/* * Copyright 2005 Maksim Orlovich <maksim@kde.org> * Copyright (C) 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2007 Alexey Proskuryakov <ap@webkit.org> * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "XPathParser.h" #if ENABLE(XPATH) #include "ExceptionCode.h" #include "StringHash.h" #include "XPathEvaluator.h" #include "XPathException.h" #include "XPathNSResolver.h" #include "XPathStep.h" #include <wtf/StdLibExtras.h> int xpathyyparse(void*); using namespace WTF; using namespace Unicode; namespace WebCore { namespace XPath { class LocationPath; #include "XPathGrammar.h" Parser* Parser::currentParser = 0; enum XMLCat { NameStart, NameCont, NotPartOfName }; typedef HashMap<String, Step::Axis> AxisNamesMap; static XMLCat charCat(UChar aChar) { //### might need to add some special cases from the XML spec. if (aChar == '_') return NameStart; if (aChar == '.' || aChar == '-') return NameCont; CharCategory category = Unicode::category(aChar); if (category & (Letter_Uppercase | Letter_Lowercase | Letter_Other | Letter_Titlecase | Number_Letter)) return NameStart; if (category & (Mark_NonSpacing | Mark_SpacingCombining | Mark_Enclosing | Letter_Modifier | Number_DecimalDigit)) return NameCont; return NotPartOfName; } static void setUpAxisNamesMap(AxisNamesMap& axisNames) { struct AxisName { const char* name; Step::Axis axis; }; const AxisName axisNameList[] = { { "ancestor", Step::AncestorAxis }, { "ancestor-or-self", Step::AncestorOrSelfAxis }, { "attribute", Step::AttributeAxis }, { "child", Step::ChildAxis }, { "descendant", Step::DescendantAxis }, { "descendant-or-self", Step::DescendantOrSelfAxis }, { "following", Step::FollowingAxis }, { "following-sibling", Step::FollowingSiblingAxis }, { "namespace", Step::NamespaceAxis }, { "parent", Step::ParentAxis }, { "preceding", Step::PrecedingAxis }, { "preceding-sibling", Step::PrecedingSiblingAxis }, { "self", Step::SelfAxis } }; for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(axisNameList) / sizeof(axisNameList[0]); ++i) axisNames.set(axisNameList[i].name, axisNameList[i].axis); } static bool isAxisName(const String& name, Step::Axis& type) { DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(AxisNamesMap, axisNames, ()); if (axisNames.isEmpty()) setUpAxisNamesMap(axisNames); AxisNamesMap::iterator it = axisNames.find(name); if (it == axisNames.end()) return false; type = it->second; return true; } static bool isNodeTypeName(const String& name) { DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(HashSet<String>, nodeTypeNames, ()); if (nodeTypeNames.isEmpty()) { nodeTypeNames.add("comment"); nodeTypeNames.add("text"); nodeTypeNames.add("processing-instruction"); nodeTypeNames.add("node"); } return nodeTypeNames.contains(name); } /* Returns whether the last parsed token matches the [32] Operator rule * (check http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath#exprlex). Necessary to disambiguate * the tokens. */ bool Parser::isOperatorContext() const { if (m_nextPos == 0) return false; switch (m_lastTokenType) { case AND: case OR: case MULOP: case '/': case SLASHSLASH: case '|': case PLUS: case MINUS: case EQOP: case RELOP: case '@': case AXISNAME: case '(': case '[': return false; default: return true; } } void Parser::skipWS() { while (m_nextPos < m_data.length() && isSpaceOrNewline(m_data[m_nextPos])) ++m_nextPos; } Token Parser::makeTokenAndAdvance(int code, int advance) { m_nextPos += advance; return Token(code); } Token Parser::makeTokenAndAdvance(int code, NumericOp::Opcode val, int advance) { m_nextPos += advance; return Token(code, val); } Token Parser::makeTokenAndAdvance(int code, EqTestOp::Opcode val, int advance) { m_nextPos += advance; return Token(code, val); } // Returns next char if it's there and interesting, 0 otherwise char Parser::peekAheadHelper() { if (m_nextPos + 1 >= m_data.length()) return 0; UChar next = m_data[m_nextPos + 1]; if (next >= 0xff) return 0; return next; } char Parser::peekCurHelper() { if (m_nextPos >= m_data.length()) return 0; UChar next = m_data[m_nextPos]; if (next >= 0xff) return 0; return next; } Token Parser::lexString() { UChar delimiter = m_data[m_nextPos]; int startPos = m_nextPos + 1; for (m_nextPos = startPos; m_nextPos < m_data.length(); ++m_nextPos) { if (m_data[m_nextPos] == delimiter) { String value = m_data.substring(startPos, m_nextPos - startPos); if (value.isNull()) value = ""; ++m_nextPos; // Consume the char. return Token(LITERAL, value); } } // Ouch, went off the end -- report error. return Token(XPATH_ERROR); } Token Parser::lexNumber() { int startPos = m_nextPos; bool seenDot = false; // Go until end or a non-digits character. for (; m_nextPos < m_data.length(); ++m_nextPos) { UChar aChar = m_data[m_nextPos]; if (aChar >= 0xff) break; if (aChar < '0' || aChar > '9') { if (aChar == '.' && !seenDot) seenDot = true; else break; } } return Token(NUMBER, m_data.substring(startPos, m_nextPos - startPos)); } bool Parser::lexNCName(String& name) { int startPos = m_nextPos; if (m_nextPos >= m_data.length()) return false; if (charCat(m_data[m_nextPos]) != NameStart) return false; // Keep going until we get a character that's not good for names. for (; m_nextPos < m_data.length(); ++m_nextPos) if (charCat(m_data[m_nextPos]) == NotPartOfName) break; name = m_data.substring(startPos, m_nextPos - startPos); return true; } bool Parser::lexQName(String& name) { String n1; if (!lexNCName(n1)) return false; skipWS(); // If the next character is :, what we just got it the prefix, if not, // it's the whole thing. if (peekAheadHelper() != ':') { name = n1; return true; } String n2; if (!lexNCName(n2)) return false; name = n1 + ":" + n2; return true; } Token Parser::nextTokenInternal() { skipWS(); if (m_nextPos >= m_data.length()) return Token(0); char code = peekCurHelper(); switch (code) { case '(': case ')': case '[': case ']': case '@': case ',': case '|': return makeTokenAndAdvance(code); case '\'': case '\"': return lexString(); case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': return lexNumber(); case '.': { char next = peekAheadHelper(); if (next == '.') return makeTokenAndAdvance(DOTDOT, 2); if (next >= '0' && next <= '9') return lexNumber(); return makeTokenAndAdvance('.'); } case '/': if (peekAheadHelper() == '/') return makeTokenAndAdvance(SLASHSLASH, 2); return makeTokenAndAdvance('/'); case '+': return makeTokenAndAdvance(PLUS); case '-': return makeTokenAndAdvance(MINUS); case '=': return makeTokenAndAdvance(EQOP, EqTestOp::OP_EQ); case '!': if (peekAheadHelper() == '=') return makeTokenAndAdvance(EQOP, EqTestOp::OP_NE, 2); return Token(XPATH_ERROR); case '<': if (peekAheadHelper() == '=') return makeTokenAndAdvance(RELOP, EqTestOp::OP_LE, 2); return makeTokenAndAdvance(RELOP, EqTestOp::OP_LT); case '>': if (peekAheadHelper() == '=') return makeTokenAndAdvance(RELOP, EqTestOp::OP_GE, 2); return makeTokenAndAdvance(RELOP, EqTestOp::OP_GT); case '*': if (isOperatorContext()) return makeTokenAndAdvance(MULOP, NumericOp::OP_Mul); ++m_nextPos; return Token(NAMETEST, "*"); case '$': { // $ QName m_nextPos++; String name; if (!lexQName(name)) return Token(XPATH_ERROR); return Token(VARIABLEREFERENCE, name); } } String name; if (!lexNCName(name)) return Token(XPATH_ERROR); skipWS(); // If we're in an operator context, check for any operator names if (isOperatorContext()) { if (name == "and") //### hash? return Token(AND); if (name == "or") return Token(OR); if (name == "mod") return Token(MULOP, NumericOp::OP_Mod); if (name == "div") return Token(MULOP, NumericOp::OP_Div); } // See whether we are at a : if (peekCurHelper() == ':') { m_nextPos++; // Any chance it's an axis name? if (peekCurHelper() == ':') { m_nextPos++; //It might be an axis name. Step::Axis axis; if (isAxisName(name, axis)) return Token(AXISNAME, axis); // Ugh, :: is only valid in axis names -> error return Token(XPATH_ERROR); } // Seems like this is a fully qualified qname, or perhaps the * modified one from NameTest skipWS(); if (peekCurHelper() == '*') { m_nextPos++; return Token(NAMETEST, name + ":*"); } // Make a full qname. String n2; if (!lexNCName(n2)) return Token(XPATH_ERROR); name = name + ":" + n2; } skipWS(); if (peekCurHelper() == '(') { //note: we don't swallow the (here! //either node type of function name if (isNodeTypeName(name)) { if (name == "processing-instruction") return Token(PI, name); return Token(NODETYPE, name); } //must be a function name. return Token(FUNCTIONNAME, name); } // At this point, it must be NAMETEST. return Token(NAMETEST, name); } Token Parser::nextToken() { Token toRet = nextTokenInternal(); m_lastTokenType = toRet.type; return toRet; } Parser::Parser() { reset(String()); } void Parser::reset(const String& data) { m_nextPos = 0; m_data = data; m_lastTokenType = 0; m_topExpr = 0; m_gotNamespaceError = false; } int Parser::lex(void* data) { YYSTYPE* yylval = static_cast<YYSTYPE*>(data); Token tok = nextToken(); switch (tok.type) { case AXISNAME: yylval->axis = tok.axis; break; case MULOP: yylval->numop = tok.numop; break; case RELOP: case EQOP: yylval->eqop = tok.eqop; break; case NODETYPE: case PI: case FUNCTIONNAME: case LITERAL: case VARIABLEREFERENCE: case NUMBER: case NAMETEST: yylval->str = new String(tok.str); registerString(yylval->str); break; } return tok.type; } bool Parser::expandQName(const String& qName, String& localName, String& namespaceURI) { int colon = qName.find(':'); if (colon >= 0) { if (!m_resolver) return false; namespaceURI = m_resolver->lookupNamespaceURI(qName.left(colon)); if (namespaceURI.isNull()) return false; localName = qName.substring(colon + 1); } else localName = qName; return true; } Expression* Parser::parseStatement(const String& statement, PassRefPtr<XPathNSResolver> resolver, ExceptionCode& ec) { reset(statement); m_resolver = resolver; Parser* oldParser = currentParser; currentParser = this; int parseError = xpathyyparse(this); currentParser = oldParser; if (parseError) { deleteAllValues(m_parseNodes); m_parseNodes.clear(); HashSet<Vector<Predicate*>*>::iterator pend = m_predicateVectors.end(); for (HashSet<Vector<Predicate*>*>::iterator it = m_predicateVectors.begin(); it != pend; ++it) { deleteAllValues(**it); delete *it; } m_predicateVectors.clear(); HashSet<Vector<Expression*>*>::iterator eend = m_expressionVectors.end(); for (HashSet<Vector<Expression*>*>::iterator it = m_expressionVectors.begin(); it != eend; ++it) { deleteAllValues(**it); delete *it; } m_expressionVectors.clear(); deleteAllValues(m_strings); m_strings.clear(); deleteAllValues(m_nodeTests); m_nodeTests.clear(); m_topExpr = 0; if (m_gotNamespaceError) ec = NAMESPACE_ERR; else ec = XPathException::INVALID_EXPRESSION_ERR; return 0; } ASSERT(m_parseNodes.size() == 1); ASSERT(*m_parseNodes.begin() == m_topExpr); ASSERT(m_expressionVectors.size() == 0); ASSERT(m_predicateVectors.size() == 0); ASSERT(m_strings.size() == 0); ASSERT(m_nodeTests.size() == 0); m_parseNodes.clear(); Expression* result = m_topExpr; m_topExpr = 0; return result; } void Parser::registerParseNode(ParseNode* node) { if (node == 0) return; ASSERT(!m_parseNodes.contains(node)); m_parseNodes.add(node); } void Parser::unregisterParseNode(ParseNode* node) { if (node == 0) return; ASSERT(m_parseNodes.contains(node)); m_parseNodes.remove(node); } void Parser::registerPredicateVector(Vector<Predicate*>* vector) { if (vector == 0) return; ASSERT(!m_predicateVectors.contains(vector)); m_predicateVectors.add(vector); } void Parser::deletePredicateVector(Vector<Predicate*>* vector) { if (vector == 0) return; ASSERT(m_predicateVectors.contains(vector)); m_predicateVectors.remove(vector); delete vector; } void Parser::registerExpressionVector(Vector<Expression*>* vector) { if (vector == 0) return; ASSERT(!m_expressionVectors.contains(vector)); m_expressionVectors.add(vector); } void Parser::deleteExpressionVector(Vector<Expression*>* vector) { if (vector == 0) return; ASSERT(m_expressionVectors.contains(vector)); m_expressionVectors.remove(vector); delete vector; } void Parser::registerString(String* s) { if (s == 0) return; ASSERT(!m_strings.contains(s)); m_strings.add(s); } void Parser::deleteString(String* s) { if (s == 0) return; ASSERT(m_strings.contains(s)); m_strings.remove(s); delete s; } void Parser::registerNodeTest(Step::NodeTest* t) { if (t == 0) return; ASSERT(!m_nodeTests.contains(t)); m_nodeTests.add(t); } void Parser::deleteNodeTest(Step::NodeTest* t) { if (t == 0) return; ASSERT(m_nodeTests.contains(t)); m_nodeTests.remove(t); delete t; } } } #endif // ENABLE(XPATH)