TXOP2USEC(txop) ((txop) << 5) #define NON_EDCF_AC_BE_ACI_STA 0x02 #define EDCF_AC_BE_ACI_STA 0x03 #define EDCF_AC_BE_ECW_STA 0xA4 #define EDCF_AC_BE_TXOP_STA 0x0000 #define EDCF_AC_BK_ACI_STA 0x27 #define EDCF_AC_BK_ECW_STA 0xA4 #define EDCF_AC_BK_TXOP_STA 0x0000 #define EDCF_AC_VI_ACI_STA 0x42 #define EDCF_AC_VI_ECW_STA 0x43 #define EDCF_AC_VI_TXOP_STA 0x005e #define EDCF_AC_VO_ACI_STA 0x62 #define EDCF_AC_VO_ECW_STA 0x32 #define EDCF_AC_VO_TXOP_STA 0x002f #define EDCF_AC_BE_ACI_AP 0x03 #define EDCF_AC_BE_ECW_AP 0x64 #define EDCF_AC_BE_TXOP_AP 0x0000 #define EDCF_AC_BK_ACI_AP 0x27 #define EDCF_AC_BK_ECW_AP 0xA4 #define EDCF_AC_BK_TXOP_AP 0x0000 #define EDCF_AC_VI_ACI_AP 0x41 #define EDCF_AC_VI_ECW_AP 0x43 #define EDCF_AC_VI_TXOP_AP 0x005e #define EDCF_AC_VO_ACI_AP 0x61 #define EDCF_AC_VO_ECW_AP 0x32 #define EDCF_AC_VO_TXOP_AP 0x002f BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct edca_param_ie { uint8 qosinfo; uint8 rsvd; edcf_acparam_t acparam[AC_COUNT]; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; typedef struct edca_param_ie edca_param_ie_t; #define EDCA_PARAM_IE_LEN 18 BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct qos_cap_ie { uint8 qosinfo; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; typedef struct qos_cap_ie qos_cap_ie_t; BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct dot11_qbss_load_ie { uint8 id; uint8 length; uint16 station_count; uint8 channel_utilization; uint16 aac; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; typedef struct dot11_qbss_load_ie dot11_qbss_load_ie_t; #define FIXED_MSDU_SIZE 0x8000 #define MSDU_SIZE_MASK 0x7fff #define INTEGER_SHIFT 13 #define FRACTION_MASK 0x1FFF BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct dot11_management_notification { uint8 category; uint8 action; uint8 token; uint8 status; uint8 data[1]; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; #define DOT11_MGMT_NOTIFICATION_LEN 4 #define WME_ADDTS_REQUEST 0 #define WME_ADDTS_RESPONSE 1 #define WME_DELTS_REQUEST 2 #define WME_ADMISSION_ACCEPTED 0 #define WME_INVALID_PARAMETERS 1 #define WME_ADMISSION_REFUSED 3 #define BCN_PRB_SSID(body) ((char*)(body) + DOT11_BCN_PRB_LEN) #define DOT11_OPEN_SYSTEM 0 #define DOT11_SHARED_KEY 1 #define DOT11_OPEN_SHARED 2 #define DOT11_CHALLENGE_LEN 128 #define FC_PVER_MASK 0x3 #define FC_PVER_SHIFT 0 #define FC_TYPE_MASK 0xC #define FC_TYPE_SHIFT 2 #define FC_SUBTYPE_MASK 0xF0 #define FC_SUBTYPE_SHIFT 4 #define FC_TODS 0x100 #define FC_TODS_SHIFT 8 #define FC_FROMDS 0x200 #define FC_FROMDS_SHIFT 9 #define FC_MOREFRAG 0x400 #define FC_MOREFRAG_SHIFT 10 #define FC_RETRY 0x800 #define FC_RETRY_SHIFT 11 #define FC_PM 0x1000 #define FC_PM_SHIFT 12 #define FC_MOREDATA 0x2000 #define FC_MOREDATA_SHIFT 13 #define FC_WEP 0x4000 #define FC_WEP_SHIFT 14 #define FC_ORDER 0x8000 #define FC_ORDER_SHIFT 15 #define SEQNUM_SHIFT 4 #define SEQNUM_MAX 0x1000 #define FRAGNUM_MASK 0xF #define FC_TYPE_MNG 0 #define FC_TYPE_CTL 1 #define FC_TYPE_DATA 2 #define FC_SUBTYPE_ASSOC_REQ 0 #define FC_SUBTYPE_ASSOC_RESP 1 #define FC_SUBTYPE_REASSOC_REQ 2 #define FC_SUBTYPE_REASSOC_RESP 3 #define FC_SUBTYPE_PROBE_REQ 4 #define FC_SUBTYPE_PROBE_RESP 5 #define FC_SUBTYPE_BEACON 8 #define FC_SUBTYPE_ATIM 9 #define FC_SUBTYPE_DISASSOC 10 #define FC_SUBTYPE_AUTH 11 #define FC_SUBTYPE_DEAUTH 12 #define FC_SUBTYPE_ACTION 13 #define FC_SUBTYPE_ACTION_NOACK 14 #define FC_SUBTYPE_CTL_WRAPPER 7 #define FC_SUBTYPE_BLOCKACK_REQ 8 #define FC_SUBTYPE_BLOCKACK 9 #define FC_SUBTYPE_PS_POLL 10 #define FC_SUBTYPE_RTS 11 #define FC_SUBTYPE_CTS 12 #define FC_SUBTYPE_ACK 13 #define FC_SUBTYPE_CF_END 14 #define FC_SUBTYPE_CF_END_ACK 15 #define FC_SUBTYPE_DATA 0 #define FC_SUBTYPE_DATA_CF_ACK 1 #define FC_SUBTYPE_DATA_CF_POLL 2 #define FC_SUBTYPE_DATA_CF_ACK_POLL 3 #define FC_SUBTYPE_NULL 4 #define FC_SUBTYPE_CF_ACK 5 #define FC_SUBTYPE_CF_POLL 6 #define FC_SUBTYPE_CF_ACK_POLL 7 #define FC_SUBTYPE_QOS_DATA 8 #define FC_SUBTYPE_QOS_DATA_CF_ACK 9 #define FC_SUBTYPE_QOS_DATA_CF_POLL 10 #define FC_SUBTYPE_QOS_DATA_CF_ACK_POLL 11 #define FC_SUBTYPE_QOS_NULL 12 #define FC_SUBTYPE_QOS_CF_POLL 14 #define FC_SUBTYPE_QOS_CF_ACK_POLL 15 #define FC_SUBTYPE_ANY_QOS(s) (((s) & 8) != 0) #define FC_SUBTYPE_ANY_NULL(s) (((s) & 4) != 0) #define FC_SUBTYPE_ANY_CF_POLL(s) (((s) & 2) != 0) #define FC_SUBTYPE_ANY_CF_ACK(s) (((s) & 1) != 0) #define FC_KIND_MASK (FC_TYPE_MASK | FC_SUBTYPE_MASK) #define FC_KIND(t, s) (((t) << FC_TYPE_SHIFT) | ((s) << FC_SUBTYPE_SHIFT)) #define FC_SUBTYPE(fc) (((fc) & FC_SUBTYPE_MASK) >> FC_SUBTYPE_SHIFT) #define FC_TYPE(fc) (((fc) & FC_TYPE_MASK) >> FC_TYPE_SHIFT) #define FC_ASSOC_REQ FC_KIND(FC_TYPE_MNG, FC_SUBTYPE_ASSOC_REQ) #define FC_ASSOC_RESP FC_KIND(FC_TYPE_MNG, FC_SUBTYPE_ASSOC_RESP) #define FC_REASSOC_REQ FC_KIND(FC_TYPE_MNG, FC_SUBTYPE_REASSOC_REQ) #define FC_REASSOC_RESP FC_KIND(FC_TYPE_MNG, FC_SUBTYPE_REASSOC_RESP) #define FC_PROBE_REQ FC_KIND(FC_TYPE_MNG, FC_SUBTYPE_PROBE_REQ) #define FC_PROBE_RESP FC_KIND(FC_TYPE_MNG, FC_SUBTYPE_PROBE_RESP) #define FC_BEACON FC_KIND(FC_TYPE_MNG, FC_SUBTYPE_BEACON) #define FC_DISASSOC FC_KIND(FC_TYPE_MNG, FC_SUBTYPE_DISASSOC) #define FC_AUTH FC_KIND(FC_TYPE_MNG, FC_SUBTYPE_AUTH) #define FC_DEAUTH FC_KIND(FC_TYPE_MNG, FC_SUBTYPE_DEAUTH) #define FC_ACTION FC_KIND(FC_TYPE_MNG, FC_SUBTYPE_ACTION) #define FC_ACTION_NOACK FC_KIND(FC_TYPE_MNG, FC_SUBTYPE_ACTION_NOACK) #define FC_CTL_WRAPPER FC_KIND(FC_TYPE_CTL, FC_SUBTYPE_CTL_WRAPPER) #define FC_BLOCKACK_REQ FC_KIND(FC_TYPE_CTL, FC_SUBTYPE_BLOCKACK_REQ) #define FC_BLOCKACK FC_KIND(FC_TYPE_CTL, FC_SUBTYPE_BLOCKACK) #define FC_PS_POLL FC_KIND(FC_TYPE_CTL, FC_SUBTYPE_PS_POLL) #define FC_RTS FC_KIND(FC_TYPE_CTL, FC_SUBTYPE_RTS) #define FC_CTS FC_KIND(FC_TYPE_CTL, FC_SUBTYPE_CTS) #define FC_ACK FC_KIND(FC_TYPE_CTL, FC_SUBTYPE_ACK) #define FC_CF_END FC_KIND(FC_TYPE_CTL, FC_SUBTYPE_CF_END) #define FC_CF_END_ACK FC_KIND(FC_TYPE_CTL, FC_SUBTYPE_CF_END_ACK) #define FC_DATA FC_KIND(FC_TYPE_DATA, FC_SUBTYPE_DATA) #define FC_NULL_DATA FC_KIND(FC_TYPE_DATA, FC_SUBTYPE_NULL) #define FC_DATA_CF_ACK FC_KIND(FC_TYPE_DATA, FC_SUBTYPE_DATA_CF_ACK) #define FC_QOS_DATA FC_KIND(FC_TYPE_DATA, FC_SUBTYPE_QOS_DATA) #define FC_QOS_NULL FC_KIND(FC_TYPE_DATA, FC_SUBTYPE_QOS_NULL) #define QOS_PRIO_SHIFT 0 #define QOS_PRIO_MASK 0x0007 #define QOS_PRIO(qos) (((qos) & QOS_PRIO_MASK) >> QOS_PRIO_SHIFT) #define QOS_TID_SHIFT 0 #define QOS_TID_MASK 0x000f #define QOS_TID(qos) (((qos) & QOS_TID_MASK) >> QOS_TID_SHIFT) #define QOS_EOSP_SHIFT 4 #define QOS_EOSP_MASK 0x0010 #define QOS_EOSP(qos) (((qos) & QOS_EOSP_MASK) >> QOS_EOSP_SHIFT) #define QOS_ACK_NORMAL_ACK 0 #define QOS_ACK_NO_ACK 1 #define QOS_ACK_NO_EXP_ACK 2 #define QOS_ACK_BLOCK_ACK 3 #define QOS_ACK_SHIFT 5 #define QOS_ACK_MASK 0x0060 #define QOS_ACK(qos) (((qos) & QOS_ACK_MASK) >> QOS_ACK_SHIFT) #define QOS_AMSDU_SHIFT 7 #define QOS_AMSDU_MASK 0x0080 #define DOT11_MNG_AUTH_ALGO_LEN 2 #define DOT11_MNG_AUTH_SEQ_LEN 2 #define DOT11_MNG_BEACON_INT_LEN 2 #define DOT11_MNG_CAP_LEN 2 #define DOT11_MNG_AP_ADDR_LEN 6 #define DOT11_MNG_LISTEN_INT_LEN 2 #define DOT11_MNG_REASON_LEN 2 #define DOT11_MNG_AID_LEN 2 #define DOT11_MNG_STATUS_LEN 2 #define DOT11_MNG_TIMESTAMP_LEN 8 #define DOT11_AID_MASK 0x3fff #define DOT11_RC_RESERVED 0 #define DOT11_RC_UNSPECIFIED 1 #define DOT11_RC_AUTH_INVAL 2 #define DOT11_RC_DEAUTH_LEAVING 3 #define DOT11_RC_INACTIVITY 4 #define DOT11_RC_BUSY 5 #define DOT11_RC_INVAL_CLASS_2 6 #define DOT11_RC_INVAL_CLASS_3 7 #define DOT11_RC_DISASSOC_LEAVING 8 #define DOT11_RC_NOT_AUTH 9 #define DOT11_RC_BAD_PC 10 #define DOT11_RC_BAD_CHANNELS 11 #define DOT11_RC_UNSPECIFIED_QOS 32 #define DOT11_RC_INSUFFCIENT_BW 33 #define DOT11_RC_EXCESSIVE_FRAMES 34 #define DOT11_RC_TX_OUTSIDE_TXOP 35 #define DOT11_RC_LEAVING_QBSS 36 #define DOT11_RC_BAD_MECHANISM 37 #define DOT11_RC_SETUP_NEEDED 38 #define DOT11_RC_TIMEOUT 39 #define DOT11_RC_MAX 23 #define DOT11_SC_SUCCESS 0 #define DOT11_SC_FAILURE 1 #define DOT11_SC_CAP_MISMATCH 10 #define DOT11_SC_REASSOC_FAIL 11 #define DOT11_SC_ASSOC_FAIL 12 #define DOT11_SC_AUTH_MISMATCH 13 #define DOT11_SC_AUTH_SEQ 14 #define DOT11_SC_AUTH_CHALLENGE_FAIL 15 #define DOT11_SC_AUTH_TIMEOUT 16 #define DOT11_SC_ASSOC_BUSY_FAIL 17 #define DOT11_SC_ASSOC_RATE_MISMATCH 18 #define DOT11_SC_ASSOC_SHORT_REQUIRED 19 #define DOT11_SC_ASSOC_PBCC_REQUIRED 20 #define DOT11_SC_ASSOC_AGILITY_REQUIRED 21 #define DOT11_SC_ASSOC_SPECTRUM_REQUIRED 22 #define DOT11_SC_ASSOC_BAD_POWER_CAP 23 #define DOT11_SC_ASSOC_BAD_SUP_CHANNELS 24 #define DOT11_SC_ASSOC_SHORTSLOT_REQUIRED 25 #define DOT11_SC_ASSOC_ERPBCC_REQUIRED 26 #define DOT11_SC_ASSOC_DSSOFDM_REQUIRED 27 #define DOT11_SC_DECLINED 37 #define DOT11_SC_INVALID_PARAMS 38 #define DOT11_MNG_DS_PARAM_LEN 1 #define DOT11_MNG_IBSS_PARAM_LEN 2 #define DOT11_MNG_TIM_FIXED_LEN 3 #define DOT11_MNG_TIM_DTIM_COUNT 0 #define DOT11_MNG_TIM_DTIM_PERIOD 1 #define DOT11_MNG_TIM_BITMAP_CTL 2 #define DOT11_MNG_TIM_PVB 3 #define TLV_TAG_OFF 0 #define TLV_LEN_OFF 1 #define TLV_HDR_LEN 2 #define TLV_BODY_OFF 2 #define DOT11_MNG_SSID_ID 0 #define DOT11_MNG_RATES_ID 1 #define DOT11_MNG_FH_PARMS_ID 2 #define DOT11_MNG_DS_PARMS_ID 3 #define DOT11_MNG_CF_PARMS_ID 4 #define DOT11_MNG_TIM_ID 5 #define DOT11_MNG_IBSS_PARMS_ID 6 #define DOT11_MNG_COUNTRY_ID 7 #define DOT11_MNG_HOPPING_PARMS_ID 8 #define DOT11_MNG_HOPPING_TABLE_ID 9 #define DOT11_MNG_REQUEST_ID 10 #define DOT11_MNG_QBSS_LOAD_ID 11 #define DOT11_MNG_EDCA_PARAM_ID 12 #define DOT11_MNG_CHALLENGE_ID 16 #define DOT11_MNG_PWR_CONSTRAINT_ID 32 #define DOT11_MNG_PWR_CAP_ID 33 #define DOT11_MNG_TPC_REQUEST_ID 34 #define DOT11_MNG_TPC_REPORT_ID 35 #define DOT11_MNG_SUPP_CHANNELS_ID 36 #define DOT11_MNG_CHANNEL_SWITCH_ID 37 #define DOT11_MNG_MEASURE_REQUEST_ID 38 #define DOT11_MNG_MEASURE_REPORT_ID 39 #define DOT11_MNG_QUIET_ID 40 #define DOT11_MNG_IBSS_DFS_ID 41 #define DOT11_MNG_ERP_ID 42 #define DOT11_MNG_TS_DELAY_ID 43 #define DOT11_MNG_HT_CAP 45 #define DOT11_MNG_QOS_CAP_ID 46 #define DOT11_MNG_NONERP_ID 47 #define DOT11_MNG_RSN_ID 48 #define DOT11_MNG_EXT_RATES_ID 50 #define DOT11_MNG_REGCLASS_ID 59 #define DOT11_MNG_EXT_CSA_ID 60 #define DOT11_MNG_HT_ADD 61 #define DOT11_MNG_EXT_CHANNEL_OFFSET 62 #define DOT11_MNG_HT_BSS_COEXINFO_ID 72 #define DOT11_MNG_HT_BSS_CHANNEL_REPORT_ID 73 #define DOT11_MNG_HT_OBSS_ID 74 #define DOT11_MNG_EXT_CAP 127 #define DOT11_MNG_WPA_ID 221 #define DOT11_MNG_PROPR_ID 221 #define DOT11_RATE_BASIC 0x80 #define DOT11_RATE_MASK 0x7F #define DOT11_MNG_ERP_LEN 1 #define DOT11_MNG_NONERP_PRESENT 0x01 #define DOT11_MNG_USE_PROTECTION 0x02 #define DOT11_MNG_BARKER_PREAMBLE 0x04 #define DOT11_MGN_TS_DELAY_LEN 4 #define TS_DELAY_FIELD_SIZE 4 #define DOT11_CAP_ESS 0x0001 #define DOT11_CAP_IBSS 0x0002 #define DOT11_CAP_POLLABLE 0x0004 #define DOT11_CAP_POLL_RQ 0x0008 #define DOT11_CAP_PRIVACY 0x0010 #define DOT11_CAP_SHORT 0x0020 #define DOT11_CAP_PBCC 0x0040 #define DOT11_CAP_AGILITY 0x0080 #define DOT11_CAP_SPECTRUM 0x0100 #define DOT11_CAP_SHORTSLOT 0x0400 #define DOT11_CAP_CCK_OFDM 0x2000 #define DOT11_OBSS_COEX_MNG_SUPPORT 0x01 #define DOT11_ACTION_HDR_LEN 2 #define DOT11_ACTION_CAT_ERR_MASK 0x80 #define DOT11_ACTION_CAT_MASK 0x7F #define DOT11_ACTION_CAT_SPECT_MNG 0 #define DOT11_ACTION_CAT_BLOCKACK 3 #define DOT11_ACTION_CAT_PUBLIC 4 #define DOT11_ACTION_CAT_HT 7 #define DOT11_ACTION_CAT_VS 127 #define DOT11_ACTION_NOTIFICATION 0x11 #define DOT11_ACTION_ID_M_REQ 0 #define DOT11_ACTION_ID_M_REP 1 #define DOT11_ACTION_ID_TPC_REQ 2 #define DOT11_ACTION_ID_TPC_REP 3 #define DOT11_ACTION_ID_CHANNEL_SWITCH 4 #define DOT11_ACTION_ID_EXT_CSA 5 #define DOT11_ACTION_ID_HT_CH_WIDTH 0 #define DOT11_ACTION_ID_HT_MIMO_PS 1 #define DOT11_PUB_ACTION_BSS_COEX_MNG 0 #define DOT11_PUB_ACTION_CHANNEL_SWITCH 4 #define DOT11_BA_ACTION_ADDBA_REQ 0 #define DOT11_BA_ACTION_ADDBA_RESP 1 #define DOT11_BA_ACTION_DELBA 2 #define DOT11_ADDBA_PARAM_AMSDU_SUP 0x0001 #define DOT11_ADDBA_PARAM_POLICY_MASK 0x0002 #define DOT11_ADDBA_PARAM_POLICY_SHIFT 1 #define DOT11_ADDBA_PARAM_TID_MASK 0x003c #define DOT11_ADDBA_PARAM_TID_SHIFT 2 #define DOT11_ADDBA_PARAM_BSIZE_MASK 0xffc0 #define DOT11_ADDBA_PARAM_BSIZE_SHIFT 6 #define DOT11_ADDBA_POLICY_DELAYED 0 #define DOT11_ADDBA_POLICY_IMMEDIATE 1 BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct dot11_addba_req { uint8 category; uint8 action; uint8 token; uint16 addba_param_set; uint16 timeout; uint16 start_seqnum; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; typedef struct dot11_addba_req dot11_addba_req_t; #define DOT11_ADDBA_REQ_LEN 9 BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct dot11_addba_resp { uint8 category; uint8 action; uint8 token; uint16 status; uint16 addba_param_set; uint16 timeout; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; typedef struct dot11_addba_resp dot11_addba_resp_t; #define DOT11_ADDBA_RESP_LEN 9 #define DOT11_DELBA_PARAM_INIT_MASK 0x0800 #define DOT11_DELBA_PARAM_INIT_SHIFT 11 #define DOT11_DELBA_PARAM_TID_MASK 0xf000 #define DOT11_DELBA_PARAM_TID_SHIFT 12 BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct dot11_delba { uint8 category; uint8 action; uint16 delba_param_set; uint16 reason; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; typedef struct dot11_delba dot11_delba_t; #define DOT11_DELBA_LEN 6 #define DOT11_BSSTYPE_INFRASTRUCTURE 0 #define DOT11_BSSTYPE_INDEPENDENT 1 #define DOT11_BSSTYPE_ANY 2 #define DOT11_SCANTYPE_ACTIVE 0 #define DOT11_SCANTYPE_PASSIVE 1 #define PREN_PREAMBLE 24 #define PREN_MM_EXT 8 #define PREN_PREAMBLE_EXT 4 #define NPHY_RIFS_TIME 2 #define APHY_SLOT_TIME 9 #define APHY_SIFS_TIME 16 #define APHY_DIFS_TIME (APHY_SIFS_TIME + (2 * APHY_SLOT_TIME)) #define APHY_PREAMBLE_TIME 16 #define APHY_SIGNAL_TIME 4 #define APHY_SYMBOL_TIME 4 #define APHY_SERVICE_NBITS 16 #define APHY_TAIL_NBITS 6 #define APHY_CWMIN 15 #define BPHY_SLOT_TIME 20 #define BPHY_SIFS_TIME 10 #define BPHY_DIFS_TIME 50 #define BPHY_PLCP_TIME 192 #define BPHY_PLCP_SHORT_TIME 96 #define BPHY_CWMIN 31 #define DOT11_OFDM_SIGNAL_EXTENSION 6 #define PHY_CWMAX 1023 #define DOT11_MAXNUMFRAGS 16 typedef struct d11cnt { uint32 txfrag; uint32 txmulti; uint32 txfail; uint32 txretry; uint32 txretrie; uint32 rxdup; uint32 txrts; uint32 txnocts; uint32 txnoack; uint32 rxfrag; uint32 rxmulti; uint32 rxcrc; uint32 txfrmsnt; uint32 rxundec; } d11cnt_t; #define BRCM_PROP_OUI "\x00\x90\x4C" BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct brcm_prop_ie_s { uint8 id; uint8 len; uint8 oui[3]; uint8 type; uint16 cap; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; typedef struct brcm_prop_ie_s brcm_prop_ie_t; #define BRCM_PROP_IE_LEN 6 #define DPT_IE_TYPE 2 #define BRCM_OUI "\x00\x10\x18" BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct brcm_ie { uint8 id; uint8 len; uint8 oui[3]; uint8 ver; uint8 assoc; uint8 flags; uint8 flags1; uint16 amsdu_mtu_pref; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; typedef struct brcm_ie brcm_ie_t; #define BRCM_IE_LEN 11 #define BRCM_IE_VER 2 #define BRCM_IE_LEGACY_AES_VER 1 #ifdef WLAFTERBURNER #define BRF_ABCAP 0x1 #define BRF_ABRQRD 0x2 #define BRF_ABCOUNTER_MASK 0xf0 #define BRF_ABCOUNTER_SHIFT 4 #endif #define BRF_LZWDS 0x4 #define BRF_BLOCKACK 0x8 #define BRF1_AMSDU 0x1 #define BRF1_WMEPS 0x4 #define BRF1_PSOFIX 0x8 #ifdef WLAFTERBURNER #define AB_WDS_TIMEOUT_MAX 15 #define AB_WDS_TIMEOUT_MIN 1 #endif #define AB_GUARDCOUNT 10 #define MCSSET_LEN 16 #define MAX_MCS_NUM (128) BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct ht_cap_ie { uint16 cap; uint8 params; uint8 supp_mcs[MCSSET_LEN]; uint16 ext_htcap; uint32 txbf_cap; uint8 as_cap; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; typedef struct ht_cap_ie ht_cap_ie_t; BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct ht_prop_cap_ie { uint8 id; uint8 len; uint8 oui[3]; uint8 type; ht_cap_ie_t cap_ie; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; typedef struct ht_prop_cap_ie ht_prop_cap_ie_t; #define HT_PROP_IE_OVERHEAD 4 #define HT_CAP_IE_LEN 26 #define HT_CAP_IE_TYPE 51 #define HT_CAP_LDPC_CODING 0x0001 #define HT_CAP_40MHZ 0x0002 #define HT_CAP_MIMO_PS_MASK 0x000C #define HT_CAP_MIMO_PS_SHIFT 0x0002 #define HT_CAP_MIMO_PS_OFF 0x0003 #define HT_CAP_MIMO_PS_RTS 0x0001 #define HT_CAP_MIMO_PS_ON 0x0000 #define HT_CAP_GF 0x0010 #define HT_CAP_SHORT_GI_20 0x0020 #define HT_CAP_SHORT_GI_40 0x0040 #define HT_CAP_TX_STBC 0x0080 #define HT_CAP_RX_STBC_MASK 0x0300 #define HT_CAP_RX_STBC_SHIFT 8 #define HT_CAP_DELAYED_BA 0x0400 #define HT_CAP_MAX_AMSDU 0x0800 #define HT_CAP_DSSS_CCK 0x1000 #define HT_CAP_PSMP 0x2000 #define HT_CAP_40MHZ_INTOLERANT 0x4000 #define HT_CAP_LSIG_TXOP 0x8000 #define HT_CAP_RX_STBC_NO 0x0 #define HT_CAP_RX_STBC_ONE_STREAM 0x1 #define HT_CAP_RX_STBC_TWO_STREAM 0x2 #define HT_CAP_RX_STBC_THREE_STREAM 0x3 #define HT_MAX_AMSDU 7935 #define HT_MIN_AMSDU 3835 #define HT_PARAMS_RX_FACTOR_MASK 0x03 #define HT_PARAMS_DENSITY_MASK 0x1C #define HT_PARAMS_DENSITY_SHIFT 2 #define AMPDU_MAX_MPDU_DENSITY 7 #define AMPDU_RX_FACTOR_64K 3 #define AMPDU_RX_FACTOR_BASE 8*1024 #define AMPDU_DELIMITER_LEN 4 #define HT_CAP_EXT_PCO 0x0001 #define HT_CAP_EXT_PCO_TTIME_MASK 0x0006 #define HT_CAP_EXT_PCO_TTIME_SHIFT 1 #define HT_CAP_EXT_MCS_FEEDBACK_MASK 0x0300 #define HT_CAP_EXT_MCS_FEEDBACK_SHIFT 8 #define HT_CAP_EXT_HTC 0x0400 #define HT_CAP_EXT_RD_RESP 0x0800 BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct ht_add_ie { uint8 ctl_ch; uint8 byte1; uint16 opmode; uint16 misc_bits; uint8 basic_mcs[MCSSET_LEN]; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; typedef struct ht_add_ie ht_add_ie_t; BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct ht_prop_add_ie { uint8 id; uint8 len; uint8 oui[3]; uint8 type; ht_add_ie_t add_ie; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; typedef struct ht_prop_add_ie ht_prop_add_ie_t; #define HT_ADD_IE_LEN 22 #define HT_ADD_IE_TYPE 52 #define HT_BW_ANY 0x04 #define HT_RIFS_PERMITTED 0x08 #define HT_OPMODE_MASK 0x0003 #define HT_OPMODE_SHIFT 0 #define HT_OPMODE_PURE 0x0000 #define HT_OPMODE_OPTIONAL 0x0001 #define HT_OPMODE_HT20IN40 0x0002 #define HT_OPMODE_MIXED 0x0003 #define HT_OPMODE_NONGF 0x0004 #define DOT11N_TXBURST 0x0008 #define DOT11N_OBSS_NONHT 0x0010 #define HT_BASIC_STBC_MCS 0x007f #define HT_DUAL_STBC_PROT 0x0080 #define HT_SECOND_BCN 0x0100 #define HT_LSIG_TXOP 0x0200 #define HT_PCO_ACTIVE 0x0400 #define HT_PCO_PHASE 0x0800 #define HT_DUALCTS_PROTECTION 0x0080 #define DOT11N_2G_TXBURST_LIMIT 6160 #define DOT11N_5G_TXBURST_LIMIT 3080 #define GET_HT_OPMODE(add_ie) ((ltoh16_ua(&add_ie->opmode) & HT_OPMODE_MASK) \ >> HT_OPMODE_SHIFT) #define HT_MIXEDMODE_PRESENT(add_ie) ((ltoh16_ua(&add_ie->opmode) & HT_OPMODE_MASK) \ == HT_OPMODE_MIXED) #define HT_HT20_PRESENT(add_ie) ((ltoh16_ua(&add_ie->opmode) & HT_OPMODE_MASK) \ == HT_OPMODE_HT20IN40) #define HT_OPTIONAL_PRESENT(add_ie) ((ltoh16_ua(&add_ie->opmode) & HT_OPMODE_MASK) \ == HT_OPMODE_OPTIONAL) #define HT_USE_PROTECTION(add_ie) (HT_HT20_PRESENT((add_ie)) || \ HT_MIXEDMODE_PRESENT((add_ie))) #define HT_NONGF_PRESENT(add_ie) ((ltoh16_ua(&add_ie->opmode) & HT_OPMODE_NONGF) \ == HT_OPMODE_NONGF) #define DOT11N_TXBURST_PRESENT(add_ie) ((ltoh16_ua(&add_ie->opmode) & DOT11N_TXBURST) \ == DOT11N_TXBURST) #define DOT11N_OBSS_NONHT_PRESENT(add_ie) ((ltoh16_ua(&add_ie->opmode) & DOT11N_OBSS_NONHT) \ == DOT11N_OBSS_NONHT) BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct obss_params { uint16 passive_dwell; uint16 active_dwell; uint16 bss_widthscan_interval; uint16 passive_total; uint16 active_total; uint16 chanwidth_transition_dly; uint16 activity_threshold; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; typedef struct obss_params obss_params_t; BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct dot11_obss_ie { uint8 id; uint8 len; obss_params_t obss_params; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; typedef struct dot11_obss_ie dot11_obss_ie_t; #define DOT11_OBSS_SCAN_IE_LEN sizeof(obss_params_t) BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct vndr_ie { uchar id; uchar len; uchar oui [3]; uchar data [1]; } BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT; typedef struct vndr_ie vndr_ie_t; #define VNDR_IE_HDR_LEN 2 #define VNDR_IE_MIN_LEN 3 #define VNDR_IE_MAX_LEN 256 #define WPA_VERSION 1 #define WPA_OUI "\x00\x50\xF2" #define WPA2_VERSION 1 #define WPA2_VERSION_LEN 2 #define WPA2_OUI "\x00\x0F\xAC" #define WPA_OUI_LEN 3 #define RSN_AKM_NONE 0 #define RSN_AKM_UNSPECIFIED 1 #define RSN_AKM_PSK 2 #define DOT11_MAX_DEFAULT_KEYS 4 #define DOT11_MAX_KEY_SIZE 32 #define DOT11_MAX_IV_SIZE 16 #define DOT11_EXT_IV_FLAG (1<<5) #define DOT11_WPA_KEY_RSC_LEN 8 #define WEP1_KEY_SIZE 5 #define WEP1_KEY_HEX_SIZE 10 #define WEP128_KEY_SIZE 13 #define WEP128_KEY_HEX_SIZE 26 #define TKIP_MIC_SIZE 8 #define TKIP_EOM_SIZE 7 #define TKIP_EOM_FLAG 0x5a #define TKIP_KEY_SIZE 32 #define TKIP_MIC_AUTH_TX 16 #define TKIP_MIC_AUTH_RX 24 #define TKIP_MIC_SUP_RX TKIP_MIC_AUTH_TX #define TKIP_MIC_SUP_TX TKIP_MIC_AUTH_RX #define AES_KEY_SIZE 16 #define AES_MIC_SIZE 8 #include <packed_section_end.h> #endif