.TH cs_register_strfunc 3 "12 July 2007" "ClearSilver" "cs/cs.h"

.de Ss
.ft CW
.de Se
.ft P
cs_register_strfunc  - register a string handling function
#include <cs/cs.h>
NEOERR *cs_register_strfunc(CSPARSE *parse, char *funcname, CSSTRFUNC str_func);


parse - a pointer to a CSPARSE structure initialized with cs_init()
funcname - the name for the CS function call
Note that registering a duplicate funcname will
raise a NERR_DUPLICATE error
str_func - a CSSTRFUNC not-callback

cs_register_strfunc will register a string function that
can be called during CS render.  This not-callback is 
designed to allow for string formating/escaping
functions that are not built-in to CS (since CS is not
HTML specific, for instance, but it is very useful to
have CS have functions for javascript/html/url
escaping).  Note that we explicitly don't provide any
associated data or anything to attempt to keep you from
using this as a generic callback...
The format of a CSSTRFUNC is:
NEOERR * str_func(char *in, char **out);
This function should not modify the input string, and 
should allocate the output string with a libc function.
(as we will call free on it)

.BR cs_dump "(3), "cs_destroy "(3), "cs_render "(3), "cs_register_esc_strfunc "(3), "cs_arg_parsev "(3), "cs_register_fileload "(3), "cs_init "(3), "cs_register_strfunc "(3), "cs_arg_parse "(3), "cs_parse_string "(3), "cs_parse_file "(3), "= "(3), "cs_register_function