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 * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

 * Dalvik opcode enumeration.

 * If you add, delete, or renumber instructions, you need to change things
 * in various places.  Renumbering really only affects the "unused" opcodes,
 * which are given explicit enumeration values to make it easier to find
 * the places in the code that need to be updated when making changes --
 * if you replace "OP_UNUSED_2D" and neglect to update a switch statement,
 * the compiler will complain about an unknown value.
 * Opcode definitions and attributes:
 *  - update the OpCode enum below
 *  - update the "goto table" definition macro, DEFINE_GOTO_TABLE(), below
 *  - update the instruction info table generators and (if you changed an
 *    instruction format) instruction decoder in InstrUtils.c
 *  - update the instruction format list in InstrUtils.h, if necessary
 *  - update the parallel definitions in the class dalvik.bytecode.Opcodes
 * Interpreter:
 *  - implement/update the instruction in C in mterp/c/...
 *    - verify new code by running with "dalvik.vm.execution-mode =
 *      int:portable" or "-Xint:portable"
 *  - implement/update the instruction in ARM in mterp/armv5/...
 *    - verify by enabling ARM handler for that instruction in mterp config
 *      and running int:fast as above
 *  - repeat for other platforms (x86, ...)
 *  (see notes in mterp/ReadMe.txt for rebuilding instructions)
 * Verifier / optimizer:
 *  - update some stuff in analysis/DexOptimize.c, analysis/DexVerify.c,
 *    and/or analysis/CodeVerify.c as needed
 *    - verify by running with verifier enabled (it's on by default)
 * Tools:
 *  - update the OpCodeNames table in dexdump/OpCodeNames.c
 *  - update dexdump/DexDump.c if an instruction format has changed
 * Note: The Dalvik VM tests (in the tests subdirectory) provide a convenient
 * way to test most of the above without doing any rebuilds.  In particular,
 * test 003-omnibus-opcodes will exercise most of the opcodes.

 * Dalvik opcode list.
typedef enum OpCode {
    OP_NOP                          = 0x00,

    OP_MOVE                         = 0x01,
    OP_MOVE_FROM16                  = 0x02,
    OP_MOVE_16                      = 0x03,
    OP_MOVE_WIDE                    = 0x04,
    OP_MOVE_WIDE_FROM16             = 0x05,
    OP_MOVE_WIDE_16                 = 0x06,
    OP_MOVE_OBJECT                  = 0x07,
    OP_MOVE_OBJECT_FROM16           = 0x08,
    OP_MOVE_OBJECT_16               = 0x09,

    OP_MOVE_RESULT                  = 0x0a,
    OP_MOVE_RESULT_WIDE             = 0x0b,
    OP_MOVE_RESULT_OBJECT           = 0x0c,
    OP_MOVE_EXCEPTION               = 0x0d,

    OP_RETURN_VOID                  = 0x0e,
    OP_RETURN                       = 0x0f,
    OP_RETURN_WIDE                  = 0x10,
    OP_RETURN_OBJECT                = 0x11,

    OP_CONST_4                      = 0x12,
    OP_CONST_16                     = 0x13,
    OP_CONST                        = 0x14,
    OP_CONST_HIGH16                 = 0x15,
    OP_CONST_WIDE_16                = 0x16,
    OP_CONST_WIDE_32                = 0x17,
    OP_CONST_WIDE                   = 0x18,
    OP_CONST_WIDE_HIGH16            = 0x19,
    OP_CONST_STRING                 = 0x1a,
    OP_CONST_STRING_JUMBO           = 0x1b,
    OP_CONST_CLASS                  = 0x1c,

    OP_MONITOR_ENTER                = 0x1d,
    OP_MONITOR_EXIT                 = 0x1e,

    OP_CHECK_CAST                   = 0x1f,
    OP_INSTANCE_OF                  = 0x20,

    OP_ARRAY_LENGTH                 = 0x21,

    OP_NEW_INSTANCE                 = 0x22,
    OP_NEW_ARRAY                    = 0x23,
    OP_FILLED_NEW_ARRAY             = 0x24,
    OP_FILLED_NEW_ARRAY_RANGE       = 0x25,
    OP_FILL_ARRAY_DATA              = 0x26,
    OP_THROW                        = 0x27,
    OP_GOTO                         = 0x28,
    OP_GOTO_16                      = 0x29,
    OP_GOTO_32                      = 0x2a,
    OP_PACKED_SWITCH                = 0x2b,
    OP_SPARSE_SWITCH                = 0x2c,
    OP_CMPL_FLOAT                   = 0x2d,
    OP_CMPG_FLOAT                   = 0x2e,
    OP_CMPL_DOUBLE                  = 0x2f,
    OP_CMPG_DOUBLE                  = 0x30,
    OP_CMP_LONG                     = 0x31,

    OP_IF_EQ                        = 0x32,
    OP_IF_NE                        = 0x33,
    OP_IF_LT                        = 0x34,
    OP_IF_GE                        = 0x35,
    OP_IF_GT                        = 0x36,
    OP_IF_LE                        = 0x37,
    OP_IF_EQZ                       = 0x38,
    OP_IF_NEZ                       = 0x39,
    OP_IF_LTZ                       = 0x3a,
    OP_IF_GEZ                       = 0x3b,
    OP_IF_GTZ                       = 0x3c,
    OP_IF_LEZ                       = 0x3d,

    OP_UNUSED_3E                    = 0x3e,
    OP_UNUSED_3F                    = 0x3f,
    OP_UNUSED_40                    = 0x40,
    OP_UNUSED_41                    = 0x41,
    OP_UNUSED_42                    = 0x42,
    OP_UNUSED_43                    = 0x43,
    OP_AGET                         = 0x44,
    OP_AGET_WIDE                    = 0x45,
    OP_AGET_OBJECT                  = 0x46,
    OP_AGET_BOOLEAN                 = 0x47,
    OP_AGET_BYTE                    = 0x48,
    OP_AGET_CHAR                    = 0x49,
    OP_AGET_SHORT                   = 0x4a,
    OP_APUT                         = 0x4b,
    OP_APUT_WIDE                    = 0x4c,
    OP_APUT_OBJECT                  = 0x4d,
    OP_APUT_BOOLEAN                 = 0x4e,
    OP_APUT_BYTE                    = 0x4f,
    OP_APUT_CHAR                    = 0x50,
    OP_APUT_SHORT                   = 0x51,

    OP_IGET                         = 0x52,
    OP_IGET_WIDE                    = 0x53,
    OP_IGET_OBJECT                  = 0x54,
    OP_IGET_BOOLEAN                 = 0x55,
    OP_IGET_BYTE                    = 0x56,
    OP_IGET_CHAR                    = 0x57,
    OP_IGET_SHORT                   = 0x58,
    OP_IPUT                         = 0x59,
    OP_IPUT_WIDE                    = 0x5a,
    OP_IPUT_OBJECT                  = 0x5b,
    OP_IPUT_BOOLEAN                 = 0x5c,
    OP_IPUT_BYTE                    = 0x5d,
    OP_IPUT_CHAR                    = 0x5e,
    OP_IPUT_SHORT                   = 0x5f,

    OP_SGET                         = 0x60,
    OP_SGET_WIDE                    = 0x61,
    OP_SGET_OBJECT                  = 0x62,
    OP_SGET_BOOLEAN                 = 0x63,
    OP_SGET_BYTE                    = 0x64,
    OP_SGET_CHAR                    = 0x65,
    OP_SGET_SHORT                   = 0x66,
    OP_SPUT                         = 0x67,
    OP_SPUT_WIDE                    = 0x68,
    OP_SPUT_OBJECT                  = 0x69,
    OP_SPUT_BOOLEAN                 = 0x6a,
    OP_SPUT_BYTE                    = 0x6b,
    OP_SPUT_CHAR                    = 0x6c,
    OP_SPUT_SHORT                   = 0x6d,

    OP_INVOKE_VIRTUAL               = 0x6e,
    OP_INVOKE_SUPER                 = 0x6f,
    OP_INVOKE_DIRECT                = 0x70,
    OP_INVOKE_STATIC                = 0x71,
    OP_INVOKE_INTERFACE             = 0x72,

    OP_UNUSED_73                    = 0x73,
    OP_INVOKE_VIRTUAL_RANGE         = 0x74,
    OP_INVOKE_SUPER_RANGE           = 0x75,
    OP_INVOKE_DIRECT_RANGE          = 0x76,
    OP_INVOKE_STATIC_RANGE          = 0x77,

    OP_UNUSED_79                    = 0x79,
    OP_UNUSED_7A                    = 0x7a,

    OP_NEG_INT                      = 0x7b,
    OP_NOT_INT                      = 0x7c,
    OP_NEG_LONG                     = 0x7d,
    OP_NOT_LONG                     = 0x7e,
    OP_NEG_FLOAT                    = 0x7f,
    OP_NEG_DOUBLE                   = 0x80,
    OP_INT_TO_LONG                  = 0x81,
    OP_INT_TO_FLOAT                 = 0x82,
    OP_INT_TO_DOUBLE                = 0x83,
    OP_LONG_TO_INT                  = 0x84,
    OP_LONG_TO_FLOAT                = 0x85,
    OP_LONG_TO_DOUBLE               = 0x86,
    OP_FLOAT_TO_INT                 = 0x87,
    OP_FLOAT_TO_LONG                = 0x88,
    OP_FLOAT_TO_DOUBLE              = 0x89,
    OP_DOUBLE_TO_INT                = 0x8a,
    OP_DOUBLE_TO_LONG               = 0x8b,
    OP_DOUBLE_TO_FLOAT              = 0x8c,
    OP_INT_TO_BYTE                  = 0x8d,
    OP_INT_TO_CHAR                  = 0x8e,
    OP_INT_TO_SHORT                 = 0x8f,

    OP_ADD_INT                      = 0x90,
    OP_SUB_INT                      = 0x91,
    OP_MUL_INT                      = 0x92,
    OP_DIV_INT                      = 0x93,
    OP_REM_INT                      = 0x94,
    OP_AND_INT                      = 0x95,
    OP_OR_INT                       = 0x96,
    OP_XOR_INT                      = 0x97,
    OP_SHL_INT                      = 0x98,
    OP_SHR_INT                      = 0x99,
    OP_USHR_INT                     = 0x9a,

    OP_ADD_LONG                     = 0x9b,
    OP_SUB_LONG                     = 0x9c,
    OP_MUL_LONG                     = 0x9d,
    OP_DIV_LONG                     = 0x9e,
    OP_REM_LONG                     = 0x9f,
    OP_AND_LONG                     = 0xa0,
    OP_OR_LONG                      = 0xa1,
    OP_XOR_LONG                     = 0xa2,
    OP_SHL_LONG                     = 0xa3,
    OP_SHR_LONG                     = 0xa4,
    OP_USHR_LONG                    = 0xa5,

    OP_ADD_FLOAT                    = 0xa6,
    OP_SUB_FLOAT                    = 0xa7,
    OP_MUL_FLOAT                    = 0xa8,
    OP_DIV_FLOAT                    = 0xa9,
    OP_REM_FLOAT                    = 0xaa,
    OP_ADD_DOUBLE                   = 0xab,
    OP_SUB_DOUBLE                   = 0xac,
    OP_MUL_DOUBLE                   = 0xad,
    OP_DIV_DOUBLE                   = 0xae,
    OP_REM_DOUBLE                   = 0xaf,

    OP_ADD_INT_2ADDR                = 0xb0,
    OP_SUB_INT_2ADDR                = 0xb1,
    OP_MUL_INT_2ADDR                = 0xb2,
    OP_DIV_INT_2ADDR                = 0xb3,
    OP_REM_INT_2ADDR                = 0xb4,
    OP_AND_INT_2ADDR                = 0xb5,
    OP_OR_INT_2ADDR                 = 0xb6,
    OP_XOR_INT_2ADDR                = 0xb7,
    OP_SHL_INT_2ADDR                = 0xb8,
    OP_SHR_INT_2ADDR                = 0xb9,
    OP_USHR_INT_2ADDR               = 0xba,

    OP_ADD_LONG_2ADDR               = 0xbb,
    OP_SUB_LONG_2ADDR               = 0xbc,
    OP_MUL_LONG_2ADDR               = 0xbd,
    OP_DIV_LONG_2ADDR               = 0xbe,
    OP_REM_LONG_2ADDR               = 0xbf,
    OP_AND_LONG_2ADDR               = 0xc0,
    OP_OR_LONG_2ADDR                = 0xc1,
    OP_XOR_LONG_2ADDR               = 0xc2,
    OP_SHL_LONG_2ADDR               = 0xc3,
    OP_SHR_LONG_2ADDR               = 0xc4,
    OP_USHR_LONG_2ADDR              = 0xc5,

    OP_ADD_FLOAT_2ADDR              = 0xc6,
    OP_SUB_FLOAT_2ADDR              = 0xc7,
    OP_MUL_FLOAT_2ADDR              = 0xc8,
    OP_DIV_FLOAT_2ADDR              = 0xc9,
    OP_REM_FLOAT_2ADDR              = 0xca,
    OP_ADD_DOUBLE_2ADDR             = 0xcb,
    OP_SUB_DOUBLE_2ADDR             = 0xcc,
    OP_MUL_DOUBLE_2ADDR             = 0xcd,
    OP_DIV_DOUBLE_2ADDR             = 0xce,
    OP_REM_DOUBLE_2ADDR             = 0xcf,

    OP_ADD_INT_LIT16                = 0xd0,
    OP_RSUB_INT                     = 0xd1, /* no _LIT16 suffix for this */
    OP_MUL_INT_LIT16                = 0xd2,
    OP_DIV_INT_LIT16                = 0xd3,
    OP_REM_INT_LIT16                = 0xd4,
    OP_AND_INT_LIT16                = 0xd5,
    OP_OR_INT_LIT16                 = 0xd6,
    OP_XOR_INT_LIT16                = 0xd7,

    OP_ADD_INT_LIT8                 = 0xd8,
    OP_RSUB_INT_LIT8                = 0xd9,
    OP_MUL_INT_LIT8                 = 0xda,
    OP_DIV_INT_LIT8                 = 0xdb,
    OP_REM_INT_LIT8                 = 0xdc,
    OP_AND_INT_LIT8                 = 0xdd,
    OP_OR_INT_LIT8                  = 0xde,
    OP_XOR_INT_LIT8                 = 0xdf,
    OP_SHL_INT_LIT8                 = 0xe0,
    OP_SHR_INT_LIT8                 = 0xe1,
    OP_USHR_INT_LIT8                = 0xe2,

    OP_UNUSED_E3                    = 0xe3,
    OP_UNUSED_E4                    = 0xe4,
    OP_UNUSED_E5                    = 0xe5,
    OP_UNUSED_E6                    = 0xe6,
    OP_UNUSED_E7                    = 0xe7,
    OP_UNUSED_E8                    = 0xe8,
    OP_UNUSED_E9                    = 0xe9,
    OP_UNUSED_EA                    = 0xea,
    OP_UNUSED_EB                    = 0xeb,

     * The "breakpoint" instruction is special, in that it should never
     * be seen by anything but the debug interpreter.  During debugging
     * it takes the place of an arbitrary opcode, which means operations
     * like "tell me the opcode width so I can find the next instruction"
     * aren't possible.  (This is correctable, but probably not useful.)
    OP_BREAKPOINT                   = 0xec,

    /* optimizer output -- these are never generated by "dx" */
    OP_EXECUTE_INLINE               = 0xee,
    OP_EXECUTE_INLINE_RANGE         = 0xef,

    OP_INVOKE_DIRECT_EMPTY          = 0xf0,
    OP_UNUSED_F1                    = 0xf1, /* OP_INVOKE_DIRECT_EMPTY_RANGE? */
    OP_IGET_QUICK                   = 0xf2,
    OP_IGET_WIDE_QUICK              = 0xf3,
    OP_IGET_OBJECT_QUICK            = 0xf4,
    OP_IPUT_QUICK                   = 0xf5,
    OP_IPUT_WIDE_QUICK              = 0xf6,
    OP_IPUT_OBJECT_QUICK            = 0xf7,

    OP_INVOKE_VIRTUAL_QUICK         = 0xf8,
    OP_INVOKE_SUPER_QUICK           = 0xfa,
    OP_UNUSED_FC                    = 0xfc, /* OP_INVOKE_DIRECT_QUICK? */
    OP_UNUSED_FD                    = 0xfd, /* OP_INVOKE_DIRECT_QUICK_RANGE? */
    OP_UNUSED_FE                    = 0xfe, /* OP_INVOKE_INTERFACE_QUICK? */
    OP_UNUSED_FF                    = 0xff, /* OP_INVOKE_INTERFACE_QUICK_RANGE*/
} OpCode;

#define kNumDalvikInstructions 256

 * Switch-statement signatures are a "NOP" followed by a code.  (A true NOP
 * is 0x0000.)
#define kPackedSwitchSignature  0x0100
#define kSparseSwitchSignature  0x0200
#define kArrayDataSignature     0x0300

 * Macro used to generate computed goto tables for the C interpreter.
 * The labels here must match up with the labels in the interpreter
 * implementation.  There is no direct connection between these and the
 * numeric definitions above, but if the two get out of sync strange things
 * will happen.
#define DEFINE_GOTO_TABLE(_name) \
    static const void* _name[kNumDalvikInstructions] = {                    \
        /* 00..0f */                                                        \
        H(OP_NOP),                                                          \
        H(OP_MOVE),                                                         \
        H(OP_MOVE_FROM16),                                                  \
        H(OP_MOVE_16),                                                      \
        H(OP_MOVE_WIDE),                                                    \
        H(OP_MOVE_WIDE_FROM16),                                             \
        H(OP_MOVE_WIDE_16),                                                 \
        H(OP_MOVE_OBJECT),                                                  \
        H(OP_MOVE_OBJECT_FROM16),                                           \
        H(OP_MOVE_OBJECT_16),                                               \
        H(OP_MOVE_RESULT),                                                  \
        H(OP_MOVE_RESULT_WIDE),                                             \
        H(OP_MOVE_RESULT_OBJECT),                                           \
        H(OP_MOVE_EXCEPTION),                                               \
        H(OP_RETURN_VOID),                                                  \
        H(OP_RETURN),                                                       \
        /* 10..1f */                                                        \
        H(OP_RETURN_WIDE),                                                  \
        H(OP_RETURN_OBJECT),                                                \
        H(OP_CONST_4),                                                      \
        H(OP_CONST_16),                                                     \
        H(OP_CONST),                                                        \
        H(OP_CONST_HIGH16),                                                 \
        H(OP_CONST_WIDE_16),                                                \
        H(OP_CONST_WIDE_32),                                                \
        H(OP_CONST_WIDE),                                                   \
        H(OP_CONST_WIDE_HIGH16),                                            \
        H(OP_CONST_STRING),                                                 \
        H(OP_CONST_STRING_JUMBO),                                           \
        H(OP_CONST_CLASS),                                                  \
        H(OP_MONITOR_ENTER),                                                \
        H(OP_MONITOR_EXIT),                                                 \
        H(OP_CHECK_CAST),                                                   \
        /* 20..2f */                                                        \
        H(OP_INSTANCE_OF),                                                  \
        H(OP_ARRAY_LENGTH),                                                 \
        H(OP_NEW_INSTANCE),                                                 \
        H(OP_NEW_ARRAY),                                                    \
        H(OP_FILLED_NEW_ARRAY),                                             \
        H(OP_FILLED_NEW_ARRAY_RANGE),                                       \
        H(OP_FILL_ARRAY_DATA),                                              \
        H(OP_THROW),                                                        \
        H(OP_GOTO),                                                         \
        H(OP_GOTO_16),                                                      \
        H(OP_GOTO_32),                                                      \
        H(OP_PACKED_SWITCH),                                                \
        H(OP_SPARSE_SWITCH),                                                \
        H(OP_CMPL_FLOAT),                                                   \
        H(OP_CMPG_FLOAT),                                                   \
        H(OP_CMPL_DOUBLE),                                                  \
        /* 30..3f */                                                        \
        H(OP_CMPG_DOUBLE),                                                  \
        H(OP_CMP_LONG),                                                     \
        H(OP_IF_EQ),                                                        \
        H(OP_IF_NE),                                                        \
        H(OP_IF_LT),                                                        \
        H(OP_IF_GE),                                                        \
        H(OP_IF_GT),                                                        \
        H(OP_IF_LE),                                                        \
        H(OP_IF_EQZ),                                                       \
        H(OP_IF_NEZ),                                                       \
        H(OP_IF_LTZ),                                                       \
        H(OP_IF_GEZ),                                                       \
        H(OP_IF_GTZ),                                                       \
        H(OP_IF_LEZ),                                                       \
        H(OP_UNUSED_3E),                                                    \
        H(OP_UNUSED_3F),                                                    \
        /* 40..4f */                                                        \
        H(OP_UNUSED_40),                                                    \
        H(OP_UNUSED_41),                                                    \
        H(OP_UNUSED_42),                                                    \
        H(OP_UNUSED_43),                                                    \
        H(OP_AGET),                                                         \
        H(OP_AGET_WIDE),                                                    \
        H(OP_AGET_OBJECT),                                                  \
        H(OP_AGET_BOOLEAN),                                                 \
        H(OP_AGET_BYTE),                                                    \
        H(OP_AGET_CHAR),                                                    \
        H(OP_AGET_SHORT),                                                   \
        H(OP_APUT),                                                         \
        H(OP_APUT_WIDE),                                                    \
        H(OP_APUT_OBJECT),                                                  \
        H(OP_APUT_BOOLEAN),                                                 \
        H(OP_APUT_BYTE),                                                    \
        /* 50..5f */                                                        \
        H(OP_APUT_CHAR),                                                    \
        H(OP_APUT_SHORT),                                                   \
        H(OP_IGET),                                                         \
        H(OP_IGET_WIDE),                                                    \
        H(OP_IGET_OBJECT),                                                  \
        H(OP_IGET_BOOLEAN),                                                 \
        H(OP_IGET_BYTE),                                                    \
        H(OP_IGET_CHAR),                                                    \
        H(OP_IGET_SHORT),                                                   \
        H(OP_IPUT),                                                         \
        H(OP_IPUT_WIDE),                                                    \
        H(OP_IPUT_OBJECT),                                                  \
        H(OP_IPUT_BOOLEAN),                                                 \
        H(OP_IPUT_BYTE),                                                    \
        H(OP_IPUT_CHAR),                                                    \
        H(OP_IPUT_SHORT),                                                   \
        /* 60..6f */                                                        \
        H(OP_SGET),                                                         \
        H(OP_SGET_WIDE),                                                    \
        H(OP_SGET_OBJECT),                                                  \
        H(OP_SGET_BOOLEAN),                                                 \
        H(OP_SGET_BYTE),                                                    \
        H(OP_SGET_CHAR),                                                    \
        H(OP_SGET_SHORT),                                                   \
        H(OP_SPUT),                                                         \
        H(OP_SPUT_WIDE),                                                    \
        H(OP_SPUT_OBJECT),                                                  \
        H(OP_SPUT_BOOLEAN),                                                 \
        H(OP_SPUT_BYTE),                                                    \
        H(OP_SPUT_CHAR),                                                    \
        H(OP_SPUT_SHORT),                                                   \
        H(OP_INVOKE_VIRTUAL),                                               \
        H(OP_INVOKE_SUPER),                                                 \
        /* 70..7f */                                                        \
        H(OP_INVOKE_DIRECT),                                                \
        H(OP_INVOKE_STATIC),                                                \
        H(OP_INVOKE_INTERFACE),                                             \
        H(OP_UNUSED_73),                                                    \
        H(OP_INVOKE_VIRTUAL_RANGE),                                         \
        H(OP_INVOKE_SUPER_RANGE),                                           \
        H(OP_INVOKE_DIRECT_RANGE),                                          \
        H(OP_INVOKE_STATIC_RANGE),                                          \
        H(OP_INVOKE_INTERFACE_RANGE),                                       \
        H(OP_UNUSED_79),                                                    \
        H(OP_UNUSED_7A),                                                    \
        H(OP_NEG_INT),                                                      \
        H(OP_NOT_INT),                                                      \
        H(OP_NEG_LONG),                                                     \
        H(OP_NOT_LONG),                                                     \
        H(OP_NEG_FLOAT),                                                    \
        /* 80..8f */                                                        \
        H(OP_NEG_DOUBLE),                                                   \
        H(OP_INT_TO_LONG),                                                  \
        H(OP_INT_TO_FLOAT),                                                 \
        H(OP_INT_TO_DOUBLE),                                                \
        H(OP_LONG_TO_INT),                                                  \
        H(OP_LONG_TO_FLOAT),                                                \
        H(OP_LONG_TO_DOUBLE),                                               \
        H(OP_FLOAT_TO_INT),                                                 \
        H(OP_FLOAT_TO_LONG),                                                \
        H(OP_FLOAT_TO_DOUBLE),                                              \
        H(OP_DOUBLE_TO_INT),                                                \
        H(OP_DOUBLE_TO_LONG),                                               \
        H(OP_DOUBLE_TO_FLOAT),                                              \
        H(OP_INT_TO_BYTE),                                                  \
        H(OP_INT_TO_CHAR),                                                  \
        H(OP_INT_TO_SHORT),                                                 \
        /* 90..9f */                                                        \
        H(OP_ADD_INT),                                                      \
        H(OP_SUB_INT),                                                      \
        H(OP_MUL_INT),                                                      \
        H(OP_DIV_INT),                                                      \
        H(OP_REM_INT),                                                      \
        H(OP_AND_INT),                                                      \
        H(OP_OR_INT),                                                       \
        H(OP_XOR_INT),                                                      \
        H(OP_SHL_INT),                                                      \
        H(OP_SHR_INT),                                                      \
        H(OP_USHR_INT),                                                     \
        H(OP_ADD_LONG),                                                     \
        H(OP_SUB_LONG),                                                     \
        H(OP_MUL_LONG),                                                     \
        H(OP_DIV_LONG),                                                     \
        H(OP_REM_LONG),                                                     \
        /* a0..af */                                                        \
        H(OP_AND_LONG),                                                     \
        H(OP_OR_LONG),                                                      \
        H(OP_XOR_LONG),                                                     \
        H(OP_SHL_LONG),                                                     \
        H(OP_SHR_LONG),                                                     \
        H(OP_USHR_LONG),                                                    \
        H(OP_ADD_FLOAT),                                                    \
        H(OP_SUB_FLOAT),                                                    \
        H(OP_MUL_FLOAT),                                                    \
        H(OP_DIV_FLOAT),                                                    \
        H(OP_REM_FLOAT),                                                    \
        H(OP_ADD_DOUBLE),                                                   \
        H(OP_SUB_DOUBLE),                                                   \
        H(OP_MUL_DOUBLE),                                                   \
        H(OP_DIV_DOUBLE),                                                   \
        H(OP_REM_DOUBLE),                                                   \
        /* b0..bf */                                                        \
        H(OP_ADD_INT_2ADDR),                                                \
        H(OP_SUB_INT_2ADDR),                                                \
        H(OP_MUL_INT_2ADDR),                                                \
        H(OP_DIV_INT_2ADDR),                                                \
        H(OP_REM_INT_2ADDR),                                                \
        H(OP_AND_INT_2ADDR),                                                \
        H(OP_OR_INT_2ADDR),                                                 \
        H(OP_XOR_INT_2ADDR),                                                \
        H(OP_SHL_INT_2ADDR),                                                \
        H(OP_SHR_INT_2ADDR),                                                \
        H(OP_USHR_INT_2ADDR),                                               \
        H(OP_ADD_LONG_2ADDR),                                               \
        H(OP_SUB_LONG_2ADDR),                                               \
        H(OP_MUL_LONG_2ADDR),                                               \
        H(OP_DIV_LONG_2ADDR),                                               \
        H(OP_REM_LONG_2ADDR),                                               \
        /* c0..cf */                                                        \
        H(OP_AND_LONG_2ADDR),                                               \
        H(OP_OR_LONG_2ADDR),                                                \
        H(OP_XOR_LONG_2ADDR),                                               \
        H(OP_SHL_LONG_2ADDR),                                               \
        H(OP_SHR_LONG_2ADDR),                                               \
        H(OP_USHR_LONG_2ADDR),                                              \
        H(OP_ADD_FLOAT_2ADDR),                                              \
        H(OP_SUB_FLOAT_2ADDR),                                              \
        H(OP_MUL_FLOAT_2ADDR),                                              \
        H(OP_DIV_FLOAT_2ADDR),                                              \
        H(OP_REM_FLOAT_2ADDR),                                              \
        H(OP_ADD_DOUBLE_2ADDR),                                             \
        H(OP_SUB_DOUBLE_2ADDR),                                             \
        H(OP_MUL_DOUBLE_2ADDR),                                             \
        H(OP_DIV_DOUBLE_2ADDR),                                             \
        H(OP_REM_DOUBLE_2ADDR),                                             \
        /* d0..df */                                                        \
        H(OP_ADD_INT_LIT16),                                                \
        H(OP_RSUB_INT),                                                     \
        H(OP_MUL_INT_LIT16),                                                \
        H(OP_DIV_INT_LIT16),                                                \
        H(OP_REM_INT_LIT16),                                                \
        H(OP_AND_INT_LIT16),                                                \
        H(OP_OR_INT_LIT16),                                                 \
        H(OP_XOR_INT_LIT16),                                                \
        H(OP_ADD_INT_LIT8),                                                 \
        H(OP_RSUB_INT_LIT8),                                                \
        H(OP_MUL_INT_LIT8),                                                 \
        H(OP_DIV_INT_LIT8),                                                 \
        H(OP_REM_INT_LIT8),                                                 \
        H(OP_AND_INT_LIT8),                                                 \
        H(OP_OR_INT_LIT8),                                                  \
        H(OP_XOR_INT_LIT8),                                                 \
        /* e0..ef */                                                        \
        H(OP_SHL_INT_LIT8),                                                 \
        H(OP_SHR_INT_LIT8),                                                 \
        H(OP_USHR_INT_LIT8),                                                \
        H(OP_UNUSED_E3),                                                    \
        H(OP_UNUSED_E4),                                                    \
        H(OP_UNUSED_E5),                                                    \
        H(OP_UNUSED_E6),                                                    \
        H(OP_UNUSED_E7),                                                    \
        H(OP_UNUSED_E8),                                                    \
        H(OP_UNUSED_E9),                                                    \
        H(OP_UNUSED_EA),                                                    \
        H(OP_UNUSED_EB),                                                    \
        H(OP_BREAKPOINT),                                                   \
        H(OP_THROW_VERIFICATION_ERROR),                                     \
        H(OP_EXECUTE_INLINE),                                               \
        H(OP_EXECUTE_INLINE_RANGE),                                         \
        /* f0..ff */                                                        \
        H(OP_INVOKE_DIRECT_EMPTY),                                          \
        H(OP_UNUSED_F1),                                                    \
        H(OP_IGET_QUICK),                                                   \
        H(OP_IGET_WIDE_QUICK),                                              \
        H(OP_IGET_OBJECT_QUICK),                                            \
        H(OP_IPUT_QUICK),                                                   \
        H(OP_IPUT_WIDE_QUICK),                                              \
        H(OP_IPUT_OBJECT_QUICK),                                            \
        H(OP_INVOKE_VIRTUAL_QUICK),                                         \
        H(OP_INVOKE_VIRTUAL_QUICK_RANGE),                                   \
        H(OP_INVOKE_SUPER_QUICK),                                           \
        H(OP_INVOKE_SUPER_QUICK_RANGE),                                     \
        H(OP_UNUSED_FC),                                                    \
        H(OP_UNUSED_FD),                                                    \
        H(OP_UNUSED_FE),                                                    \
        H(OP_UNUSED_FF),                                                    \

#endif /*_LIBDEX_OPCODE*/