# Usage example: ./generate.sh int Int Integer"
# Args are: primitive type, capitalized primitive type, wrapper type
# To make changes to the .java files in this package,
# 1. run this script to generate the templates, move the .gen files
# somewhere else
# 2. modify the template with your intended changes, then rerun the
# script
# 3. use any three-way merge tool to edit the checked-in source files,
# using the before-and-after generated files as the bases.
if [ "$#" -ne "3" ]
echo "Usage example: ./generate.sh int Int Integer"
exit 1
# Note: using the strange strings 'primtyp' and 'WrapperCl' so that they match
# the maximum length of the real strings ('boolean' and 'Character').
perl -pe "s/primtyp/$1/g; s/PrimTyp/$2/g; s/WrapperCl/$3/g" << "--EOF--" > $2s.java.gen
* Copyright (C) 2008 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.google.common.primitives;
import com.google.common.annotations.GwtCompatible;
import com.google.common.annotations.GwtIncompatible;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkElementIndex;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkPositionIndexes;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.AbstractList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.RandomAccess;
* Static utility methods pertaining to {@code primtyp} primitives, that are not
* already found in either {@link WrapperCl} or {@link Arrays}.
* @author Kevin Bourrillion
* @since 2009.09.15 <b>tentative</b>
public final class PrimTyps {
private PrimTyps() {}
* The number of bytes required to represent a primitive {@code primtyp}
* value.
public static final int BYTES = WrapperCl.SIZE / Byte.SIZE;
* Returns a hash code for {@code value}; equal to the result of invoking
* {@code ((WrapperCl) value).hashCode()}.
* @param value a primitive {@code primtyp} value
* @return a hash code for the value
public static int hashCode(primtyp value) {
return ??
* Returns the {@code primtyp} value that is equal to {@code value}, if possible.
* @param value any value in the range of the {@code primtyp} type
* @return the {@code primtyp} value that equals {@code value}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code value} is greater than {@link
* WrapperCl#MAX_VALUE} or less than {@link WrapperCl#MIN_VALUE}
public static primtyp checkedCast(long value) {
primtyp result = (primtyp) value;
checkArgument(result == value, "Out of range: %s", value);
return result;
* Returns the {@code primtyp} nearest in value to {@code value}.
* @param value any {@code long} value
* @return the same value cast to {@code primtyp} if it is in the range of the
* {@code primtyp} type, {@link WrapperCl#MAX_VALUE} if it is too large,
* or {@link WrapperCl#MIN_VALUE} if it is too small
public static primtyp saturatedCast(long value) {
if (value > WrapperCl.MAX_VALUE) {
return WrapperCl.MAX_VALUE;
if (value < WrapperCl.MIN_VALUE) {
return WrapperCl.MIN_VALUE;
return (primtyp) value;
* Compares the two specified {@code primtyp} values. The sign of the value
* returned is the same as that of {@code ((WrapperCl) a).compareTo(b)}.
* @param a the first {@code primtyp} to compare
* @param b the second {@code primtyp} to compare
* @return a negative value if {@code a} is less than {@code b}; a positive
* value if {@code a} is greater than {@code b}; or zero if they are equal
public static int compare(primtyp a, primtyp b) {
return (a < b) ? -1 : ((a > b) ? 1 : 0);
* Returns {@code true} if {@code target} is present as an element anywhere in
* {@code array}.
* @param array an array of {@code primtyp} values, possibly empty
* @param target a primitive {@code primtyp} value
* @return {@code true} if {@code array[i] == target} for some value of {@code
* i}
public static boolean contains(primtyp[] array, primtyp target) {
for (primtyp value : array) {
if (value == target) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns the index of the first appearance of the value {@code target} in
* {@code array}.
* @param array an array of {@code primtyp} values, possibly empty
* @param target a primitive {@code primtyp} value
* @return the least index {@code i} for which {@code array[i] == target}, or
* {@code -1} if no such index exists.
public static int indexOf(primtyp[] array, primtyp target) {
return indexOf(array, target, 0, array.length);
// TODO: consider making this public
private static int indexOf(
primtyp[] array, primtyp target, int start, int end) {
for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
if (array[i] == target) {
return i;
return -1;
* Returns the start position of the first occurrence of the specified {@code
* target} within {@code array}, or {@code -1} if there is no such occurrence.
* <p>More formally, returns the lowest index {@code i} such that {@code
* java.util.Arrays.copyOfRange(array, i, i + target.length)} contains exactly
* the same elements as {@code target}.
* @param array the array to search for the sequence {@code target}
* @param target the array to search for as a sub-sequence of {@code array}
public static int indexOf(primtyp[] array, primtyp[] target) {
checkNotNull(array, "array");
checkNotNull(target, "target");
if (target.length == 0) {
return 0;
for (int i = 0; i < array.length - target.length + 1; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < target.length; j++) {
if (array[i + j] != target[j]) {
continue outer;
return i;
return -1;
* Returns the index of the last appearance of the value {@code target} in
* {@code array}.
* @param array an array of {@code primtyp} values, possibly empty
* @param target a primitive {@code primtyp} value
* @return the greatest index {@code i} for which {@code array[i] == target},
* or {@code -1} if no such index exists.
public static int lastIndexOf(primtyp[] array, primtyp target) {
return lastIndexOf(array, target, 0, array.length);
// TODO: consider making this public
private static int lastIndexOf(
primtyp[] array, primtyp target, int start, int end) {
for (int i = end - 1; i >= start; i--) {
if (array[i] == target) {
return i;
return -1;
* Returns the least value present in {@code array}.
* @param array a <i>nonempty</i> array of {@code primtyp} values
* @return the value present in {@code array} that is less than or equal to
* every other value in the array
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code array} is empty
public static primtyp min(primtyp... array) {
checkArgument(array.length > 0);
primtyp min = array[0];
for (int i = 1; i < array.length; i++) {
if (array[i] < min) {
min = array[i];
return min;
* Returns the greatest value present in {@code array}.
* @param array a <i>nonempty</i> array of {@code primtyp} values
* @return the value present in {@code array} that is greater than or equal to
* every other value in the array
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code array} is empty
public static primtyp max(primtyp... array) {
checkArgument(array.length > 0);
primtyp max = array[0];
for (int i = 1; i < array.length; i++) {
if (array[i] > max) {
max = array[i];
return max;
* Returns the values from each provided array combined into a single array.
* For example, {@code concat(new primtyp[] {a, b}, new primtyp[] {}, new
* primtyp[] {c}} returns the array {@code {a, b, c}}.
* @param arrays zero or more {@code primtyp} arrays
* @return a single array containing all the values from the source arrays, in
* order
public static primtyp[] concat(primtyp[]... arrays) {
int length = 0;
for (primtyp[] array : arrays) {
length += array.length;
primtyp[] result = new primtyp[length];
int pos = 0;
for (primtyp[] array : arrays) {
System.arraycopy(array, 0, result, pos, array.length);
pos += array.length;
return result;
* Returns a big-endian representation of {@code value} in a ?-element byte
* array; equivalent to {@code
* ByteBuffer.allocate(?).putPrimTyp(value).array()}. For example, the input
* value {@code ?} would yield the byte array {@code {?}}.
* <p>If you need to convert and concatenate several values (possibly even of
* different types), use a shared {@link java.nio.ByteBuffer} instance, or use
* {@link com.google.common.io.ByteStreams#newDataOutput()} to get a growable
* buffer.
@GwtIncompatible("doesn't work")
public static byte[] toByteArray(primtyp value) {
return new byte[] {
* Returns the {@code primtyp} value whose big-endian representation is
* stored in the first ? bytes of {@code bytes}; equivalent to {@code
* ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes).getPrimTyp()}. For example, the input byte array
* {@code {?}} would yield the {@code primtyp} value {@code ?}.
* <p>Arguably, it's preferable to use {@link java.nio.ByteBuffer}; that
* library exposes much more flexibility at little cost in readability.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code bytes} has fewer than ?
* elements
@GwtIncompatible("doesn't work")
public static primtyp fromByteArray(byte[] bytes) {
checkArgument(bytes.length >= BYTES,
"array too small: %s < %s", bytes.length, BYTES);
return ?
* Returns an array containing the same values as {@code array}, but
* guaranteed to be of a specified minimum length. If {@code array} already
* has a length of at least {@code minLength}, it is returned directly.
* Otherwise, a new array of size {@code minLength + padding} is returned,
* containing the values of {@code array}, and zeroes in the remaining places.
* @param array the source array
* @param minLength the minimum length the returned array must guarantee
* @param padding an extra amount to "grow" the array by if growth is
* necessary
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code minLength} or {@code padding} is
* negative
* @return an array containing the values of {@code array}, with guaranteed
* minimum length {@code minLength}
public static primtyp[] ensureCapacity(
primtyp[] array, int minLength, int padding) {
checkArgument(minLength >= 0, "Invalid minLength: %s", minLength);
checkArgument(padding >= 0, "Invalid padding: %s", padding);
return (array.length < minLength)
? copyOf(array, minLength + padding)
: array;
// Arrays.copyOf() requires Java 6
private static primtyp[] copyOf(primtyp[] original, int length) {
primtyp[] copy = new primtyp[length];
System.arraycopy(original, 0, copy, 0, Math.min(original.length, length));
return copy;
* Returns a string containing the supplied {@code primtyp} values separated
* by {@code separator}. For example, {@code join("-", 1?, 2?, 3?)} returns
* the string {@code "1-2-3"}.
* @param separator the text that should appear between consecutive values in
* the resulting string (but not at the start or end)
* @param array an array of {@code primtyp} values, possibly empty
public static String join(String separator, primtyp... array) {
if (array.length == 0) {
return "";
// For pre-sizing a builder, just get the right order of magnitude
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(array.length * ??);
for (int i = 1; i < array.length; i++) {
return builder.toString();
* Returns a comparator that compares two {@code primtyp} arrays
* lexicographically. That is, it compares, using {@link
* #compare(primtyp, primtyp)}), the first pair of values that follow any
* common prefix, or when one array is a prefix of the other, treats the
* shorter array as the lesser. For example, {@code [] < [1] < [1, 2] < [2]}.
* <p>The returned comparator is inconsistent with {@link
* Object#equals(Object)} (since arrays support only identity equality), but
* it is consistent with {@link Arrays#equals(primtyp[], primtyp[])}.
* @see <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lexicographical_order">
* Lexicographical order</a> article at Wikipedia
* @since 2010.01.04 <b>tentative</b>
public static Comparator<primtyp[]> lexicographicalComparator() {
return LexicographicalComparator.INSTANCE;
private enum LexicographicalComparator implements Comparator<primtyp[]> {
public int compare(primtyp[] left, primtyp[] right) {
int minLength = Math.min(left.length, right.length);
for (int i = 0; i < minLength; i++) {
int result = PrimTyps.compare(left[i], right[i]);
if (result != 0) {
return result;
return left.length - right.length;
* Copies a collection of {@code WrapperCl} instances into a new array of
* primitive {@code primtyp} values.
* <p>Elements are copied from the argument collection as if by {@code
* collection.toArray()}. Calling this method is as thread-safe as calling
* that method.
* @param collection a collection of {@code WrapperCl} objects
* @return an array containing the same values as {@code collection}, in the
* same order, converted to primitives
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code collection} or any of its elements
* is null
public static primtyp[] toArray(Collection<WrapperCl> collection) {
if (collection instanceof PrimTypArrayAsList) {
return ((PrimTypArrayAsList) collection).toPrimTypArray();
Object[] boxedArray = collection.toArray();
int len = boxedArray.length;
primtyp[] array = new primtyp[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
array[i] = (WrapperCl) boxedArray[i];
return array;
* Returns a fixed-size list backed by the specified array, similar to {@link
* Arrays#asList(Object[])}. The list supports {@link List#set(int, Object)},
* but any attempt to set a value to {@code null} will result in a {@link
* NullPointerException}.
* <p>The returned list maintains the values, but not the identities, of
* {@code WrapperCl} objects written to or read from it. For example, whether
* {@code list.get(0) == list.get(0)} is true for the returned list is
* unspecified.
* @param backingArray the array to back the list
* @return a list view of the array
public static List<WrapperCl> asList(primtyp... backingArray) {
if (backingArray.length == 0) {
return Collections.emptyList();
return new PrimTypArrayAsList(backingArray);
private static class PrimTypArrayAsList extends AbstractList<WrapperCl>
implements RandomAccess, Serializable {
final primtyp[] array;
final int start;
final int end;
PrimTypArrayAsList(primtyp[] array) {
this(array, 0, array.length);
PrimTypArrayAsList(primtyp[] array, int start, int end) {
this.array = array;
this.start = start;
this.end = end;
@Override public int size() {
return end - start;
@Override public boolean isEmpty() {
return false;
@Override public WrapperCl get(int index) {
checkElementIndex(index, size());
return array[start + index];
@Override public boolean contains(Object target) {
// Overridden to prevent a ton of boxing
return (target instanceof WrapperCl)
&& PrimTyps.indexOf(array, (WrapperCl) target, start, end) != -1;
@Override public int indexOf(Object target) {
// Overridden to prevent a ton of boxing
if (target instanceof WrapperCl) {
int i = PrimTyps.indexOf(array, (WrapperCl) target, start, end);
if (i >= 0) {
return i - start;
return -1;
@Override public int lastIndexOf(Object target) {
// Overridden to prevent a ton of boxing
if (target instanceof WrapperCl) {
int i = PrimTyps.lastIndexOf(array, (WrapperCl) target, start, end);
if (i >= 0) {
return i - start;
return -1;
@Override public WrapperCl set(int index, WrapperCl element) {
checkElementIndex(index, size());
primtyp oldValue = array[start + index];
array[start + index] = element;
return oldValue;
/** In GWT, List and AbstractList do not have the subList method. */
/*@Override*/ public List<WrapperCl> subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex) {
int size = size();
checkPositionIndexes(fromIndex, toIndex, size);
if (fromIndex == toIndex) {
return Collections.emptyList();
return new PrimTypArrayAsList(array, start + fromIndex, start + toIndex);
@Override public boolean equals(Object object) {
if (object == this) {
return true;
if (object instanceof PrimTypArrayAsList) {
PrimTypArrayAsList that = (PrimTypArrayAsList) object;
int size = size();
if (that.size() != size) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (array[start + i] != that.array[that.start + i]) {
return false;
return true;
return super.equals(object);
@Override public int hashCode() {
int result = 1;
for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
result = 31 * result + PrimTyps.hashCode(array[i]);
return result;
@Override public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(size() * ??);
for (int i = start + 1; i < end; i++) {
builder.append(", ").append(array[i]);
return builder.append(']').toString();
primtyp[] toPrimTypArray() {
// Arrays.copyOfRange() requires Java 6
int size = size();
primtyp[] result = new primtyp[size];
System.arraycopy(array, start, result, 0, size);
return result;
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;