/* Shared library add-on to iptables to add ULOG support. * * (C) 2000 by Harald Welte <laforge@gnumonks.org> * * multipart netlink support based on ideas by Sebastian Zander * <zander@fokus.gmd.de> * * This software is released under the terms of GNU GPL * * libipt_ULOG.c,v 1.7 2001/01/30 11:55:02 laforge Exp */ #include <stdio.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <syslog.h> #include <getopt.h> #include <iptables.h> #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_tables.h> /* For 64bit kernel / 32bit userspace */ #include "../include/linux/netfilter_ipv4/ipt_ULOG.h" void print_groups(unsigned int gmask) { int b; unsigned int test; for (b = 31; b >= 0; b--) { test = (1 << b); if (gmask & test) printf("%d ", b + 1); } } /* Function which prints out usage message. */ static void help(void) { printf("ULOG v%s options:\n" " --ulog-nlgroup nlgroup NETLINK group used for logging\n" " --ulog-cprange size Bytes of each packet to be passed\n" " --ulog-qthreshold Threshold of in-kernel queue\n" " --ulog-prefix prefix Prefix log messages with this prefix.\n\n", IPTABLES_VERSION); } static struct option opts[] = { {"ulog-nlgroup", 1, 0, '!'}, {"ulog-prefix", 1, 0, '#'}, {"ulog-cprange", 1, 0, 'A'}, {"ulog-qthreshold", 1, 0, 'B'}, {0} }; /* Initialize the target. */ static void init(struct ipt_entry_target *t, unsigned int *nfcache) { struct ipt_ulog_info *loginfo = (struct ipt_ulog_info *) t->data; loginfo->nl_group = ULOG_DEFAULT_NLGROUP; loginfo->qthreshold = ULOG_DEFAULT_QTHRESHOLD; } #define IPT_LOG_OPT_NLGROUP 0x01 #define IPT_LOG_OPT_PREFIX 0x02 #define IPT_LOG_OPT_CPRANGE 0x04 #define IPT_LOG_OPT_QTHRESHOLD 0x08 /* Function which parses command options; returns true if it ate an option */ static int parse(int c, char **argv, int invert, unsigned int *flags, const struct ipt_entry *entry, struct ipt_entry_target **target) { struct ipt_ulog_info *loginfo = (struct ipt_ulog_info *) (*target)->data; int group_d; switch (c) { case '!': if (*flags & IPT_LOG_OPT_NLGROUP) exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "Can't specify --ulog-nlgroup twice"); if (check_inverse(optarg, &invert, NULL, 0)) exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "Unexpected `!' after --ulog-nlgroup"); group_d = atoi(optarg); if (group_d > 32 || group_d < 1) exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "--ulog-nlgroup has to be between 1 and 32"); loginfo->nl_group = (1 << (group_d - 1)); *flags |= IPT_LOG_OPT_NLGROUP; break; case '#': if (*flags & IPT_LOG_OPT_PREFIX) exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "Can't specify --ulog-prefix twice"); if (check_inverse(optarg, &invert, NULL, 0)) exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "Unexpected `!' after --ulog-prefix"); if (strlen(optarg) > sizeof(loginfo->prefix) - 1) exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "Maximum prefix length %u for --ulog-prefix", (unsigned int)sizeof(loginfo->prefix) - 1); if (strlen(optarg) == 0) exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "No prefix specified for --ulog-prefix"); if (strlen(optarg) != strlen(strtok(optarg, "\n"))) exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "Newlines not allowed in --ulog-prefix"); strcpy(loginfo->prefix, optarg); *flags |= IPT_LOG_OPT_PREFIX; break; case 'A': if (*flags & IPT_LOG_OPT_CPRANGE) exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "Can't specify --ulog-cprange twice"); if (atoi(optarg) < 0) exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "Negative copy range?"); #ifdef KERNEL_64_USERSPACE_32 loginfo->copy_range = (unsigned long long)atoll(optarg); #else loginfo->copy_range = atoi(optarg); #endif *flags |= IPT_LOG_OPT_CPRANGE; break; case 'B': if (*flags & IPT_LOG_OPT_QTHRESHOLD) exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "Can't specify --ulog-qthreshold twice"); if (atoi(optarg) < 1) exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "Negative or zero queue threshold ?"); if (atoi(optarg) > ULOG_MAX_QLEN) exit_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "Maximum queue length exceeded"); #ifdef KERNEL_64_USERSPACE_32 loginfo->qthreshold = (unsigned long long)atoll(optarg); #else loginfo->qthreshold = atoi(optarg); #endif *flags |= IPT_LOG_OPT_QTHRESHOLD; break; default: return 0; } return 1; } /* Final check; nothing. */ static void final_check(unsigned int flags) { } /* Saves the union ipt_targinfo in parsable form to stdout. */ static void save(const struct ipt_ip *ip, const struct ipt_entry_target *target) { const struct ipt_ulog_info *loginfo = (const struct ipt_ulog_info *) target->data; if (strcmp(loginfo->prefix, "") != 0) printf("--ulog-prefix \"%s\" ", loginfo->prefix); if (loginfo->nl_group != ULOG_DEFAULT_NLGROUP) { printf("--ulog-nlgroup "); print_groups(loginfo->nl_group); } #ifdef KERNEL_64_USERSPACE_32 if (loginfo->copy_range) printf("--ulog-cprange %llu ", loginfo->copy_range); if (loginfo->qthreshold != ULOG_DEFAULT_QTHRESHOLD) printf("--ulog-qthreshold %llu ", loginfo->qthreshold); #else if (loginfo->copy_range) printf("--ulog-cprange %u ", (unsigned int)loginfo->copy_range); if (loginfo->qthreshold != ULOG_DEFAULT_QTHRESHOLD) printf("--ulog-qthreshold %u ", (unsigned int)loginfo->qthreshold); #endif } /* Prints out the targinfo. */ static void print(const struct ipt_ip *ip, const struct ipt_entry_target *target, int numeric) { const struct ipt_ulog_info *loginfo = (const struct ipt_ulog_info *) target->data; printf("ULOG "); #ifdef KERNEL_64_USERSPACE_32 printf("copy_range %llu nlgroup ", loginfo->copy_range); #else printf("copy_range %u nlgroup ", (unsigned int)loginfo->copy_range); #endif print_groups(loginfo->nl_group); if (strcmp(loginfo->prefix, "") != 0) printf("prefix `%s' ", loginfo->prefix); #ifdef KERNEL_64_USERSPACE_32 printf("queue_threshold %llu ", loginfo->qthreshold); #else printf("queue_threshold %u ", (unsigned int)loginfo->qthreshold); #endif } static struct iptables_target ulog = { .next = NULL, .name = "ULOG", .version = IPTABLES_VERSION, .size = IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_ulog_info)), .userspacesize = IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_ulog_info)), .help = &help, .init = &init, .parse = &parse, .final_check = &final_check, .print = &print, .save = &save, .extra_opts = opts }; void ipt_ULOG_init(void) { register_target(&ulog); }