/* * Copyright (C) 2010 NXP Semiconductors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <phNfcTypes.h> #include <phLibNfc.h> #include <phLibNfc_Internal.h> #include <phFriNfc_Llcp.h> #include <phFriNfc_LlcpTransport.h> /* ---------------------------- Internal macros -------------------------------- */ #ifndef STATIC_DISABLE #define STATIC static #else #define STATIC #endif /* ----------------------- Internal functions headers -------------------------- */ STATIC NFCSTATUS static_CheckState(); STATIC NFCSTATUS static_CheckDevice(phLibNfc_Handle hRemoteDevice); STATIC void phLibNfc_Llcp_CheckLlcp_Cb(void *pContext,NFCSTATUS status); /* --------------------------- Internal functions ------------------------------ */ STATIC NFCSTATUS static_CheckState() { /* Check if the global context is set */ if(gpphLibContext == NULL) { return NFCSTATUS_NOT_INITIALISED; } /* Check if initialized */ if(gpphLibContext->LibNfcState.cur_state == eLibNfcHalStateShutdown) { return NFCSTATUS_NOT_INITIALISED; } /* Check if shutting down */ if(gpphLibContext->LibNfcState.next_state == eLibNfcHalStateShutdown) { return NFCSTATUS_SHUTDOWN; } return NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS; } STATIC NFCSTATUS static_CheckDevice(phLibNfc_Handle hRemoteDevice) { phLibNfc_sRemoteDevInformation_t* psRemoteDevInfo = (phLibNfc_sRemoteDevInformation_t*)hRemoteDevice; /* If local device is the Initiator (remote is Target), * check if connection is correct */ if (psRemoteDevInfo->RemDevType == phHal_eNfcIP1_Target) { /* Check if any device connected */ if(gpphLibContext->Connected_handle == 0) { return NFCSTATUS_TARGET_NOT_CONNECTED; } /* Check if handle corresponds to connected one */ if(hRemoteDevice != gpphLibContext->Connected_handle) { return NFCSTATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; } } /* Check if previous callback is pending or if remote peer is not LLCP compliant */ if ((gpphLibContext->status.GenCb_pending_status == TRUE) || (gpphLibContext->llcp_cntx.bIsLlcp == FALSE)) { return NFCSTATUS_REJECTED; } return NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS; } /* ---------------------------- Public functions ------------------------------- */ NFCSTATUS phLibNfc_Mgt_SetLlcp_ConfigParams( phLibNfc_Llcp_sLinkParameters_t* pConfigInfo, pphLibNfc_RspCb_t pConfigRspCb, void* pContext ) { NFCSTATUS result; phNfc_sData_t sGeneralBytesBuffer; phLibNfc_sNfcIPCfg_t sNfcIPCfg; const uint8_t pMagicBuffer[] = { 0x46, 0x66, 0x6D }; /* State checking */ result = static_CheckState(); if (result != NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) { return result; } /* Parameters checking */ if ((pConfigInfo == NULL) || (pConfigRspCb == NULL)) { return NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* Save the config for later use */ memcpy( &gpphLibContext->llcp_cntx.sLocalParams, pConfigInfo, sizeof(phLibNfc_Llcp_sLinkParameters_t) ); /* Copy magic number in NFCIP General Bytes */ memcpy(sNfcIPCfg.generalBytes, pMagicBuffer, sizeof(pMagicBuffer)); sNfcIPCfg.generalBytesLength = sizeof(pMagicBuffer); /* Encode link parameters in TLV to configure P2P General Bytes */ sGeneralBytesBuffer.buffer = sNfcIPCfg.generalBytes + sizeof(pMagicBuffer); sGeneralBytesBuffer.length = sizeof(sNfcIPCfg.generalBytes) - sizeof(pMagicBuffer); result = phFriNfc_Llcp_EncodeLinkParams( &sGeneralBytesBuffer, pConfigInfo, PHFRINFC_LLCP_VERSION); if (result != NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) { return PHNFCSTATUS(result); } sNfcIPCfg.generalBytesLength += (uint8_t)sGeneralBytesBuffer.length; /* Set the P2P general bytes */ result = phLibNfc_Mgt_SetP2P_ConfigParams(&sNfcIPCfg, pConfigRspCb, pContext); return PHNFCSTATUS(result); } NFCSTATUS phLibNfc_Llcp_CheckLlcp( phLibNfc_Handle hRemoteDevice, pphLibNfc_ChkLlcpRspCb_t pCheckLlcp_RspCb, pphLibNfc_LlcpLinkStatusCb_t pLink_Cb, void* pContext ) { NFCSTATUS result; phLibNfc_sRemoteDevInformation_t* psRemoteDevInfo = (phLibNfc_sRemoteDevInformation_t*)hRemoteDevice; /* State checking */ result = static_CheckState(); if (result != NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) { return result; } /* Parameters checking */ if ((hRemoteDevice == 0) || (pCheckLlcp_RspCb == NULL) || (pLink_Cb == NULL)) { return NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* If local device is the Initiator (remote is Target), * check if connection is correct */ if (psRemoteDevInfo->RemDevType == phHal_eNfcIP1_Target) { /* Check if any device connected */ if(gpphLibContext->Connected_handle == 0) { return NFCSTATUS_TARGET_NOT_CONNECTED; } /* Check if handle corresponds to connected one */ if(hRemoteDevice != gpphLibContext->Connected_handle) { return NFCSTATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; } } /* Resets the LLCP LLC component */ result = phFriNfc_Llcp_Reset( &gpphLibContext->llcp_cntx.sLlcpContext, gpphLibContext->psOverHalCtxt, &gpphLibContext->llcp_cntx.sLocalParams, gpphLibContext->llcp_cntx.pRxBuffer, sizeof(gpphLibContext->llcp_cntx.pRxBuffer), gpphLibContext->llcp_cntx.pTxBuffer, sizeof(gpphLibContext->llcp_cntx.pTxBuffer), pLink_Cb, pContext); if (result != NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) { return PHNFCSTATUS(result); } /* Resets the LLCP Transport component */ result = phFriNfc_LlcpTransport_Reset( &gpphLibContext->llcp_cntx.sLlcpTransportContext, &gpphLibContext->llcp_cntx.sLlcpContext ); if (result != NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) { return result; } /* Prepare callback */ gpphLibContext->CBInfo.pClientLlcpCheckRespCb = pCheckLlcp_RspCb; gpphLibContext->CBInfo.pClientLlcpCheckRespCntx = pContext; /* Update state */ result = phLibNfc_UpdateNextState(gpphLibContext, eLibNfcHalStateTransaction); if (result != NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) { return result; } /* Call the component function */ result = phFriNfc_Llcp_ChkLlcp( &gpphLibContext->llcp_cntx.sLlcpContext, psRemoteDevInfo, phLibNfc_Llcp_CheckLlcp_Cb, gpphLibContext ); result = PHNFCSTATUS(result); if (result == NFCSTATUS_PENDING) { gpphLibContext->status.GenCb_pending_status = TRUE; } else if (result == NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) { /* Nothing to do */ } else if (result != NFCSTATUS_FAILED) { result = NFCSTATUS_TARGET_LOST; } return result; } /* Response callback for phLibNfc_Ndef_CheckNdef */ STATIC void phLibNfc_Llcp_CheckLlcp_Cb(void *pContext, NFCSTATUS status) { phLibNfc_LibContext_t *pLibNfc_Ctxt = (phLibNfc_LibContext_t *)pContext; NFCSTATUS RetStatus = NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS; pphLibNfc_ChkLlcpRspCb_t pClientCb = NULL; void *pClientContext = NULL; if(pLibNfc_Ctxt != gpphLibContext) { /*wrong context returned from below layer*/ phOsalNfc_RaiseException(phOsalNfc_e_InternalErr,1); } else { if(gpphLibContext->LibNfcState.next_state == eLibNfcHalStateShutdown) { /*shutdown called before completion of check Ndef, allow shutdown to happen */ phLibNfc_Pending_Shutdown(); RetStatus = NFCSTATUS_SHUTDOWN; } else if(gpphLibContext->LibNfcState.next_state == eLibNfcHalStateRelease) { RetStatus = NFCSTATUS_ABORTED; } else { if(status == NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) { /* Remote peer is LLCP compliant */ gpphLibContext->llcp_cntx.bIsLlcp = TRUE; } else if(PHNFCSTATUS(status)== NFCSTATUS_FAILED) { RetStatus = NFCSTATUS_FAILED; gpphLibContext->llcp_cntx.bIsLlcp = FALSE; } else { RetStatus = NFCSTATUS_TARGET_LOST; } } /* Update the current state */ gpphLibContext->status.GenCb_pending_status = FALSE; phLibNfc_UpdateCurState(RetStatus,gpphLibContext); /* Copy callback details */ pClientCb = gpphLibContext->CBInfo.pClientLlcpCheckRespCb; pClientContext = gpphLibContext->CBInfo.pClientLlcpCheckRespCntx; /* Reset saved callback */ gpphLibContext->CBInfo.pClientCkNdefCb = NULL; gpphLibContext->CBInfo.pClientCkNdefCntx = NULL; /* Trigger the callback */ if(pClientCb != NULL) { pClientCb(pClientContext,RetStatus); } } } NFCSTATUS phLibNfc_Llcp_Activate( phLibNfc_Handle hRemoteDevice ) { NFCSTATUS result; /* State checking */ result = static_CheckState(); if (result != NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) { return result; } /* Parameters checking */ if (hRemoteDevice == 0) { return NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* Check device */ result = static_CheckDevice(hRemoteDevice); if (result != NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) { return result; } /* Start activation */ result = phFriNfc_Llcp_Activate(&gpphLibContext->llcp_cntx.sLlcpContext); return PHNFCSTATUS(result); } NFCSTATUS phLibNfc_Llcp_Deactivate( phLibNfc_Handle hRemoteDevice ) { NFCSTATUS result; /* State checking */ result = static_CheckState(); if (result != NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) { return result; } /* Parameters checking */ if (hRemoteDevice == 0) { return NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* Check device */ result = static_CheckDevice(hRemoteDevice); if (result != NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) { return result; } /* Start deactivation */ result = phFriNfc_Llcp_Deactivate(&gpphLibContext->llcp_cntx.sLlcpContext); return PHNFCSTATUS(result); } NFCSTATUS phLibNfc_Llcp_GetLocalInfo( phLibNfc_Handle hRemoteDevice, phLibNfc_Llcp_sLinkParameters_t* pConfigInfo ) { NFCSTATUS result; /* State checking */ result = static_CheckState(); if (result != NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) { return result; } /* Parameters checking */ if ((hRemoteDevice == 0) || (pConfigInfo == NULL)) { return NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* Check device */ result = static_CheckDevice(hRemoteDevice); if (result != NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) { return result; } /* Get local infos */ result = phFriNfc_Llcp_GetLocalInfo(&gpphLibContext->llcp_cntx.sLlcpContext, pConfigInfo); return PHNFCSTATUS(result); } NFCSTATUS phLibNfc_Llcp_GetRemoteInfo( phLibNfc_Handle hRemoteDevice, phLibNfc_Llcp_sLinkParameters_t* pConfigInfo ) { NFCSTATUS result; /* State checking */ result = static_CheckState(); if (result != NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) { return result; } /* Parameters checking */ if ((hRemoteDevice == 0) || (pConfigInfo == NULL)) { return NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* Check device */ result = static_CheckDevice(hRemoteDevice); if (result != NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) { return result; } /* Get local infos */ result = phFriNfc_Llcp_GetRemoteInfo(&gpphLibContext->llcp_cntx.sLlcpContext, pConfigInfo); return PHNFCSTATUS(result); } NFCSTATUS phLibNfc_Llcp_Socket( phLibNfc_Handle hRemoteDevice, phLibNfc_Llcp_eSocketType_t eType, phLibNfc_Llcp_sSocketOptions_t* psOptions, phNfc_sData_t* psWorkingBuffer, phLibNfc_Handle* phSocket, pphLibNfc_LlcpSocketErrCb_t pErr_Cb, void* pContext ) { NFCSTATUS result; phFriNfc_LlcpTransport_Socket_t *psSocket; /* State checking */ result = static_CheckState(); if (result != NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) { return result; } /* Parameters checking */ /* NOTE: Transport Layer test psOption and psWorkingBuffer value */ if ((hRemoteDevice == 0) || (phSocket == NULL) || (pErr_Cb == NULL)) { return NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* Check device */ result = static_CheckDevice(hRemoteDevice); if (result != NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) { return result; } /* Get local infos */ result = phFriNfc_LlcpTransport_Socket(&gpphLibContext->llcp_cntx.sLlcpTransportContext, eType, psOptions, psWorkingBuffer, &psSocket, pErr_Cb, pContext); /* Send back the socket handle */ *phSocket = (phLibNfc_Handle)psSocket; return PHNFCSTATUS(result); } NFCSTATUS phLibNfc_Llcp_Close( phLibNfc_Handle hSocket ) { NFCSTATUS result; phFriNfc_LlcpTransport_Socket_t *psSocket = (phFriNfc_LlcpTransport_Socket_t*)hSocket; /* State checking */ result = static_CheckState(); if (result != NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) { return result; } /* Parameters checking */ if (hSocket == 0) { return NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* Get local infos */ result = phFriNfc_LlcpTransport_Close(psSocket); return PHNFCSTATUS(result); } NFCSTATUS phLibNfc_Llcp_SocketGetLocalOptions( phLibNfc_Handle hSocket, phLibNfc_Llcp_sSocketOptions_t* psLocalOptions ) { NFCSTATUS result; phFriNfc_LlcpTransport_Socket_t *psSocket = (phFriNfc_LlcpTransport_Socket_t*)hSocket; /* State checking */ result = static_CheckState(); if (result != NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) { return result; } /* Parameters checking */ if ((hSocket == 0) || (psLocalOptions == NULL)) { return NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* Get local options */ result = phFriNfc_LlcpTransport_SocketGetLocalOptions(psSocket, psLocalOptions); return PHNFCSTATUS(result); } NFCSTATUS phLibNfc_Llcp_SocketGetRemoteOptions( phLibNfc_Handle hSocket, phLibNfc_Llcp_sSocketOptions_t* psRemoteOptions ) { NFCSTATUS result; phFriNfc_LlcpTransport_Socket_t *psSocket = (phFriNfc_LlcpTransport_Socket_t*)hSocket; /* State checking */ result = static_CheckState(); if (result != NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) { return result; } /* Parameters checking */ if ((hSocket == 0) || (psRemoteOptions == NULL)) { return NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* Get remote infos */ result = phFriNfc_LlcpTransport_SocketGetRemoteOptions(psSocket, psRemoteOptions); return PHNFCSTATUS(result); } NFCSTATUS phLibNfc_Llcp_Bind( phLibNfc_Handle hSocket, uint8_t nSap ) { NFCSTATUS result; phFriNfc_LlcpTransport_Socket_t *psSocket = (phFriNfc_LlcpTransport_Socket_t*)hSocket; /* State checking */ result = static_CheckState(); if (result != NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) { return result; } /* Parameters checking */ if (hSocket == 0) { return NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* Bind the socket to the designated port */ result = phFriNfc_LlcpTransport_Bind(psSocket, nSap); return PHNFCSTATUS(result); } NFCSTATUS phLibNfc_Llcp_Listen( phLibNfc_Handle hSocket, phNfc_sData_t *psServiceName, pphLibNfc_LlcpSocketListenCb_t pListen_Cb, void* pContext ) { NFCSTATUS result; phFriNfc_LlcpTransport_Socket_t *psSocket = (phFriNfc_LlcpTransport_Socket_t*)hSocket; /* State checking */ result = static_CheckState(); if (result != NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) { return result; } /* Parameters checking */ /* NOTE : psServiceName may be NULL, do not test it ! */ if ((hSocket == 0) || (pListen_Cb == NULL)) { return NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* Start listening for incoming connections */ result = phFriNfc_LlcpTransport_Listen( psSocket, psServiceName, (pphFriNfc_LlcpTransportSocketListenCb_t)pListen_Cb, pContext ); return PHNFCSTATUS(result); } NFCSTATUS phLibNfc_Llcp_Accept( phLibNfc_Handle hSocket, phLibNfc_Llcp_sSocketOptions_t* psOptions, phNfc_sData_t* psWorkingBuffer, pphLibNfc_LlcpSocketErrCb_t pErr_Cb, pphLibNfc_LlcpSocketAcceptCb_t pAccept_RspCb, void* pContext ) { NFCSTATUS result; phFriNfc_LlcpTransport_Socket_t *psSocket = (phFriNfc_LlcpTransport_Socket_t*)hSocket; /* State checking */ result = static_CheckState(); if (result != NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) { return result; } /* Parameters checking */ if ((hSocket == 0) || (psOptions == NULL) || (psWorkingBuffer == NULL) || (pErr_Cb == NULL) || (pAccept_RspCb == NULL)) { return NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* Accept incoming connection */ result = phFriNfc_LlcpTransport_Accept( psSocket, psOptions, psWorkingBuffer, pErr_Cb, pAccept_RspCb, pContext ); return PHNFCSTATUS(result); } NFCSTATUS phLibNfc_Llcp_Reject( phLibNfc_Handle hSocket, pphLibNfc_LlcpSocketRejectCb_t pReject_RspCb, void* pContext ) { NFCSTATUS result; phFriNfc_LlcpTransport_Socket_t *psSocket = (phFriNfc_LlcpTransport_Socket_t*)hSocket; /* State checking */ result = static_CheckState(); if (result != NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) { return result; } /* Parameters checking */ if ((hSocket == 0) || (pReject_RspCb == NULL)) { return NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* Reject incoming connection */ result = phFriNfc_LlcpTransport_Reject( psSocket, pReject_RspCb, pContext ); return PHNFCSTATUS(result); } NFCSTATUS phLibNfc_Llcp_Connect( phLibNfc_Handle hSocket, uint8_t nSap, pphLibNfc_LlcpSocketConnectCb_t pConnect_RspCb, void* pContext ) { NFCSTATUS result; phFriNfc_LlcpTransport_Socket_t *psSocket = (phFriNfc_LlcpTransport_Socket_t*)hSocket; /* State checking */ result = static_CheckState(); if (result != NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) { return result; } /* Parameters checking */ if ((hSocket == 0) || (pConnect_RspCb == NULL)) { return NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* Try to connect on a remote service, given its SAP */ result = phFriNfc_LlcpTransport_Connect( psSocket, nSap, pConnect_RspCb, pContext ); return PHNFCSTATUS(result); } NFCSTATUS phLibNfc_Llcp_ConnectByUri( phLibNfc_Handle hSocket, phNfc_sData_t* psUri, pphLibNfc_LlcpSocketConnectCb_t pConnect_RspCb, void* pContext ) { NFCSTATUS result; phFriNfc_LlcpTransport_Socket_t *psSocket = (phFriNfc_LlcpTransport_Socket_t*)hSocket; /* State checking */ result = static_CheckState(); if (result != NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) { return result; } /* Parameters checking */ if ((hSocket == 0) || (psUri == NULL) || (pConnect_RspCb == NULL)) { return NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* Try to connect on a remote service, using SDP */ result = phFriNfc_LlcpTransport_ConnectByUri( psSocket, psUri, pConnect_RspCb, pContext ); return PHNFCSTATUS(result); } NFCSTATUS phLibNfc_Llcp_Disconnect( phLibNfc_Handle hSocket, pphLibNfc_LlcpSocketDisconnectCb_t pDisconnect_RspCb, void* pContext ) { NFCSTATUS result; phFriNfc_LlcpTransport_Socket_t *psSocket = (phFriNfc_LlcpTransport_Socket_t*)hSocket; /* State checking */ result = static_CheckState(); if (result != NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) { return result; } /* Parameters checking */ if ((hSocket == 0) || (pDisconnect_RspCb == NULL)) { return NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* Disconnect a logical link */ result = phFriNfc_LlcpTransport_Disconnect( psSocket, pDisconnect_RspCb, pContext ); return PHNFCSTATUS(result); } NFCSTATUS phLibNfc_Llcp_Recv( phLibNfc_Handle hSocket, phNfc_sData_t* psBuffer, pphLibNfc_LlcpSocketRecvCb_t pRecv_RspCb, void* pContext ) { NFCSTATUS result; phFriNfc_LlcpTransport_Socket_t *psSocket = (phFriNfc_LlcpTransport_Socket_t*)hSocket; /* State checking */ result = static_CheckState(); if (result != NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) { return result; } /* Parameters checking */ if ((hSocket == 0) || (psBuffer == NULL) || (pRecv_RspCb == NULL)) { return NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* Receive data from the logical link */ result = phFriNfc_LlcpTransport_Recv( psSocket, psBuffer, pRecv_RspCb, pContext ); return PHNFCSTATUS(result); } NFCSTATUS phLibNfc_Llcp_RecvFrom( phLibNfc_Handle hSocket, phNfc_sData_t* psBuffer, pphLibNfc_LlcpSocketRecvFromCb_t pRecv_Cb, void* pContext ) { NFCSTATUS result; phFriNfc_LlcpTransport_Socket_t *psSocket = (phFriNfc_LlcpTransport_Socket_t*)hSocket; /* State checking */ result = static_CheckState(); if (result != NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) { return result; } /* Parameters checking */ if ((hSocket == 0) || (psBuffer == NULL) || (pRecv_Cb == NULL)) { return NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* Receive data from the logical link */ result = phFriNfc_LlcpTransport_RecvFrom( psSocket, psBuffer, pRecv_Cb, pContext ); return PHNFCSTATUS(result); } NFCSTATUS phLibNfc_Llcp_Send( phLibNfc_Handle hSocket, phNfc_sData_t* psBuffer, pphLibNfc_LlcpSocketSendCb_t pSend_RspCb, void* pContext ) { NFCSTATUS result; phFriNfc_LlcpTransport_Socket_t *psSocket = (phFriNfc_LlcpTransport_Socket_t*)hSocket; /* State checking */ result = static_CheckState(); if (result != NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) { return result; } /* Parameters checking */ if ((hSocket == 0) || (psBuffer == NULL) || (pSend_RspCb == NULL)) { return NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* Send data to the logical link */ result = phFriNfc_LlcpTransport_Send( psSocket, psBuffer, pSend_RspCb, pContext ); return PHNFCSTATUS(result); } NFCSTATUS phLibNfc_Llcp_SendTo( phLibNfc_Handle hSocket, uint8_t nSap, phNfc_sData_t* psBuffer, pphLibNfc_LlcpSocketSendCb_t pSend_RspCb, void* pContext ) { NFCSTATUS result; phFriNfc_LlcpTransport_Socket_t *psSocket = (phFriNfc_LlcpTransport_Socket_t*)hSocket; /* State checking */ result = static_CheckState(); if (result != NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS) { return result; } /* Parameters checking */ if ((hSocket == 0) || (psBuffer == NULL) || (pSend_RspCb == NULL)) { return NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* Send data to the logical link */ result = phFriNfc_LlcpTransport_SendTo( psSocket, nSap, psBuffer, pSend_RspCb, pContext ); return PHNFCSTATUS(result); }