* Copyright (C) 2007-2009, International Business Machines
* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
* file name: udatpg.h
* encoding: US-ASCII
* tab size: 8 (not used)
* indentation:4
* created on: 2007jul30
* created by: Markus W. Scherer
#ifndef __UDATPG_H__
#define __UDATPG_H__
#include "unicode/utypes.h"
#include "unicode/uenum.h"
* \file
* \brief C API: Wrapper for DateTimePatternGenerator (unicode/dtptngen.h).
* UDateTimePatternGenerator provides flexible generation of date format patterns,
* like "yy-MM-dd". The user can build up the generator by adding successive
* patterns. Once that is done, a query can be made using a "skeleton", which is
* a pattern which just includes the desired fields and lengths. The generator
* will return the "best fit" pattern corresponding to that skeleton.
* <p>The main method people will use is udatpg_getBestPattern, since normally
* UDateTimePatternGenerator is pre-built with data from a particular locale.
* However, generators can be built directly from other data as well.
* <p><i>Issue: may be useful to also have a function that returns the list of
* fields in a pattern, in order, since we have that internally.
* That would be useful for getting the UI order of field elements.</i>
* Opaque type for a date/time pattern generator object.
* @stable ICU 3.8
typedef void *UDateTimePatternGenerator;
* Field number constants for udatpg_getAppendItemFormats() and similar functions.
* These constants are separate from UDateFormatField despite semantic overlap
* because some fields are merged for the date/time pattern generator.
* @stable ICU 3.8
typedef enum UDateTimePatternField {
/** @stable ICU 3.8 */
/** @stable ICU 3.8 */
/** @stable ICU 3.8 */
/** @stable ICU 3.8 */
/** @stable ICU 3.8 */
/** @stable ICU 3.8 */
/** @stable ICU 3.8 */
/** @stable ICU 3.8 */
/** @stable ICU 3.8 */
/** @stable ICU 3.8 */
/** @stable ICU 3.8 */
/** @stable ICU 3.8 */
/** @stable ICU 3.8 */
/** @stable ICU 3.8 */
/** @stable ICU 3.8 */
/** @stable ICU 3.8 */
/** @stable ICU 3.8 */
} UDateTimePatternField;
* Status return values from udatpg_addPattern().
* @stable ICU 3.8
typedef enum UDateTimePatternConflict {
/** @stable ICU 3.8 */
/** @stable ICU 3.8 */
/** @stable ICU 3.8 */
/** @stable ICU 3.8 */
} UDateTimePatternConflict;
* Open a generator according to a given locale.
* @param locale
* @param pErrorCode a pointer to the UErrorCode which must not indicate a
* failure before the function call.
* @return a pointer to UDateTimePatternGenerator.
* @stable ICU 3.8
U_DRAFT UDateTimePatternGenerator * U_EXPORT2
udatpg_open(const char *locale, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
* Open an empty generator, to be constructed with udatpg_addPattern(...) etc.
* @param pErrorCode a pointer to the UErrorCode which must not indicate a
* failure before the function call.
* @return a pointer to UDateTimePatternGenerator.
* @stable ICU 3.8
U_DRAFT UDateTimePatternGenerator * U_EXPORT2
udatpg_openEmpty(UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
* Close a generator.
* @param dtpg a pointer to UDateTimePatternGenerator.
* @stable ICU 3.8
udatpg_close(UDateTimePatternGenerator *dtpg);
* Create a copy pf a generator.
* @param dtpg a pointer to UDateTimePatternGenerator to be copied.
* @param pErrorCode a pointer to the UErrorCode which must not indicate a
* failure before the function call.
* @return a pointer to a new UDateTimePatternGenerator.
* @stable ICU 3.8
U_DRAFT UDateTimePatternGenerator * U_EXPORT2
udatpg_clone(const UDateTimePatternGenerator *dtpg, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
* Get the best pattern matching the input skeleton. It is guaranteed to
* have all of the fields in the skeleton.
* Note that this function uses a non-const UDateTimePatternGenerator:
* It uses a stateful pattern parser which is set up for each generator object,
* rather than creating one for each function call.
* Consecutive calls to this function do not affect each other,
* but this function cannot be used concurrently on a single generator object.
* @param dtpg a pointer to UDateTimePatternGenerator.
* @param skeleton
* The skeleton is a pattern containing only the variable fields.
* For example, "MMMdd" and "mmhh" are skeletons.
* @param length the length of skeleton
* @param bestPattern
* The best pattern found from the given skeleton.
* @param capacity the capacity of bestPattern.
* @param pErrorCode a pointer to the UErrorCode which must not indicate a
* failure before the function call.
* @return the length of bestPattern.
* @stable ICU 3.8
udatpg_getBestPattern(UDateTimePatternGenerator *dtpg,
const UChar *skeleton, int32_t length,
UChar *bestPattern, int32_t capacity,
UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
* Get a unique skeleton from a given pattern. For example,
* both "MMM-dd" and "dd/MMM" produce the skeleton "MMMdd".
* Note that this function uses a non-const UDateTimePatternGenerator:
* It uses a stateful pattern parser which is set up for each generator object,
* rather than creating one for each function call.
* Consecutive calls to this function do not affect each other,
* but this function cannot be used concurrently on a single generator object.
* @param dtpg a pointer to UDateTimePatternGenerator.
* @param pattern input pattern, such as "dd/MMM".
* @param length the length of pattern.
* @param skeleton such as "MMMdd"
* @param capacity the capacity of skeleton.
* @param pErrorCode a pointer to the UErrorCode which must not indicate a
* failure before the function call.
* @return the length of skeleton.
* @stable ICU 3.8
udatpg_getSkeleton(UDateTimePatternGenerator *dtpg,
const UChar *pattern, int32_t length,
UChar *skeleton, int32_t capacity,
UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
* Get a unique base skeleton from a given pattern. This is the same
* as the skeleton, except that differences in length are minimized so
* as to only preserve the difference between string and numeric form. So
* for example, both "MMM-dd" and "d/MMM" produce the skeleton "MMMd"
* (notice the single d).
* Note that this function uses a non-const UDateTimePatternGenerator:
* It uses a stateful pattern parser which is set up for each generator object,
* rather than creating one for each function call.
* Consecutive calls to this function do not affect each other,
* but this function cannot be used concurrently on a single generator object.
* @param dtpg a pointer to UDateTimePatternGenerator.
* @param pattern input pattern, such as "dd/MMM".
* @param length the length of pattern.
* @param baseSkeleton such as "Md"
* @param capacity the capacity of base skeleton.
* @param pErrorCode a pointer to the UErrorCode which must not indicate a
* failure before the function call.
* @return the length of baseSkeleton.
* @stable ICU 3.8
udatpg_getBaseSkeleton(UDateTimePatternGenerator *dtpg,
const UChar *pattern, int32_t length,
UChar *baseSkeleton, int32_t capacity,
UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
* Adds a pattern to the generator. If the pattern has the same skeleton as
* an existing pattern, and the override parameter is set, then the previous
* value is overriden. Otherwise, the previous value is retained. In either
* case, the conflicting status is set and previous vale is stored in
* conflicting pattern.
* <p>
* Note that single-field patterns (like "MMM") are automatically added, and
* don't need to be added explicitly!
* @param dtpg a pointer to UDateTimePatternGenerator.
* @param pattern input pattern, such as "dd/MMM"
* @param patternLength the length of pattern.
* @param override When existing values are to be overridden use true,
* otherwise use false.
* @param conflictingPattern Previous pattern with the same skeleton.
* @param capacity the capacity of conflictingPattern.
* @param pLength a pointer to the length of conflictingPattern.
* @param pErrorCode a pointer to the UErrorCode which must not indicate a
* failure before the function call.
* @return conflicting status. The value could be UDATPG_NO_CONFLICT,
* @stable ICU 3.8
U_DRAFT UDateTimePatternConflict U_EXPORT2
udatpg_addPattern(UDateTimePatternGenerator *dtpg,
const UChar *pattern, int32_t patternLength,
UBool override,
UChar *conflictingPattern, int32_t capacity, int32_t *pLength,
UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
* An AppendItem format is a pattern used to append a field if there is no
* good match. For example, suppose that the input skeleton is "GyyyyMMMd",
* and there is no matching pattern internally, but there is a pattern
* matching "yyyyMMMd", say "d-MM-yyyy". Then that pattern is used, plus the
* G. The way these two are conjoined is by using the AppendItemFormat for G
* (era). So if that value is, say "{0}, {1}" then the final resulting
* pattern is "d-MM-yyyy, G".
* <p>
* There are actually three available variables: {0} is the pattern so far,
* {1} is the element we are adding, and {2} is the name of the element.
* <p>
* This reflects the way that the CLDR data is organized.
* @param dtpg a pointer to UDateTimePatternGenerator.
* @param field UDateTimePatternField, such as UDATPG_ERA_FIELD
* @param value pattern, such as "{0}, {1}"
* @param length the length of value.
* @stable ICU 3.8
udatpg_setAppendItemFormat(UDateTimePatternGenerator *dtpg,
UDateTimePatternField field,
const UChar *value, int32_t length);
* Getter corresponding to setAppendItemFormat. Values below 0 or at or
* above UDATPG_FIELD_COUNT are illegal arguments.
* @param dtpg A pointer to UDateTimePatternGenerator.
* @param field UDateTimePatternField, such as UDATPG_ERA_FIELD
* @param pLength A pointer that will receive the length of appendItemFormat.
* @return appendItemFormat for field.
* @stable ICU 3.8
U_DRAFT const UChar * U_EXPORT2
udatpg_getAppendItemFormat(const UDateTimePatternGenerator *dtpg,
UDateTimePatternField field,
int32_t *pLength);
* Set the name of field, eg "era" in English for ERA. These are only
* used if the corresponding AppendItemFormat is used, and if it contains a
* {2} variable.
* <p>
* This reflects the way that the CLDR data is organized.
* @param dtpg a pointer to UDateTimePatternGenerator.
* @param field UDateTimePatternField
* @param value name for the field.
* @param length the length of value.
* @stable ICU 3.8
udatpg_setAppendItemName(UDateTimePatternGenerator *dtpg,
UDateTimePatternField field,
const UChar *value, int32_t length);
* Getter corresponding to setAppendItemNames. Values below 0 or at or above
* UDATPG_FIELD_COUNT are illegal arguments.
* @param dtpg a pointer to UDateTimePatternGenerator.
* @param field UDateTimePatternField, such as UDATPG_ERA_FIELD
* @param pLength A pointer that will receive the length of the name for field.
* @return name for field
* @stable ICU 3.8
U_DRAFT const UChar * U_EXPORT2
udatpg_getAppendItemName(const UDateTimePatternGenerator *dtpg,
UDateTimePatternField field,
int32_t *pLength);
* The date time format is a message format pattern used to compose date and
* time patterns. The default value is "{0} {1}", where {0} will be replaced
* by the date pattern and {1} will be replaced by the time pattern.
* <p>
* This is used when the input skeleton contains both date and time fields,
* but there is not a close match among the added patterns. For example,
* suppose that this object was created by adding "dd-MMM" and "hh:mm", and
* its datetimeFormat is the default "{0} {1}". Then if the input skeleton
* is "MMMdhmm", there is not an exact match, so the input skeleton is
* broken up into two components "MMMd" and "hmm". There are close matches
* for those two skeletons, so the result is put together with this pattern,
* resulting in "d-MMM h:mm".
* @param dtpg a pointer to UDateTimePatternGenerator.
* @param dtFormat
* message format pattern, here {0} will be replaced by the date
* pattern and {1} will be replaced by the time pattern.
* @param length the length of dtFormat.
* @stable ICU 3.8
udatpg_setDateTimeFormat(const UDateTimePatternGenerator *dtpg,
const UChar *dtFormat, int32_t length);
* Getter corresponding to setDateTimeFormat.
* @param dtpg a pointer to UDateTimePatternGenerator.
* @param pLength A pointer that will receive the length of the format
* @return dateTimeFormat.
* @stable ICU 3.8
U_DRAFT const UChar * U_EXPORT2
udatpg_getDateTimeFormat(const UDateTimePatternGenerator *dtpg,
int32_t *pLength);
* The decimal value is used in formatting fractions of seconds. If the
* skeleton contains fractional seconds, then this is used with the
* fractional seconds. For example, suppose that the input pattern is
* "hhmmssSSSS", and the best matching pattern internally is "H:mm:ss", and
* the decimal string is ",". Then the resulting pattern is modified to be
* "H:mm:ss,SSSS"
* @param dtpg a pointer to UDateTimePatternGenerator.
* @param decimal
* @param length the length of decimal.
* @stable ICU 3.8
udatpg_setDecimal(UDateTimePatternGenerator *dtpg,
const UChar *decimal, int32_t length);
* Getter corresponding to setDecimal.
* @param dtpg a pointer to UDateTimePatternGenerator.
* @param pLength A pointer that will receive the length of the decimal string.
* @return corresponding to the decimal point.
* @stable ICU 3.8
U_DRAFT const UChar * U_EXPORT2
udatpg_getDecimal(const UDateTimePatternGenerator *dtpg,
int32_t *pLength);
* Adjusts the field types (width and subtype) of a pattern to match what is
* in a skeleton. That is, if you supply a pattern like "d-M H:m", and a
* skeleton of "MMMMddhhmm", then the input pattern is adjusted to be
* "dd-MMMM hh:mm". This is used internally to get the best match for the
* input skeleton, but can also be used externally.
* Note that this function uses a non-const UDateTimePatternGenerator:
* It uses a stateful pattern parser which is set up for each generator object,
* rather than creating one for each function call.
* Consecutive calls to this function do not affect each other,
* but this function cannot be used concurrently on a single generator object.
* @param dtpg a pointer to UDateTimePatternGenerator.
* @param pattern Input pattern
* @param patternLength the length of input pattern.
* @param skeleton
* @param skeletonLength the length of input skeleton.
* @param dest pattern adjusted to match the skeleton fields widths and subtypes.
* @param destCapacity the capacity of dest.
* @param pErrorCode a pointer to the UErrorCode which must not indicate a
* failure before the function call.
* @return the length of dest.
* @stable ICU 3.8
udatpg_replaceFieldTypes(UDateTimePatternGenerator *dtpg,
const UChar *pattern, int32_t patternLength,
const UChar *skeleton, int32_t skeletonLength,
UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
* Return a UEnumeration list of all the skeletons in canonical form.
* Call udatpg_getPatternForSkeleton() to get the corresponding pattern.
* @param dtpg a pointer to UDateTimePatternGenerator.
* @param pErrorCode a pointer to the UErrorCode which must not indicate a
* failure before the function call
* @return a UEnumeration list of all the skeletons
* The caller must close the object.
* @stable ICU 3.8
U_DRAFT UEnumeration * U_EXPORT2
udatpg_openSkeletons(const UDateTimePatternGenerator *dtpg, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
* Return a UEnumeration list of all the base skeletons in canonical form.
* @param dtpg a pointer to UDateTimePatternGenerator.
* @param pErrorCode a pointer to the UErrorCode which must not indicate a
* failure before the function call.
* @return a UEnumeration list of all the base skeletons
* The caller must close the object.
* @stable ICU 3.8
U_DRAFT UEnumeration * U_EXPORT2
udatpg_openBaseSkeletons(const UDateTimePatternGenerator *dtpg, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
* Get the pattern corresponding to a given skeleton.
* @param dtpg a pointer to UDateTimePatternGenerator.
* @param skeleton
* @param skeletonLength pointer to the length of skeleton.
* @param pLength pointer to the length of return pattern.
* @return pattern corresponding to a given skeleton.
* @stable ICU 3.8
U_DRAFT const UChar * U_EXPORT2
udatpg_getPatternForSkeleton(const UDateTimePatternGenerator *dtpg,
const UChar *skeleton, int32_t skeletonLength,
int32_t *pLength);