/* * smeSelect.c * * Copyright(c) 1998 - 2010 Texas Instruments. All rights reserved. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name Texas Instruments nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** \file smeSelect.c * \brief SME select function implementation * * \see smeSm.h, smeSm.c, sme.c, sme.h, smePrivate.h */ #define __FILE_ID__ FILE_ID_42 #include "smePrivate.h" #include "scanResultTable.h" #include "rsnApi.h" #include "siteMgrApi.h" #include "EvHandler.h" #include "GenSM.h" #include "smeSm.h" #include "tidef.h" static TI_BOOL sme_SelectSsidMatch (TI_HANDLE hSme, TSsid *pSiteSsid, TSsid *pDesiredSsid, ESsidType eDesiredSsidType); static TI_BOOL sme_SelectBssidMatch (TMacAddr *pSiteBssid, TMacAddr *pDesiredBssid); static TI_BOOL sme_SelectBssTypeMatch (ScanBssType_e eSiteBssType, ScanBssType_e eDesiredBssType); static TI_BOOL sme_SelectWscMatch (TI_HANDLE hSme, TSiteEntry *pCurrentSite, TI_BOOL *pbWscPbAbort, TI_BOOL *pbWscPbApFound); static TI_BOOL sme_SelectRsnMatch (TI_HANDLE hSme, TSiteEntry *pCurrentSite); /** * \fn sme_Select * \brief Select a connection candidate from the scan result table * * Select a connection candidate from the scan result table. * * Connection candidate must match SSID, BSSID, BSS type, RSN and WSC settings, has the best * RSSI level from all matching sites, and connection was not attempted to it in this SME cycle * (since last scan was completed) * * \param hSme - handle to the SME object * \return A pointer to the selected site, NULL if no site macthes the selection criteria */ TSiteEntry *sme_Select (TI_HANDLE hSme) { TSme *pSme = (TSme*)hSme; TSiteEntry *pCurrentSite, *pSelectedSite = NULL; TI_INT8 iSelectedSiteRssi = -127; /* minimum RSSI */ TI_BOOL bWscPbAbort, pWscPbApFound = TI_FALSE; int apFoundCtr =0; TIWLN_SIMPLE_CONFIG_MODE eWscMode; TRACE0(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION , "sme_Select called\n"); /* on SG avalanche, select is not needed, send connect event automatically */ if (TI_TRUE == pSme->bReselect) { paramInfo_t *pParam; TRACE0(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION , "sme_Select: reselect flag is on, reselecting the current site\n"); pParam = (paramInfo_t *)os_memoryAlloc(pSme->hOS, sizeof(paramInfo_t)); if (!pParam) { return NULL; } pSme->bReselect = TI_FALSE; /* Get Primary Site */ pParam->paramType = SITE_MGR_GET_PRIMARY_SITE; siteMgr_getParam(pSme->hSiteMgr, pParam); pCurrentSite = pParam->content.pPrimarySite; os_memoryFree(pSme->hOS, pParam, sizeof(paramInfo_t)); return pCurrentSite; } /* get the first site from the scan result table */ pCurrentSite = scanResultTable_GetFirst (pSme->hScanResultTable); /* check all sites */ while (NULL != pCurrentSite) { TRACE6(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION , "sme_Select: considering BSSID: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x for selection\n", pCurrentSite->bssid[ 0 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 1 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 2 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 3 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 4 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 5 ]); /* if this site was previously selected in the current SME connection attempt, and conn mode is auto */ if (TI_TRUE == pCurrentSite->bConsideredForSelect) { TRACE6(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION , "sme_Select: BSSID: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x was selected previously\n", pCurrentSite->bssid[ 0 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 1 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 2 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 3 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 4 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 5 ]); /* get the next site and continue the loop */ pCurrentSite = scanResultTable_GetNext (pSme->hScanResultTable); continue; } /* check if site matches */ /* first check SSID match */ if (TI_FALSE == sme_SelectSsidMatch (hSme, &(pCurrentSite->ssid), &(pSme->tSsid), pSme->eSsidType)) /* site doesn't match */ { TRACE6(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION , "sme_Select: BSSID: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x doesn't match SSID\n", pCurrentSite->bssid[ 0 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 1 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 2 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 3 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 4 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 5 ]); pCurrentSite->bConsideredForSelect = TI_TRUE; /* don't try this site again */ /* get the next site and continue the loop */ pCurrentSite = scanResultTable_GetNext (pSme->hScanResultTable); continue; } /* Now check BSSID match */ if (TI_FALSE == sme_SelectBssidMatch (&(pCurrentSite->bssid), &(pSme->tBssid))) /* site doesn't match */ { TRACE6(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION , "sme_Select: BSSID: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x doesn't match SSID\n", pCurrentSite->bssid[ 0 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 1 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 2 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 3 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 4 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 5 ]); pCurrentSite->bConsideredForSelect = TI_TRUE; /* don't try this site again */ /* get the next site and continue the loop */ pCurrentSite = scanResultTable_GetNext (pSme->hScanResultTable); continue; } /* and BSS type match */ if (TI_FALSE == sme_SelectBssTypeMatch (pCurrentSite->bssType, pSme->eBssType)) /* site doesn't match */ { TRACE6(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION , "sme_Select: BSSID: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x doesn't match BSS type\n", pCurrentSite->bssid[ 0 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 1 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 2 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 3 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 4 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 5 ]); pCurrentSite->bConsideredForSelect = TI_TRUE; /* don't try this site again */ /* get the next site and continue the loop */ pCurrentSite = scanResultTable_GetNext (pSme->hScanResultTable); continue; } if (pCurrentSite->WSCSiteMode == TIWLN_SIMPLE_CONFIG_PBC_METHOD) { apFoundCtr++; } if (apFoundCtr > 1) { pWscPbApFound = TI_TRUE; } /* and simple config match */ if (TI_FALSE == sme_SelectWscMatch (hSme, pCurrentSite, &bWscPbAbort, &pWscPbApFound)) /* site doesn't match */ { /* also check if abort was indicated */ if (TI_TRUE == bWscPbAbort) { /* send event to user mode to indicate this */ EvHandlerSendEvent (pSme->hEvHandler, IPC_EVENT_WPS_SESSION_OVERLAP, NULL, 0); /* select failed - will rescan in time */ return NULL; } TRACE6(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION , "sme_Select: BSSID: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x doesn't match WSC\n", pCurrentSite->bssid[ 0 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 1 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 2 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 3 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 4 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 5 ]); pCurrentSite->bConsideredForSelect = TI_TRUE; /* don't try this site again */ /* get the next site and continue the loop */ pCurrentSite = scanResultTable_GetNext (pSme->hScanResultTable); continue; } /* and security match */ siteMgr_getParamWSC(pSme->hSiteMgr, &eWscMode); /* we don't need to check RSN match while WSC is active */ if ((pCurrentSite->WSCSiteMode == TIWLN_SIMPLE_CONFIG_OFF) || (pCurrentSite->WSCSiteMode != eWscMode)) { if (TI_FALSE == sme_SelectRsnMatch (hSme, pCurrentSite)) /* site doesn't match */ { TRACE6(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION , "sme_Select: BSSID: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x doesn't match RSN\n", pCurrentSite->bssid[ 0 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 1 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 2 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 3 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 4 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 5 ]); pCurrentSite->bConsideredForSelect = TI_TRUE; /* don't try this site again */ /* get the next site and continue the loop */ pCurrentSite = scanResultTable_GetNext (pSme->hScanResultTable); continue; } } /* and rate match */ if (TI_FALSE == siteMgr_SelectRateMatch (pSme->hSiteMgr, pCurrentSite)) /* site doesn't match */ { TRACE6(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION , "sme_Select: BSSID: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x doesn't match rates\n", pCurrentSite->bssid[ 0 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 1 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 2 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 3 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 4 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 5 ]); pCurrentSite->bConsideredForSelect = TI_TRUE; /* don't try this site again */ /* get the next site and continue the loop */ pCurrentSite = scanResultTable_GetNext (pSme->hScanResultTable); continue; } if (TI_TRUE == pCurrentSite->bChannelSwitchAnnoncIEFound) { TRACE6(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION , "sme_Select: BSSID: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x has channel switch IE so ignore it \n", pCurrentSite->bssid[ 0 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 1 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 2 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 3 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 4 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 5 ]); pCurrentSite->bConsideredForSelect = TI_TRUE; /* don't try this site again */ /* get the next site and continue the loop */ pCurrentSite = scanResultTable_GetNext (pSme->hScanResultTable); continue; } /* if this site RSSI is higher than current maximum, select it */ if (pCurrentSite->rssi > iSelectedSiteRssi) { TRACE6(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION , "sme_Select: BSSID: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x match and has highest RSSI so far!\n", pCurrentSite->bssid[ 0 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 1 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 2 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 3 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 4 ], pCurrentSite->bssid[ 5 ]); pSelectedSite = pCurrentSite; iSelectedSiteRssi = pCurrentSite->rssi; } /* and continue to the next site */ pCurrentSite = scanResultTable_GetNext (pSme->hScanResultTable); } /* if a matching site was found */ if (NULL != pSelectedSite) { /* mark that a connection to this site was (actually is) attempted */ pSelectedSite->bConsideredForSelect = TI_TRUE; /* hope this is the correct place for siteMgr_changeBandParams */ siteMgr_changeBandParams (pSme->hSiteMgr, pSelectedSite->eBand); /* * Coordinate between SME module site table and Site module site Table * copy candidate AP to Site module site Table. */ siteMgr_CopyToPrimarySite(pSme->hSiteMgr, pSelectedSite); /* copy the result, rather than returning a pointer to the entry in the scan result table. * This is done since the table might change durring the connection process, and the pointer * will point to the wrong entry in the table, causing connection/disconnection problems */ os_memoryCopy(pSme->hOS, &(pSme->tCandidate), pSelectedSite, sizeof(TSiteEntry)); return &(pSme->tCandidate); } /* return NULL if no site was selected */ return NULL; } /** * \fn sme_SelectSsidMatch * \brief Check if a site SSID matches the desired SSID for selection * * Check if a site SSID matches the desired SSID for selection * * \param hSme - handle to the SME object * \param pSiteSsid - the site SSID * \param pDesiredSsid - the desired SSID * \param edesiredSsidType - the desired SSID type * \return TI_TRUE if SSIDs match, TI_FALSE if they don't * \sa sme_Select */ TI_BOOL sme_SelectSsidMatch (TI_HANDLE hSme, TSsid *pSiteSsid, TSsid *pDesiredSsid, ESsidType eDesiredSsidType) { TSme *pSme = (TSme*)hSme; /*If SSID length is 0 (hidden SSID)- Discard*/ if (pSiteSsid->len == 0) { return TI_FALSE; } /* if the desired SSID type is any, return TRUE (site matches) */ if (SSID_TYPE_ANY == eDesiredSsidType) { return TI_TRUE; } /* It looks like it never happens. Anyway decided to check */ if (( pSiteSsid->len > MAX_SSID_LEN ) || ( pDesiredSsid->len > MAX_SSID_LEN )) { TRACE3( pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR, "sme_SelectSsidMatch. pSme->tSsid.len=%d or pDesiredSsid->len =%d exceed the limit %d\n", pSiteSsid->len, pDesiredSsid->len, MAX_SSID_LEN); handleRunProblem(PROBLEM_BUF_SIZE_VIOLATION); return TI_FALSE; } /* otherwise, check if the SSIDs match */ if ((pSiteSsid->len == pDesiredSsid->len) && /* lngth match */ (0 == os_memoryCompare (pSme->hOS, (TI_UINT8 *)&(pSiteSsid->str[ 0 ]), (TI_UINT8 *)&(pDesiredSsid->str[ 0 ]), pSiteSsid->len))) /* content match */ { return TI_TRUE; } else { return TI_FALSE; } } /** * \fn sme_SelectBssidMatch * \brief Check if a site BSSID matches the desired BSSID for selection * * Check if a site BSSID matches the desired BSSID for selection * * \param pSiteBssid - the site BSSID * \param pDesiredBssid - the desired BSSID * \return TI_TRUE if BSSIDs match, TI_FALSE if they don't * \sa sme_Select */ TI_BOOL sme_SelectBssidMatch (TMacAddr *pSiteBssid, TMacAddr *pDesiredBssid) { /* check if the desired BSSID is broadcast (no need to match) */ if (TI_TRUE == MAC_BROADCAST (*pDesiredBssid)) { return TI_TRUE; } /* if the desired BSSID is not any BSSID, check if the site BSSID equals the desired BSSID */ if (TI_TRUE == MAC_EQUAL (*pDesiredBssid, *pSiteBssid)) { return TI_TRUE; } /* no match */ return TI_FALSE; } /** * \fn sme_SelectBssTypeMatch * \brief Checks if the desired BSS type match the BSS type of a site * * Checks if the desired BSS type match the BSS type of a site * * \param eSiteBssType - the site BSS type * \param edesiredBssType - the desired BSS type * \return TI_TRUE if the BSS types matches, TI_FALSE if they don't * \sa sme_Select */ TI_BOOL sme_SelectBssTypeMatch (ScanBssType_e eSiteBssType, ScanBssType_e eDesiredBssType) { /* if the desired type is any, there is a match */ if (BSS_ANY == eDesiredBssType) { return TI_TRUE; } /* if the BSS types equal, there is a match */ if (eDesiredBssType == eSiteBssType) { return TI_TRUE; } /* no match */ return TI_FALSE; } /** * \fn sme_SelectWscMatch * \brief checks if the configred WSC mode equals the WSC mode of a site * * checks if the configred WSC mode equals the WSC mode of a site * * \param hSme - handle to the SME object * \param pCurrentSite - site to check * \return TI_TRUE if site macthes current WSC mode, TI_FALSE if it doesn't match * \sa sme_Select */ TI_BOOL sme_SelectWscMatch (TI_HANDLE hSme, TSiteEntry *pCurrentSite, TI_BOOL *pbWscPbAbort, TI_BOOL *pbWscPbApFound) { TSme *pSme = (TSme*)hSme; TIWLN_SIMPLE_CONFIG_MODE wscMode; /* get the WSC mode from site mgr */ siteMgr_getParamWSC(pSme->hSiteMgr, &wscMode); /* SITE_MGR_SIMPLE_CONFIG_MODE - get the WSC mode from site mgr */ /* if simple config is off, site match */ if (TIWLN_SIMPLE_CONFIG_OFF == wscMode) { return TI_TRUE; } /* if WSC is supported, and more than one AP with PB configuration is found - indicate to abort */ if ((TI_TRUE == *pbWscPbApFound) && (TIWLN_SIMPLE_CONFIG_PBC_METHOD == pCurrentSite->WSCSiteMode)) { TRACE1(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION , "sme_SelectWscMatch: WSC mode is %d, and more than one AP with WSC PB found - aborting\n", wscMode); *pbWscPbAbort = TI_TRUE; return TI_FALSE; } else { /* indicate NOT to abort the select process */ *pbWscPbAbort = TI_FALSE; } /* if configured simple config mode equals site simple config mode, site match */ if (pCurrentSite->WSCSiteMode == wscMode) { return TI_TRUE; } /* site doesn't match */ return TI_FALSE; } /** * \fn sme_SelectRsnMatch * \brief Checks if the configured scurity settings match those of a site * * Checks if the configured scurity settings match those of a site * * \param hSme - handle to the SME object * \param pCurrentSite - the site to check * \return TI_TRUE if site matches RSN settings, TI FALSE if it doesn't * \sa sme_Select */ TI_BOOL sme_SelectRsnMatch (TI_HANDLE hSme, TSiteEntry *pCurrentSite) { TSme *pSme = (TSme*)hSme; TRsnData tRsnData; dot11_RSN_t *pRsnIe; TI_UINT8 uRsnIECount=0; TI_UINT8 uCurRsnData[255]; TI_UINT32 uLength = 0; TI_UINT32 uMetric; TRsnSiteParams tRsnSiteParams; tRsnSiteParams.bssType = pCurrentSite->bssType; MAC_COPY(tRsnSiteParams.bssid, pCurrentSite->bssid); tRsnSiteParams.pHTCapabilities = &pCurrentSite->tHtCapabilities; tRsnSiteParams.pHTInfo = &pCurrentSite->tHtInformation; /* copy all RSN IE's */ pRsnIe = pCurrentSite->pRsnIe; while ((uLength < pCurrentSite->rsnIeLen) && (uRsnIECount < MAX_RSN_IE)) { if (uLength + 2 + pRsnIe->hdr[ 1 ] > sizeof (uCurRsnData)) { TRACE4( pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR, "sme_SelectRsnMatch. uRsnIECount=%d, uLength=%d; required copy of %d bytes exceeds the buffer limit %d\n", uRsnIECount, uLength, pRsnIe->hdr[ 1 ] +2, sizeof (uCurRsnData)); handleRunProblem(PROBLEM_BUF_SIZE_VIOLATION); return TI_FALSE; } uCurRsnData[ 0 + uLength ] = pRsnIe->hdr[ 0 ]; uCurRsnData[ 1 + uLength ] = pRsnIe->hdr[ 1 ]; os_memoryCopy (pSme->hOS, &uCurRsnData[ 2 + uLength ], pRsnIe->rsnIeData, pRsnIe->hdr[ 1 ]); uLength += pRsnIe->hdr[ 1 ] + 2; pRsnIe += 1; uRsnIECount++; } /* sanity check - make sure RSN IE's size is not too big */ if (uLength < pCurrentSite->rsnIeLen) { TRACE2(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR , "sme_SelectRsnMatch, RSN IE is too long: rsnIeLen=%d, MAX_RSN_IE=%d\n", pCurrentSite->rsnIeLen, MAX_RSN_IE); } /* call the RSN to evaluate the site */ tRsnData.pIe = (pCurrentSite->rsnIeLen == 0) ? NULL : uCurRsnData; tRsnData.ieLen = pCurrentSite->rsnIeLen; tRsnData.privacy = pCurrentSite->privacy; if (rsn_evalSite (pSme->hRsn, &tRsnData, &tRsnSiteParams , &uMetric) != TI_OK) { /* no match */ return TI_FALSE; } else { /* match! */ return TI_TRUE; } }