/* * sme.c * * Copyright(c) 1998 - 2010 Texas Instruments. All rights reserved. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name Texas Instruments nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** \file sme.c * \brief SME implementation * * \see sme.h, smeSm.c smePrivate.h */ #define __FILE_ID__ FILE_ID_41 #include "smePrivate.h" #include "GenSM.h" #include "scanResultTable.h" #include "smeSm.h" #include "siteMgrApi.h" #include "regulatoryDomainApi.h" #include "connApi.h" /** * \fn sme_Create * \brief Creates the SME module. Allocates system resources * * Creates the SME module. Allocates system resources * * \param hOS - handle to the OS adaptation layer * \return Handle to the SME object * \sa sme_Init, sme_SetDefaults, sme_Destroy */ TI_HANDLE sme_Create (TI_HANDLE hOS) { TSme *pSme; /* allocate space for the SME object */ pSme = (TSme*)os_memoryAlloc (hOS, sizeof (TSme)); if (NULL == pSme) { WLAN_OS_REPORT (("sme_Create: unable to allocate memor yfor SME object. SME craetion failed\n")); return NULL; } /* nullify SME object */ os_memoryZero (hOS, (void*)pSme, sizeof (TSme)); /* store OS handle */ pSme->hOS = hOS; /* Create SME generic state-machine */ pSme->hSmeSm = genSM_Create (hOS); if (NULL == pSme->hSmeSm) { WLAN_OS_REPORT (("sme_Create: unable to create SME generic SM. SME creation failed\n")); sme_Destroy ((TI_HANDLE)pSme); return NULL; } /* Create SME scan result table */ pSme->hSmeScanResultTable = scanResultTable_Create (hOS, SME_SCAN_TABLE_ENTRIES); if (NULL == pSme->hSmeScanResultTable) { WLAN_OS_REPORT (("sme_Create: unable to create scan result table. SME creation failed\n")); sme_Destroy ((TI_HANDLE)pSme); return NULL; } return (TI_HANDLE)pSme; } /** * \fn sme_Init * \brief Initializes the SME object. Store module handles * * Initializes the SME object. Store module handles * * \param pStadHandles - pointer to the handles structure * \return None * \sa sme_Create, sme_SetDefaults */ void sme_Init (TStadHandlesList *pStadHandles) { TSme *pSme = pStadHandles->hSme; /* Store object handles */ pSme->hReport = pStadHandles->hReport; pSme->hScanCncn = pStadHandles->hScanCncn; pSme->hApConn = pStadHandles->hAPConnection; pSme->hConn = pStadHandles->hConn; pSme->hScr = pStadHandles->hSCR; pSme->hRegDomain = pStadHandles->hRegulatoryDomain; pSme->hEvHandler = pStadHandles->hEvHandler; pSme->hSiteMgr = pStadHandles->hSiteMgr; pSme->hRsn = pStadHandles->hRsn; pSme->hDrvMain = pStadHandles->hDrvMain; pSme->hTwd = pStadHandles->hTWD; /* Initialize the scan result table object */ scanResultTable_Init (pSme->hSmeScanResultTable, pStadHandles, SCAN_RESULT_TABLE_CLEAR); /* Initialize the SME state-machine object */ genSM_Init (pSme->hSmeSm, pStadHandles->hReport); } /** * \fn sme_SetDefaults * \brief Set default values to the SME (and the SM and scan result table) * * Set default values to the SME (and the SM and scan result table) * * \param hSme - handle to the SME object * \param pInitParams - values read from registry / ini file * \return None * \sa sme_Create, sme_Init */ void sme_SetDefaults (TI_HANDLE hSme, TSmeModifiedInitParams *pModifiedInitParams, TSmeInitParams *pInitParams) { TSme *pSme = (TSme*)hSme; /* copy init params */ os_memoryCopy (pSme->hOS, &(pSme->tInitParams), pInitParams, sizeof (TSmeInitParams)); /* initialize SME varaibles */ pSme->bRadioOn = pModifiedInitParams->bRadioOn; pSme->eConnectMode = pModifiedInitParams->eConnectMode; if (CONNECT_MODE_AUTO == pSme->eConnectMode) { pSme->hScanResultTable = pSme->hSmeScanResultTable; } else if (CONNECT_MODE_MANUAL == pSme->eConnectMode) { pSme->hScanResultTable = pSme->hScanCncnScanResulTable; } pSme->eBssType = pModifiedInitParams->eDesiredBssType; MAC_COPY (pSme->tBssid, pModifiedInitParams->tDesiredBssid); pSme->tSsid.len = pModifiedInitParams->tDesiredSsid.len; if ( pSme->tSsid.len > MAX_SSID_LEN ) { TRACE2( pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR, "sme_SetDefaults. pSme->tSsid.len=%d exceeds the limit %d\n", pSme->tSsid.len, MAX_SSID_LEN); pSme->tSsid.len = MAX_SSID_LEN; } os_memoryCopy (pSme->hOS, &(pSme->tSsid.str[ 0 ]), &(pModifiedInitParams->tDesiredSsid.str[ 0 ]), pSme->tSsid.len); if (OS_802_11_SSID_JUNK (pSme->tSsid.str, pSme->tSsid.len)) { pSme->eSsidType = SSID_TYPE_INVALID; pSme->bConnectRequired = TI_FALSE; } else if (0 == pSme->tSsid.len) { pSme->eSsidType = SSID_TYPE_ANY; pSme->bConnectRequired = TI_TRUE; } else { pSme->eSsidType = SSID_TYPE_SPECIFIC; pSme->bConnectRequired = TI_TRUE; } pSme->eLastConnectMode = CONNECT_MODE_AUTO; pSme->bAuthSent = TI_FALSE; pSme->bReselect = TI_FALSE; pSme->uScanCount = 0; pSme->bRunning = TI_FALSE; /* Initialize the SME state-machine */ genSM_SetDefaults (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_NUMBER_OF_STATES, SME_SM_NUMBER_OF_EVENTS, (TGenSM_matrix)tSmMatrix, SME_SM_STATE_IDLE, "SME SM", uStateDescription, uEventDescription, __FILE_ID__); /* register scan conecntrator CB */ scanCncn_RegisterScanResultCB (pSme->hScanCncn, SCAN_SCC_DRIVER, sme_ScanResultCB, hSme); } /** * \fn sme_setScanResultTable * \brief Sets the scanResultTable pointer for the manual mode. * \param hSme - handle to the SME object * \param hScanResultTable - pointer to ScanResultTable * \return none */ void sme_SetScanResultTable(TI_HANDLE hSme, TI_HANDLE hScanResultTable) { TSme *pSme = (TSme*)hSme; pSme->hScanCncnScanResulTable = hScanResultTable; if (CONNECT_MODE_MANUAL == pSme->eConnectMode) { pSme->hScanResultTable = pSme->hScanCncnScanResulTable; } } /** * \fn sme_Destroy * \brief Destroys the SME object. De-allocates system resources * * Destroys the SME object. De-allocates system resources * * \param hSme - handle to the SME object * \return None * \sa sme_Create */ void sme_Destroy (TI_HANDLE hSme) { TSme *pSme = (TSme*)hSme; /* destroy the scan result table */ if (NULL != pSme->hSmeScanResultTable) { scanResultTable_Destroy (pSme->hSmeScanResultTable); } /* destroy the SME generic state machine */ if (NULL != pSme->hSmeSm) { genSM_Unload (pSme->hSmeSm); } /* free the SME object */ os_memoryFree (pSme->hOS, hSme, sizeof (TSme)); } /** * \fn sme_Start * \brief Starts SME operation * * Starts SME operation. Send probe request templates and send a start event to the SM. * Only the DrvMain module could & is call that function !!! * * \param hSme - handle to the SME object * \return None * \sa sme_Stop */ void sme_Start (TI_HANDLE hSme) { TSme *pSme = (TSme*)hSme; TRACE1(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION , "sme_Start: called, bRadioOn = %d\n", pSme->bRadioOn); pSme->bRunning = TI_TRUE; /* * call setDefaultProbeReqTemplate at sme_Start() due to the fact in order to set prob req template * all moudules need to be set already */ setDefaultProbeReqTemplate (pSme->hSiteMgr); /* if radio is on, start the SM */ if (TI_TRUE == pSme->bRadioOn) { sme_SmEvent (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_START, hSme); } } /** * \fn sme_Stop * \brief Stops the driver (shuts-down the radio) * * Stops the driver (shuts-down the radio) * * \param hSme - handle to the SME object * \param pCBFunc - callback function to be called when stop operation is doen * \param hCBHanlde - handle to supply to the callback function * \return None * \sa sme_Start */ void sme_Stop (TI_HANDLE hSme) { TSme *pSme = (TSme*)hSme; TRACE0(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION , "sme_Stop called\n"); pSme->bRunning = TI_FALSE; /* mark that running flag is send a stop event to the SM */ sme_SmEvent (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_STOP, hSme); } /** * \fn sme_Restart * \brief Called due to a paramter value change in site mgr. Triggers a disconnect. * * Called due to a paramter value change in site mgr. Triggers a disconnect. * * \param hSme - handle to the SME object * \param eReason - the reason for restarting the SME * \return None */ void sme_Restart (TI_HANDLE hSme) { TSme *pSme = (TSme*)hSme; TRACE0(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION , "sme_Restart called.\n"); pSme->uScanCount = 0; sme_SmEvent (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_DISCONNECT, hSme); } /** * \fn sme_SetParam * \brief Set parameters values * * Set parameters values * * \note Note is indicated here * \param hSme - handle to the SME object * \param pParam - pointer to the param to set * \return PARAM_NOT_SUPPORTED for an unrecognized parameter, TI_OK if successfull. * \sa sme_GetParam */ TI_STATUS sme_SetParam (TI_HANDLE hSme, paramInfo_t *pParam) { TSme *pSme = (TSme*)hSme; TRACE1(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION , "sme_SetParam: param type is 0x%x\n", pParam->paramType); switch (pParam->paramType) { case SME_RADIO_ON_PARAM: /* if new value is different than current one */ if (pSme->bRadioOn != pParam->content.smeRadioOn) { /* set new radio on value and send an event to the state-machine accordingly */ pSme->bRadioOn = pParam->content.smeRadioOn; if (TI_TRUE == pSme->bRadioOn) { if(TI_TRUE == pSme->bRunning) { sme_SmEvent (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_START, hSme); } } else { sme_SmEvent (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_STOP, hSme); } } break; case SME_DESIRED_SSID_PARAM: if (pParam->content.smeDesiredSSID.len > MAX_SSID_LEN) { return PARAM_VALUE_NOT_VALID; /* SSID length is out of range */ } /* if new value is different than current one */ if ((pSme->tSsid.len != pParam->content.smeDesiredSSID.len) || (0 != os_memoryCompare (pSme->hOS, (TI_UINT8 *)&(pSme->tSsid.str[ 0 ]), (TI_UINT8 *)&(pParam->content.smeDesiredSSID.str[ 0 ]), pSme->tSsid.len))) { /* set new desired SSID */ os_memoryCopy (pSme->hOS, &(pSme->tSsid.str[ 0 ]), &(pParam->content.smeDesiredSSID.str[ 0 ]), pParam->content.smeDesiredSSID.len); pSme->tSsid.len = pParam->content.smeDesiredSSID.len; pSme->uScanCount = 0; /* now send a disconnect event */ sme_SmEvent (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_DISCONNECT, hSme); } break; case SME_DESIRED_SSID_ACT_PARAM: if (pParam->content.smeDesiredSSID.len > MAX_SSID_LEN) { return PARAM_VALUE_NOT_VALID; /* SSID length is out of range */ } pSme->bRadioOn = TI_TRUE; /* if new value is different than current one */ if ((pSme->tSsid.len != pParam->content.smeDesiredSSID.len) || (0 != os_memoryCompare (pSme->hOS, (TI_UINT8 *)&(pSme->tSsid.str[ 0 ]), (TI_UINT8 *)&(pParam->content.smeDesiredSSID.str[ 0 ]), pSme->tSsid.len))) { /* set new desired SSID */ os_memoryCopy (pSme->hOS, &(pSme->tSsid.str[ 0 ]), &(pParam->content.smeDesiredSSID.str[ 0 ]), pParam->content.smeDesiredSSID.len); pSme->tSsid.len = pParam->content.smeDesiredSSID.len; } /* also set SSID type and connect required flag */ if (OS_802_11_SSID_JUNK (pSme->tSsid.str, pSme->tSsid.len)) { pSme->eSsidType = SSID_TYPE_INVALID; pSme->bConnectRequired = TI_FALSE; } else if (0 == pSme->tSsid.len) { pSme->eSsidType = SSID_TYPE_ANY; pSme->bConnectRequired = TI_TRUE; } else { pSme->eSsidType = SSID_TYPE_SPECIFIC; pSme->bConnectRequired = TI_TRUE; } pSme->uScanCount = 0; /* if junk SSID */ if(TI_FALSE == pSme->bConnectRequired) { pSme->bConstantScan = TI_FALSE; } /* now send a disconnect event */ sme_SmEvent (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_DISCONNECT, hSme); break; case SME_DESIRED_BSSID_PARAM: /* if new value is different than current one */ if (TI_FALSE == MAC_EQUAL (pSme->tBssid, pParam->content.smeDesiredBSSID)) { /* set new BSSID */ MAC_COPY (pSme->tBssid, pParam->content.smeDesiredBSSID); pSme->uScanCount = 0; /* now send a disconnect event */ sme_SmEvent (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_DISCONNECT, hSme); } break; case SME_CONNECTION_MODE_PARAM: /* if new value is different than current one */ if (pSme->eConnectMode != pParam->content.smeConnectionMode) { /* set new connection mode */ pSme->eConnectMode = pParam->content.smeConnectionMode; pSme->uScanCount = 0; if (CONNECT_MODE_AUTO == pSme->eConnectMode) { pSme->hScanResultTable = pSme->hSmeScanResultTable; } else if (CONNECT_MODE_MANUAL == pSme->eConnectMode) { pSme->hScanResultTable = pSme->hScanCncnScanResulTable; } /* now send a disconnect event */ sme_SmEvent (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_DISCONNECT, hSme); } break; case SME_DESIRED_BSS_TYPE_PARAM: /* if new value is different than current one */ if (pSme->eBssType != pParam->content.smeDesiredBSSType) { /* set new BSS type */ pSme->eBssType = pParam->content.smeDesiredBSSType; pSme->uScanCount = 0; /* now send a disconnect event */ sme_SmEvent (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_DISCONNECT, hSme); } break; case SME_WSC_PB_MODE_PARAM: if (pParam->content.siteMgrWSCMode.WSCMode != TIWLN_SIMPLE_CONFIG_OFF) { pSme->bConstantScan = TI_TRUE; pSme->uScanCount = 0; /* now send a disconnect event */ sme_SmEvent (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_DISCONNECT, hSme); } else { pSme->bConstantScan = TI_FALSE; } break; default: TRACE1(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR , "sme_SetParam: unrecognized param type %d\n", pParam->paramType); return PARAM_NOT_SUPPORTED; /* break;*/ } return TI_OK; } /** * \fn sme_GetParam * \brief Retrieves a parameter from the SME * * Retrieves a parameter from the SME * * \param hSme - handle to the SME object * \param pParam - pointer to the param to retrieve * \return PARAM_NOT_SUPPORTED for an unrecognized parameter, TI_OK if successfull. * \sa sme_SetParam */ TI_STATUS sme_GetParam (TI_HANDLE hSme, paramInfo_t *pParam) { TSme *pSme = (TSme*)hSme; TRACE1(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION , "sme_GetParam: param type is 0x%x\n", pParam->paramType); switch (pParam->paramType) { case SME_RADIO_ON_PARAM: pParam->content.smeRadioOn = pSme->bRadioOn; break; case SME_DESIRED_SSID_ACT_PARAM: pParam->content.smeDesiredSSID.len = pSme->tSsid.len; os_memoryCopy (pSme->hOS, &(pParam->content.smeDesiredSSID.str[ 0 ]), &(pSme->tSsid.str[ 0 ]), pSme->tSsid.len); break; case SME_DESIRED_BSSID_PARAM: MAC_COPY (pParam->content.smeDesiredBSSID, pSme->tBssid); break; case SME_CONNECTION_MODE_PARAM: pParam->content.smeConnectionMode = pSme->eConnectMode; break; case SME_DESIRED_BSS_TYPE_PARAM: pParam->content.smeDesiredBSSType = pSme->eBssType; break; case SME_CONNECTION_STATUS_PARAM: switch (genSM_GetCurrentState (pSme->hSmeSm)) { case SME_SM_STATE_IDLE: pParam->content.smeSmConnectionStatus = eDot11RadioDisabled; break; case SME_SM_STATE_WAIT_CONNECT: pParam->content.smeSmConnectionStatus = eDot11Disassociated; break; case SME_SM_STATE_SCANNING: pParam->content.smeSmConnectionStatus = eDot11Scaning; break; case SME_SM_STATE_CONNECTING: pParam->content.smeSmConnectionStatus = eDot11Connecting; break; case SME_SM_STATE_CONNECTED: pParam->content.smeSmConnectionStatus = eDot11Associated; break; case SME_SM_STATE_DISCONNECTING: pParam->content.smeSmConnectionStatus = eDot11Disassociated; break; } break; default: TRACE1(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR , "sme_GetParam: unrecognized param type %d\n", pParam->paramType); return PARAM_NOT_SUPPORTED; /* break;*/ } return TI_OK; } /** * \fn sme_ScanResultCB * \brief Callback function from scan concentrator for results and scan complete indications * * Callback function from scan concentrator for results and scan complete indications * * \param hSme - handle to the SME object * \param eStatus - the reason for calling the CB * \param pFrameInfo - frame information (if the CB is called due to received frame) * \param uSPSStatus - SPS attened channels (if the CB is called to inidcate an SPS scan complete) * \return None */ void sme_ScanResultCB (TI_HANDLE hSme, EScanCncnResultStatus eStatus, TScanFrameInfo* pFrameInfo, TI_UINT16 uSPSStatus) { TSme *pSme = (TSme*)hSme; paramInfo_t param; switch (eStatus) { /* a frame was received - update the scan result table */ case SCAN_CRS_RECEIVED_FRAME: TRACE6(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION , "sme_ScanResultCB: received frame from BSSID %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 0 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 1 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 2 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 3 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 4 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 5 ]); /* * in auto mode in order to find country IE only !!! * filter frames according to desired SSID, in case we are also trying to find * country IE in passive scan, to avoid a table overflow (in manual mode, the SME table must be equal to the app * table, the app is responsible to decide which SSIDs to use for scan) */ if (CONNECT_MODE_AUTO == pSme->eConnectMode) { if (SSID_TYPE_SPECIFIC == pSme->eSsidType) { #ifndef XCC_MODULE_INCLUDED if ((pSme->tSsid.len == pFrameInfo->parsedIEs->content.iePacket.pSsid->hdr[ 1 ]) && (0 == os_memoryCompare (pSme->hOS, (TI_UINT8 *)&(pSme->tSsid.str[ 0 ]), (TI_UINT8 *)&(pFrameInfo->parsedIEs->content.iePacket.pSsid->serviceSetId[ 0 ]), pSme->tSsid.len))) #endif { if (TI_OK != scanResultTable_UpdateEntry (pSme->hScanResultTable, pFrameInfo->bssId, pFrameInfo)) { TRACE6(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR , "sme_ScanResultCB: unable to update specific entry for BSSID %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 0 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 1 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 2 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 3 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 4 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 5 ]); } } } else { if (TI_OK != scanResultTable_UpdateEntry (pSme->hScanResultTable, pFrameInfo->bssId, pFrameInfo)) { TRACE6(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR , "sme_ScanResultCB: unable to update entry for BSSID %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x because table is full\n", (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 0 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 1 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 2 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 3 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 4 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 5 ]); } } } else /* manual mode */ { if (TI_OK != scanResultTable_UpdateEntry (pSme->hSmeScanResultTable, pFrameInfo->bssId, pFrameInfo)) { TRACE6(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR , "sme_ScanResultCB: unable to update application scan entry for BSSID %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 0 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 1 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 2 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 3 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 4 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 5 ]); } } break; /* scan was completed successfully */ case SCAN_CRS_SCAN_COMPLETE_OK: /* an error occured, try selecting a site anyway */ case SCAN_CRS_SCAN_ABORTED_FW_RESET: case SCAN_CRS_SCAN_ABORTED_HIGHER_PRIORITY: case SCAN_CRS_SCAN_FAILED: case SCAN_CRS_TSF_ERROR: TRACE1(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION , "sme_ScanResultCB: received scan complete indication with status %d\n", eStatus); /* stablizie the scan result table - delete its contenst if no results were recived during last scan */ scanResultTable_SetStableState (pSme->hScanResultTable); if (CONNECT_MODE_AUTO == pSme->eConnectMode) { /* try to select a site */ pSme->pCandidate = sme_Select (hSme); /* if no matching site was found */ if (NULL == pSme->pCandidate) { /* for IBSS or any, if no entries where found, add the self site */ if (pSme->eBssType == BSS_INFRASTRUCTURE) { TRACE0(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION , "sme_ScanResultCB: No candidate available, sending connect failure\n"); sme_SmEvent (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_CONNECT_FAILURE, hSme); break; } { TI_UINT8 uDesiredChannel; param.paramType = SITE_MGR_DESIRED_CHANNEL_PARAM; siteMgr_getParam(pSme->hSiteMgr, ¶m); uDesiredChannel = param.content.siteMgrDesiredChannel; if (uDesiredChannel >= SITE_MGR_CHANNEL_A_MIN) { param.content.channelCapabilityReq.band = RADIO_BAND_5_0_GHZ; } else { param.content.channelCapabilityReq.band = RADIO_BAND_2_4_GHZ; } /* update the regulatory domain with the selected band */ /* Check if the selected channel is valid according to regDomain */ param.paramType = REGULATORY_DOMAIN_GET_SCAN_CAPABILITIES; param.content.channelCapabilityReq.scanOption = ACTIVE_SCANNING; param.content.channelCapabilityReq.channelNum = uDesiredChannel; regulatoryDomain_getParam (pSme->hRegDomain,¶m); if (!param.content.channelCapabilityRet.channelValidity) { TRACE0(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION , "IBSS SELECT FAILURE - No channel !!!\n\n"); sme_SmEvent (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_CONNECT_FAILURE, hSme); break; } pSme->pCandidate = (TSiteEntry *)addSelfSite(pSme->hSiteMgr); if (pSme->pCandidate == NULL) { TRACE0(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR , "IBSS SELECT FAILURE - could not open self site !!!\n\n"); sme_SmEvent (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_CONNECT_FAILURE, hSme); break; } #ifdef REPORT_LOG TRACE6(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_CONSOLE,"%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SELF SELECT SUCCESS, bssid: %X-%X-%X-%X-%X-%X %%%%%%%%%%%%%%\n\n", pSme->pCandidate->bssid[0], pSme->pCandidate->bssid[1], pSme->pCandidate->bssid[2], pSme->pCandidate->bssid[3], pSme->pCandidate->bssid[4], pSme->pCandidate->bssid[5]); WLAN_OS_REPORT (("%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SELF SELECT SUCCESS, bssid: %02x.%02x.%02x.%02x.%02x.%02x %%%%%%%%%%%%%%\n\n", pSme->pCandidate->bssid[0], pSme->pCandidate->bssid[1], pSme->pCandidate->bssid[2], pSme->pCandidate->bssid[3], pSme->pCandidate->bssid[4], pSme->pCandidate->bssid[5])); #endif } } /* a connection candidate is available, send a connect event */ sme_SmEvent (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_CONNECT, hSme); } break; /* * scan was stopped according to SME request (should happen when moving to disconnecting from scanning), send a * connect failure event to move out of disconnecting */ case SCAN_CRS_SCAN_STOPPED: TRACE0(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION , "sme_ScanResultCB: received scan stopped indication\n"); sme_SmEvent (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_CONNECT_FAILURE, hSme); break; default: TRACE1(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR , "sme_ScanResultCB: received unrecognized status %d\n", eStatus); break; } } /** * \fn sme_MeansurementScanResult * \brief Callback function from Meansurement for results * * Callback function from Meansurement for results used for scans wehen the SME is in Meansurement. * * \param hSme - handle to the SME object * \param pFrameInfo - frame information (if the CB is called due to received frame) * \return None */ void sme_MeansurementScanResult (TI_HANDLE hSme, EScanCncnResultStatus eStatus, TScanFrameInfo* pFrameInfo) { TSme *pSme = (TSme*)hSme; switch (eStatus) { /* a frame was received - update the scan result table */ case SCAN_CRS_RECEIVED_FRAME: TRACE6(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION , "sme_MeansurementScanResult: received frame from BSSID %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 0 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 1 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 2 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 3 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 4 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 5 ]); if (TI_OK != scanResultTable_UpdateEntry (pSme->hSmeScanResultTable, pFrameInfo->bssId, pFrameInfo)) { TRACE6(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR , "sme_MeansurementScanResult: unable to update entry for BSSID %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x because table is full\n", (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 0 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 1 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 2 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 3 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 4 ], (*pFrameInfo->bssId)[ 5 ]); } break; /* scan was completed successfully */ case SCAN_CRS_SCAN_COMPLETE_OK: /* an error occured, try selecting a site anyway */ case SCAN_CRS_SCAN_ABORTED_FW_RESET: case SCAN_CRS_SCAN_STOPPED: case SCAN_CRS_SCAN_ABORTED_HIGHER_PRIORITY: case SCAN_CRS_SCAN_FAILED: case SCAN_CRS_TSF_ERROR: TRACE1(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION , "sme_MeansurementScanResult: received scan complete indication with status %d\n", eStatus); /* stablizie the scan result table - delete its contenst if no results were recived during last scan */ scanResultTable_SetStableState (pSme->hSmeScanResultTable); break; default: TRACE1(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR , "sme_AppScanResult: received unrecognized status %d\n", eStatus); break; } } /** * \fn Function declaration * \brief Function brief description goes here * * Function detailed description goes here * * \note Note is indicated here * \param Parameter name - parameter description * \param * \return Return code is detailed here * \sa Reference to other relevant functions */ void sme_ReportConnStatus (TI_HANDLE hSme, mgmtStatus_e eStatusType, TI_UINT32 uStatusCode) { TSme *pSme = (TSme*)hSme; TRACE2(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION , "sme_ReportConnStatus: statusType = %d, uStatusCode = %d\n", eStatusType, uStatusCode); /* Act according to status */ switch (eStatusType) { /* connection was successful */ case STATUS_SUCCESSFUL: pSme->bAuthSent = TI_TRUE; sme_SmEvent (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_CONNECT_SUCCESS, hSme); break; case STATUS_ASSOC_REJECT: case STATUS_SECURITY_FAILURE: case STATUS_AP_DEAUTHENTICATE: case STATUS_AP_DISASSOCIATE: case STATUS_ROAMING_TRIGGER: case STATUS_AUTH_REJECT: /* Indicate the authentication and/or association was sent to the AP */ pSme->bAuthSent = TI_TRUE; /* keep the disassociation status and code, for sending event to user-mode */ pSme->tDisAssoc.eMgmtStatus = eStatusType; pSme->tDisAssoc.uStatusCode = uStatusCode; /* try to find the next connection candidate */ pSme->pCandidate = sme_Select (hSme); /* if the next connection candidate exists */ if (NULL != pSme->pCandidate) { sme_SmEvent (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_CONNECT, hSme); } else { sme_SmEvent (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_CONNECT_FAILURE, hSme); } break; /* Note that in case of unspecified status we won't update the status. This is done since this function could be called twice */ /* for example: apConn called this function and than SME called conn_stop and this function is called again */ /* we use this status at SME, if != 0 means that assoc frame sent */ case STATUS_UNSPECIFIED: pSme->bAuthSent = TI_TRUE; sme_SmEvent (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_CONNECT_FAILURE, hSme); break; default: TRACE1(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR , "sme_ReportConnStatus: unknown statusType = %d\n", eStatusType); break; } } /** * \fn sme_ReportApConnStatus * \brief Used by AP connection (and Soft-gemini) modules to report connection status * * Used by AP connection (and Soft-gemini) modules to report connection status * * \param hSme - handle to the SME object * \param eStatusType - connection status * \param uStatus code - extended status information (if available) * \return None * \sa sme_ReportConnStatus */ void sme_ReportApConnStatus (TI_HANDLE hSme, mgmtStatus_e eStatusType, TI_UINT32 uStatusCode) { TSme *pSme = (TSme*)hSme; TRACE2(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION , "sme_ReportApConnStatus: statusType = %d, uStatusCode = %d\n", eStatusType, uStatusCode); /* Act according to status */ switch (eStatusType) { /* SG re-select */ case STATUS_SG_RESELECT: pSme->bReselect = TI_TRUE; pSme->bConnectRequired = TI_TRUE; sme_SmEvent (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_CONNECT_FAILURE, hSme); break; /* shouldn't happen (not from AP conn) */ case STATUS_SUCCESSFUL: TRACE0(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR , "sme_ReportApConnStatus: received STATUS_SUCCESSFUL\n"); break; case STATUS_UNSPECIFIED: case STATUS_AUTH_REJECT: case STATUS_ASSOC_REJECT: case STATUS_SECURITY_FAILURE: case STATUS_AP_DEAUTHENTICATE: case STATUS_AP_DISASSOCIATE: case STATUS_ROAMING_TRIGGER: /* keep the disassociation status and code, for sending event to user-mode */ pSme->tDisAssoc.eMgmtStatus = eStatusType; pSme->tDisAssoc.uStatusCode = uStatusCode; sme_SmEvent (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_CONNECT_FAILURE, hSme); break; case STATUS_DISCONNECT_DURING_CONNECT: sme_SmEvent (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_DISCONNECT, hSme); break; default: TRACE1(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR , "sme_ReportApConnStatus: received unrecognized status: %d\n", eStatusType); } } /** * \fn sme_ConnectScanReport * \brief get the handler to the Scan Result Table used for connection to AP. * * \param hSme - handle to the SME object * \param uStatus code - extended status information (if available) * \return None */ void sme_ConnectScanReport (TI_HANDLE hSme, TI_HANDLE *hScanResultTable) { TSme *pSme = (TSme*)hSme; *hScanResultTable = pSme->hScanResultTable; } /** * \fn sme_MeasureScanReport * \brief get the handler to the Sme Scan Result Table. * * \param hSme - handle to the SME object * \param uStatus code - extended status information (if available) * \return None */ void sme_MeasureScanReport (TI_HANDLE hSme, TI_HANDLE *hScanResultTable) { TSme *pSme = (TSme*)hSme; *hScanResultTable = pSme->hSmeScanResultTable; } /** * \fn SME_ConnectRequired * \brief start connection sequence by set the flag ConnectRequired and issue DISCONNECT event. * called by CommandDispatcher in OSE OS. * * \param hSme - handle to the SME object * \return None * \sa SME_Disconnect */ void SME_ConnectRequired (TI_HANDLE hSme) { TSme *pSme = (TSme*)hSme; pSme->bRadioOn = TI_TRUE; pSme->uScanCount = 0; pSme->bConnectRequired = TI_TRUE; /* now send a disconnect event */ sme_SmEvent (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_DISCONNECT, hSme); } /** * \fn SME_Disconnect * \brief perform disconnect by clear the flag ConnectRequired and issue DISCONNECT event. * * \param hSme - handle to the SME object * \return None * \sa SME_ConnectRequired */ void SME_Disconnect (TI_HANDLE hSme) { TSme *pSme = (TSme*)hSme; pSme->bConnectRequired = TI_FALSE; /* turn off WSC PB mode */ pSme->bConstantScan = TI_FALSE; /* now send a disconnect event */ sme_SmEvent (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_DISCONNECT, hSme); } void sme_SmEvent(TI_HANDLE hGenSm, TI_UINT32 uEvent, void* pData) { TSme *pSme = (TSme*)pData; TGenSM *pGenSM = (TGenSM*)hGenSm; TRACE2(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION, "sme_SmEvent: Current State = %d, sending event %d\n", (pGenSM->uCurrentState), (uEvent)); genSM_Event(pGenSM, uEvent, pData); }
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