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 * Copyright (C) 2007 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer;

 * <p>An abstract implementation of the {@link Future} interface.  This class
 * is an abstraction of {@link java.util.concurrent.FutureTask} to support use
 * for tasks other than {@link Runnable}s.  It uses an
 * {@link AbstractQueuedSynchronizer} to deal with concurrency issues and
 * guarantee thread safety.  It could be used as a base class to
 * {@code FutureTask}, or any other implementor of the {@code Future} interface.
 * <p>This class implements all methods in {@code Future}.  Subclasses should
 * provide a way to set the result of the computation through the protected
 * methods {@link #set(Object)}, {@link #setException(Throwable)}, or
 * {@link #cancel()}.  If subclasses want to implement cancellation they can
 * override the {@link #cancel(boolean)} method with a real implementation, the
 * default implementation doesn't support cancellation.
 * <p>The state changing methods all return a boolean indicating success or
 * failure in changing the future's state.  Valid states are running,
 * completed, failed, or cancelled.  Because this class does not implement
 * cancellation it is left to the subclass to distinguish between created
 * and running tasks.
 * @author Sven Mawson
 * @since 2009.09.15 <b>tentative</b>
public abstract class AbstractFuture<V> implements Future<V> {

  /** Synchronization control for AbstractFutures. */
  private final Sync<V> sync = new Sync<V>();

   * Blocks until either the task completes or the timeout expires.  Uses the
   * sync blocking-with-timeout support provided by AQS.
  public V get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException,
      TimeoutException, ExecutionException {
    return sync.get(unit.toNanos(timeout));

   * Blocks until the task completes or we get interrupted. Uses the
   * interruptible blocking support provided by AQS.
  public V get() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
    return sync.get();

   * Checks if the sync is not in the running state.
  public boolean isDone() {
    return sync.isDone();

   * Checks if the sync is in the cancelled state.
  public boolean isCancelled() {
    return sync.isCancelled();

   * Default implementation of cancel that never cancels the future.
   * Subclasses should override this to implement cancellation if desired.
  public boolean cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning) {
    return false;

   * Subclasses should invoke this method to set the result of the computation
   * to {@code value}.  This will set the state of the future to
   * {@link AbstractFuture.Sync#COMPLETED} and call {@link #done()} if the
   * state was successfully changed.
   * @param value the value that was the result of the task.
   * @return true if the state was successfully changed.
  protected boolean set(V value) {
    boolean result = sync.set(value);
    if (result) {
    return result;

   * Subclasses should invoke this method to set the result of the computation
   * to an error, {@code throwable}.  This will set the state of the future to
   * {@link AbstractFuture.Sync#COMPLETED} and call {@link #done()} if the
   * state was successfully changed.
   * @param throwable the exception that the task failed with.
   * @return true if the state was successfully changed.
   * @throws Error if the throwable was an {@link Error}.
  protected boolean setException(Throwable throwable) {
    boolean result = sync.setException(throwable);
    if (result) {

    // If it's an Error, we want to make sure it reaches the top of the
    // call stack, so we rethrow it.
    if (throwable instanceof Error) {
      throw (Error) throwable;
    return result;

   * Subclasses should invoke this method to mark the future as cancelled.
   * This will set the state of the future to {@link
   * AbstractFuture.Sync#CANCELLED} and call {@link #done()} if the state was
   * successfully changed.
   * @return true if the state was successfully changed.
  protected final boolean cancel() {
    boolean result = sync.cancel();
    if (result) {
    return result;

   * Called by the success, failed, or cancelled methods to indicate that the
   * value is now available and the latch can be released.  Subclasses can
   * use this method to deal with any actions that should be undertaken when
   * the task has completed.
  protected void done() {
    // Default implementation does nothing.

   * <p>Following the contract of {@link AbstractQueuedSynchronizer} we create a
   * private subclass to hold the synchronizer.  This synchronizer is used to
   * implement the blocking and waiting calls as well as to handle state changes
   * in a thread-safe manner.  The current state of the future is held in the
   * Sync state, and the lock is released whenever the state changes to either
   * {@link #COMPLETED} or {@link #CANCELLED}.
   * <p>To avoid races between threads doing release and acquire, we transition
   * to the final state in two steps.  One thread will successfully CAS from
   * RUNNING to COMPLETING, that thread will then set the result of the
   * computation, and only then transition to COMPLETED or CANCELLED.
   * <p>We don't use the integer argument passed between acquire methods so we
   * pass around a -1 everywhere.
  static final class Sync<V> extends AbstractQueuedSynchronizer {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;

    /* Valid states. */
    static final int RUNNING = 0;
    static final int COMPLETING = 1;
    static final int COMPLETED = 2;
    static final int CANCELLED = 4;

    private V value;
    private ExecutionException exception;

     * Acquisition succeeds if the future is done, otherwise it fails.
    protected int tryAcquireShared(int ignored) {
      if (isDone()) {
        return 1;
      return -1;

     * We always allow a release to go through, this means the state has been
     * successfully changed and the result is available.
    protected boolean tryReleaseShared(int finalState) {
      return true;

     * Blocks until the task is complete or the timeout expires.  Throws a
     * {@link TimeoutException} if the timer expires, otherwise behaves like
     * {@link #get()}.
    V get(long nanos) throws TimeoutException, CancellationException,
        ExecutionException, InterruptedException {

      // Attempt to acquire the shared lock with a timeout.
      if (!tryAcquireSharedNanos(-1, nanos)) {
        throw new TimeoutException("Timeout waiting for task.");

      return getValue();

     * Blocks until {@link #complete(Object, Throwable, int)} has been
     * successfully called.  Throws a {@link CancellationException} if the task
     * was cancelled, or a {@link ExecutionException} if the task completed with
     * an error.
    V get() throws CancellationException, ExecutionException,
        InterruptedException {

      // Acquire the shared lock allowing interruption.
      return getValue();

     * Implementation of the actual value retrieval.  Will return the value
     * on success, an exception on failure, a cancellation on cancellation, or
     * an illegal state if the synchronizer is in an invalid state.
    private V getValue() throws CancellationException, ExecutionException {
      int state = getState();
      switch (state) {
        case COMPLETED:
          if (exception != null) {
            throw exception;
          } else {
            return value;

        case CANCELLED:
          throw new CancellationException("Task was cancelled.");

          throw new IllegalStateException(
              "Error, synchronizer in invalid state: " + state);

     * Checks if the state is {@link #COMPLETED} or {@link #CANCELLED}.
    boolean isDone() {
      return (getState() & (COMPLETED | CANCELLED)) != 0;

     * Checks if the state is {@link #CANCELLED}.
    boolean isCancelled() {
      return getState() == CANCELLED;

     * Transition to the COMPLETED state and set the value.
    boolean set(V v) {
      return complete(v, null, COMPLETED);

     * Transition to the COMPLETED state and set the exception.
    boolean setException(Throwable t) {
      return complete(null, t, COMPLETED);

     * Transition to the CANCELLED state.
    boolean cancel() {
      return complete(null, null, CANCELLED);

     * Implementation of completing a task.  Either {@code v} or {@code t} will
     * be set but not both.  The {@code finalState} is the state to change to
     * from {@link #RUNNING}.  If the state is not in the RUNNING state we
     * return {@code false}.
     * @param v the value to set as the result of the computation.
     * @param t the exception to set as the result of the computation.
     * @param finalState the state to transition to.
    private boolean complete(V v, Throwable t, int finalState) {
      if (compareAndSetState(RUNNING, COMPLETING)) {
        this.value = v;
        this.exception = t == null ? null : new ExecutionException(t);
        return true;

      // The state was not RUNNING, so there are no valid transitions.
      return false;