 * Copyright (C) 2010 NXP Semiconductors
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

 * \file  phFriNfc_LlcpUtils.h
 * \brief NFC LLCP utils
 * Project: NFC-FRI


/*include files*/
#include <phNfcHalTypes.h>
#include <phNfcTypes.h>
#include <phNfcStatus.h>
#include <phFriNfc.h>
#include <phFriNfc_Llcp.h>

 * \name NFC Forum Logical Link Control Protocol Utils
 * File: \ref phFriNfc_LlcpUtils.h

 * UTIL_FIFO_BUFFER - A Cyclic FIFO buffer
 * If pIn == pOut the buffer is empty.
typedef struct UTIL_FIFO_BUFFER
   uint8_t          *pBuffStart;    /* Points to first valid location in buffer */
   uint8_t          *pBuffEnd;      /* Points to last valid location in buffer */
   volatile uint8_t *pIn;           /* Points to 1 before where the next TU1 will enter buffer */
   volatile uint8_t *pOut;          /* Points to 1 before where the next TU1 will leave buffer */
   volatile bool_t  bFull;         /* TRUE if buffer is full */

/** \defgroup grp_fri_nfc_llcp NFC Forum Logical Link Control Protocol Component
 *  TODO

NFCSTATUS phFriNfc_Llcp_DecodeTLV( phNfc_sData_t  *psRawData,
                                   uint32_t       *pOffset,
                                   uint8_t        *pType,
                                   phNfc_sData_t  *psValueBuffer );

NFCSTATUS phFriNfc_Llcp_EncodeTLV( phNfc_sData_t  *psValueBuffer,
                                   uint32_t       *pOffset,
                                   uint8_t        type,
                                   uint8_t        length,
                                   uint8_t        *pValue);

void phFriNfc_Llcp_EncodeMIUX(uint16_t pMiux,
                              uint8_t* pMiuxEncoded);

void phFriNfc_Llcp_EncodeRW(uint8_t *pRw);

 * Initializes a Fifo Cyclic Buffer to point to some allocated memory.
void phFriNfc_Llcp_CyclicFifoInit(P_UTIL_FIFO_BUFFER     sUtilFifo,
                                  const uint8_t        *pBuffStart,
                                  uint32_t             buffLength);

 * Clears the Fifo Cyclic Buffer - loosing any data that was in it.
void phFriNfc_Llcp_CyclicFifoClear(P_UTIL_FIFO_BUFFER sUtilFifo);

 * Attempts to write dataLength bytes to the specified Fifo Cyclic Buffer.
uint32_t phFriNfc_Llcp_CyclicFifoWrite(P_UTIL_FIFO_BUFFER     sUtilFifo,
                                       uint8_t              *pData,
                                       uint32_t             dataLength);

 * Attempts to read dataLength bytes from the specified  Fifo Cyclic Buffer.
uint32_t phFriNfc_Llcp_CyclicFifoFifoRead(P_UTIL_FIFO_BUFFER     sUtilFifo,
                                          uint8_t              *pBuffer,
                                          uint32_t             dataLength);

 * Returns the number of bytes currently stored in Fifo Cyclic Buffer.
uint32_t phFriNfc_Llcp_CyclicFifoUsage(P_UTIL_FIFO_BUFFER sUtilFifo);

 * Returns the available room for writing in Fifo Cyclic Buffer.
uint32_t phFriNfc_Llcp_CyclicFifoAvailable(P_UTIL_FIFO_BUFFER sUtilFifo);

uint32_t phFriNfc_Llcp_Header2Buffer( phFriNfc_Llcp_sPacketHeader_t *psHeader,
                                      uint8_t *pBuffer,
                                      uint32_t nOffset );

uint32_t phFriNfc_Llcp_Sequence2Buffer( phFriNfc_Llcp_sPacketSequence_t *psSequence,
                                        uint8_t *pBuffer,
                                        uint32_t nOffset );

uint32_t phFriNfc_Llcp_Buffer2Header( uint8_t *pBuffer,
                                      uint32_t nOffset,
                                      phFriNfc_Llcp_sPacketHeader_t *psHeader );

uint32_t phFriNfc_Llcp_Buffer2Sequence( uint8_t *pBuffer,
                                        uint32_t nOffset,
                                        phFriNfc_Llcp_sPacketSequence_t *psSequence );